Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boyter Online Services * * Use of this software is governed by the Fair Source License included * in the LICENSE.TXT file, but will be eventually open under GNU General Public License Version 3 * see the for when this clause will take effect * * Version 1.3.10 */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.quartz.Job; import org.quartz.JobDataMap; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.*; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.*; public abstract class IndexBaseRepoJob implements Job { public boolean LOWMEMORY = true; public int SLEEPTIME = 5000; public int MAXFILELINEDEPTH = Singleton.getHelpers().tryParseInt( Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.MAXFILELINEDEPTH, Values.DEFAULTMAXFILELINEDEPTH), Values.DEFAULTMAXFILELINEDEPTH); public boolean LOGINDEXED = Boolean .parseBoolean(Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.LOG_INDEXED, "false")); public boolean FOLLOWLINKS = Boolean .parseBoolean(Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.FOLLOW_LINKS, Values.DEFAULT_FOLLOW_LINKS)); public boolean haveRepoResult = false; public CodeIndexer codeIndexer = Singleton.getCodeIndexer(); public SharedService sharedService; /** * This method to be implemented by the extending class */ public RepositoryChanged updateExistingRepository(String repoName, String repoRemoteLocation, String repoUserName, String repoPassword, String repoLocations, String repoBranch, boolean useCredentials) { return null; } /** * This method to be implemented by the extending class */ public RepositoryChanged getNewRepository(String repoName, String repoRemoteLocation, String repoUserName, String repoPassword, String repoLocations, String repoBranch, boolean useCredentials) { return null; } /** * This method to be implemented by the extending class */ public UniqueRepoQueue getNextQueuedRepo() { return null; } /** * This method to be implemented by the extending class */ public String getCodeOwner(List<String> codeLines, String newString, String repoName, String fileRepoLocations, SearchcodeLib scl) { return null; } /** * This method to be implemented by the extending class */ public boolean isEnabled() { return false; } public boolean ignoreFile(String fileParent) { return true; } /** * This method can be implemented by extending class but is not required * as it requires project name at the front */ public String getFileLocationFilename(String fileToString, String fileRepoLocations) { return fileToString.replace(fileRepoLocations, Values.EMPTYSTRING); } /** * The main method used for finding jobs to index and actually doing the work */ public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException { Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); JobDataMap jobDataMap = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap(); this.LOWMEMORY = Boolean.parseBoolean(jobDataMap.get("LOWMEMORY").toString()); String repoLocations = jobDataMap.get("REPOLOCATIONS").toString(); if (!isEnabled() || !this.sharedService.getBackgroundJobsEnabled()) { return; } if (this.codeIndexer.shouldPauseAdding()) { Singleton.getLogger().info("Pausing parser."); return; } // Pull the next repo to index from the queue RepoResult repoResult = this.getNextQueuedRepo().poll(); if (repoResult != null && Singleton.getRunningIndexRepoJobs().containsKey(repoResult.getName()) == false) { this.haveRepoResult = true; Singleton.getLogger().info("Indexing " + repoResult.getName()); repoResult.getData().indexStatus = "indexing"; repoResult.getData().jobRunTime =; Singleton.getRepo().saveRepo(repoResult); try { Singleton.getRunningIndexRepoJobs().put(repoResult.getName(), new RunningIndexJob("Indexing", Singleton.getHelpers().getCurrentTimeSeconds())); this.checkCloneSuccess(repoResult.getName(), repoLocations); String repoGitLocation = repoLocations + "/" + repoResult.getName() + "/.git/"; File file = new File(repoGitLocation); boolean existingRepo = file.exists(); boolean useCredentials = repoResult.getUsername() != null && !repoResult.getUsername().isEmpty(); RepositoryChanged repositoryChanged; if (existingRepo) { repositoryChanged = this.updateExistingRepository(repoResult.getName(), repoResult.getUrl(), repoResult.getUsername(), repoResult.getPassword(), repoLocations, repoResult.getBranch(), useCredentials); } else { repositoryChanged = this.getNewRepository(repoResult.getName(), repoResult.getUrl(), repoResult.getUsername(), repoResult.getPassword(), repoLocations, repoResult.getBranch(), useCredentials); } // Write file indicating we have sucessfully cloned this.createCloneUpdateSuccess(repoLocations + "/" + repoResult.getName()); this.triggerIndex(repoResult, repoResult.getName(), repoResult.getUrl(), repoLocations, repoGitLocation, existingRepo, repositoryChanged); } finally { // Clean up the job Singleton.getRunningIndexRepoJobs().remove(repoResult.getName()); } } } /** * Determines if anything has changed or if the last index operation faild and if so * triggers the index process. */ public void triggerIndex(RepoResult repoResult, String repoName, String repoRemoteLocation, String repoLocations, String repoGitLocation, boolean existingRepo, RepositoryChanged repositoryChanged) { // If the last index was not sucessful, then trigger full index boolean indexSuccess = this.checkIndexSucess(repoGitLocation); if (repositoryChanged.isChanged() || indexSuccess == false) { Singleton.getLogger().info("Update found indexing " + repoRemoteLocation); this.updateIndex(repoName, repoLocations, repoRemoteLocation, existingRepo, repositoryChanged); int runningTime = Singleton.getHelpers().getCurrentTimeSeconds() - Singleton.getRunningIndexRepoJobs().get(repoResult.getName()).startTime; repoResult.getData().averageIndexTimeSeconds = (repoResult.getData().averageIndexTimeSeconds + runningTime) / 2; repoResult.getData().indexStatus = "success"; repoResult.getData().jobRunTime =; Singleton.getRepo().saveRepo(repoResult); } } /** * Checks if a clone operation of a repository was successful. If not * then it will delete the folder to start again */ public boolean checkCloneSuccess(String repoName, String repoLocations) { if (Singleton.getHelpers().isNullEmptyOrWhitespace(repoName) && Singleton.getHelpers().isNullEmptyOrWhitespace(repoLocations)) { Singleton.getLogger().warning( "Repository Location is set to nothing, this can cause searchcode to modify the root file system!"); return false; } // Check if sucessfully cloned, and if not delete and restart boolean cloneSucess = this.checkCloneUpdateSucess(repoLocations + repoName); if (cloneSucess == false) { // Delete the folder and delete from the index try { File filePath = new File(repoLocations + "/" + repoName + "/"); if (!filePath.getAbsolutePath().equals("/")) { // Lets really be sure.... FileUtils.deleteDirectory(filePath); } Singleton.getCodeIndexer().deleteByReponame(repoName); } catch (IOException ex) { Singleton.getLogger().warning("ERROR - caught a " + ex.getClass() + " in " + this.getClass() + "\n with message: " + ex.getMessage()); } } // TODO is this correct?! this.deleteCloneUpdateSuccess(repoLocations + "/" + repoName); return true; } /** * Checks if the repository has changed, or if the last index failed for some reason * and if either condition is true triggers a full index otherwise triggers a delta * index of the files. */ public void updateIndex(String repoName, String repoLocations, String repoRemoteLocation, boolean existingRepo, RepositoryChanged repositoryChanged) { String repoGitLocation = repoLocations + "/" + repoName; Path docDir = Paths.get(repoGitLocation); // Was the previous index sucessful? if not then index by path boolean indexsucess = checkIndexSucess(repoGitLocation); deleteIndexSuccess(repoGitLocation); if (!repositoryChanged.isClone() && indexsucess == false) { Singleton.getLogger().info("Failed to index " + repoName + " fully, performing a full index."); } if (repositoryChanged.isClone() || indexsucess == false) { Singleton.getLogger().info("Doing full index of files for " + repoName); this.indexDocsByPath(docDir, repoName, repoLocations, repoRemoteLocation, existingRepo); } else { Singleton.getLogger().info("Doing delta index of files " + repoName); this.indexDocsByDelta(docDir, repoName, repoLocations, repoRemoteLocation, repositoryChanged); } // Write file indicating that the index was sucessful Singleton.getLogger().info("Successfully processed writing index success for " + repoName); createIndexSuccess(repoGitLocation); } /** * Indexes all the documents in the repository changed file effectively performing a delta update * Should only be called when there is a genuine update IE something was indexed previously and * has has a new commit. */ public void indexDocsByDelta(Path path, String repoName, String repoLocations, String repoRemoteLocation, RepositoryChanged repositoryChanged) { SearchcodeLib scl = Singleton.getSearchCodeLib(); // Should have data object by this point Queue<CodeIndexDocument> codeIndexDocumentQueue = Singleton.getCodeIndexQueue(); String fileRepoLocations = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(repoLocations); // Used to hold the reports of what was indexed List<String[]> reportList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String changedFile : repositoryChanged.getChangedFiles()) { if (this.shouldJobPauseOrTerminate()) { return; } if (Singleton.getDataService().getPersistentDelete().contains(repoName)) { return; } String[] split = changedFile.split("/"); String fileName = split[split.length - 1]; changedFile = fileRepoLocations + "/" + repoName + "/" + changedFile; changedFile = changedFile.replace("//", "/"); CodeLinesReturn codeLinesReturn = this.getCodeLines(changedFile, reportList); if (codeLinesReturn.isError()) { break; } IsMinifiedReturn isMinified = this.getIsMinified(codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), fileName, reportList); if (isMinified.isMinified()) { break; } if (this.checkIfEmpty(codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), changedFile, reportList)) { break; } if (this.determineBinary(changedFile, fileName, codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), reportList)) { break; } String md5Hash = this.getFileMd5(changedFile); String languageName = Singleton.getFileClassifier().languageGuesser(changedFile, codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines()); String fileLocation = this.getRelativeToProjectPath(path.toString(), changedFile); String fileLocationFilename = changedFile.replace(fileRepoLocations, Values.EMPTYSTRING); String repoLocationRepoNameLocationFilename = changedFile; String newString = this.getBlameFilePath(fileLocationFilename); String codeOwner = this.getCodeOwner(codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), newString, repoName, fileRepoLocations, scl); if (this.LOWMEMORY) { try { Singleton.getCodeIndexer().indexDocument(new CodeIndexDocument( repoLocationRepoNameLocationFilename, repoName, fileName, fileLocation, fileLocationFilename, md5Hash, languageName, codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines().size(), StringUtils.join(codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), " "), repoRemoteLocation, codeOwner)); } catch (IOException ex) { Singleton.getLogger().warning("ERROR - caught a " + ex.getClass() + " in " + this.getClass() + "\n with message: " + ex.getMessage()); } } else { this.sharedService.incrementCodeIndexLinesCount(codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines().size()); codeIndexDocumentQueue.add(new CodeIndexDocument(repoLocationRepoNameLocationFilename, repoName, fileName, fileLocation, fileLocationFilename, md5Hash, languageName, codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines().size(), StringUtils.join(codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), " "), repoRemoteLocation, codeOwner)); } if (this.LOGINDEXED) { reportList.add(new String[] { changedFile, "included", "" }); } } if (this.LOGINDEXED && reportList.isEmpty() == false) { this.logIndexed(repoName + "_delta", reportList); } for (String deletedFile : repositoryChanged.getDeletedFiles()) { deletedFile = fileRepoLocations + "/" + repoName + "/" + deletedFile; deletedFile = deletedFile.replace("//", "/"); Singleton.getLogger().info("Missing from disk, removing from index " + deletedFile); try { Singleton.getCodeIndexer().deleteByCodeId(DigestUtils.sha1Hex(deletedFile)); } catch (IOException ex) { Singleton.getLogger() .warning("ERROR - caught a " + ex.getClass() + " in " + this.getClass() + " indexDocsByDelta deleteByFileLocationFilename for " + repoName + " " + deletedFile + "\n with message: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } /** * Indexes all the documents in the path provided. Will also remove anything from the index if not on disk * Generally this is a slow update used only for the initial clone of a repository * NB this can be used for updates but it will be much slower as it needs to to walk the contents of the disk */ public void indexDocsByPath(Path path, String repoName, String repoLocations, String repoRemoteLocation, boolean existingRepo) { String fileRepoLocations = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(repoLocations); SearchcodeFileVisitor<Path> searchcodeFileVisitor = new SearchcodeFileVisitor<>(this, repoName, fileRepoLocations, repoRemoteLocation); try { if (this.FOLLOWLINKS) { Files.walkFileTree(path, EnumSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS), Integer.MAX_VALUE, searchcodeFileVisitor); } else { Files.walkFileTree(path, searchcodeFileVisitor); } } catch (IOException ex) { Singleton.getLogger().warning("ERROR - caught a " + ex.getClass() + " in " + this.getClass() + " indexDocsByPath walkFileTree\n with message: " + ex.getMessage()); } if (this.LOGINDEXED) { logIndexed(repoName, searchcodeFileVisitor.reportList); } if (existingRepo) { CodeSearcher codeSearcher = new CodeSearcher(); this.cleanMissingPathFiles(codeSearcher, repoName, searchcodeFileVisitor.fileLocationsMap); } } /** * Method to remove from the index files that are no longer required */ public void cleanMissingPathFiles(CodeSearcher codeSearcher, String repoName, Map<String, String> fileLocations) { int page = 0; boolean doClean = true; while (doClean) { List<String> indexLocations = codeSearcher.getRepoDocuments(repoName, page); Singleton.getLogger().info("cleanMissingPathFiles doClean " + page + " " + indexLocations.size()); if (indexLocations.isEmpty()) { doClean = false; } for (String file : indexLocations) { if (!fileLocations.containsKey(file)) { Singleton.getLogger().info("Missing from disk, removing from index " + file); try { Singleton.getCodeIndexer().deleteByCodeId(DigestUtils.sha1Hex(file)); } catch (IOException ex) { Singleton.getLogger() .warning("ERROR - caught a " + ex.getClass() + " in " + this.getClass() + " indexDocsByPath deleteByFileLocationFilename for " + repoName + " " + file + "\n with message: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } page++; } } /** * Returns a string the represents where the file lives inside the repository */ public String getRelativeToProjectPath(String projectPath, String filePath) { if (projectPath.charAt(projectPath.length() - 1) == '/') { projectPath = projectPath.substring(0, projectPath.length() - 1); } projectPath = projectPath.replace("//", "/"); filePath = filePath.replace("//", "/"); return filePath.replace(projectPath, Values.EMPTYSTRING); } /** * Attempts to get MD5 for file on disk */ public String getFileMd5(String fileName) { String md5Hash = Values.EMPTYSTRING; FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(new File(fileName)); md5Hash = org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils.md5Hex(fis); } catch (IOException ex) { Singleton.getLogger().warning("Unable to generate MD5 for " + fileName); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fis); } return md5Hash; } /** * Checks if the job should pause and if so loop endlessly sleeping. Returns * true if the job should be terminated and false if it should continue to run */ public boolean shouldJobPauseOrTerminate() { if (!this.sharedService.getBackgroundJobsEnabled()) { return true; } while (Singleton.getCodeIndexer().shouldPauseAdding()) { if (!this.sharedService.getBackgroundJobsEnabled()) { return true; } Singleton.getLogger().info("Pausing parser."); try { Thread.sleep(SLEEPTIME); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } return false; } /** * Logs to the logs directory a formatted CSV of the supplied list strings */ private void logIndexed(String repoName, List<String[]> reportList) { try { CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter( new FileWriter(Singleton.getHelpers().getLogPath() + repoName + ".csv.tmp")); writer.writeAll(reportList); writer.flush(); writer.close(); Path source = Paths.get(Singleton.getHelpers().getLogPath() + repoName + ".csv.tmp"); Files.move(source, source.resolveSibling(repoName + ".csv"), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException ex) { Singleton.getLogger().warning("ERROR - caught a " + ex.getClass() + " in " + this.getClass() + " logIndexed for " + repoName + "\n with message: " + ex.getMessage()); } } /* * The below are shared between the delta updates and path walk */ public CodeLinesReturn getCodeLines(String changedFile, List<String[]> reportList) { List<String> codeLines = new ArrayList<>(); boolean error = false; try { codeLines = Singleton.getHelpers().readFileLinesGuessEncoding(changedFile, this.MAXFILELINEDEPTH); } catch (IOException ex) { error = true; Singleton.getLogger().warning("ERROR - caught a " + ex.getClass() + " in " + this.getClass() + "\n with message: " + ex.getMessage()); if (this.LOGINDEXED) { reportList.add(new String[] { changedFile, "excluded", "unable to guess guess file encoding" }); } } return new CodeLinesReturn(codeLines, reportList, error); } public IsMinifiedReturn getIsMinified(List<String> codeLines, String fileName, List<String[]> reportList) { boolean isMinified = false; if (Singleton.getSearchCodeLib().isMinified(codeLines, fileName)) { isMinified = true; Singleton.getLogger().info("Appears to be minified will not index " + fileName); if (this.LOGINDEXED) { reportList.add(new String[] { fileName, "excluded", "appears to be minified" }); } } return new IsMinifiedReturn(isMinified, reportList); } public boolean determineBinary(String fileLocation, String fileName, List<String> codeLines, List<String[]> reportList) { BinaryFinding binaryFinding = Singleton.getSearchCodeLib().isBinary(codeLines, fileName); if (binaryFinding.isBinary()) { Singleton.getLogger() .info("Appears to be binary will not index " + binaryFinding.getReason() + " " + fileLocation); if (this.LOGINDEXED) { reportList.add(new String[] { fileLocation, "excluded", binaryFinding.getReason() }); } return true; } return false; } public boolean checkIfEmpty(List<String> codeLines, String filename, List<String[]> reportList) { if (codeLines.isEmpty()) { Singleton.getLogger().info("Unable to guess encoding type or file is empty " + filename); if (this.LOGINDEXED) { reportList.add(new String[] { filename, "excluded", "empty file" }); } return true; } return false; } /* * The below are are shared among all extending classes */ public String getBlameFilePath(String fileLocationFilename) { String[] split = fileLocationFilename.split("/"); return String.join("/", Arrays.asList(split).subList(1, split.length)); } public void createCloneUpdateSuccess(String repoLocation) { try { this.createFile(repoLocation, "cloneupdate"); } catch (IOException e) { Singleton.getLogger().warning( "Unable to write clone success file. This will cause this repository to re-indexed fresh every time."); } } public void deleteCloneUpdateSuccess(String repoLocation) { try { this.deleteFile(repoLocation, "cloneupdate"); } catch (IOException e) { Singleton.getLogger().warning("Unable to delete clone update sucess file."); } } public boolean checkCloneUpdateSucess(String repoLocation) { return checkFile(repoLocation, "cloneupdate"); } public void createIndexSuccess(String repoLocation) { try { this.createFile(repoLocation, "index"); } catch (IOException e) { Singleton.getLogger().warning("Unable to create index success file."); } } public void deleteIndexSuccess(String repoLocation) { try { this.deleteFile(repoLocation, "index"); } catch (IOException e) { Singleton.getLogger().warning("Unable to delete index success file."); } } public boolean checkIndexSucess(String repoLocation) { return checkFile(repoLocation, "index"); } private boolean checkFile(String repoLocation, String type) { File f = new File(repoLocation + "/searchcode." + type + ".success"); return f.exists(); } private void createFile(String repoLocation, String type) throws IOException { File file = new File(repoLocation, "/searchcode." + type + ".success"); boolean success = file.mkdir(); if (!success) { throw new IOException("Unable to create directory " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } private void deleteFile(String repoLocation, String type) throws IOException { File file = new File(repoLocation, "/searchcode." + type + ".success"); boolean success = file.delete(); if (!success) { throw new IOException("Unable to delete directory " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } public class CodeLinesReturn { private final List<String> codeLines; private final boolean error; private final List<String[]> reportList; public CodeLinesReturn(List<String> codeLines, List<String[]> reportList, boolean error) { this.codeLines = codeLines; this.reportList = reportList; this.error = error; } public List<String> getCodeLines() { return codeLines; } public List<String[]> getReportList() { return reportList; } public boolean isError() { return error; } } public class IsMinifiedReturn { private final boolean isMinified; private final List<String[]> reportList; public IsMinifiedReturn(boolean isMinified, List<String[]> reportList) { this.isMinified = isMinified; this.reportList = reportList; } public boolean isMinified() { return isMinified; } public List<String[]> getReportList() { return reportList; } } }