Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved by the SDL Group. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.sdl.odata.datasource.jpa.mapper; import com.sdl.odata.api.edm.model.EntityDataModel; import com.sdl.odata.api.edm.model.StructuralProperty; import com.sdl.odata.api.edm.model.StructuredType; import com.sdl.odata.api.mapper.EntityMapper; import com.sdl.odata.api.processor.datasource.ODataDataSourceException; import com.sdl.odata.datasource.jpa.ODataJPAEntity; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import static com.sdl.odata.util.AnnotationsUtil.checkAnnotationPresent; import static com.sdl.odata.util.AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotation; import static com.sdl.odata.util.edm.EntityDataModelUtil.createPropertyCollection; import static com.sdl.odata.util.edm.EntityDataModelUtil.getPropertyType; import static com.sdl.odata.util.edm.EntityDataModelUtil.getPropertyValue; import static com.sdl.odata.util.edm.EntityDataModelUtil.isStructuredType; import static com.sdl.odata.util.edm.EntityDataModelUtil.setPropertyValue; import static com.sdl.odata.util.edm.EntityDataModelUtil.visitProperties; import static com.sdl.odata.datasource.jpa.util.ReflectionUtil.getField; import static com.sdl.odata.datasource.jpa.util.ReflectionUtil.newInstance; import static com.sdl.odata.datasource.jpa.util.ReflectionUtil.readField; import static com.sdl.odata.datasource.jpa.util.ReflectionUtil.writeField; /** * Implementation of {@link EntityMapper} that converts between OData entities * and entities having the JPA annotations. * * @author Renze de Vries */ @Component @Qualifier("JPA") public class AnnotationJPAEntityMapper implements EntityMapper<Object, Object> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AnnotationJPAEntityMapper.class); @Override public Object convertODataEntityToDS(Object odataEntity, EntityDataModel entityDataModel) throws ODataDataSourceException { return odataEntityToJPA(odataEntity, entityDataModel, new HashMap<>()); } private Object odataEntityToJPA(final Object odataEntity, final EntityDataModel entityDataModel, final Map<Object, Object> visitedEntities) throws ODataDataSourceException { // If we already have entity in map, then it is a cyclic link, just return stored entity if (visitedEntities.containsKey(odataEntity)) { return visitedEntities.get(odataEntity); } Class<?> sourceClass = odataEntity.getClass(); ODataJPAEntity jpaEntityAnno = getAnnotation(sourceClass, ODataJPAEntity.class); final String targetClass = jpaEntityAnno.value(); LOG.debug("Mapping OData entity to JPA: {} => {}", sourceClass.getName(), targetClass); // Create new instance of JPA entity final Object jpaEntity = newInstance(targetClass); // Put entity to map of already visited visitedEntities.put(odataEntity, jpaEntity); StructuredType structType = (StructuredType) entityDataModel.getType(sourceClass); // Copy field values from OData entity to JPA entity visitProperties(entityDataModel, structType, new JPAPropertyVisitor() { @Override public void visit(StructuralProperty property, String jpaFieldName) throws ODataDataSourceException { Object odataValue = getPropertyValue(property, odataEntity); Object jpaValue = odataValue; // If the value is not null and the property is of a structured type, then map value(s) recursively if (odataValue != null && isStructuredType(getPropertyType(entityDataModel, property))) { if (property.isCollection()) { Collection<Object> result = createPropertyCollection(property); for (Object element : (Iterable<?>) odataValue) { result.add(odataEntityToJPA(element, entityDataModel, visitedEntities)); } jpaValue = result; } else { jpaValue = odataEntityToJPA(odataValue, entityDataModel, visitedEntities); } } writeField(getField(jpaEntity.getClass(), jpaFieldName), jpaEntity, jpaValue); } }); return jpaEntity; } @Override public <T> T convertDSEntityToOData(Object jpaEntity, Class<T> odataEntityClass, EntityDataModel entityDataModel) throws ODataDataSourceException { return jpaEntityToOData(jpaEntity, odataEntityClass, entityDataModel, new HashMap<>()); } private <T> T jpaEntityToOData(final Object jpaEntity, Class<T> odataEntityClass, final EntityDataModel entityDataModel, final Map<Object, Object> visitedEntities) throws ODataDataSourceException { // If we already have entity in map, then it is a cyclic link, just return stored entity if (visitedEntities.containsKey(jpaEntity)) { return odataEntityClass.cast(visitedEntities.get(jpaEntity)); } final Class<?> sourceClass = jpaEntity.getClass(); checkAnnotationPresent(odataEntityClass, ODataJPAEntity.class); final StructuredType structType = (StructuredType) entityDataModel.getType(odataEntityClass); LOG.debug("Mapping JPA entity to OData: {} => {}", sourceClass.getName(), odataEntityClass.getName()); // Create new instance of OData entity final T odataEntity = newInstance(odataEntityClass); //add visited entity to map visitedEntities.put(jpaEntity, odataEntity); // Copy field values from JPA entity to OData entity visitProperties(entityDataModel, structType, new JPAPropertyVisitor() { @Override public void visit(StructuralProperty property, String jpaFieldName) throws ODataDataSourceException { Object jpaValue = readField(getField(sourceClass, jpaFieldName), jpaEntity); Object odataValue = jpaValue; // If the value is not null and the property is of a structured type, then map value(s) recursively if (jpaValue != null && isStructuredType(getPropertyType(entityDataModel, property))) { Class<?> targetType = getPropertyType(entityDataModel, property).getJavaType(); if (property.isCollection()) { Collection<Object> result = createPropertyCollection(property); for (Object element : (Iterable<?>) jpaValue) { result.add(jpaEntityToOData(element, targetType, entityDataModel, visitedEntities)); } odataValue = result; } else { odataValue = jpaEntityToOData(jpaValue, targetType, entityDataModel, visitedEntities); } } setPropertyValue(property, odataEntity, odataValue); } }); return odataEntity; } }