Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of ScienceGadgets, a collection of educational tools * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 by John Gralyan * * ScienceGadgets is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * ScienceGadgets is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contact us at *******************************************************************************/ package com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sciencegadgets.client.JSNICalls; import com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra.edit.EditWrapper; import com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra.edit.RandomSpecPanel; import com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra.transformations.AlgebraicTransformations; import com.sciencegadgets.client.ui.CSS; import com.sciencegadgets.shared.MathAttribute; import com.sciencegadgets.shared.TypeSGET; import com.sciencegadgets.shared.TypeSGET.ChildRequirement; import com.sciencegadgets.shared.TypeSGET.Operator; import com.sciencegadgets.shared.dimensions.CommonConstants; import com.sciencegadgets.shared.dimensions.UnitAttribute; import com.sciencegadgets.shared.dimensions.UnitHTML; import com.sciencegadgets.shared.dimensions.UnitMap; public class EquationTree { private EquationNode root; private LinkedList<Wrapper> wrappers = new LinkedList<Wrapper>(); public HashMap<String, EquationNode> idMap = new HashMap<String, EquationNode>(); private HashMap<String, Element> idMLMap = new HashMap<String, Element>(); private HashMap<String, Element> idHTMLMap = new HashMap<String, Element>(); private HashMap<Element, String> idUnitHTMLMap = new HashMap<Element, String>(); private Element equationXML; private EquationHTML eqHTML; private final boolean inEditMode; private EquationValidator eqValidator; public static final HashSet<String> IDS_USED = new HashSet<String>(); public static int ID_COUNTER = 0; public static final String ID_PREFIX = "ML"; /** * A tree representation of an equation. * * @param equationXML * - The equation element in XML * @param inEditMode * - true if intended for edit mode, false if for solving mode * @throws TopNodesNotFoundException */ public EquationTree(Element equationXML, boolean inEditMode) { this(equationXML, inEditMode, true); } public EquationTree(Element equationXML, boolean inEditMode, boolean isValidated) { this.equationXML = equationXML; this.inEditMode = inEditMode; bindXMLtoNodes(equationXML, isValidated); ConstantRandomizer.randomizeNumbers(this, !inEditMode); } public EquationTree(TypeSGET leftType, String leftSymbol, TypeSGET rightType, String righSymbol, boolean inEditMode) { this(newDummyElement(), inEditMode); getLeftSide().replace(leftType, leftSymbol); getRightSide().replace(rightType, righSymbol); getEquals().replace(TypeSGET.Operation, TypeSGET.Operator.EQUALS.getSign()); } public EquationTree(boolean inEditMode) { this(newDummyElement(), inEditMode); getEquals().replace(TypeSGET.Operation, TypeSGET.Operator.EQUALS.getSign()); } private static Element newDummyElement() { Element eq = DOM.createElement(TypeSGET.Operation.getTag()); eq.setInnerText("="); eq.setAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName(), "dummyNodeEquals"); Element dummyLeft = DOM.createElement(TypeSGET.Variable.getTag()); dummyLeft.setInnerText("a"); dummyLeft.setAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName(), "dummyNodeLeft"); Element dummyRight = DOM.createElement(TypeSGET.Variable.getTag()); dummyRight.setInnerText("a"); dummyRight.setAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName(), "dummyNodeRight"); Element root = DOM.createElement(TypeSGET.Equation.getTag()); root.appendChild(dummyLeft); root.appendChild(eq); root.appendChild(dummyRight); return root; } public EquationTree clone() { return new EquationTree(getEquationXMLClone(), isInEditMode()); } public boolean isInEditMode() { return inEditMode; } public Element getEquationXMLClone() { // return (Element) equationXML.cloneNode(true); return root.getXMLClone(); } public String getEquationXMLString() { equationXML.setAttribute("xmlns:sget", ""); String equationString = JSNICalls.elementToString(equationXML); equationString = equationString.replace(" xmlns=\"\"", "") .replace(" xmlns=\"\"", ""); return equationString; } public EquationNode getRoot() { return root; } public EquationNode getLeftSide() { checkSideForm(); return root.getChildAt(0); } public EquationNode getRightSide() { checkSideForm(); return root.getChildAt(2); } public EquationNode getEquals() { checkSideForm(); return root.getChildAt(1); } void checkSideForm() { if (root.getChildCount() != 3) { String errorMessage = "There must be 3 parts to an equation, not side=side: " + getEquationXMLClone().getString(); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMessage, new Throwable(errorMessage)); } String rootSymbol = root.getChildAt(1).getSymbol(); if (!(TypeSGET.Operator.EQUALS.getSign().equals(rootSymbol) || TypeSGET.Operator.SPACE.getSign().equals(rootSymbol))) { String errorMessage = "[=] isn't the root's second child, not side=side " + getEquationXMLClone().getString(); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMessage, new Throwable(errorMessage)); } } public String getLeftDisplay() { return JSNICalls.elementToString(eqHTML.getLeft()); } public String getRightDisplay() { return JSNICalls.elementToString(eqHTML.getRight()); } public EquationHTML getDisplayClone(boolean isStacked) { return new EquationHTML(this, isStacked); } public EquationHTML getDisplayClone() { return new EquationHTML(this); } public EquationHTML getDisplay() { return eqHTML; } public void setDisplay(EquationHTML equationHTML) { for (Wrapper w : wrappers) { if (w instanceof EditWrapper) { ((EditWrapper) w).onUnload(); } else if (w instanceof AlgebaWrapper) { ((AlgebaWrapper) w).onUnload(); } w.getElement().removeFromParent(); } wrappers.clear(); idHTMLMap.clear(); this.eqHTML = equationHTML; NodeList<Element> allElements = eqHTML.getElement().getElementsByTagName("*"); for (int i = 0; i < allElements.getLength(); i++) { Element el = (Element) allElements.getItem(i); String elId = el.getAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); if (elId.contains(UnitHTML.UNIT_NODE_DELIMITER)) { String parentElId = elId.split(UnitHTML.UNIT_NODE_DELIMITER)[1]; idUnitHTMLMap.put(el, parentElId); } else { idHTMLMap.put(elId, el); } el.removeAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); } } public EquationHTML reloadDisplay(boolean hasSmallUnits, boolean hasSubscripts) { EquationHTML equationHTML = new EquationHTML(this, hasSmallUnits, hasSubscripts, false); equationHTML.pilot = true; setDisplay(equationHTML); return equationHTML; } public LinkedList<Wrapper> getWrappers() { return wrappers; } public boolean containsId(String id) { return idMap.get(id) != null; } public EquationNode getNodeById(String id) throws NoSuchElementException { EquationNode node = idMap.get(id); if (node == null) { String error = "Can't get node by id: " + id + "\n" + getEquationXMLString() + "\n\n" + "Map: " + idMap.keySet(); JSNICalls.error(error); throw new NoSuchElementException(error); } return node; } public EquationNode newNode(Element xmlNode) { EquationNode newNode = new EquationNode(xmlNode); addToMaps(newNode); NodeList<Element> descendants = xmlNode.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (int i = 0; i < descendants.getLength(); i++) { Element descendantEl = descendants.getItem(i); addToMaps(new EquationNode(descendantEl)); } return newNode; } public EquationNode newNode(TypeSGET type, String symbol) { EquationNode newNode = new EquationNode(type, symbol); addToMaps(newNode); return newNode; } public void validateTree() throws IllegalStateException { validateTree(!inEditMode); } public void validateTree(boolean isQuantityValidated) throws IllegalStateException { if (eqValidator == null) { eqValidator = new EquationValidator(); } for (EquationNode node : idMap.values()) { eqValidator.validateEquationNode(node); } if (isQuantityValidated) { eqValidator.validateQuantityKinds(this); } validateMaps(); } public void validateMaps() throws IllegalStateException { LinkedList<String> treeIds = new LinkedList<String>(); for (EquationNode tNode : getNodes()) { treeIds.add(tNode.getId()); } LinkedList<String> idMapIds = new LinkedList<String>(idMap.keySet()); LinkedList<String> idMLMapIds = new LinkedList<String>(idMLMap.keySet()); HashSet<String> missingTreeIds = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> missingMapIds = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> missingMLMapIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (String treeId : treeIds) { if (!idMapIds.contains(treeId)) { missingMapIds.add(treeId); } if (!idMLMapIds.contains(treeId)) { missingMLMapIds.add(treeId); } } for (String idMapId : idMapIds) { if (!treeIds.contains(idMapId)) { missingTreeIds.add(idMapId); } if (!idMLMapIds.contains(idMapId)) { missingMLMapIds.add(idMapId); } } for (String idMLMapId : idMLMapIds) { if (!treeIds.contains(idMLMapId)) { missingTreeIds.add(idMLMapId); } if (!idMapIds.contains(idMLMapId)) { missingMapIds.add(idMLMapId); } } if (!missingTreeIds.isEmpty() || !missingMapIds.isEmpty() || !missingMLMapIds.isEmpty()) { java.util.Collections.sort(treeIds); java.util.Collections.sort(idMapIds); java.util.Collections.sort(idMLMapIds); String idMapString = ""; for (Entry<String, EquationNode> entry : idMap.entrySet()) { idMapString = idMapString + "\n" + entry.getKey() + "\n" + entry.getValue(); } String errorMessage = "The binding maps are not in aggreement:" + // "\ngetNodes =\t" + treeIds + "\nidMap =\t\t" + idMapIds + "\nidMLMap =\t" + idMLMapIds + // "\nmissing:" + // "\ngetNodes =\t" + missingTreeIds + "\nidMap =\t\t" + missingMapIds + "\nidMLMap =\t" + missingMLMapIds + // "\n\neqation:\n" + getEquationXMLString() + // "\n\nidMap:\n" + idMapString; JSNICalls.error(errorMessage); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMessage, new Throwable(errorMessage)); } } private void addToMaps(EquationNode node) { String id = node.getId(); id = node.createId(id); node.xmlNode.setAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName(), id); idMap.put(id, node); idMLMap.put(id, node.getXMLNode()); } /** * Gets all nodes in the tree including the root * * @param type */ public LinkedList<EquationNode> getNodes() { LinkedList<EquationNode> nodes = getNodesByType(null, root); nodes.add(root); return nodes; } /** * Gets all nodes in the tree by specified type.</br>Use {@link #getNodes()} * for all nodes in the tree including the root * * @param type */ public LinkedList<EquationNode> getNodesByType(TypeSGET type) { return getNodesByType(type, root); } /** * Gets all nodes in the parent by specified type.</br>Use type == null for * all nodes within this node.</br>Use {@link #getNodesByType(TypeSGET type)} * for all nodes by type.</br>Use {@link #getNodes()} for all nodes in the * tree including the root * * @param type */ public LinkedList<EquationNode> getNodesByType(TypeSGET type, EquationNode parent) { LinkedList<EquationNode> nodes = new LinkedList<EquationNode>(); String tag = "*"; if (type != null) { tag = type.getTag(); } NodeList<Element> elements = parent.getXMLNode().getElementsByTagName(tag); for (int i = 0; i < elements.getLength(); i++) { String id = elements.getItem(i).getAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); nodes.add(idMap.get(id)); } return nodes; } public boolean isLike(EquationTree other) { EquationNode thisRight = getRightSide(); EquationNode thisLeft = getLeftSide(); EquationNode otherRight = other.getRightSide(); EquationNode otherLeft = other.getLeftSide(); if (thisRight.isLike(otherRight) && thisLeft.isLike(otherLeft)) { return true; } else if (thisRight.isLike(otherLeft) && thisLeft.isLike(otherRight)) { return true; } return false; } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + " xmlString: " + getEquationXMLString(); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Node Class // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class EquationNode { private Element xmlNode; private Wrapper wrapper; public boolean hasWrapper = true; /** * Wrap existing equation XML node */ public EquationNode(Element xmlNode) { String id = xmlNode.getAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); id = createId(id); xmlNode.setAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName(), id); this.xmlNode = xmlNode; } /** * Creates a new equation XML DOM node which should be added into the * EquationNode </br>get the DOM node with: * <p> * getMlNode() * </p> * * @param type * - The {@link TypeSGET} * @param symbol * - inner text */ public EquationNode(TypeSGET type, String symbol) { Element newNode = DOM.createElement(type.getTag()); newNode.setAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName(), createId(null)); this.xmlNode = newNode; setSymbol(symbol); } /** * Returns a copy of this node */ public EquationNode clone() { Element newEl = getXMLClone(); // Element newEl = (Element) xmlNode.cloneNode(true); // newEl.removeAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); EquationNode top = new EquationNode(newEl); addToMaps(top); NodeList<Element> descendants = newEl.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (int i = 0; i < descendants.getLength(); i++) { Element descendantEl = descendants.getItem(i); // descendantEl.removeAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); addToMaps(new EquationNode(descendantEl)); } return top; } private String createId(String prevId) { if (prevId != null && !"".equals(prevId)) { if (!idMap.containsKey(prevId) || this.equals(idMap.get(prevId))) { return prevId; } } String id = ID_PREFIX + ID_COUNTER++; while (IDS_USED.contains(id)) { id = ID_PREFIX + ID_COUNTER++; } IDS_USED.add(id); return id; } public void changeId(ArrayList<String> used) { idMap.remove(getId()); idMLMap.remove(getId()); IDS_USED.addAll(used); String id = createId(null); xmlNode.setAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName(), id); idMap.put(id, this); idMLMap.put(id, this.getXMLNode()); } /** * Adds a node between this node and its parent, encasing this branch of * the tree in a new node. <br/> * * @param type * - the type of the new node * @return - encasing node */ public EquationNode encase(TypeSGET type) { // Don't encase sum in sum or term in term boolean sumOrTerm = TypeSGET.Sum.equals(type) || TypeSGET.Term.equals(type); if (getType().equals(type) && sumOrTerm) { return this; } else if (getParentType().equals(type) && sumOrTerm) { return getParent(); } else { EquationNode encasing = new EquationNode(type, ""); this.getParent().addBefore(this.getIndex(), encasing); encasing.append(this); return encasing; } } /** * <b>This method must always be called after removing children from a * sum or term</b> <br/> * Moves child into parent and removes this node if there is only one * child. <br/> * If the child and parent are the same type, the grandchildren are * moved and both this and the child are removed. <br/> * * returns true if decased, false if unnecessary */ public boolean decase() { // This method is only useful for terms and sums switch (getType()) { case Term: case Sum: break; default: return false; } // Propagate leading minus sign or remove leading plus if (getChildCount() != 0) { EquationNode possibleMinus = getChildAt(0); if (TypeSGET.Operation.equals(possibleMinus.getType())) { if (Operator.MINUS.getSign().equals(possibleMinus.getSymbol())) { if (getChildCount() > 1) { AlgebraicTransformations.propagateNegative(getChildAt(1)); possibleMinus.remove(); } else { possibleMinus.remove(); EquationNode parent = this.getParent(); this.remove(); parent.decase(); JSNICalls.error("Operation with no siblings: " + toString()); return false; } } else { possibleMinus.remove(); return decase(); } } } switch (this.getChildCount()) { case 0: this.replace(TypeSGET.Number, "0"); break; case 1: getParent().addBefore(this.getIndex(), this.getFirstChild()); this.remove(); break; case 2:// Should only be sums with a negative in front JSNICalls.error("There should not be two children in a Sum or Term: " + toString()); break; } return true; } public EquationNode replace(EquationNode replacement) { this.getParent().addBefore(this.getIndex(), replacement); this.remove(); return replacement; } public EquationNode replace(TypeSGET type, String symbol) { EquationNode replacement = new EquationNode(type, symbol); replace(replacement); return replacement; } /** * Adds a child at the specified index.</br></br>If the node is already * in the tree, it is just repositioned. There is no need to remove it * first</br></br> Children of this node must reflect it's type</br> * <em>Requirements:</em></br> <b>Variable and Number</b> must have * <b>exactly 0</b> children</br> <b>Term and Sum</b> must have <b>at * least 2</b> children</br> <b>Fraction and Exponential</b> must have * <b>exactly 2</b> children</br></br> The order should be:</br> <b>Term * and Sum</b> - same as the order seen</br> <b>Fraction</b> - numerator * then denominator</br> <b>Exponent</b> - base then exponent * * @param index * - the placement of siblings * @param after * - True if the node is to be added after the node at the * specified index (to next index).<br/> * False if the node is to be added before the node at the * specified index (to this index) * @param node * - the node to be added */ private void add(int index, EquationNode node, boolean after) throws IllegalArgumentException { boolean indexOutOfRange = index < 0 || index >= getChildCount(); // Don't add sum to sum or term to term, just add it's children if (getType().equals(node.getType()) && (TypeSGET.Sum.equals(node.getType()) || TypeSGET.Term.equals(node.getType()))) { LinkedList<EquationNode> children = node.getChildren(); if (indexOutOfRange) { for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { append(children.get(i)); } } else { for (int i = children.size(); i > 0; i--) { addBefore(index, children.get(i - 1)); } } node.remove(); } else { Element elementNode = node.getXMLNode(); // Add node to DOM tree if (indexOutOfRange) { xmlNode.appendChild(elementNode); } else if (after) { Node referenceChild = xmlNode.getChild(index); xmlNode.insertAfter(elementNode, referenceChild); } else { Node referenceChild = xmlNode.getChild(index); xmlNode.insertBefore(elementNode, referenceChild); } addToMaps(node); } } public void addAfter(int index, EquationNode node) { add(index, node, true); } public EquationNode addAfter(int index, TypeSGET type, String symbol) { EquationNode newNode = new EquationNode(type, symbol); this.addAfter(index, newNode); return newNode; } public void addBefore(int index, EquationNode node) { add(index, node, false); } public EquationNode addBefore(int index, TypeSGET type, String symbol) { EquationNode newNode = new EquationNode(type, symbol); this.addBefore(index, newNode); return newNode; } public EquationNode append(EquationNode newNode) { addBefore(-1, newNode); return newNode; } public EquationNode append(TypeSGET type, String symbol) { return addBefore(-1, type, symbol); } public EquationNode addFirst(EquationNode newNode) { addBefore(0, newNode); return newNode; } public EquationNode addFirst(TypeSGET type, String symbol) { return addBefore(0, type, symbol); } /** * Gets all descendant nodes of a specified type. * * @param type * - use null to get all descendants * @return */ public LinkedList<EquationNode> getNodesByType(TypeSGET type) { return EquationTree.this.getNodesByType(type, this); } public LinkedList<EquationNode> getChildren() { NodeList<Node> childrenNodesList = getXMLNode().getChildNodes(); LinkedList<EquationNode> childrenNodes = new LinkedList<EquationNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenNodesList.getLength(); i++) { Node curNode = childrenNodesList.getItem(i); if (curNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element childElement = ((Element) curNode); String childId = childElement.getAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); childrenNodes.add(getNodeById(childId)); } } return childrenNodes; } public EquationNode getChildAt(int index) { if (index < 0 || index > getChildCount() - 1 || ChildRequirement.TERMINAL.equals(getType().childRequirement())) { return null; } Node node = getXMLNode().getChildNodes().getItem(index); if (node == null) { String response = "No children at position: " + index + " in: " + toString(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(response); } String id = ((Element) node).getAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); return getNodeById(id); } public EquationNode getFirstChild() { return getChildAt(0); } public int getChildCount() { // Terminal nodes have text nodes in XML if (ChildRequirement.TERMINAL.equals(getType().childRequirement())) { return 0; } return xmlNode.getChildCount(); } /** * @return <b>Next sibling</b> or <b>null</b> if none exists */ public EquationNode getNextSibling() { return getSibling(1); } /** * @return <b>Previous sibling</b> or <b>null</b> if none exists */ public EquationNode getPrevSibling() { return getSibling(-1); } /** * This method gets the sibling at a position relative the this node * * @param indexesAway * - the number of indexes away from this sibling positive * for siblings to the right, negative for siblings to the * left <br/> * ex:<br/> * -1 for previous </br>1 for next */ private EquationNode getSibling(int indexesAway) { EquationNode parent = this.getParent(); int siblingIndex = getIndex() + indexesAway; try { EquationNode sibling = parent.getChildAt(siblingIndex); return sibling; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return null; } } public void remove() { removeChildren(); String id = getId(); idMap.remove(id); idMLMap.remove(id); xmlNode.removeFromParent(); if (wrapper instanceof EditWrapper) { ((EditWrapper) wrapper).onUnload(); } else if (wrapper instanceof AlgebaWrapper) { ((AlgebaWrapper) wrapper).onUnload(); } wrappers.remove(wrapper); } private void removeChildren() { LinkedList<EquationNode> children = getChildren(); for (EquationNode child : children) { String id = child.getId(); idMap.remove(id); idMLMap.remove(id); child.removeChildren(); } } public int getIndex() { return this.getParent().getChildren().indexOf(this); } public EquationNode getParent() { if (TypeSGET.Equation.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase(getTag())) { throw new NoSuchElementException( "Can't get the parent of an equation tag because it's the root:\n" + toString()); } Element parentElement = getXMLNode().getParentElement(); String parentId = parentElement.getAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); EquationNode parentNode = getNodeById(parentId); return parentNode; } public Element getXMLNode() { return xmlNode; } public Element getXMLClone() { Element xmlClone = (Element) xmlNode.cloneNode(true); xmlClone.removeAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); NodeList<Element> descendants = xmlClone.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (int i = 0; i < descendants.getLength(); i++) { Element descendantEl = descendants.getItem(i); descendantEl.removeAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); } return xmlClone; } public String toString() { if (xmlNode.getString() != null) { return xmlNode.getString(); } else { return JSNICalls.elementToString(xmlNode); } } /** * Depending on the node type:<br/> * <b>Variable and Operation</b> - Inserts the symbol into the node.<br/> * <b>Number</b> - The symbol will be saved as the node's value * attribute and the displaying symbol may be shortened for formatting * purposes<br/> * <b>Trig</b> - Symbol is the function stored as an attribute * <b>Log</b> -Symbol is the log base stored as an attribute * * @param symbol */ public void setSymbol(String symbol) { switch (getType()) { case Number: if (TypeSGET.NOT_SET.equals(symbol) || RandomSpecPanel.RANDOM_SYMBOL.equals(symbol)) { xmlNode.setInnerText(symbol); setAttribute(MathAttribute.Value, null); } else { BigDecimal value = new BigDecimal(symbol); // Rounded display value stored as inner text String displayValue; if (value.compareTo(new BigDecimal("100000")) < 0 && value.remainder(new BigDecimal(".001")).compareTo(new BigDecimal(0)) == 0) { displayValue = value.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString(); } else { displayValue = "#"; } xmlNode.setInnerText(displayValue); // Full value stored as attribute String fullValue = "#".equals(displayValue) ? value.stripTrailingZeros().toString() : displayValue; setAttribute(MathAttribute.Value, fullValue); break; } case Variable: case Operation: xmlNode.setInnerText(symbol); break; case Trig: setAttribute(MathAttribute.Function, symbol); break; case Log: setAttribute(MathAttribute.LogBase, symbol); break; } } public void setConstant(CommonConstants symbol) { // Display xmlNode.setInnerText(symbol.getSymbol()); // Value setAttribute(MathAttribute.Value, symbol.getValue()); // Unit setAttribute(MathAttribute.Unit, symbol.getUnitMap().getUnitAttribute().toString()); } public String getSymbol() { switch (getType()) { case Number: try { String valueAttr = getAttribute(MathAttribute.Value); new BigDecimal(valueAttr); //Number test return valueAttr; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { } case Variable: case Operation: return xmlNode.getInnerText(); case Trig: return getAttribute(MathAttribute.Function); case Log: return getAttribute(MathAttribute.LogBase); default: return ""; } } public Wrapper wrap(Wrapper wrap) { wrapper = wrap; wrappers.add(wrapper); return wrapper; } public Wrapper getWrapper() { return wrapper; } /** * @return Tag of XML DOM node in <b>Lower Case</b> */ public String getTag() { return xmlNode.getTagName().toLowerCase(); } public EquationTree getTree() { return EquationTree.this; } public String getId() { return getXMLNode().getAttribute(MathAttribute.ID.getAttributeName()); } public UnitAttribute getUnitAttribute() { return new UnitAttribute(xmlNode.getAttribute(MathAttribute.Unit.getAttributeName())); } public String getAttribute(MathAttribute attribute) { return xmlNode.getAttribute(attribute.getAttributeName()); } public UnitMap getUnitMap() { return new UnitMap(this); } public void setAttribute(MathAttribute attribute, String value) { if (value == null || "".equals(value)) { xmlNode.removeAttribute(attribute.getAttributeName()); } else { xmlNode.setAttribute(attribute.getAttributeName(), value); } } public boolean isLeftSide() { if (this.equals(root.getChildAt(0))) return true; else return false; } public boolean isRightSide() { if (this.equals(root.getChildAt(2))) return true; else return false; } public TypeSGET.Operator getOperation() { if (TypeSGET.Operation.equals(getType())) { String symbol = getSymbol(); for (TypeSGET.Operator op : TypeSGET.Operator.values()) { if (op.getSign().equalsIgnoreCase(symbol) || op.getHTML().equalsIgnoreCase(symbol)) { return op; } } } return null; } public boolean hasChildElements() { switch (getType().childRequirement()) { case TERMINAL: return false; case EQUATION: case SEQUENCE: case BINARY: case UNARY: if (getChildCount() > 0) { return true; } } return false; } public TypeSGET getType() { return TypeSGET.getType(getTag()); } public TypeSGET getParentType() { Element parentEl = getXMLNode().getParentElement(); if (parentEl == null) { return null; } String parentTag = parentEl.getTagName(); return TypeSGET.getType(parentTag); } public Element getHTMLClone(boolean hasSmallUnits, boolean hasSubscripts) { Element html = (Element) getHTML(hasSmallUnits, hasSubscripts).cloneNode(true); html.removeAttribute("class"); html.getStyle().setDisplay(Display.INLINE_BLOCK); return html; } public String getHTMLString(boolean hasSmallUnits, boolean hasSubscripts) { return JSNICalls.elementToString(getHTMLClone(hasSmallUnits, hasSubscripts)); } /** * This should only be done after * {@link EquationTree#reloadDisplay(boolean)} * * @return The current HTML element associated with this node */ public Element getHTML(boolean hasSmallUnits, boolean hasSubscripts) { Element el = idHTMLMap.get(getId()); if (el == null) { EquationTree.this.reloadDisplay(hasSmallUnits, hasSubscripts); Element el2 = idHTMLMap.get(getId()); return (Element) el2; } return (Element) el; } public Element[] getHTMLofUnits() { LinkedList<Element> units = new LinkedList<Element>(); for (Entry<Element, String> entry : idUnitHTMLMap.entrySet()) { if (getId().equals(entry.getValue())) { units.add(entry.getKey()); } } return units.toArray(new Element[units.size()]); } public void highlight() { getHTML(true, true).addClassName(CSS.HIGHLIGHT); } public void lineThrough() { getHTML(true, true).addClassName(CSS.LINE_THROUGH); } public boolean isLike(EquationNode another) { if (!getType().equals(another.getType())) { return false; } // breaks not needed, returns at each step switch (getType()) { case Term: // fall through case Sum: LinkedList<EquationNode> assignedOtherChildren = new LinkedList<EquationNode>(); a: for (EquationNode child : getChildren()) { b: for (EquationNode otherChild : another.getChildren()) { if (assignedOtherChildren.contains(otherChild)) { continue b; } if (child.isLike(otherChild)) { assignedOtherChildren.add(otherChild); continue a; } } } if (assignedOtherChildren.size() == getChildCount() && assignedOtherChildren.size() == another.getChildCount()) { return true; } else { return false; } case Exponential: // fall through case Fraction: if (getChildAt(0).isLike(another.getChildAt(0)) && getChildAt(1).isLike(another.getChildAt(1))) { return true; } else { return false; } case Operation: if (Operator.PLUS.equals(getSymbol()) || Operator.MINUS.equals(getSymbol())) { if (!getSymbol().equals(another.getSymbol())) { return false; } } else { return true; } case Number: case Variable: if (!this.getUnitAttribute().equals(another.getUnitAttribute())) { return false; } if (getSymbol().equals(another.getSymbol()) || getSymbol().equals(RandomSpecPanel.RANDOM_SYMBOL) || another.getSymbol().equals(RandomSpecPanel.RANDOM_SYMBOL)) { return true; } else { return false; } case Log: if (getAttribute(MathAttribute.LogBase).equals(another.getAttribute(MathAttribute.LogBase)) && getChildAt(0).isLike(another.getChildAt(0))) { return true; } else { return false; } case Trig: if (getAttribute(MathAttribute.Function).equals(another.getAttribute(MathAttribute.Function)) && getChildAt(0).isLike(another.getChildAt(0))) { return true; } else { return false; } default: return false; } } } private void bindXMLtoNodes(Node equationXMLNode, boolean isValidated) { Element rootNode = (Element) equationXMLNode; // root = newNode(rootNode); root = bindXMLtoNodeRecursive(rootNode); if (isValidated) { try { validateTree(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { String message = e.getMessage(); if (message == null) { Window.alert("Oops, an error occured, please refresh the page"); } else { Window.alert(message); } JSNICalls.error(e.getCause().toString()); return; } } } private EquationNode bindXMLtoNodeRecursive(Element equationXMLNode) { EquationNode eqNode = new EquationNode(equationXMLNode); String id = eqNode.getId(); idMap.put(id, eqNode); idMLMap.put(id, equationXMLNode); NodeList<Node> equationXMLNodeChildren = equationXMLNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < equationXMLNodeChildren.getLength(); i++) { Element currentNode = (Element) equationXMLNodeChildren.getItem(i); if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { bindXMLtoNodeRecursive((Element) currentNode); } } return eqNode; } }