Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of ScienceGadgets, a collection of educational tools * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 by John Gralyan * * ScienceGadgets is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * ScienceGadgets is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contact us at *******************************************************************************/ package com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sciencegadgets.client.JSNICalls; import com.sciencegadgets.client.Moderator; import com.sciencegadgets.client.URLParameters; import com.sciencegadgets.client.URLParameters.Parameter; import com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra.transformations.BothSidesTransformations; import com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra.transformations.Skill; import com.sciencegadgets.client.ui.CSS; public class AlgebraHistory extends FlowPanel { boolean expanded = false; public boolean scrolled = false; boolean wasTouchMoved = false; public boolean isSolved = false; private AlgebraHistory that = this; public AlgebraHistory() { addStyleName(CSS.ALG_OUT); if (Moderator.isTouch) { this.addDomHandler(new AlgOutTouchMove(), TouchMoveEvent.getType()); this.addDomHandler(new AlgOutTouchEnd(), TouchEndEvent.getType()); } else { this.addDomHandler(new AlgOutClickHandler(), ClickEvent.getType()); } String goalStr = URLParameters.getParameter(Parameter.goal); if (goalStr != null && !"".equals(goalStr)) { Label firstRowEq = new HTML("Simplify to: " + goalStr); FlowPanel firstRow = new FlowPanel(); firstRowEq.addStyleName(CSS.ALG_OUT_EQ_ROW); firstRow.add(firstRowEq); Label firstRowRule = new Label(); firstRowRule.addStyleName(CSS.ALG_OUT_RULE_ROW); firstRow.add(firstRowRule); firstRow.addStyleName(CSS.ALG_OUT_ROW); add(firstRow); } } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); // if (isSolved) { // firstRow.getElement().getStyle().clearHeight(); // } else { // firstRow.setHeight(getOffsetHeight() + "px"); // } reset(); } public void updateAlgebraHistory(String changeComment, Skill skill, EquationTree mathTree) { changeComment = changeComment.replace("lineThrough", ""); add(new AlgebraHistoryRow(changeComment, skill, mathTree)); if (changeComment.contains(BothSidesTransformations.UP_ARROW)) { add(new AlgebraHistoryRow(changeComment)); } reset(); } public void solvedUpdate(EquationTree mathTree, String evaluation) { AlgebraHistoryRow lastRow = new AlgebraHistoryRow(mathTree.getDisplay()); lastRow.eqSide.getElement().getStyle().setFontSize(300, Unit.PCT); lastRow.ruleSide.removeFromParent(); add(lastRow); Label evaluatedBox = new Label(); JSNICalls.log("ev " + evaluation); evaluatedBox.addStyleName(CSS.ALG_OUT_RULE_ROW); // evaluatedBox.addFocusHandler(new HighlightHandler(evaluatedBox)); lastRow.add(evaluatedBox); evaluatedBox.setText(evaluation); } void reset() { expanded = false; setHeight("100%"); // Minimize overflow by fitting equation into row LinkedList<AlgebraHistoryRow> rows = getRows(); if (isAttached() && !rows.isEmpty()) { AlgebraHistoryRow lastRow = rows.getLast(); int leftWidthMin = 0, rightWidthMin = 0; for (AlgebraHistoryRow row : rows) { leftWidthMin = Math.max(leftWidthMin, row.leftCaseContent.getOffsetWidth()); rightWidthMin = Math.max(rightWidthMin, row.rightCaseContent.getOffsetWidth()); } double maxWidth = lastRow.leftCase.getParentElement().getOffsetWidth() * 0.9; double combinedWidthMin = leftWidthMin + rightWidthMin; double leftWidth = lastRow.leftCaseContent.getOffsetWidth(); double rightWidth = lastRow.rightCaseContent.getOffsetWidth(); if (combinedWidthMin < maxWidth) {// all rows fit // Weigh to center double exess = maxWidth - leftWidthMin - rightWidthMin; leftWidth = leftWidthMin + (exess / 2); rightWidth = rightWidthMin + (exess / 2); } else if (leftWidthMin <= rightWidthMin) { rightWidth = maxWidth - leftWidth; } else if (leftWidthMin > rightWidthMin) { leftWidth = maxWidth - rightWidth; } double combinedWidth = leftWidth + rightWidth; for (AlgebraHistoryRow row : rows) { Style leftStyle = row.leftCase.getStyle(); Style rightStyle = row.rightCase.getStyle(); leftStyle.setWidth((leftWidth / (combinedWidth)) * 90, Unit.PCT); rightStyle.setWidth((rightWidth / (combinedWidth)) * 90, Unit.PCT); } } scrollToBottom(); } void scrollToBottom() { getElement().setScrollTop(getElement().getScrollHeight() - getElement().getClientHeight()); } LinkedList<AlgebraHistoryRow> getRows() { LinkedList<AlgebraHistoryRow> rows = new LinkedList<AlgebraHistoryRow>(); for (Widget row : getChildren()) { if (row instanceof AlgebraHistoryRow && !((AlgebraHistoryRow) row).isChangeRow) { rows.add((AlgebraHistoryRow) row); } } return rows; } class AlgebraHistoryRow extends FlowPanel { private FlowPanel eqSide = new FlowPanel(); private Anchor ruleSide = new Anchor(); boolean isChangeRow = false; Element rightCase; Element leftCase; Element rightCaseContent; Element leftCaseContent; // Change row AlgebraHistoryRow(String changeComment) { this(new HTML("<div>" + changeComment + "</div><div></div><div>" + changeComment + "</div>")); isChangeRow = true; addStyleName(CSS.ALG_OUT_CHANGE_ROW); } // Equation row AlgebraHistoryRow(String changeComment, Skill rule, EquationTree mathTree) { this(mathTree.getDisplay()); ruleSide.setHTML(changeComment); if (rule != null) { ruleSide.setHref(rule.getPage()); ruleSide.setTarget("_blank"); } } private AlgebraHistoryRow(HTML root) { addStyleName(CSS.ALG_OUT_ROW); eqSide.addStyleName(CSS.ALG_OUT_EQ_ROW); add(eqSide); eqSide.add(root); Element rootEl = root.getElement(); rootEl.addClassName(CSS.FILL_PARENT); rightCase = DOM.createDiv(); leftCase = DOM.createDiv(); rightCaseContent = (Element) rootEl.getChild(2); leftCaseContent = (Element) rootEl.getChild(0); rightCase.appendChild(rightCaseContent); leftCase.appendChild(leftCaseContent); rootEl.appendChild(rightCase); rootEl.insertFirst(leftCase); (leftCase).addClassName(CSS.ALG_OUT_EQ_LEFT); ((Element) rootEl.getChild(1)).addClassName(CSS.ALG_OUT_EQ_EQUALS); (rightCase).addClassName(CSS.ALG_OUT_EQ_RIGHT); ruleSide.addStyleName(CSS.ALG_OUT_RULE_ROW); add(ruleSide); } } class AlgOutSlide extends Animation { private AlgebraHistory alg = that; int heightDiff = 0; private int direction; private int startingHeight; private int maxHeight; @Override public void run(int duration) { startingHeight = getOffsetHeight(); // Don't go past the screen int scrollHeight = getElement().getScrollHeight(); int screenHeight = Moderator.scienceGadgetArea.getOffsetHeight(); maxHeight = scrollHeight > screenHeight ? screenHeight : scrollHeight; int diff = maxHeight - startingHeight; if (expanded) { direction = -1; } else if (diff < 3) { return; } else { heightDiff = diff; direction = 1; }; } @Override protected void onUpdate(double progress) { alg.setHeight((startingHeight + (direction * heightDiff * progress)) + "px"); } @Override protected void onComplete() { super.onComplete(); if (expanded) { expanded = false; reset(); } else { alg.setHeight(maxHeight + "px"); expanded = true; } } } class AlgOutClickHandler implements ClickHandler { AlgOutSlide slide = new AlgOutSlide(); @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {; } } class AlgOutTouchMove implements TouchMoveHandler { @Override public void onTouchMove(TouchMoveEvent event) { wasTouchMoved = true; } } class AlgOutTouchEnd implements TouchEndHandler { AlgOutSlide slide = new AlgOutSlide(); @Override public void onTouchEnd(TouchEndEvent event) { if (!wasTouchMoved) {; } wasTouchMoved = false; } } }