Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of ScienceGadgets, a collection of educational tools * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 by John Gralyan * * ScienceGadgets is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * ScienceGadgets is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contact us at *******************************************************************************/ package com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sciencegadgets.client.JSNICalls; import com.sciencegadgets.client.Moderator; import com.sciencegadgets.client.Moderator.ActivityType; import com.sciencegadgets.client.URLParameters; import com.sciencegadgets.client.URLParameters.Parameter; import com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra.EquationTree.EquationNode; import com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra.edit.LinkPrompt_Equation; import com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra.edit.NumberPrompt; import com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra.edit.VariablePrompt; import com.sciencegadgets.client.algebra.transformations.Skill; import com.sciencegadgets.client.entities.users.Badge; import com.sciencegadgets.client.ui.CSS; import com.sciencegadgets.client.ui.SolvedPrompt; import com.sciencegadgets.shared.TypeSGET; import com.sciencegadgets.shared.dimensions.UnitAttribute; public class AlgebraActivity extends SimplePanel { interface AlgebraUiBinder extends UiBinder<AbsolutePanel, AlgebraActivity> { } private static AlgebraUiBinder algebraUiBinder = GWT.create(AlgebraUiBinder.class); AbsolutePanel mainPanel = algebraUiBinder.createAndBindUi(this); @UiField FlowPanel upperEqArea; @UiField FocusPanel optionsButton; @UiField SimplePanel upperMidEqArea; @UiField FlowPanel detailsArea; @UiField SimplePanel eqPanelHolder; @UiField public FlowPanel lowerEqArea; private EquationPanel eqPanel = null; private AlgebraHistory algOut = null; private TransformationPanel transformPanel = null;; public boolean inProgramaticTransformMode = false; public static VariablePrompt varSpec; public static NumberPrompt numSpec; private ActivityType activityType = null; public Widget defaultUpperMidWidget = null; // private Equation equation = null; private EquationTree goalTree = null; private SystemOfEquations systemOfEquations = null; public AlgebraActivity(EquationTree eTree, ActivityType activityType) { add(mainPanel); this.addStyleName(CSS.FILL_PARENT); mainPanel.addStyleName(CSS.FILL_PARENT); this.activityType = activityType; activateOptionsButton(activityType); setEquationTree(eTree); switch (activityType) { case interactiveequation: activateBackButton(true); reCreateAlgHistory(); transformPanel = new TransformationPanel(this); break; case editequation: activateBackButton(true); Button createLinkButton = new Button("Create Link", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent arg0) { new LinkPrompt_Equation(AlgebraActivity.this, null).appear(); } }); createLinkButton.setStyleName(CSS.SAVE_EQUATION_BUTTON); // Button saveEquationButton = new Button("Create Challenge", // new SaveButtonHandler(AlgebraActivity.this)); // saveEquationButton.setStyleName(CSS.SAVE_EQUATION_BUTTON); FlowPanel upMidHolder = new FlowPanel(); upMidHolder.setStyleName(CSS.FILL_PARENT); upMidHolder.add(createLinkButton); // upMidHolder.add(saveEquationButton); setDefaultUpperMidWidget(upMidHolder); break; case editsolvegoal: transformPanel = new TransformationPanel(this); // fall through case editcreategoal: activateBackButton(false); CreateLinkWithGoalButton createLinkWithGoalButton = new CreateLinkWithGoalButton( "Create Link with Goal", eTree); setDefaultUpperMidWidget(createLinkWithGoalButton); break; case simplifyquiz: activateBackButton(false); break; default: break; } } private void activateOptionsButton(ActivityType activityType) { optionsButton.addStyleName(CSS.OPTIONS_BUTTON); switch (activityType) { case interactiveequation: case editequation: optionsButton.setVisible(true); optionsButton.addClickHandler(new OptionsHandler(this)); break; default: optionsButton.setVisible(false); break; } } private void activateBackButton(boolean activate) { // backToBrowserButton.setVisible(activate); if (activate) { optionsButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (event.isControlKeyDown()) { Moderator.switchToBrowser(); } } }); } } public void revertUpperMidAreaToDefault() { if (defaultUpperMidWidget != upperMidEqArea.getWidget()) { upperMidEqArea.clear(); if (defaultUpperMidWidget != null) { upperMidEqArea.add(defaultUpperMidWidget); } } if (defaultUpperMidWidget instanceof AlgebraHistory) { ((AlgebraHistory) defaultUpperMidWidget).reset(); } } public void setDefaultUpperMidWidget(Widget widget) { if (widget != null) { defaultUpperMidWidget = widget; revertUpperMidAreaToDefault(); } } public EquationTree getEquationTree() { return systemOfEquations.getWorkingTree(); } public EquationPanel getEquationPanel() { return eqPanel; } public void setEquationTree(EquationTree eTree) { systemOfEquations = new SystemOfEquations(eTree); String sysOfEq = URLParameters.getParameter(Parameter.system); if (sysOfEq != null && !"".equals(sysOfEq)) { systemOfEquations.adoptURLParam(sysOfEq); } String goal = URLParameters.getParameter(Parameter.goal); if (goal != null && !"".equals(goal)) { Element goalEl = new HTML(goal).getElement().getFirstChildElement(); goalTree = new EquationTree(goalEl, false); } } public EquationTree getGoalTree() { return goalTree; } public SystemOfEquations getSystem() { return systemOfEquations; } public AlgebraHistory getAlgebraHistory() { return algOut; } public boolean isInEditMode() { return activityType.isInEditMode(); } public ActivityType getActivityType() { return activityType; } public TransformationPanel gettTransformationPanel() { return transformPanel; } public void reCreateAlgHistory() { algOut = new AlgebraHistory(); systemOfEquations.getInfo(getEquationTree()).setHistory(algOut); setDefaultUpperMidWidget(algOut); } /** * Updates the equation in all places when a change is made * * @param changeComment * - use null for simple reload, specify change to add to AlgOut */ public void reloadEquationPanel(String changeComment, HashMap<Skill, Integer> skillsIncrease, boolean updateParameters, final String nodeIdToSelect) { EquationTree equationTree = getEquationTree(); AlgebraHistory currentAlgOut = systemOfEquations.getInfo(equationTree).history; if (ActivityType.interactiveequation == activityType) { if (currentAlgOut == null) { reCreateAlgHistory(); } else if (algOut != currentAlgOut) { algOut = currentAlgOut; setDefaultUpperMidWidget(currentAlgOut); } if (changeComment != null) { Skill skill = null; if (skillsIncrease != null && !skillsIncrease.isEmpty()) { skill = (Skill) skillsIncrease.keySet().toArray()[0]; } algOut.updateAlgebraHistory(changeComment, skill, equationTree); } } if (inProgramaticTransformMode) { return; } else if (activityType == ActivityType.simplifyquiz) { // equationTree.getEquals().setSymbol( // TypeSGET.Operator.ARROW_RIGHT.getSign()); // equationTree.getEquals().setSymbol( // TypeSGET.Operator.SPACE.getSign()); } else if (transformPanel != null && transformPanel.simplifyQuiz != null) { transformPanel.simplifyQuiz.disappear(); transformPanel.simplifyQuiz = null; } try { equationTree.validateTree(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { String message = e.getMessage(); if (message == null) { Window.alert("Oops, an error occured, please refresh the page"); } else { Window.alert(message); } JSNICalls.error(e.getCause().toString()); return; } eqPanelHolder.clear(); // TODO // revertUpperMidAreaToDefault(); equationTree.reloadDisplay(true, true); if (eqPanel != null && eqPanel.isAttached()) { eqPanel.removeFromParent(); } eqPanel = new EquationPanel(this); eqPanelHolder.add(eqPanel); if (activityType == ActivityType.interactiveequation) { lowerEqArea.clear(); algOut.scrollToBottom(); for (Badge newBadge : Moderator.newBadgeCollection) { Label newBadgeResponse = new Label(); newBadgeResponse.addStyleName(CSS.DROP_ENTER_RESPONSE); newBadgeResponse.setText("New Badge! - " + newBadge.toString()); } // TypeSGET rightType = equationTree.getRightSide().getType(); // TypeSGET leftType = equationTree.getLeftSide().getType(); // // Check if evaluated // if ((TypeSGET.Variable.equals(leftType) && TypeSGET.Number // .equals(rightType))) { // SolvedPrompt solvedPrompt = new SolvedPrompt(); // solvedPrompt.solved(this, equationTree.getRightSide() // .getSymbol()); // } else if ((TypeSGET.Variable.equals(rightType) && TypeSGET.Number // .equals(leftType))) { // SolvedPrompt solvedPrompt = new SolvedPrompt(); // solvedPrompt.solved(this, equationTree.getLeftSide() // .getSymbol()); // } else if (goalTree != null && equationTree.isLike(goalTree)) { // // Check if equation matches goal // SolvedPrompt solvedPrompt = new SolvedPrompt(); // solvedPrompt.solved(this); // } Moderator.newBadgeCollection.clear(); } if (updateParameters && (activityType == ActivityType.interactiveequation || activityType == ActivityType.editequation)) { HashMap<Parameter, String> parameterMap = new HashMap<Parameter, String>(); parameterMap.put(Parameter.equation, equationTree.getEquationXMLString()); parameterMap.put(Parameter.activity, activityType.toString()); if (goalTree != null) { parameterMap.put(Parameter.goal, goalTree.getEquationXMLString()); } if (systemOfEquations.hasMultipleEquations()) { parameterMap.put(Parameter.system, systemOfEquations.getURLParam()); } URLParameters.setParameters(parameterMap, false); } if (nodeIdToSelect != null) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { eqPanel.zoomToAndSelect(nodeIdToSelect); } }); } } public static void NUMBER_SPEC_PROMPT(EquationNode equationNode, boolean clearDisplays, boolean mustCheckUnits, UnitAttribute unitLimitation) { if (AlgebraActivity.numSpec == null) { AlgebraActivity.numSpec = new NumberPrompt(equationNode, clearDisplays, mustCheckUnits); } else { AlgebraActivity.numSpec.reload(equationNode, clearDisplays, mustCheckUnits); } AlgebraActivity.numSpec.limitUnits(unitLimitation); AlgebraActivity.numSpec.appear(); } public static void VARIABLE_SPEC_PROMPT(EquationNode equationNode, boolean clearDisplays) { if (AlgebraActivity.varSpec == null) { AlgebraActivity.varSpec = new VariablePrompt(equationNode, clearDisplays, false); } else { AlgebraActivity.varSpec.reload(equationNode, clearDisplays, false); } AlgebraActivity.varSpec.appear(); } @Override protected void onDetach() { eqPanelHolder.clear(); super.onDetach(); } class CreateLinkWithGoalButton extends Button { CreateLinkWithGoalButton(String display, EquationTree initial) { super(display); final EquationTree initialCopy = new EquationTree(initial.getEquationXMLClone(), true); setStyleName(CSS.SAVE_EQUATION_BUTTON); addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent arg0) { new LinkPrompt_Equation(AlgebraActivity.this, initialCopy).appear(); } }); } } }