Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package com.sci.machinery.render;

import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySpecialRenderer;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import com.sci.machinery.SciMachinery;
import com.sci.machinery.core.BlockCoord;
import com.sci.machinery.core.Utils;
import com.sci.machinery.lib.Reference;

 * SciMachinery
 * @author sci4me
 * @license Lesser GNU Public License v3 (

public class RenderTube extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer implements IItemRenderer {
    private static final ResourceLocation tubeIcon = new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID.toLowerCase(),

    private static final TubeBase PUMP = new TubePump();
    private static final TubeBase STONE = new TubeStone();
    private static final TubeBase COBBLE = new TubeCobble();
    private static final TubeBase VOID = new TubeVoid();
    private static final TubeBase DETECTOR = new TubeDetector();
    private static final TubeBase VALVE = new TubeValve();

    public static final double O = 0.2D;
    public static final double OA = 0.05D;
    public static final double OF = 0.4D;
    public static final double OO = O * 2;

    private final RenderItem customRenderItem;
    private final EntityItem dummyEntityItem = new EntityItem(null);

    public RenderTube() {
        customRenderItem = new RenderItem() {
            public boolean shouldBob() {
                return false;

            public boolean shouldSpreadItems() {
                return false;

    public boolean handleRenderType(ItemStack item, ItemRenderType type) {
        return true;

    public void renderItem(ItemRenderType type, ItemStack item, Object... data) {
        if (type == ItemRenderType.INVENTORY) {
            double x = 0;
            double y = 0;
            double z = 0;

            Tessellator tess = Tessellator.instance;


            setColor(item.itemID, 0);


            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);


            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);


            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O - OA);


            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O - OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + O);


            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);

            renderSide(2, x, y, z);
            renderSide(3, x, y, z);

        } else {
            double x = 0;
            double y = 0.75;
            double z = 0;

            Tessellator tess = Tessellator.instance;


            setColor(item.itemID, 0);


            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);


            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);


            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O - OA);


            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);


            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O - OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + O);


            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);

            renderSide(2, x, y, z);
            renderSide(3, x, y, z);


            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + O);

    public void renderItem(TravellingItem item, double x, double y, double z) {
        if (item == null)
        if (item.getStack() == null)
        float renderScale = 0.3f;
        GL11.glTranslatef((float) x + 0.1f, (float) y - 0.175f, (float) z + 0.1f);
        GL11.glTranslatef(0, 0.25F, 0);
        GL11.glScalef(renderScale, renderScale, renderScale);
        item.setRotation(item.getRotation() + 0.5f % 360);
        customRenderItem.doRenderItem(dummyEntityItem, 0, 0, 0, 0, item.getRotation());

    public void renderSide(int side, double x, double y, double z) {
        Tessellator tess = Tessellator.instance;

        if (side == 4) {
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + O - OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + O - OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + O, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + O, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + 0, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O - OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + 0, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x - OO, y + 0, z + 0);


        if (side == 5) {
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + 0, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + O - OA, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + O - OA, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + O, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O - OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + O, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + 0, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O + OO, y + 0, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + OA);


        if (side == 2) {
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z - OO);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z - OO);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z - OO);

            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z - OO);

            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z - OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + 0);


        if (side == 3) {
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + O + OO);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O + OO);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + O + OO);

            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + O + OO);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O + OO);


        if (side == 1) {
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O + OO, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O + OO, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O + OO, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O + OO, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O + OO, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O + OO, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O + OO, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O + OO, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O - OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O + OO, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O + OO, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O + OO, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O + OO, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O + OO, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O + OO, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O + OO, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O + OO, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);


        if (side == 0) {
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y - OO, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y - OO, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y - OO, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y - OO, z + O);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y - OO, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y - OO, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y - OO, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y - OO, z + O - OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y - OO, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + OA, y - OO, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y - OO, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + O, y - OO, z + 0);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y - OO, z + 0);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y - OO, z + OA);

            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y - OO, z + O - OA);
            tess.addVertex(x + 0, y - OO, z + O);

    public void renderTileEntityAt(TileEntity t, double x, double y, double z, float f) {
        if (!(t instanceof TileTube)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Got a non-ITubeConnectable tile in RenderTube!");

        TileTube tube = (TileTube) t;

        x += OF;
        y += OF;
        z += OF;


        Tessellator tess = Tessellator.instance;



        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);

        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + 0);

        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + 0);

        tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);


        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);

        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + O);

        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + OA);

        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O - OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O - OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);


        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);

        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + 0);

        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);

        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O - OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O - OA);


        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + OA, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + OA, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);

        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O - OA, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O - OA, z + O);

        tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + O);

        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);


        tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);

        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O - OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + O - OA);

        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + O, z + OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);

        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + O, z + O);


        tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + OA, y + 0, z + 0);

        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + O - OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O - OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);

        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + OA);
        tess.addVertex(x + 0, y + 0, z + OA);

        tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + O);
        tess.addVertex(x + O - OA, y + 0, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + 0);
        tess.addVertex(x + O, y + 0, z + O);

        TileEntity[] tiles = Utils.getAdjacentTiles(tube.worldObj,
                new BlockCoord(tube.xCoord, tube.yCoord, tube.zCoord));
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            if (tube.canConnectTube(tiles[i])) {
                renderSide(i, x, y, z);



        for (TravellingItem item : tube.getItems()) {
            renderItem(item, x, y, z);

    private void setColor(int itemID, int b) {
        if (itemID == SciMachinery.instance.pumpTube.blockID) {
            setColor(PUMP, b);
        } else if (itemID == SciMachinery.instance.detectorTube.blockID) {
            setColor(DETECTOR, b);
        } else if (itemID == SciMachinery.instance.voidTube.blockID) {
            setColor(VOID, b);
        } else if (itemID == SciMachinery.instance.stoneTube.blockID
                || itemID == SciMachinery.instance.fastStoneTube.blockID) {
            setColor(STONE, b);
        } else if (itemID == SciMachinery.instance.cobbleTube.blockID
                || itemID == SciMachinery.instance.fastCobbleTube.blockID) {
            setColor(COBBLE, b);
        } else if (itemID == SciMachinery.instance.tubeValve.blockID) {
            setColor(VALVE, b);

    private void setColor(TileTube t) {
        setColor(t.getTube(), t.isPowering() ? 1 : 0);

    private void setColor(TubeBase mat, int b) {
        Tessellator tess = Tessellator.instance;
        tess.setColorRGBA(mat.getR(b), mat.getG(b), mat.getB(b), mat.getA(b));

    public boolean shouldUseRenderHelper(ItemRenderType type, ItemStack item, ItemRendererHelper helper) {
        return true;