Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) $2015 by sat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information * of sat, ("Confidential Information"). You * shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement * you entered into with sat. * * The HttpClient allows uniform access to any HTTP or HTTPS Service. * The configuration for the service can be specified via HttpClientBuilder or HttpClientBuilder * * @Project: core-HTTP * @Author: amsathishkumar * @Version: * @Description: An HttpClient for Integration Test that allows uniform access to any HTTP Service. * @Date updated: 6/3/2015 */ package com.sat.vcse.automation.utils.http; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.client.AuthCache; import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpHead; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpOptions; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPatch; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpTrace; import org.apache.http.client.protocol.HttpClientContext; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.X509HostnameVerifier; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.HttpMultipartMode; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder; import org.apache.http.impl.auth.BasicScheme; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicAuthCache; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import; import; import com.sat.vcse.automation.utils.datatype.CoreResponse; import com.sat.vcse.automation.utils.datatype.NoOpTrustManager; import com.sat.vcse.automation.utils.helpers.HttpResponseMapper; public class HttpClient { private final static String CLASS_NAME = "HttpClient: "; // Target URL private String targetURL; // Control use of HTTPS private boolean isHttps = false; // Cryptographic Protocol private String cryptoProtocol = "TLSv1"; // Cipher Suite private String[] cipherSuite = null; // Resource location of the truststore with server's root CA certificate(s) in JKS format private String truststore; // Password to access the truststore file private String truststorePasswd; // Control use of Client Authentication private boolean isClientAuthEnabled = false; // Resource location of the keystore with the Client key and certificate in JKS format private String keystore; // Password to access the keystore file private String keystorePasswd; // Map that stores the HTTP Request headers private Map<String, String> requestHeaders; //UserId for basic authentication private String basicAuthId; //Password for basic authentication private String basicAuthPwd; //placeholder for basicAutheticatin set or no private boolean isBasicAuth = false; /** * private constructor for http request. This is also internally used to initialize parameters for https request * @param targetUrl * @param headersMap * @param basicAuthId * @param basicAuthPwd */ private HttpClient(final String targetUrl, final Map<String, String> headersMap, final String basicAuthId, final String basicAuthPwd) { if (!targetUrl.startsWith("http://")) { throw new CoreRuntimeException("Target URL does not start with http://!"); } this.isHttps = false; this.targetURL = targetUrl; this.requestHeaders = headersMap; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(basicAuthId) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(basicAuthPwd)) { this.isBasicAuth = true; } else { this.isBasicAuth = false; } this.basicAuthId = basicAuthId; this.basicAuthPwd = basicAuthPwd; } /** * private Constructor used for https * @param targetURL * @param headersMap * @param basicAuthId * @param basicAuthPwd * @param cryptoProtocol * @param cipherSuite * @param truststore * @param truststorePasswd * @param keystore * @param keystorePasswd * @param isClientAuthEnabled */ private HttpClient(final String targetURL, final Map<String, String> headersMap, final String basicAuthId, final String basicAuthPwd, final String cryptoProtocol, final String[] cipherSuite, final String truststore, String truststorePasswd, final String keystore, String keystorePasswd, boolean isClientAuthEnabled) { if (!targetURL.startsWith("https://")) { throw new CoreRuntimeException("Target URL does not start with https://!"); } this.isHttps = true; this.targetURL = targetURL; this.requestHeaders = headersMap; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(basicAuthId) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(basicAuthPwd)) { this.isBasicAuth = true; } else { this.isBasicAuth = false; } this.basicAuthId = basicAuthId; this.basicAuthPwd = basicAuthPwd; setCryptoProtocol(cryptoProtocol); this.cipherSuite = cipherSuite; this.truststore = truststore; this.truststorePasswd = truststorePasswd; this.keystore = keystore; this.keystorePasswd = keystorePasswd; this.isClientAuthEnabled = isClientAuthEnabled; } /** * Builder to work with http calls; * To work on https please use HttpsClientBuilder * @author amsathishkumar * */ public static class HttpClientBuilder { private String targetURL; private String basicAuthId; private String basicAuthPwd; private Map<String, String> requestHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>(); public HttpClientBuilder withTargetURL(final String targetURL) { this.targetURL = targetURL; return this; } /** * This goes as "Content-Type" in http request header. * @param contentType : example "application/json", "application/xml" etc * @return HttpClientBuilder */ public HttpClientBuilder withContentType(final String contentType) { this.requestHeaders.put("Content-Type", contentType); return this; } /** * This goes as "Accept" in http request header * @param accept : example "application/json", "application/xml" etc * @return HttpClientBuilder */ public HttpClientBuilder withExpectedOutputFormat(final String accept) { this.requestHeaders.put("Accept", accept); return this; } /** * Use this one to pass additional request header name value pairs * @param requestHeader : Map of request Header names and values in string format * @return HttpClientBuilder */ public HttpClientBuilder withRequestHeader(final Map<String, String> requestHeader) { this.requestHeaders.putAll(requestHeader); return this; } /** * Use this one if there is basic name/value authentication required by underlying service * @param userId : HTTP basic authentication username * @param passwd : HTTP basic authentication username's associated password * @return HttpClientBuilder */ public HttpClientBuilder withBasicAuthentication(final String userId, final String passwd) { this.basicAuthId = userId; this.basicAuthPwd = passwd; return this; } public HttpClient build() { return new HttpClient(this.targetURL, this.requestHeaders, this.basicAuthId, this.basicAuthPwd); } } /** * Builder to work with https calls * To work on http please use HttpClientBuilder * @author amsathishkumar * */ public static class HttpsClientBuilder extends HttpClientBuilder { private String cryptoProtocol = "TLSv1"; // Cipher Suite private String[] cipherSuite = null; // Resource location of the truststore with server's root CA certificate(s) in JKS format private String truststore; // Password to access the truststore file private String truststorePasswd; // Control use of Client Authentication private boolean isClientAuthEnabled = false; // Resource location of the keystore with the Client key and certificate in JKS format private String keystore; // Password to access the keystore file private String keystorePasswd; public HttpsClientBuilder withTargetURL(final String targetURL) { super.targetURL = targetURL; return this; } /** * This goes as "Content-Type" in http request header. * @param contentType : example "application/json", "application/xml" etc * @return HttpsClientBuilder */ public HttpsClientBuilder withContentType(final String contentType) { super.requestHeaders.put("Content-Type", contentType); return this; } /** * This goes as "Accept" in http request header * @param accept : example "application/json", "application/xml" etc * @return HttpsClientBuilder */ public HttpsClientBuilder withExpectedOutputFormat(final String accept) { super.requestHeaders.put("Accept", accept); return this; } /** * Use this one to pass additional request header name value pairs * @param requestHeader : Map of Request Header Names and Values in string format * @return HttpsClientBuilder */ public HttpsClientBuilder withRequestHeader(final Map<String, String> requestHeader) { super.requestHeaders.putAll(requestHeader); return this; } /** * Use this one if there is basic name/value authentication required by underlying service * @param userId : HTTP basic authentication username * @param passwd : HTTP basic authentication username's associated password * @return HttpsClientBuilder */ public HttpsClientBuilder withBasicAuthentication(final String userId, final String passwd) { super.basicAuthId = userId; super.basicAuthPwd = passwd; return this; } public HttpsClientBuilder withCryptoProtocol(final String cryptoProtocol) { this.cryptoProtocol = cryptoProtocol; return this; } public HttpsClientBuilder withCipherSuite(final String[] cipherSuite) { this.cipherSuite = cipherSuite; return this; } /** * provide the path of the trustStore file * @param truststoreFilePath : location of the truststore file * @return HttpsClientBuilder */ public HttpsClientBuilder withTruststore(final String truststoreFilePath) { this.truststore = truststoreFilePath; return this; } public HttpsClientBuilder withTruststorePasswd(final String truststorePasswd) { this.truststorePasswd = truststorePasswd; return this; } /** * provide the path of the keystore file * @param keystoreFilePath : location of the keystore file * @return HttpsClientBuilder */ public HttpsClientBuilder withKeystore(final String keystoreFilePath) { this.keystore = keystoreFilePath; return this; } public HttpsClientBuilder withKeystorePasswd(final String keystorePasswd) { this.keystorePasswd = keystorePasswd; return this; } public HttpClient build() { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(truststore) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(keystore) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(truststorePasswd) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(keystorePasswd)) { this.isClientAuthEnabled = true; } return new HttpClient(super.targetURL, super.requestHeaders, super.basicAuthId, super.basicAuthPwd, this.cryptoProtocol, this.cipherSuite, this.truststore, this.truststorePasswd, this.keystore, this.keystorePasswd, this.isClientAuthEnabled); } } private void setCryptoProtocol(String cryptoProtocol) { this.cryptoProtocol = this.verifyCryptoProt(cryptoProtocol); } /** * DELETE request to a server * @return CoreResponse */ public CoreResponse delete() { final String METHOD_NAME = "delete(): "; try (CloseableHttpClient client = getClient();) { // Instantiate a Delete Request and define the Target URL HttpDelete httpDelete = new HttpDelete(this.targetURL); // Build the HTTP request header from the DeleteersMap addHeader(httpDelete); // Execute the request and parse the Response return executeRequest(client, httpDelete); } catch (IOException exp) { LogHandler.error(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Exception: " + exp.getMessage()); throw new CoreRuntimeException(exp, CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); } } /** * GET request to a server * @return CoreResponse */ public CoreResponse get() { final String METHOD_NAME = "get(): "; try (CloseableHttpClient client = getClient();) { // Instantiate a Get Request and define the Target URL HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(this.targetURL); addHeader(httpGet); return executeRequest(client, httpGet); } catch (IOException exp) { LogHandler.error(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Exception: " + exp.getMessage()); throw new CoreRuntimeException(exp, CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); } } /** * HEAD request to a server * @return CoreResponse */ public CoreResponse head() { final String METHOD_NAME = "head(): "; try (CloseableHttpClient client = getClient();) { // Instantiate a Head Request and define the Target URL HttpRequestBase httpRequestBase = new HttpHead(this.targetURL); // Build the HTTP request header from the HeadeMap addHeader(httpRequestBase); return executeRequest(client, httpRequestBase); } catch (IOException exp) { LogHandler.error(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Exception: " + exp.getMessage()); throw new CoreRuntimeException(exp, CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); } } /** * OPTIONS request to a server * HTTP or HTTPS shall already be initialized * using either the initHttp or initHttps methods. * @return CoreResponse */ public CoreResponse options() { final String METHOD_NAME = "options(): "; try (CloseableHttpClient client = getClient();) { // Instantiate an Options Request and define the Target URL HttpRequestBase httpRequestBase = new HttpOptions(this.targetURL); // Build the HTTP request header from the OptionsersMap addHeader(httpRequestBase); return executeRequest(client, httpRequestBase); } catch (IOException exp) { LogHandler.error(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Exception: " + exp.getMessage()); throw new CoreRuntimeException(exp, CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); } } /** * PATCH request with payload to a server * HTTP or HTTPS shall already be initialized * using either the initHttp or initHttps methods. * @param payLoad * String to be sent in the HTTP request payload * @return CoreResponse */ public CoreResponse patch(String payLoad) { final String METHOD_NAME = "patch(String): "; try (CloseableHttpClient client = getClient();) { // Instantiate a PATCH Request and define the Target URL HttpPatch httpPatch = new HttpPatch(this.targetURL); // Build the HTTP request header from the HeadersMap addHeader(httpPatch); // Build the HTTP request message content StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(payLoad); httpPatch.setEntity(entity); return executeRequest(client, httpPatch); } catch (IOException exp) { LogHandler.error(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Exception: " + exp.getMessage()); throw new CoreRuntimeException(exp, CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); } } /** * POST request to a server * HTTP or HTTPS shall already be initialized * using either the initHttp or initHttps methods. * @param payLoad * String to be sent in the HTTP request payload * @return CoreResponse */ public CoreResponse post(String payLoad) { final String METHOD_NAME = "post(String): "; try (CloseableHttpClient client = getClient();) { // Instantiate a POST Request and define the Target URL HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(this.targetURL); // Build the HTTP request header from the HeadersMap addHeader(httpPost); // Build the HTTP request message content StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(payLoad); httpPost.setEntity(entity); return executeRequest(client, httpPost); } catch (IOException exp) { LogHandler.error(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Exception: " + exp.getMessage()); throw new CoreRuntimeException(exp, CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); } } /** * Allow to post content of a file * @param file : file to post * @return CoreResponse */ public CoreResponse post(final File file) { return post(file, null); } /** * Allow to post content of a file with specific form name. If null form name is supplied then it uses file name for form name * @param file : file to post * @param formName : formname to use in the post request * @return CoreResponse */ public CoreResponse post(final File file, final String formName) { final String METHOD_NAME = "post(httpFileHandler): "; if (file == null) { throw new CoreRuntimeException("Null parameter was supplied for File object"); } try (CloseableHttpClient client = getClient();) { // Instantiate a POST Request and define the Target URL HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(this.targetURL); // Build the HTTP request header from the HeadersMap //Remove the user defined content type as it will go as multi part this.requestHeaders.remove("Content-Type"); addHeader(httpPost); httpPost.setEntity(getMultiPartEntity(file, formName)); return executeRequest(client, httpPost); } catch (IOException exp) { LogHandler.error(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Exception: " + exp.getMessage()); throw new CoreRuntimeException(exp, CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); } } /** * Allow to post content of a file with specific form name. If null form name is supplied then it uses file name for form name * @param filePath : location of the file to post * @param formName : forname to use in the post request * @return CoreResponse */ public CoreResponse post(final String filePath, final String formName) { return post(new File(filePath), formName); } /** * create HttpEntity for multi part file upload * @param file : file to upload, must be in class path * @param contentType * @return HttpEntity * @throws FileNotFoundException */ private HttpEntity getMultiPartEntity(final File file, String formName) throws FileNotFoundException { InputStream is = null; if (file.exists()) { is = new FileInputStream(file); } else { LogHandler.warn("File not found, so trying to read it from class path now"); is = HttpClient.class.getResourceAsStream(file.getPath()); } if (null == formName) { formName = file.getName(); } final MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create(); builder.setMode(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE); builder.addBinaryBody(formName, is, ContentType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA, file.getName()); return; } /** * PUT request to a server * @param payLoad : String to be sent in the HTTP request payload * @return CoreResponse */ public CoreResponse put(String payLoad) { final String METHOD_NAME = "put(String): "; try (CloseableHttpClient client = getClient();) { // Instantiate a PUT Request and define the Target URL HttpPut httpPut = new HttpPut(this.targetURL); // Build the HTTP request header from the HeadersMap addHeader(httpPut); // Build the HTTP request message content StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(payLoad); httpPut.setEntity(entity); return executeRequest(client, httpPut); } catch (IOException exp) { LogHandler.error(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Exception: " + exp.getMessage()); throw new CoreRuntimeException(exp, CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); } } /** * TRACE request to a server * @return CoreResponse */ public CoreResponse trace() { final String METHOD_NAME = "trace(): "; try { // Build the request CloseableHttpClient client = getClient(); // Instantiate a TRACE Request and define the Target URL HttpRequestBase httpRequestBase = new HttpTrace(this.targetURL); // Build the HTTP request header from the HeadersMap addHeader(httpRequestBase); // Execute the request and parse the Response return executeRequest(client, httpRequestBase); } catch (IOException exp) { LogHandler.error(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Exception: " + exp.getMessage()); throw new CoreRuntimeException(exp, CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); } } /** * Verify the given list of Cipher Suites is supported * @param cipherSuitesToUse * Array of strings representing the Cipher Suites that will be * presented to the HTTPS server during the SSL/TLS handshake * @return True if the given cipher suites are supported */ public static boolean verifyCipherSuite(String[] cipherSuitesToUse) { final String METHOD_NAME = "verifyCipherSuite(cipherSuitesToUse): "; final List<String> supportedCipherSuites = getSupportedCipherSuites(); if (cipherSuitesToUse == null || cipherSuitesToUse.length == 0) { throw new CoreRuntimeException(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Given cipher suite list is empty!"); } return supportedCipherSuites.containsAll(Arrays.asList(cipherSuitesToUse)); } /** * Get list of supported Cipher Suites * @return Supported Cipher Suites */ public static List<String> getSupportedCipherSuites() { final String METHOD_NAME = "getSupportedCipherSuites(): "; try { final SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getDefault(); final SSLSocketFactory sslsf = sslContext.getSocketFactory(); return Arrays.asList(sslsf.getSupportedCipherSuites()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException exp) { LogHandler.error(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Exception: " + exp.getMessage()); throw new CoreRuntimeException(exp, CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); } } /* * Creates a CloseableHttpClient for HTTP communication. */ private CloseableHttpClient getClient() { CloseableHttpClient client = null; if (this.isHttps) { SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslsf = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(getSSLContext(), new String[] { this.cryptoProtocol }, this.cipherSuite, getHostnameVerifier()); client = HttpClients.custom().setSSLSocketFactory(sslsf).build(); } else { client = HttpClients.createDefault(); } return client; } /* * Creates an SSLContext for HTTP communication. * If the client authentication is enabled, it will initialize the context * for 2-way authentication (client and server) */ private SSLContext getSSLContext() { final String METHOD_NAME = "getSSLContext(): "; SSLContext sslContext = null; try { //Get the TrustManager based on client truststore file presence or no final TrustManager[] trustManager = getTrustManagers(); // Configure the SSLContext object with the defined cryptoProtocol sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance(this.cryptoProtocol); if (this.isClientAuthEnabled) { // Load the Client Keystore final KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory .getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()); final KeyStore clientKeystore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); InputStream keystoreis = null; //see if the file is present otherwise read from class path File keStoreFile = new File(this.keystore); if (keStoreFile.exists()) { keystoreis = new FileInputStream(keStoreFile); } else { LogHandler.warn("File not found, so trying to read it from class path now"); keystoreis = HttpClient.class.getResourceAsStream(this.keystore); } clientKeystore.load(keystoreis, this.keystorePasswd.toCharArray()); kmf.init(clientKeystore, this.keystorePasswd.toCharArray()); // Configure the SSLContext object with the Keystore, Truststore and random data sslContext.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), trustManager, new SecureRandom()); } else { // Configure the SSLContext object with the only a Truststore and random data sslContext.init(null, trustManager, new SecureRandom()); } } catch (Exception exp) { LogHandler.error(CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); throw new CoreRuntimeException(exp, CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + exp.getMessage()); } return sslContext; } private TrustManager[] getTrustManagers() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException, IOException, CertificateException { final InputStream truststoreis; TrustManager[] trustManager; if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.truststore) || StringUtils.isBlank(this.truststorePasswd)) { //This means we dont want certificate authentication of any type, however we want only encryption during https call trustManager = new TrustManager[] { new NoOpTrustManager() }; } else { // Load the Client Truststore final TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory .getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()); final KeyStore truststore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); //see if the file is present otherwise read from class path File trustStoreFile = new File(this.truststore); if (trustStoreFile.exists()) { truststoreis = new FileInputStream(trustStoreFile); } else { LogHandler.warn("File not found, so trying to read it from class path now"); truststoreis = HttpClient.class.getResourceAsStream(this.truststore); } truststore.load(truststoreis, this.truststorePasswd.toCharArray()); tmf.init(truststore); trustManager = tmf.getTrustManagers(); truststoreis.close(); } return trustManager; } /* * Return a host name verifier. * Currently set to disable host name verification */ private X509HostnameVerifier getHostnameVerifier() { return new X509HostnameVerifier() { public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) { return true; } public void verify(String host, SSLSocket ssl) throws IOException { } public void verify(String host, X509Certificate cert) throws SSLException { } public void verify(String host, String[] cns, String[] subjectAlts) throws SSLException { } }; } /* * Verify the name of the given cryptoProtocol */ private String verifyCryptoProt(final String cryptoProtocol) { final String METHOD_NAME = "verifyCryptoProt(cryptoProtocol): "; if (cryptoProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("TLSv1.2")) { return "TLSv1.2"; } else if (cryptoProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("TLSv1.1")) { return "TLSv1.1"; } else if (cryptoProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("TLSv1")) { return "TLSv1"; } else if (cryptoProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("SSLv3")) { return "SSLv3"; } else if (cryptoProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("SSLv2")) { return "SSLv2"; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( CLASS_NAME + METHOD_NAME + "Invalid Crypto Protocol:" + cryptoProtocol); } } /** * executes httpr request based on basicAut set to true or false. Then maps the https reponse * @param client * @param httpMethod * @return * @throws IOException */ private CoreResponse executeRequest(final CloseableHttpClient client, final HttpRequestBase httpMethod) throws IOException { // Execute the request and parse the Response if (this.isBasicAuth) { return HttpResponseMapper.mapToCoreResponse(client.execute(httpMethod, getAuthContext())); } else { return HttpResponseMapper.mapToCoreResponse(client.execute(httpMethod)); } } /** * adds header values in http method object * @param httpMethod */ private void addHeader(final HttpRequestBase httpMethod) { // Build the HTTP request header from the HeadersMap for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : this.requestHeaders.entrySet()) { httpMethod.addHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } /** * Creates HttpClientContext required for basic authentication * @return */ private HttpClientContext getAuthContext() { //Create target host based on targetURL HttpHost targetHost = getTargetHost(this.targetURL); CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credsProvider.setCredentials(new AuthScope(targetHost), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(this.basicAuthId, this.basicAuthPwd)); // Create AuthCache instance AuthCache authCache = new BasicAuthCache(); // Generate BASIC scheme object and add it to the local auth cache authCache.put(targetHost, new BasicScheme()); // Add AuthCache to the execution context HttpClientContext context = HttpClientContext.create(); context.setCredentialsProvider(credsProvider); context.setAuthCache(authCache); return context; } /** * Creates HttpHost from given targetURL. Depending on whether port is explicitly present or no * @param url : the target url * @return HttpHost object representing the service host and port */ private HttpHost getTargetHost(String url) { //Sample value of URL -->http://123.456.177.106:2013/service/xyxz final String tempURL = url.substring(url.indexOf("//") + 2); //tempURL = int index = tempURL.indexOf("/");// use this to extract host and port //Get the host and port --> final String onlyHostPort = tempURL.substring(0, index); //split host and port final String[] hostPort = onlyHostPort.split(":"); HttpHost targetHost = null; if (hostPort.length == 1) { //Only host is available, port is explicitly unavailable targetHost = new HttpHost(hostPort[0]); } else if (StringUtils.isNumeric(hostPort[1])) { //host, port both available targetHost = new HttpHost(hostPort[0], Integer.valueOf(hostPort[1])); } else { throw new CoreRuntimeException("Please check the url; port number seems to be wrong !"); } return targetHost; } }