Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2012 SAP AG
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;

import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext;

import org.springframework.roo.process.manager.FileManager;
import org.springframework.roo.process.manager.MutableFile;
import org.springframework.roo.project.LogicalPath;
import org.springframework.roo.project.maven.Pom;
import org.springframework.roo.project.Path;
import org.springframework.roo.project.PathResolver;
import org.springframework.roo.project.Plugin;
import org.springframework.roo.project.ProjectOperations;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

 * Roo Addon for SAP HANA Cloud - Operations Implementation class
 * --------------------------------------------------------------
 * This class implements the interface of the addon operations as defined in NWCloudOperations.
 * The interface in NWCloudOperations has been used to bind Roo commands defined in NWCloudCommands
 * to actual methods, which are now implemented here.
 * @see NWCloudOperations
 * @see NWCloudCommands
public class NWCloudOperationsImpl implements NWCloudOperations {

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Initial stuff
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Suffix that will be appended to filename when making backups before modifications. 
    private static final String BAK_SUFFIX = ".pre.nwcloud";

     * Get hold of a JDK Logger
     *  - Output with log level severe is red, warning is purple, and info is green
     *  - Output with log levels fine, finer, and finest are not shown on console in standard mode
    private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());

     *  When this OSGi bundle is activated (see function "activate"), we store the
     *  OSGi context passed from the surrounding OSGi environment we "live in" here.
    private ComponentContext context = null;

     *  Get some references from the OSGi environment in order to access functionality
     *  from other parts of Roo (e.g. using ProjectOperations, FileManager, ...).
    private ProjectOperations projectOperations;
    private FileManager fileManager;
    private PathResolver pathResolver;

     * This is called when our OSGi bundle is activated. We use this opportunity to store
     * the OSGi context passed from the surrounding OSGi environment we "live in".
     * @param context OSGi context passed from the surrounding OSGi environment we "live in"
    protected void activate(ComponentContext context) {
        // Store OSGi context
        this.context = context;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Command: nwcloud enable-deploy
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * This returns true if the command "nwcloud enable-deploy" of our addon should be available to
     * the user. We make the command available if "pom.xml" exists and if its reverse command
     * "nwcloud disable-deploy" is unavailable (see nwcloudDisableDeployIsAvailable() for the checks there).
     * @return True if command can be used (POM exists), false otherwise 
    public boolean nwcloudEnableDeployIsAvailable() {

        boolean result = false;

        if (this.getPOM() != null) {
            result = !nwcloudDisableDeployIsAvailable();

        return result;


     * This is our command "nwcloud enable-deploy". It will do two things:
     * 1.) It will change the build plugins defined in the "pom.xml" to match the ones
     *     defined in "src/main/resources/[...]/configuration.xml". One aspect of this is
     *     the integration of our maven-nwcloud-plugin in the package phase of the Maven build,
     *     so that the goal "hint" of it is called that is providing further information
     *     for the user on what can be done now (e.g. deploying WAR to HANA Cloud).
     * 2.) Copy the "src/main/resources/[...]/" to the root of the project.
     *     The file "" stores the configuration for the actions that
     *     can be performed using the maven-nwcloud-plugin.
    public void nwcloudEnableDeploy() {

        // 1. Change build plugins in "pom.xml" according to "src/main/resources/[...]/configuration.xml"
        //    This will
        //      - Add maven-bundle-plugin to create a more OSGi compatible MANIFEST.MF
        //      - Reconfigure maven-war-plugin to use the MANIFEST.MF created by maven-bundle-plugin
        //      - Add maven-nwcloud-plugin to print out hints on how to deploy to HANA Cloud after packaging
        this.backup(this.getPOM().getPath(), null);
        Element configurationXml = XmlUtils.getConfiguration(getClass());
        if (configurationXml != null) {
        } else {
                    "NWCloud-AddOn: Getting 'src/main/resources/[...]/configuration.xml' from addon returned null.");

        // 2. Copy "src/main/resources/[...]/" to root of project.
        //    The file "" stores the configuration for the actions that
        //    can be performed with the maven-nwcloud-plugin.
        this.copyFileFromAddonToProject(this.getPOM().getRoot(), "",
                "Config file for maven-nwcloud-plugin");


     * This function will loop all build plugins defined by us in "src/main/resources/[...]/configuration.xml",
     * create a org.springframework.roo.project.Plugin object out of each, remove these from the "pom.xml",
     * and re-add them in the (raw) way defined by us. After this, all build plugins defined by us in
     * "configuration.xml" should be in "pom.xml" exactly in the way we defined them.
     * @param configuration org.w3c.dom.Element storing the content of "src/main/resources/[...]/configuration.xml"
    private void updateBuildPlugins(Element configuration) {

        // Loop all "/configuration/nwcloud/build/plugins/plugin" elements in passed DOM element,
        // create org.springframework.roo.project.Plugin objects out of them and remove these
        // from the "pom.xml".
        List<Element> xmlPlugins = XmlUtils.findElements("/configuration/nwcloud/build/plugins/plugin",
        if (xmlPlugins != null) {
            if (!xmlPlugins.isEmpty()) {

                for (Element xmlPlugin : xmlPlugins) {
                    Plugin buildPlugin = new Plugin(xmlPlugin);

                // Re-add the build plugins to the "pom.xml" exactly in the way defined in the passed DOM element.   
                for (Element xmlPlugin : xmlPlugins) {

            } else {
                        "NWCloud-AddOn: Getting elements '/configuration/nwcloud/build/plugins/plugin' from 'configuration.xml' returned 0 matching elements.");
        } else {
                    "NWCloud-AddOn: Getting elements '/configuration/nwcloud/build/plugins/plugin' from 'configuration.xml' returned null.");

     * Remove the passed plugin from build plugins in "pom.xml".
     * This function is a convenience function to call the function
     * removeBuildPlugin(Plugin plugin, String containingPath, String path)
     * for this use case.
     * @param plugin org.springframework.roo.project.Plugin to remove from build plugins in "pom.xml" 
    public void removeBuildPlugin(Plugin plugin) {
        this.removeBuildPlugin(plugin, "/project/build/plugins", "/project/build/plugins/plugin");

     * Remove the passed "plugin" from the containing element defined by "containingPath"
     * in the path of "path". This function is called by removeBuildPlugin(Plugin plugin),
     * which is a convenience function to call this function for the use case of removing
     * build plugins from the "pom.xml" file.
     * @param plugin org.springframework.roo.project.Plugin to remove from "pom.xml"
     * @param containingPath String of path to containing element to remove plugin from
     * @param path String of path to remove the plugin from
    private void removeBuildPlugin(Plugin plugin, String containingPath, String path) {

        if (plugin != null) {

            // Read "pom.xml" and store reference to root Element
            Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(this.getPOM().getPath()));
            Element root = document.getDocumentElement();

            // Loop through all elements in the path of the containing element that match the
            // desired path of removal candidates. If the candidate matches the plugin that
            // should be removed, it will be removed from the "pom.xml".
            String descriptionOfChange = "";
            Element pluginsElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement(containingPath, root);
            String pluginID = plugin.getGroupId() + plugin.getArtifactId();
            for (Element candidate : XmlUtils.findElements(path, root)) {
                try {
                    Plugin candidatePlugin = new Plugin(candidate);
                    String candidatePluginID = candidatePlugin.getGroupId() + candidatePlugin.getArtifactId();
                    //log.log(Level.INFO, " - Comparing '"+pluginID+"' with '"+candidatePluginID+"'");
                    if (pluginID.equals(candidatePluginID)) {
                        descriptionOfChange = "Removal of build plugin: " + plugin.getArtifactId();
                        // We will not break the loop (even though we could theoretically), just in case it was declared in the POM more than once
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // Ignore

            // Clean up the element containing the build plugins in "pom.xml"

            // Update "pom.xml" file
            fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(this.getPOM().getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document),
                    descriptionOfChange, true);

        } else {
                    "NWCloud-AddOn: The given plugin object that should be removed from POM build plugins was null.");


     * This function adds a given XML node to the build plugins section of "pom.xml".
     * @param pluginXML org.w3c.dom.Node storing the XML of the build plugin definition to add to "pom.xml"
    public void addRawBuildPlugin(Node pluginXML) {

        if (pluginXML != null) {

            // Read "pom.xml" and store reference to root Element
            Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(this.getPOM().getPath()));
            Element root = document.getDocumentElement();

            // Get build plugins Element in POM
            Element pluginsElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("/project/build/plugins", root);
            if (pluginsElement != null) {

                // Append the build plugin passed via parameter pluginXML to the build plugins element of POM
                Node plugin = document.importNode(pluginXML, true);

                // Fetch artifactID of added build plugin, create description of change, and update "pom.xml"
                NodeList childNodes = plugin.getChildNodes();
                String addedArtifactID = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                    Node child = childNodes.item(i);
                    if (child != null) {
                        if (child.getNodeName() != null) {
                            if (child.getNodeName().equals("artifactId")) {
                                if (child.getTextContent() != null) {
                                    addedArtifactID = child.getTextContent();
                String descriptionOfChange = null;
                if (addedArtifactID != null) {
                    descriptionOfChange = "Added raw build plugin: " + addedArtifactID;
                } else {
                    descriptionOfChange = "Added a raw build plugin";
                        XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, true);

            } else {
                        "NWCloud-AddOn: The build plugins element could not be found in the POM and thus, no new plugin element can be added to it.");

        } else {
                    "NWCloud-AddOn: The given XML element that should be added to the build plugins section of the POM was null.");


    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Command: nwcloud disable-deploy
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * This returns true if the command "nwcloud disable-deploy" of our addon should be available to
     * the user. We check if a backup of the "pom.xml" exists and assume that this is the backup
     * of the POM that has been modified by "nwcloud enable-deploy". Additionally we check that the
     * "" file exists in the root of the project.
     * @return True if command can be used (backup of POM and exists), false otherwise 
    public boolean nwcloudDisableDeployIsAvailable() {

        boolean result = false;

        if (this.getPOM() != null) {
            result = fileManager.exists(this.getPOM().getPath() + BAK_SUFFIX);
            if (result) {
                result = fileManager.exists(this.getPOM().getRoot() + File.separatorChar + "");

        return result;


     * This command will revert the command "nwcloud enable-deploy".
    public void nwcloudDisableDeploy() {

        // We know that backup of "pom.xml" as well as "" exist in root of project.
        // Otherwise this command would not be available on the Roo shell (see nwcloudDisableDeployIsAvailable).

        this.backupRevert(this.getPOM().getPath(), "Restoring old build plugin configuration in pom.xml");
        fileManager.delete(this.getPOM().getRoot() + File.separatorChar + "",
                "Delete config file for maven-nwcloud-plugin");


    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Command: nwcloud enable-jpa
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * This returns true if the command "nwcloud enable-jpa" of our addon should be available to the user.
     * We just check if a "pom.xml" exists and if the reverse command "nwcloud disable-jpa" is unavailable.
     * See nwcloudDisableJPAIsAvailable() for the checks performed there.
     * @return True if commands can be used (persistency.xml exists), false otherwise 
    public boolean nwcloudEnableJPAIsAvailable() {

        boolean result = false;

        if (this.getPOM() != null) {
            result = !nwcloudDisableJPAIsAvailable();

        return result;


     * This is the command "nwcloud enable-jpa". It will configure the JPA persistence layer in a
     * way that will use the HANA Cloud persistence service.
    public void nwcloudEnableJPA() {

        // TODO
        // One could check here if ECLIPSELINK is used as JPA provider in persistence.xml
        // and abort, if something else is used.

        // 1. Copy the "persistence.xml" from the addon resources to the directory
        //    "src\main\resources\META-INF\persistence.xml" of the project.
        //    -> the existing "persistence.xml" will be overwritten, so we will do
        //       a backup before to be able to revert this operation.

        // Get the META-INF dir of the current project ("src\main\resources\META-INF")
        // (Later in the packaged WAR this directory will reside in "WEB-INF\classes\META-INF".) 
        String dirWebMetaInf = this.getPathResolved(Path.SRC_MAIN_RESOURCES, "META-INF");
        // Backup "persistence.xml" which is located in this folder
        this.backup(dirWebMetaInf + File.separatorChar + "persistence.xml", null);
        // Overwrite the existing "persistence.xml" with the one included in the resources of our addon
        copyFileFromAddonToProject(dirWebMetaInf, "persistence.xml",
                "HANA Cloud JPA persistency config (needs EclipseLink)");

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // 2. Backup "src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\web.xml" first, and then modify it by inserting
        //    the following to declare the DataSource which the application server should
        //    fetch from the environment and provide to the web app through JNDI.
        //      <resource-ref>
        //         <res-ref-name>jdbc/DefaultDB</res-ref-name>
        //         <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
        //      </resource-ref>

        // Get the WEB-INF dir ("src\main\webapp\WEB-INF"), where the "web.xml" is located.
        String dirWebInf = this.getPathResolved(Path.SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP, "WEB-INF");
        String fileWebXml = dirWebInf + File.separatorChar + "web.xml";

        // Backup "src\main\webapp\META-INF\web.xml"
        this.backup(fileWebXml, null);

        // Insert declaration for app server in "web.xml" to import DataSource from environment to JNDI

        // Read "web.xml" and store reference to root Element
        Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(fileWebXml));
        Element root = document.getDocumentElement();

        // Add JNDI ressource definition for JPA data source to use (if it does not yet exist)
        if (XmlUtils.findFirstElement("/web-app/resource-ref/resource-ref-name[text()='jdbc/DefaultDB']",
                root) == null) {

            // Create needed DOM elements
            String elemNamespace = "";
            Element resRefElement = document.createElementNS(elemNamespace, "resource-ref");
            Element resRefNameElement = document.createElementNS(elemNamespace, "res-ref-name");
            Node resRefNameElementText = document.createTextNode("jdbc/DefaultDB");
            Element resRefTypeElement = document.createElementNS(elemNamespace, "res-type");
            Node resRefTypeElementText = document.createTextNode("javax.sql.DataSource");

            // Connect and insert elements in XML document

            // Update "web.xml"
            String descriptionOfChange = "Added JNDI ressource for JPA datasource";
            fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(fileWebXml, XmlUtils.nodeToString(document),
                    descriptionOfChange, true);


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // 3. Modify "src\main\resources\META-INF\spring\applicationContext.xml"
        //    - Remove the existing declaration of the "dataSource" bean
        //         <bean class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close" id="dataSource">
        //            [...]
        //         </bean>
        //    - Insert statement to fetch dataSource from JNDI (as created by application server)
        //         <jee:jndi-lookup id="dataSource" jndi-name="jdbc/DefaultDB" />

        // Get the Spring config file of the current project ("src\main\resources\META-INF\spring\applicationContext.xml")
        // and create a backup of it, so we're able to revert the changes.
        String fileSpringConf = this.getPathResolved(Path.SPRING_CONFIG_ROOT, "applicationContext.xml");
        this.backup(fileSpringConf, null);

        // Read "applicationContext.xml" and store reference to root Element
        document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(fileSpringConf));
        root = document.getDocumentElement();

        // Loop through all bean elements and remove all beans having id "dataSource"
        String descriptionOfChange = "";
        List<Element> beanElements = XmlUtils.findElements("/beans/bean", root);
        for (Element beanElement : beanElements) {
            // Did we find the bean with the id "dataSource"?
            if (beanElement.getAttribute("id").equalsIgnoreCase("dataSource")) {
                Node parent = beanElement.getParentNode();
                descriptionOfChange = "Removed bean storing static datasource";
                // We will not break the loop (even though we could theoretically), just in case there is more than one such bean declared            

        // Update "applicationContext.xml" file if something has changed
        fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(fileSpringConf, XmlUtils.nodeToString(document),
                descriptionOfChange, true);

        // Add bean for dynamic JNDI lookup of datasource (if it does not yet exist)
        if (XmlUtils.findFirstElement("/beans/jndi-lookup[@id='dataSource']", root) == null) {

            Element newJndiElement = document.createElementNS("",
            newJndiElement.setAttribute("id", "dataSource");
            newJndiElement.setAttribute("jndi-name", "jdbc/DefaultDB");
            descriptionOfChange = "Added bean for dynamic JNDI lookup of datasource";

            // Update "applicationContext.xml"
            fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(fileSpringConf, XmlUtils.nodeToString(document),
                    descriptionOfChange, true);



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Command: nwcloud disable-jpa
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * This returns true if the command "nwcloud disable-jpa" of our addon should be available to
     * the user. We check if a backup of the "persistence.xml" and "applicationContext.xml" exists
     * and assume that this is the backup of the file modified by "nwcloud enable-jpa". Additionally
     * we check that the file "context.xml" exists.
     * @return True if command can be used (needed files to revert exist), false otherwise 
    public boolean nwcloudDisableJPAIsAvailable() {

        boolean result = false;

        if (this.getPOM() != null) {
            result = fileManager.exists(this.getPathResolved(Path.SRC_MAIN_RESOURCES, "META-INF")
                    + File.separatorChar + "persistence.xml" + BAK_SUFFIX);
            if (result) {
                result = fileManager.exists(this.getPathResolved(Path.SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP, "WEB-INF")
                        + File.separatorChar + "web.xml" + BAK_SUFFIX);
                if (result) {
                            this.getPathResolved(Path.SPRING_CONFIG_ROOT, "applicationContext.xml") + BAK_SUFFIX);

        return result;


     * This command will revert the command "nwcloud enable-jpa".
    public void nwcloudDisableJPA() {

        // We know that the files we need exist, because otherwise this command would
        // not be available on the Roo shell (see nwcloudDisableJPAIsAvailable).

                this.getPathResolved(Path.SRC_MAIN_RESOURCES, "META-INF") + File.separatorChar + "persistence.xml",
                "Restoring former JPA persistency config");
        this.backupRevert(this.getPathResolved(Path.SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP, "WEB-INF") + File.separatorChar + "web.xml",
                "Restoring former web application config");
        this.backupRevert(this.getPathResolved(Path.SPRING_CONFIG_ROOT, "applicationContext.xml"),
                "Restoring former Spring application config");


    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Command: nwcloud addon-debug
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * This is the command "nwcloud addon-debug". It will just dump some debug output to the
     * console, which could be useful during debugging of the addon. (Just for testing.)
       public void nwcloudAddonDebug() {
          System.out.println("Dumping out found POMs ('pom.xml' files):");
          // Dump POMs
          System.out.println(" - projectOperations.getPoms()");
          java.util.Collection<org.springframework.roo.project.maven.Pom> modPoms = projectOperations.getPoms();
          for (org.springframework.roo.project.maven.Pom modPom : modPoms) {
     System.out.println("    - modPom.getModuleName():  '"+ modPom.getModuleName()  +"'");
     System.out.println("    - modPom.getGroupId():     '"+ modPom.getGroupId()     +"'");
     System.out.println("    - modPom.getArtifactId():  '"+ modPom.getArtifactId()  +"'");
     System.out.println("    - modPom.getDisplayName(): '"+ modPom.getDisplayName() +"'");
     System.out.println("    - modPom.getRoot():        '"+ modPom.getRoot()        +"'");
     System.out.println("    - modPom.getPath():        '"+ modPom.getPath()        +"'");
          // Dump what we think is the actual pom.xml of the project
          System.out.println("We think current root POM is:");
          System.out.println(" - getPOM().getPath(): " + (this.getPOM()!=null?"'"+this.getPOM().getPath()+"'":"null") );
          // Dump where we assume "src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml" to be
          System.out.println("The 'persistence.xml' file configuring JPA persistency should be here:");
          System.out.println(" - getPathResolved(Path.SRC_MAIN_RESOURCES, \"META-INF\"+File.separatorChar+\"persistence.xml\"): '" + this.getPathResolved(Path.SRC_MAIN_RESOURCES, "META-INF"+File.separatorChar+"persistence.xml") + "'");
          // Dump if "src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml" exists
          System.out.println(" - Does '" + this.getPathResolved(Path.SRC_MAIN_RESOURCES, "META-INF"+File.separatorChar+"persistence.xml") + "' exist? " + fileManager.exists(this.getPathResolved(Path.SRC_MAIN_RESOURCES, "META-INF"+File.separatorChar+"persistence.xml")));
          // Test logger output
          System.out.println("Testing logger output with different levels:");
          log.severe (" - Testing logging with level severe.");  // Output on console is red
          log.warning(" - Testing logging with level warning."); // Output on console is purple
   (" - Testing logging with level info.");    // Output on console is green
          log.fine   (" - Testing logging with level fine.");    // Not shown in standard mode
          log.finer  (" - Testing logging with level finer.");   // Not shown in standard mode
          log.finest (" - Testing logging with level finest.");  // Not shown in standard mode
          // Example output:
          //   Dumping out found POMs ('pom.xml' files):
          //    - projectOperations.getPoms()
          //       - modPom.getModuleName():  ''
          //       - modPom.getGroupId():     ''
          //       - modPom.getArtifactId():  'voting'
          //       - modPom.getDisplayName(): 'voting'
          //       - modPom.getRoot():        'C:\Daten\Dev\Java\EclipseWorkspace-STS-29\tmp\'
          //       - modPom.getPath():        'C:\Daten\Dev\Java\EclipseWorkspace-STS-29\tmp\pom.xml'
          //   We think current root POM is:
          //    - getPOM().getPath(): 'C:\Daten\Dev\Java\EclipseWorkspace-STS-29\tmp\pom.xml'
          //   The 'persistence.xml' file configuring JPA persistency should be here:
          //    - getPathResolved(Path.SRC_MAIN_RESOURCES, "META-INF"+File.separatorChar+"persistence.xml"): 'C:\Daten\Dev\Java\EclipseWorkspace-STS-29\tmp\src\main\resources\META-INF\persistence.xml'
          //    - Does 'C:\Daten\Dev\Java\EclipseWorkspace-STS-29\tmp\src\main\resources\META-INF\persistence.xml' exist? true
          //   Testing logger output with different levels:
          //    - Testing logging with level severe.
          //    - Testing logging with level warning.
          //    - Testing logging with level info.

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Utility functions
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Get the Pom object of the "pom.xml" of the current project.
     * Return null if there is none. If there is at least one POM, return the first.
     * The full qualified path to the "pom.xml" is available by calling getPath() on Pom object.
    protected Pom getPOM() {

        Pom currentPOM = null;

        // Get all POMs of the current project 
        Collection<Pom> poms = projectOperations.getPoms();

        // If there is at least 1 POM in the collection, we return the first in there.
        if (poms != null) {
            if (!poms.isEmpty()) {
                currentPOM = poms.iterator().next();
                if (poms.size() > 1) {
                            "NWCloud-AddOn: There is more than one pom.xml in the project. Just took the first.");

        return currentPOM;


     * Get the full qualified name of a file or directory, which is placed in the given
     * relative location under the project root dir. This is a convenience method that
     * is equal to getPathResolved(Path.ROOT, String relativeLocation).
     * @param String relative location under project root (directory or file)
     * @return String project root + relative location
    public String getPathResolved(String relativeLocation) {

        return getPathResolved(Path.ROOT, relativeLocation);


     * Get the full qualified name of a file or directory, which is placed in a special
     * folder under the project root (e.g. in Path.SRC_MAIN_JAVA) and from there in
     * the given relative location. So the overall filename will be assembled like:
     * project root + special path + relative location
     * @param Path specialPath See constants defined in org.springframework.roo.project.Path
     * @param String relative location under special path (directory or file)
     * @return String project root + special path + relative location
    public String getPathResolved(Path specialPath, String relativeLocation) {

        Path sp = specialPath != null ? specialPath : Path.ROOT;
        String rl = relativeLocation != null ? relativeLocation : "";

        return pathResolver.getIdentifier(LogicalPath.getInstance(sp, ""), rl);


     * Copy the file with name "fileName" from the resources of this addon
     * to the path "path" of the Roo project. The string "desc" will be
     * shown as additional description of the file operation on Roo shell.
     * If "desc" is null or an empty string, the description will be omitted.
     * @param path String of path where to copy the file in the Roo project
     * @param fileName String of the name of the file from addon resources that should be copied 
     * @param desc String of description of change (will be omitted if null or empty)
    private void copyFileFromAddonToProject(String path, String fileName, String desc) {

        if ((path != null) && (fileName != null)) {

            String targetFile = path + File.separatorChar + fileName;

            // Use MutableFile in combination with FileManager to take advantage of Roo's
            // transactional file handling which offers automatic rollback if an exception occurs
            MutableFile mutableFile = fileManager.exists(targetFile) ? fileManager.updateFile(targetFile)
                    : fileManager.createFile(targetFile);
            if (desc != null) {
                if (!desc.trim().isEmpty()) {

   inputStream = null;
   outputStream = null;
            try {
                inputStream = FileUtils.getInputStream(this.getClass(), fileName);
                outputStream = mutableFile.getOutputStream();
                IOUtils.copy(inputStream, outputStream);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "NWCloud-AddOn: Could not copy '" + fileName + "' from addon resources to '" + path + "'.",
            } finally {

        } else {
                    "NWCloud-AddOn: A file should be copyied from the addon resources to a ceratain path. But passed filename and/or path were null.");


     * Copy file "sourceFile" to file "targetFile" within the Roo project.
     * The string "desc" will be shown as additional description of
     * the file operation on Roo shell. If "desc" is null or an empty
     * string, the description will be omitted.
     * @param sourceFile String of full qualified name of the file to copy
     * @param targetFile String of full qualified filename that the "fromFile" should be copied to 
     * @param desc String of description of change (will be omitted if null or empty)
    private void copyFileWithinProject(String sourceFile, String targetFile, String desc) {

        if ((sourceFile != null) && (targetFile != null)) {

            if (fileManager.exists(sourceFile)) {

                // Use MutableFile in combination with FileManager to take advantage of Roo's
                // transactional file handling which offers automatic rollback if an exception occurs
                MutableFile mutableFile = fileManager.exists(targetFile) ? fileManager.updateFile(targetFile)
                        : fileManager.createFile(targetFile);
                if (desc != null) {
                    if (!desc.trim().isEmpty()) {

       inputStream = null;
       outputStream = null;
                try {
                    inputStream = fileManager.getInputStream(sourceFile);
                    outputStream = mutableFile.getOutputStream();
                    IOUtils.copy(inputStream, outputStream);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "NWCloud-AddOn: Could not copy file '" + sourceFile + "' to '" + targetFile + "'.", e);
                } finally {

            } else {
                        "NWCloud-AddOn: A file should be copyied within the project, but the passed passed source file does not exist: '"
                                + sourceFile + "'");

        } else {
                    "NWCloud-AddOn: A file should be copyied within the project, but passed source and/or target filename were null.");


     * Make a backup of the file "sourceFile". The name of the backup file
     * will be the name of the "sourceFile" with added suffix BAK_SUFFIX.
     * The string "desc" will be shown as additional description of
     * the file operation on Roo shell. If "desc" is null or an empty
     * string, then "Backup" will be passed as description.
     * @param sourceFile String of full qualified name of the file to backup
     * @param desc String of description of change. If null or empty "Backup" will be used.
    private void backup(String sourceFile, String desc) {

        if (sourceFile != null) {

            if (fileManager.exists(sourceFile)) {

                String tmpDesc = desc;
                if (desc != null) {
                    if (desc.trim().isEmpty()) {
                        tmpDesc = "Backup";
                } else {
                    tmpDesc = "Backup";
                String targetFile = sourceFile + BAK_SUFFIX;
                this.copyFileWithinProject(sourceFile, targetFile, tmpDesc);

            } else {
                this.log.warning("NWCloud-AddOn: Should backup a file, but the passed file name does not exist: '"
                        + sourceFile + "'");

        } else {
            this.log.warning("NWCloud-AddOn: Should backup a file, but the passed file name was null.");


     * Replace the file "sourceFile" with its backup file (see backup(...) function).
     * If this operation was successfull, delete the backup file.
     * The string "desc" will be shown as additional description of
     * the file operations on Roo shell. If "desc" is null or an empty
     * string, then "Revert backup" will be passed as description.
     * @param sourceFile String of full qualified name of the file having a backup file
     * @param desc String of description of change. If null or empty "Revert backup" will be used.
    private void backupRevert(String sourceFile, String desc) {

        if (sourceFile != null) {

            String backupFile = sourceFile + BAK_SUFFIX;

            if (fileManager.exists(backupFile)) {

                String tmpDesc = desc;
                if (desc != null) {
                    if (desc.trim().isEmpty()) {
                        tmpDesc = "Revert backup";
                } else {
                    tmpDesc = "Revert backup";

                this.copyFileWithinProject(backupFile, sourceFile, tmpDesc);
                fileManager.delete(backupFile, tmpDesc);

            } else {
                        "NWCloud-AddOn: Should revert the backup of a file, but the backup file does not exist: '"
                                + backupFile + "'");

        } else {
                    "NWCloud-AddOn: Should revert the backup of a file, but the passed file name was null.");

