Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 SAP AG * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.PhysicalTypeCategory; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.PhysicalTypeIdentifier; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.details.ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetailsBuilder; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.details.annotations.AnnotationMetadataBuilder; import org.springframework.roo.file.monitor.event.FileDetails; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType; import org.springframework.roo.project.LogicalPath; import org.springframework.roo.project.Path; import; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Implementation of {@link GwOperations} interface. * * @since 1.1.1 */ @Component @Service public class GwOperationsImpl extends GWOperationsUtils implements GwOperations { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * SAP RESEARCH OWN CODE * * */ //GW Setup command is available only if project and persistence are setup public boolean isCommandGWSetupAvailable() { return isInstalledInModule(projectOperations.getFocusedModuleName()); } public boolean isInstalledInModule(final String moduleName) { final LogicalPath resourcesPath = LogicalPath.getInstance(Path.SRC_MAIN_RESOURCES, moduleName); // System.out.println(moduleName + resourcesPath.toString()); return isProjectAvailable() && fileManager .exists(projectOperations.getPathResolver().getIdentifier(resourcesPath, PERSISTENCE_XML)); } public boolean isProjectAvailable() { return projectOperations.isFocusedProjectAvailable(); } //Add ODATA Endpoint command is available only if the class for GW Connectivity is present public boolean isCommandODataEndpointAvailable() { return fileManager.exists(getSubPackagePath(oDataFolder) + SEPARATOR + ""); } //Add GW Entity command is available only if an OData Endpoint class has been defined and thus metadata has been extracted public boolean isCommandGWEntityAvailable() { SortedSet<FileDetails> files = fileManager .findMatchingAntPath(getSubPackagePath(oDataFolder) + SEPARATOR + "*_metadata.xml"); return !files.isEmpty(); } //Add GW Field command is available only if the GW Entity command is available and a java class exists connecting to an ODATA Endpoint public boolean isCommandGWFieldAvailable() throws IOException { SortedSet<FileDetails> files = fileManager .findMatchingAntPath(getSubPackagePath(domain) + SEPARATOR + "*.java"); for (FileDetails file : files) { InputStream inputStream = fileManager.getInputStream(file.getCanonicalPath()); if (IOUtils.toString(inputStream).contains("ODataConnectivity " + GwUtils.GW_CONNECTION_FIELD_NAME)) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); return true; } IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); } return false; } public boolean isCommandGWMVCAdaptCommandAvailable() throws IOException { /* * We check first to see if there is a gateway entity available. If so, we check if there are any generated controllers. */ boolean returnResults = false; if (isCommandGWFieldAvailable() == true) { SortedSet<FileDetails> files = fileManager .findMatchingAntPath(getSubPackagePath(web) + SEPARATOR + "*"); if (!files.isEmpty()) returnResults = true; } return returnResults; } public void addODataConnectivity() { addODataDependenciesToPom(); addOdataConnectivityClass(); } public void addNamespace(String nsName, String url, String user, String pass, String csrfMode, String host, String port, int timeout) throws Exception { String metadataString = ""; try { metadataString = getMetadataString(url, user, pass, host, port, timeout); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } if (metadataString.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("The specified URL did not return any valid data!"); Map<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<String, String>(); final String subPackagePath = getSubPackagePath(oDataFolder); final String topLevelPackageName = getTopLevelPackageName(); replacements.put("<<PACKAGE>>", "package " + topLevelPackageName + "." + oDataFolder + ";\n"); replacements.put("<<NSNAME>>", nsName); replacements.put("<<URL>>", url); replacements.put("<<USER>>", user); replacements.put("<<PASSWORD>>", pass); if (csrfMode.equals("standard")) { replacements.put("<<CSRF_MODE_GET>>", ".header(\"X-CSRF-Token\", \"Fetch\")"); replacements.put("<<CSRF_MODE_SET>>", ".header(\"X-CSRF-Token\", this.xsrfTokenValue).header(\"Cookie\", xsrfCookieName + \"=\" + xsrfCookieValue)"); } else { replacements.put("<<CSRF_MODE_GET>>", ""); replacements.put("<<CSRF_MODE_SET>>", ".header(\"X-Requested-With\", \"XMLHttpRequest\")"); } if (host == null && port == null) { replacements.put("<<HOST>>", ""); replacements.put("<<PORT>>", ""); } else { replacements.put("<<HOST>>", host); replacements.put("<<PORT>>", port); } GwUtils.createClassFileFromTemplate(topLevelPackageName, subPackagePath, "", nsName + ".java", replacements, fileManager, getClass()); GwUtils.createFileFromString(subPackagePath, nsName + "_metadata.xml", metadataString, fileManager); } public void createEntity(final String endpointName, final String remoteEntitySetName) throws Exception { final String subPackagePath = getSubPackagePath(oDataFolder); // Verify if the endpoint and remote entity set are valid if (!fileManager.exists(subPackagePath + SEPARATOR + endpointName + "_metadata.xml")) { throw new Exception("Namespace \"" + endpointName + "\" does not exist or is corrupted. Please specify a valid namespace."); } else { InputStream metaDataIs = fileManager .getInputStream(subPackagePath + SEPARATOR + endpointName + "_metadata.xml"); Document doc = XmlUtils.getDocumentBuilder().parse(metaDataIs); NodeList nodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName("entity"); boolean remoteEntityExists = false; for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Attr attr = (Attr) nodeList.item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("name"); if (attr.getValue().toString().equals(remoteEntitySetName)) { remoteEntityExists = true; break; } } if (!remoteEntityExists) { throw new Exception("Remote entity set \"" + remoteEntitySetName + "\" does not exist. Please specify a valid remote entity."); } } // Create entity class and add JPA Annotations. int modifier = Modifier.PUBLIC; String localEntityPath = typeLocationService.getTopLevelPackageForModule( projectOperations.getFocusedModule()) + "." + domain + "." + remoteEntitySetName; JavaType localEntity = new JavaType(localEntityPath); final String declaredByMetadataId = PhysicalTypeIdentifier.createIdentifier(localEntity, pathResolver.getFocusedPath(Path.SRC_MAIN_JAVA)); final ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetailsBuilder cidBuilder = new ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetailsBuilder( declaredByMetadataId, modifier, localEntity, PhysicalTypeCategory.CLASS); final List<AnnotationMetadataBuilder> annotationBuilder = new ArrayList<AnnotationMetadataBuilder>(); annotationBuilder.add(ROO_JAVA_BEAN_BUILDER); annotationBuilder.add(ROO_TO_STRING_BUILDER); annotationBuilder.add(ROO_JPA_ACTIVE_RECORD_BUILDER); cidBuilder.setAnnotations(annotationBuilder); typeManagementService.createOrUpdateTypeOnDisk(; } public void addFieldsMethodsAndRelations(final String namespace, String remoteEntity, boolean importAll, boolean importAssociations) throws Exception { // Extract fields and keys from Metadata XML Map<String[], String> fields = new HashMap<String[], String>(); Map<String[], String> keys = new HashMap<String[], String>(); Map<String[], String> allFields = new HashMap<String[], String>(); MetadataXMLParser xmlParser = getXMLParser(namespace, remoteEntity); xmlParser.parse(); // Get handler for File Editor to edit the entity file JavaSourceFileEditor entityClassFile = getJavaFileEditor(domain, remoteEntity); // Add Imports addImports(entityClassFile, namespace); if (importAll) fields = xmlParser.getFields(); keys = xmlParser.getKeys(); // Add Field declaration for OData Connector JavaSourceField odc = new JavaSourceFieldBuilder().fieldPrefix("private final static") .fieldType("ODataConnectivity").fieldName(GwUtils.GW_CONNECTION_FIELD_NAME) .fieldValue("new " + namespace + "()").build(); entityClassFile.addGlobalField(odc); // Add Fields and corresponding getter/setters methods to the Entity Class Map<String[], String> keysIncludingId = new HashMap<String[], String>(); // Include id as a key(type String) String[] idKeyName = { "Id", "Id" }; keysIncludingId.put(idKeyName, "String"); keysIncludingId.putAll(keys); addGatewayFields(keysIncludingId, fields, entityClassFile); // Add Persistence Methods // Send all the fields (keys plus fields) allFields.putAll(keys); allFields.putAll(fields); addPersistenceMethods(allFields, entityClassFile, remoteEntity, keys); // Add relationships if (importAssociations) { Map<String, String[]> relationships = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); relationships = xmlParser.getRelationships(); addRelationships(relationships, remoteEntity, entityClassFile); } entityClassFile.makeFile(); // throw new Exception(entityClassFile.getFileContent()); } private MetadataXMLParser getXMLParser(final String namespace, String remoteEntity) throws IllegalStateException { String metaDataPath = getSubPackagePath(oDataFolder); String metaDataFile = metaDataPath + SEPARATOR + namespace + "_metadata.xml"; InputStream metaDataIs = fileManager.getInputStream(metaDataFile); Document doc; try { doc = XmlUtils.getDocumentBuilder().parse(metaDataIs); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } MetadataXMLParser xmlParser = new MetadataXMLParser(doc, remoteEntity); return xmlParser; } public void modifyController(final String remoteEntity) throws Exception { // Get handler for File Editor to edit the entity file String controllerEntityName = remoteEntity + "Controller"; JavaSourceFileEditor controllerClassFile = getJavaFileEditor(web, controllerEntityName); addControllerImports(controllerClassFile); /* * We need to overwrite the show method of the .aj file, as we need to pass the itemId to the model as URLEncoded */ JavaSourceMethod showMethod = new JavaSourceMethodBuilder().methodName("show").methodPrefix("public") .returnType("String").annotations("@RequestMapping(value = \"/{Id}\", produces = \"text/html\")") .parameters(getControllerShowMethodParameters()) .methodBody(getControllerShowMethodBody(remoteEntity)).build(); controllerClassFile.addMethod(showMethod); controllerClassFile.makeFile(); } public void addRemoteFieldInGWClass(String localClassName, String fieldName) throws Exception { // Get handler for File Editor to edit (and search) the entity file JavaSourceFileEditor entityClassFile = getJavaFileEditor(domain, localClassName); Map.Entry<String[], String> fieldObj = getValidatedField(localClassName, fieldName, entityClassFile); if (fieldObj == null) throw new Exception("The name \"" + fieldName + "\" is not a valid name. Please choose a name from the provided list."); addRemoteFieldInGWJavaFile(entityClassFile, fieldObj); addRemoteFieldInPersistenceMethods(entityClassFile, fieldObj); entityClassFile.makeFile(); } public void addLocalFieldInGWClass(String localClassName, String fieldName, JavaType fieldType) throws Exception { // Get handler for File Editor to edit (and search) the entity file JavaSourceFileEditor entityClassFile = getJavaFileEditor(domain, localClassName); Map.Entry<String[], String> fieldObj = getValidatedField(localClassName, fieldName, entityClassFile); if (fieldObj != null) throw new Exception("The name \"" + fieldName + "\" is a valid name for a remote field. In order to reduce confusions, " + "please choose another name for your local field."); String processedTypeName = fieldType.getNameIncludingTypeParameters(); processedTypeName = processedTypeName.substring(processedTypeName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); addFieldInGWJavaFile(entityClassFile, fieldName, processedTypeName); addLocalFieldInPersistenceMethods(entityClassFile, fieldName, processedTypeName); entityClassFile.makeFile(); } }