Java tutorial
/* * #%L * it-xcode-maven-plugin * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 SAP AG * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import junit.framework.Assert; import; import; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class StraightForwardLibAndAppTest extends XCodeTest { private static File remoteRepositoryDirectory = null, appTestBaseDir = null; private static String dynamicVersion = null, myLibArtifactFilePrefix = null, testName = null, myAppVersionRepoDir = null, myAppArtifactFilePrefix = null; private static Verifier appVerifier = null; private static File extractedIpaFolder = null, appstoreFolder = null, archiveArtifactsDir; @BeforeClass public static void __setup() throws Exception { dynamicVersion = "1.0." + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); myLibArtifactFilePrefix = TestConstants.GROUP_ID_WITH_SLASH + "/MyLibrary/" + dynamicVersion + "/MyLibrary-" + dynamicVersion; testName = StraightForwardLibAndAppTest.class.getName() + File.separator + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(); remoteRepositoryDirectory = getRemoteRepositoryDirectory(StraightForwardLibAndAppTest.class.getName()); prepareRemoteRepository(remoteRepositoryDirectory); Properties pomReplacements = new Properties(); pomReplacements.setProperty(PROP_NAME_DEPLOY_REPO_DIR, remoteRepositoryDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); pomReplacements.setProperty(PROP_NAME_DYNAMIC_VERSION, dynamicVersion); Map<String, String> additionalSystemProperties = new HashMap<String, String>(); additionalSystemProperties.put("mios.ota-service.url", ""); additionalSystemProperties.put("", "Release"); additionalSystemProperties.put("", "iphoneos"); additionalSystemProperties.put("archive.dir", "archive"); additionalSystemProperties.put("xcode.useSymbolicLinks", Boolean.TRUE.toString()); test(testName, new File(getTestRootDirectory(), "straight-forward/MyLibrary"), "deploy", THE_EMPTY_LIST, THE_EMPTY_MAP, pomReplacements, new NullProjectModifier()); appVerifier = test(testName, new File(getTestRootDirectory(), "straight-forward/MyApp"), "deploy", THE_EMPTY_LIST, additionalSystemProperties, pomReplacements, new NullProjectModifier()); myAppVersionRepoDir = TestConstants.GROUP_ID_WITH_SLASH + "/MyApp/" + dynamicVersion; myAppArtifactFilePrefix = myAppVersionRepoDir + "/MyApp-" + dynamicVersion; final File tmpFolder = new File(getTargetDirectory(), "tests/tmp"); tmpFolder.deleteOnExit(); extractedIpaFolder = new File(tmpFolder, "ipa"); extractFileWithShellScript( new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myAppArtifactFilePrefix + "-Release-iphoneos.ipa"), extractedIpaFolder); File appstoreUploadFile = new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myAppArtifactFilePrefix + ""); assertTrue(appstoreUploadFile.exists()); appstoreFolder = new File(tmpFolder, "appstoreFolder"); appstoreFolder.deleteOnExit(); extractFileWithShellScript(appstoreUploadFile, appstoreFolder); appTestBaseDir = new File(appVerifier.getBasedir()); archiveArtifactsDir = new File(appTestBaseDir, "archive/artifacts/"); } @Test public void testExistsHeaders() throws Exception { String[] configurations = new String[] { "Release", "Debug" }; String[] sdks = new String[] { "iphoneos", "iphonesimulator" }; for (String configuration : configurations) { for (String sdk : sdks) { File headersTarFile = new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myLibArtifactFilePrefix + "-" + configuration + "-" + sdk + ".headers.tar"); assertTrue("Headers tar file '" + headersTarFile + "' for sdk '" + sdk + "' and configuration '" + configuration + "' does not exist.", headersTarFile.exists()); } } } @Test public void testExistsBundles() throws Exception { String[] bundles = new String[] { "MyLibrary", "MyLibrary.raw", "Resources~Another" }; for (String bundle : bundles) { File _bundle = new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myLibArtifactFilePrefix + "-" + bundle + ".xcode-bundle-zip"); assertTrue("Bundle file '" + _bundle + "' for bundle'" + bundle + "' does not exist.", _bundle.exists()); } } @Test public void testFatLibrariesExists() throws Exception { String[] configurations = new String[] { "Release", "Debug" }; for (String configuration : configurations) { File fatLib = new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myLibArtifactFilePrefix + "-Release-fat-binary.a"); assertTrue("Fat library '" + fatLib + "' for configuration '" + configuration + "' does not exist.", fatLib.exists()); } } @Test public void testVersionsFile() throws Exception { File versionFileLib = new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myLibArtifactFilePrefix + "-versions.xml"); assertTrue(versionFileLib.exists()); compareFilesContainingDynamicVersions(dynamicVersion, new File(".", "src/test/resources/MyLibrary-versions.xml").getAbsoluteFile(), versionFileLib); } @Test public void testVersionFile() throws Exception { File versionFileApp = new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myAppArtifactFilePrefix + "-versions.xml"); assertTrue(versionFileApp.exists()); File versionsTestFile = new File("src/test/resources/MyApp-versions.xml"); compareFilesContainingDynamicVersions(dynamicVersion, versionsTestFile, versionFileApp); } @Test public void testIpaReleaseIPhoneOsExists() throws Exception { // we built only the Xcode config Release for iphoneos SDK. All other combinations must not exist: assertTrue(new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myAppArtifactFilePrefix + "-Release-iphoneos.ipa").exists()); } @Test public void testIpaDebugIPhoneOsDoesNotExist() throws Exception { // we built only the Xcode config Release for iphoneos SDK. All other combinations must not exist: assertFalse(new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myAppArtifactFilePrefix + "-Debug-iphoneos.ipa").exists()); } @Test public void testIpaReleaseIPhoneSimulatorDoesNotExist() throws Exception { // we built only the Xcode config Release for iphoneos SDK. All other combinations must not exist: assertFalse(new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myAppArtifactFilePrefix + "-Release-iphonesimulator.ipa") .exists()); } @Test public void testIpaDebugIPhoneSimulatorDoesNotExist() throws Exception { // we built only the Xcode config Release for iphoneos SDK. All other combinations must not exist: assertFalse(new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myAppArtifactFilePrefix + "-Debug-iphonesimulator.ipa") .exists()); } @Test public void testAppNameInAppStoreUploadFile() throws Exception { File[] files = appstoreFolder.listFiles(); assertTrue(" folder is missing in AppstoreUploadFile.", files.length == 1 && files[0].getName().equals("")); } @Test public void testVersionsFileXMLInApplicationFile() throws Exception { File versionsXmlInIpa = new File(extractedIpaFolder, "Payload/"); File versionsXmlInAppZip = new File(appstoreFolder, ""); assertTrue(String.format("Versions file '%s' does exist in the IPA.", versionsXmlInIpa), versionsXmlInIpa.exists()); assertTrue(String.format("Versions file '%s' does exist in the application zip file.", versionsXmlInAppZip), versionsXmlInAppZip.exists()); File versionsTestXMLFile = new File("src/test/resources/MyApp-versions-in-IPA.xml"); compareFilesContainingDynamicVersions(dynamicVersion, versionsTestXMLFile, versionsXmlInAppZip); } @Test public void testVersionsFilePListInApplicationFile() throws Exception { File versionsPListInIpa = new File(extractedIpaFolder, "Payload/"); File versionsPListInAppZip = new File(appstoreFolder, ""); assertTrue(versionsPListInIpa.exists()); assertTrue(versionsPListInAppZip.exists()); File versionsTestPListFile = new File("src/test/resources/MyApp-versions.plist"); compareFilesContainingDynamicVersions(dynamicVersion, versionsTestPListFile, versionsPListInAppZip); } @Test public void testOTAIFrameFile() throws Exception { final String appIdSuffix = extractAppIdSuffixFromLogFile( new File(appVerifier.getBasedir(), appVerifier.getLogFileName())); File otaHtmlFileActualRelease = new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myAppArtifactFilePrefix + "-Release-iphoneos-ota.htm"); assertTrue(otaHtmlFileActualRelease.exists()); final String otaFileNameSuffix = appIdSuffix == null ? "-iphoneos-ota.htm" : "-" + appIdSuffix + "-iphoneos-ota.htm"; compareFilesContainingDynamicVersions(dynamicVersion, new File("src/test/resources/MyApp-Release-1.0.0" + otaFileNameSuffix), otaHtmlFileActualRelease); } @Test public void testOTAPointerFile() throws Exception { assertTrue("Archive artifacts dir does not exist", archiveArtifactsDir.isDirectory()); File otaArchiveHtmlFile = new File(archiveArtifactsDir, "MyApp-Release-iphoneos-ota.htm"); assertTrue("OTA archive HTML file does not exist", otaArchiveHtmlFile.isFile()); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(otaArchiveHtmlFile); try { String otaArchiveHtmlContent = IOUtils.toString(fis, "UTF-8"); assertFalse("${LOCATION} has not been replaced in OTA archive HTML file", otaArchiveHtmlContent.contains("${LOCATION}")); assertTrue("OTA HTML location has not been written into OTA archive HTML file", otaArchiveHtmlContent.contains( "target/remoteRepo/" + dynamicVersion + "/MyApp-" + dynamicVersion + "-Release-iphoneos-ota.htm")); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fis); } } @Test public void testRedirectFileAppStoreMetadata() throws Exception { assertRedirectFileExists(""); } @Test public void testRedirectFileOtaHtm() throws Exception { assertRedirectFileExists("MyApp-Release-iphoneos-ota.htm"); } @Test public void testRedirectFiledSYM() throws Exception { assertRedirectFileExists(""); } @Test public void testRedirectFileAppZipHtm() throws Exception { assertRedirectFileExists(""); } @Test public void testRedirectFileIpaHtm() throws Exception { assertRedirectFileExists("MyApp-Release-iphoneos.ipa.htm"); } @Test public void testRedirectFileVersionsXmlHtm() throws Exception { assertRedirectFileExists("MyApp-versions.xml.htm"); } @Test public void testRedirectFilePomHtm() throws Exception { assertRedirectFileExists("MyApp.pom.htm"); } @Test public void testAppStoreMetadataExists() throws Exception { assertTrue(new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, myAppArtifactFilePrefix + "").exists()); } @Test public void testLibaryProvidedWithSymbolicLink() throws Exception { assertTrue(FileUtils.isSymbolicLink(new File(appVerifier.getBasedir() + "/target/libs/Release-iphoneos/"))); } @Test public void testCFBundeShortVersionInInfoPlist() throws Exception { final File infoPList = new File(appTestBaseDir, "target/checkout/src/xcode/build/Release-iphoneos/"); assertEquals( "CFBundleShortVersion in file '" + infoPList + "' is not the expected version '" + dynamicVersion + "'.", dynamicVersion, new PListAccessor(infoPList).getStringValue(PListAccessor.KEY_BUNDLE_SHORT_VERSION_STRING)); } @Test public void testCFBundeVersionInInfoPlist() throws Exception { final File infoPList = new File(appTestBaseDir, "target/checkout/src/xcode/build/Release-iphoneos/"); assertEquals( "CFBundleVErsion in file '" + infoPList + "' is not the expected version '" + dynamicVersion + "'.", dynamicVersion, new PListAccessor(infoPList).getStringValue(PListAccessor.KEY_BUNDLE_VERSION)); } @Test public void testHeaders() throws Exception { File headersTar = new File(remoteRepositoryDirectory, "com/sap/ondevice/production/ios/tests/MyLibrary/" + dynamicVersion + "/MyLibrary-" + dynamicVersion + "-Release-iphoneos.headers.tar"); Assert.assertTrue("Headers tar file '" + headersTar + "' does not exist", headersTar.exists()); ByteArrayOutputStream byteOs = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(byteOs); try { Forker.forkProcess(out, null, new String[] { "tar", "-tf", headersTar.getAbsolutePath() }); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } final String toc = new String(byteOs.toByteArray()); final String expectedContent = "PrintOutObject.h"; final String notExpectedContent = "include/PrintOutObject.h"; Assert.assertTrue("Table of content of the headers tar file '" + headersTar + "' does not contain the expected content '" + expectedContent + "'. Table of content is: " + toc, toc.contains(expectedContent)); Assert.assertFalse("Table of content of the headers tar file '" + headersTar + "' does contain not expected content '" + notExpectedContent + "'. Table of content is: " + toc, toc.contains(notExpectedContent)); } private static void assertRedirectFileExists(final String name) { assertTrue("Redirect file '" + name + "' does not exist.", new File(archiveArtifactsDir, name).isFile()); } private static void compareFilesContainingDynamicVersions(final String dynamicVersion, File template, File versionFileLib) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String toBeTestedAgainst = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(template)) .replaceAll("\\$\\{dynamicVersion\\}", dynamicVersion); Assert.assertEquals( String.format("File content different: '%s' vs. '%s'", template.getAbsolutePath(), versionFileLib.getAbsolutePath()), toBeTestedAgainst, IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(versionFileLib)) .replaceAll("\\$\\{dynamicVersion\\}", dynamicVersion)); } @SuppressWarnings("resource") private static String extractAppIdSuffixFromLogFile(File logFile) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(logFile)); try { String line; Pattern p = Pattern.compile("appIdSuffix=(\\w+)"); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { Matcher matcher = p.matcher(line); if (matcher.find()) { return; } } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } return null; } }