Java tutorial
/* * @(#) * * Copyright @ 2001-2012 SANY Group Co.,Ltd. * All right reserved. * * bbossgroups????? * ?bbossgroups????? * This software is the confidential and proprietary information * of SANY Group Co, Ltd. You shall not disclose such * Confidential Information and shall use it only in accordance * with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with * SANY Group Co, Ltd. */ package com.sany.workflow.action; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.transaction.RollbackException; import org.activiti.engine.impl.pvm.process.ActivityImpl; import org.activiti.engine.repository.Deployment; import org.activiti.engine.repository.DeploymentBuilder; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.frameworkset.util.CollectionUtils; import org.frameworkset.util.annotations.PagerParam; import org.frameworkset.util.annotations.ResponseBody; import org.frameworkset.web.servlet.ModelMap; import org.frameworkset.web.token.TokenException; import org.frameworkset.web.token.TokenStore; import com.frameworkset.orm.transaction.TransactionManager; import; import com.frameworkset.util.ListInfo; import com.frameworkset.util.StringUtil; import com.sany.application.entity.WfApp; import com.sany.application.service.AppcreateService; import com.sany.application.util.AppHelper; import com.sany.workflow.entity.ActivitiNodeCandidate; import com.sany.workflow.entity.ActivitiNodeInfo; import com.sany.workflow.entity.LoadProcess; import com.sany.workflow.entity.NodeControlParam; import com.sany.workflow.entity.Nodevariable; import com.sany.workflow.entity.ProcessDef; import com.sany.workflow.entity.ProcessDefCondition; import com.sany.workflow.entity.ProcessDeployment; import com.sany.workflow.entity.ProcessInstCondition; import com.sany.workflow.service.ActivitiConfigService; import com.sany.workflow.service.ActivitiRelationService; import com.sany.workflow.service.ActivitiService; import com.sany.workflow.service.ProcessException; import com.sany.workflow.util.WorkFlowConstant; /** * @author yinbp * @since 2012-3-22 ?6:03:09 */ public class ActivitiRepositoryAction { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ActivitiRepositoryAction.class); private static final String FILE_TYPE_ZIP = "zip"; private ActivitiService activitiService; private ActivitiConfigService activitiConfigService; private AppcreateService appcreateService; private ActivitiRelationService activitiRelationService; /** * ? * @param processDeployment * @return String */ public @ResponseBody String deployProcess(ProcessDeployment processDeployment, String needConfig) { String result = "success"; TransactionManager tm = new TransactionManager(); try { tm.begin(); Deployment deployment = null; if (processDeployment.getProcessDef().getOriginalFilename().endsWith(".zip") || processDeployment.getProcessDef().getContentType().contains(FILE_TYPE_ZIP)) { deployment = activitiService.deployProcDefByZip(processDeployment.getNAME_(), new ZipInputStream(processDeployment.getProcessDef().getInputStream()), processDeployment.getUpgradepolicy()); } else { deployment = activitiService.deployProcDefByInputStream(processDeployment.getNAME_(), processDeployment.getProcessDef().getOriginalFilename(), processDeployment.getProcessDef().getInputStream(), processDeployment.getUpgradepolicy()); } if (deployment != null) { ProcessDef pd = activitiService.getProcessDefByDeploymentId(deployment.getId()); if (needConfig.equals("1")) { activitiConfigService .addActivitiNodeInfo(activitiService.getPorcessKeyByDeployMentId(deployment.getId())); } else activitiConfigService.updateActivitiNodeInfo( activitiService.getPorcessKeyByDeployMentId(deployment.getId()), processDeployment.getUpgradepolicy()); if (!processDeployment.getParamFile().isEmpty()) { result = activitiConfigService.addNodeParams(processDeployment.getParamFile().getInputStream(), pd.getKEY_()); } if (pd != null) { activitiConfigService.addProBusinessType(pd.getKEY_(), processDeployment.getBusinessTypeId()); activitiRelationService.addAppProcRelation(pd, processDeployment.getWf_app_id()); // ???/??0 activitiService.addIsContainHoliday(pd.getKEY_(), 0); } if (processDeployment.getUpgradepolicy() == DeploymentBuilder.Deploy_policy_delete)// { activitiService.deleteTodoListByKeyWithTrigger(pd.getKEY_()); } } tm.commit(); return result; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); try { tm.rollback(); } catch (RollbackException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error(e1); } return StringUtil.exceptionToString(e); } finally { tm.release(); } } /** * ? * * @param sortKey * @param desc * @param offset * @param pagesize * @param processDefCondition * @param model * @return */ public String queryProcessDefs( @PagerParam(name = PagerParam.SORT, defaultvalue = "resourceName") String sortKey, @PagerParam(name = PagerParam.DESC, defaultvalue = "false") boolean desc, @PagerParam(name = PagerParam.OFFSET) long offset, @PagerParam(name = PagerParam.PAGE_SIZE, defaultvalue = "10") int pagesize, ProcessDefCondition processDefCondition, String processChoose, ModelMap model) { try { // ???? if (processDefCondition == null) { processDefCondition = new ProcessDefCondition(); } processDefCondition.setWf_app_mode_type_nonexist(WorkFlowConstant.getApp_third_mode_type()); ListInfo listInfo = activitiService.queryProcessDefs(offset, pagesize, processDefCondition); // if(listInfo!=null){ // List<ProcessDef> list = listInfo.getDatas(); // for (int i = 0; list!=null&&i < list.size(); i++) { // list.get(i).setBusiness_name( // activitiConfigService.queryBusinessName(list.get(i) // .getKEY_())); // } // listInfo.setDatas(list); // } model.addAttribute("processDefs", listInfo); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if ("Y".equals(processChoose)) { return "path:queryProcessDefsHelpChoose"; } return "path:queryProcessDefs"; } public String queryProcessHisVer(String processKey, String version, ModelMap model) { try { List listInfo = activitiService.queryProdefHisVersion(processKey); model.addAttribute("processDefs", listInfo); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(version)) { model.addAttribute("currentVersion", version); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return "path:queryProcessHisVer"; } /** * ?() * * @param processDeploymentids * @param cascades * @return */ public @ResponseBody String deleteDeploymentCascade(String processDeploymentids, boolean[] cascades) { // processDef.getProcessDef(); String[] ids = processDeploymentids.split(","); try { activitiService.deleteDeploymentAllVersions(ids); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO ex e.printStackTrace(); return e.getMessage(); } } /** * ?? * * @param processId * @return */ public @ResponseBody String activateProcess(String processId) { try { activitiService.activateProcess(processId); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * ???????? * * @param processId * @return */ public String getUnloadProcesses(ModelMap model) { List<ProcessDef> unloadProcesses = activitiService.getUnloadProcesses(); model.addAttribute("unloadProcesses", unloadProcesses); return "path:getUnloadProcesses"; } /** * ???????? * * @param processId * @return */ public @ResponseBody Map loadProcess(List<LoadProcess> unloadProcess) { try { String message = activitiService.loadProcess(unloadProcess); Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); data.put("success", true); data.put("message", message); return data; } catch (Exception e) { Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); data.put("success", false); data.put("message", StringUtil.formatBRException(e)); return data; } } /** * ?? * * @param processId * @return */ public @ResponseBody String suspendProcess(String processId) { try { activitiService.suspendProcess(processId); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public String viewProcessInfo(String processKey, String version, ModelMap model) { model.addAttribute("processDef", activitiService.queryProdefByKey(processKey, version)); List<ActivityImpl> aList = activitiService.getActivitImplListByProcessKey(processKey); // ??(??) List<NodeControlParam> nodeList = activitiConfigService.queryAllActivitiNodes(processKey); model.addAttribute("nodeList", nodeList); for (int i = 0; i < aList.size(); i++) { if (!aList.get(i).getProperty("type").equals("userTask")) { aList.remove(i); } } model.addAttribute("aList", aList); return "path:viewProcessInfo"; } public String viewHisProcessInfo(String deploymentId, ModelMap model) { model.addAttribute("hisProcessDef", activitiService.getProcessDefByDeploymentId(deploymentId)); return "path:viewHisProcessInfo"; } public @ResponseBody(datatype = "json") ProcessDef refeProcessInfo(String deploymentId) { ProcessDef pd = activitiService.getProcessDefByDeploymentId(deploymentId); pd.setDEPLOYMENT_TIME_STRING_(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(pd.getDEPLOYMENT_TIME_())); return pd; } public @ResponseBody(datatype = "json") List<WfApp> getWfAppData(HttpServletRequest request) { try { List<WfApp> wfAppList = appcreateService.queryWfApp(new WfApp()); if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(wfAppList)) { for (WfApp wfApp : wfAppList) { if (WorkFlowConstant.getApp_sso_mode_type().equals(wfApp.getApp_mode_type())) { StringBuffer ssoUrl = new StringBuffer(); ssoUrl.append(request.getContextPath()) .append("/workflow/repository/").append(wfApp.getId()); wfApp.setSso_url(ssoUrl.toString()); } } } return wfAppList; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error(e); } catch (TokenException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error(e); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error(e); } return null; } /** * ?? * @param ssoAppId * @param request * @return * @throws Exception */ public String appssowf(String ssoAppId, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { WfApp wfApp = appcreateService.queryWfAppById(ssoAppId); AccessControl accesscontroler = AccessControl.getAccessControl(); String tokenparamname = TokenStore.temptoken_param_name; String ticket = accesscontroler.getUserAttribute("ticket"); String token = AppHelper.getToken(ticket); String[] appInfo = AppHelper.getAppInfo(); StringBuffer accounttokenrequest = new StringBuffer(); accounttokenrequest.append(tokenparamname).append("=").append(token).append("&") .append(TokenStore.app_param_name).append("=").append(appInfo[0]).append("&") .append(TokenStore.app_secret_param_name).append("=").append(appInfo[1]); StringBuffer ssoUrl = new StringBuffer(); ssoUrl.append("redirect:").append(wfApp.getApp_url()).append("/sso/") .append(accounttokenrequest).append("&successRedirect=/workflow/repository/"); return ssoUrl.toString(); } public String index() { return "path:index"; } public String workflowmanager() { return "path:workflowmanager"; } public void getProccessPic(String processId, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { if (processId != null && !processId.equals("")) { OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); activitiService.getProccessPic(processId, out); } } public void getProccessPicByProcessKey(String processKey, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { if (processKey != null && !processKey.equals("")) { OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); activitiService.getProccessPicByProcessKey(processKey, out); } } /** ?? gw_tanx * @param processId * @param response * @throws IOException * 2014513 */ public void getProccessActivePic(String processInstId, HttpServletResponse response) { try { if (processInstId != null && !processInstId.equals("")) { OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); activitiService.getProccessActivePic(processInstId, out); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException(e); } } public @ResponseBody(datatype = "xml") String getProccessXML(String processId) throws IOException { if (processId != null && !processId.equals("")) { return activitiService.getProccessXML(processId); } return null; } // public @ResponseBody(datatype="xml") String getProccessXMLByKey(String processKey,String version) throws IOException { // // if(processKey!=null&&!processKey.equals("")){ // // return activitiService.getProccessXMLByKey(processKey, version,"UTF-8"); // } // return null; // } /** ??XML gw_tanx * @param processKey * @param version * @param model * @return * 2014624 */ public String getProccessXMLByKey(String processKey, String version, ModelMap model) { try { if (processKey != null && !processKey.equals("")) { String processXML = activitiService.getProccessXMLByKey(processKey, version, "UTF-8"); model.addAttribute("processXML", processXML); } model.addAttribute("processKey", processKey); model.addAttribute("version", version); return "path:processDefsXML"; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException(e); } } /** * ?? gw_tanx * * @param processDefCondition * @param model * @return 201458 */ public String toProcessInstance(String processKey, ModelMap model) { try { List versionList = activitiService.getProcessVersionList(processKey); boolean isAdmin = AccessControl.getAccessControl().isAdmin(); String currentAccount = AccessControl.getAccessControl().getUserAccount(); model.addAttribute("isAdmin", isAdmin); model.addAttribute("currentAccount", currentAccount); model.addAttribute("versionList", versionList); model.addAttribute("processKey", processKey); return "path:toProcessInstance"; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException(e); } } /** * ??key? gw_tanx * * @param sortKey * @param desc * @param offset * @param pagesize * @param processDefCondition * @param model * @return 201458 */ public String queryProcessIntsByKey( @PagerParam(name = PagerParam.SORT, defaultvalue = "START_TIME_") String sortKey, @PagerParam(name = PagerParam.DESC, defaultvalue = "true") boolean desc, @PagerParam(name = PagerParam.OFFSET) long offset, @PagerParam(name = PagerParam.PAGE_SIZE, defaultvalue = "10") int pagesize, ProcessInstCondition processDefCondition, ModelMap model) { try { // ??List ListInfo listInfo = activitiService.queryProcessInsts(offset, pagesize, processDefCondition); model.addAttribute("processInsts", listInfo); return "path:queryProcessIntsByKey"; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException(e); } } /**?? gw_tanx * @param processKey * @param businessKey * @param activitiNodeCandidateList * @param nodevariableList * @return * 201473 */ public @ResponseBody String startPorcessInstance(String processKey, String businessKey, List<ActivitiNodeCandidate> activitiNodeCandidateList, List<Nodevariable> nodevariableList, List<NodeControlParam> nodeControlParamList) { try { String currentUser = AccessControl.getAccessControl().getUserAccount(); activitiService.startPorcessInstance(processKey, businessKey, currentUser, activitiNodeCandidateList, nodevariableList, nodeControlParamList); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { return "fail" + e.getMessage(); } } /** ????? gw_tanx * @param processKey * @param business_id * @param business_type * @param model * 2014513 */ public String toStartProcessInst(String processKey, ModelMap model) { try { List<ActivitiNodeInfo> nodeInfoList = activitiConfigService.queryAllActivitiNodeInfo(processKey); model.addAttribute("nodeInfoList", nodeInfoList); model.addAttribute("process_key", processKey); return "path:startProcess"; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException(e); } } /** * ? gw_tanx * * @param processInstIds * @param deleteReason * @param processKey * @return 2014928 */ public @ResponseBody String delInstancesForLogic(String processInstIds, String deleteReason, String processKey) { try { String userAccount = AccessControl.getAccessControl().getUserAccount(); String dealRemak = "[" + activitiService.getUserInfoMap().getUserName(userAccount) + "]?"; String ids[] = processInstIds.split(","); activitiService.cancleProcessInstances(dealRemak, processKey, AccessControl.getAccessControl().getUserAccount(), "?", deleteReason, ids); activitiService.deleteTodoListByProinstidsWithTrigger(ids); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { return "fail" + e.getMessage(); } } /** * ?? gw_tanx * * @param processInstIds * @return 2014928 */ public @ResponseBody String delInstancesForPhysics(String processInstIds) { try { activitiService.delProcessInstances(processInstIds); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { return "fail" + e.getMessage(); } } /** * ?? gw_tanx * * @param processInstIds * @return 2014928 */ public @ResponseBody String delInstancesForPhysicsByProcessKey(String processKey) { try { activitiService.delProcessInstancesByProcessKey(processKey); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { return "fail" + e.getMessage(); } } /** * ?? gw_tanx * * @param processInstIds * @param deleteReason * @return 201459 */ public @ResponseBody String upgradeInstances(String processKey) { try { activitiService.upgradeInstances(processKey); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { return "fail" + e.getMessage(); } } /** ? gw_tanx * @param processInstId * @return * 2014519 */ public @ResponseBody String suspendProcessInst(String processInstId) { try { activitiService.suspendProcessInst(processInstId); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { return "fail" + e.getMessage(); } } /** ? gw_tanx * @param processInstId * @return * 2014519 */ public @ResponseBody String activateProcessInst(String processInstId) { try { activitiService.activateProcessInst(processInstId); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { return "fail" + e.getMessage(); } } /** ??? gw_tanx * @param business_type * @param business_id * @param processKey * @return * 2014619 */ public String getConfigTempleInfo(String business_type, String business_id, String processKey, ModelMap model) { try { // ?? List<ActivitiNodeCandidate> nodeConfigList = activitiConfigService .queryActivitiNodesCandidates(business_type, business_id, processKey); // ??? List<Nodevariable> nodeVariableList = activitiConfigService.queryNodeVariable(business_type, business_id, processKey); // ??? List<NodeControlParam> nodeControlParamList = activitiConfigService.getNodeContralParamList(processKey, business_id, business_type); model.addAttribute("processKey", processKey); model.addAttribute("nodeConfigList", nodeConfigList); model.addAttribute("nodeVariableList", nodeVariableList); model.addAttribute("nodeControlParamList", nodeControlParamList); return "path:tostartProcessConfig"; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException(e); } } /** ???? gw_tanx * @param processKey * @param model * @return * 2014623 */ public String toSetMessageTemplate(String processKey, ModelMap model) { try { // ??? Map templateMap = activitiConfigService.queryMessageTempleById(processKey); model.addAttribute("templateMap", templateMap); model.addAttribute("processKey", processKey); return "path:setMessageTemplate"; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException(e); } } /** ???? gw_tanx * @param processKey * @param messagetempleid * @param emailtempleid * @param noticeId * @param iscontainholiday * @param noticerate * @return * 201472 */ public @ResponseBody String saveMessageTemplate(String processKey, String messagetempleid, String emailtempleid, String noticeId, int iscontainholiday, int noticerate, String isRenew) { try { activitiService.saveMessageType(processKey, messagetempleid, emailtempleid, noticeId, iscontainholiday, noticerate); //? 1 0 ? if ("1".equals(isRenew)) { } return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { return "fail" + e.getMessage(); } } /** ?xml gw_tanx * @param processKey * @param version * 2014624 */ public void downProcessXMLandPicZip(String processKey, String version, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { activitiService.downProcessXMLandPicZip(processKey, version, response); } /** ????? gw_tanx * @param processKey * @param version * 2014624 */ public void updateHoliday(String processKey, int IsContainHoliday) throws Exception { activitiService.addIsContainHoliday(processKey, IsContainHoliday); } /** ?? gw_tanx * @param menuBeans * @return * @throws Exception * 2014910 */ public @ResponseBody String saveNodeOrderNum(List<NodeControlParam> controlParamList) throws Exception { try { activitiConfigService.saveNodeOrderNum(controlParamList); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { return "fail" + e.getMessage(); } } }