Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


// Depot library - a Java relational persistence library

package com.samskivert.depot.impl;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;


import com.samskivert.depot.DatabaseException;
import com.samskivert.depot.PersistenceContext;
import com.samskivert.depot.PersistentRecord;
import com.samskivert.depot.clause.QueryClause;
import com.samskivert.depot.expression.SQLExpression;

import static;

 * Maintains a record of the persistent classes brought into the context of the associated SQL,
 * i.e. any class associated with a concrete table that would appear in FROM or JOIN clauses or as
 * the target of an UPDATE or an INSERT or any other place where a table abbreviation could be
 * constructed.
 * The main motivation for breaking this functionality out into its own class is to encapsulate the
 * operation that throws {@link DatabaseException} as separate from the operations that throw
 * {@link SQLException}. Once this class has been constructed, it may be used to create {@link
 * SQLBuilder} instances without any {@link DatabaseException} worries.
public class DepotTypes {
    /** A trivial instance that is accessible in places where we want the dialectal benefits of the
     * SQLBuilder without really requiring per-persistent-class context. */
    public static DepotTypes TRIVIAL = new DepotTypes();

     * Conveniently constructs a {@link DepotTypes} object given {@link QueryClause} objects, which
     * are interrogated for their class definition sets through {@link SQLExpression#addClasses}.
    public static <T extends PersistentRecord> DepotTypes getDepotTypes(PersistenceContext ctx,
            Iterable<? extends QueryClause> clauses) throws DatabaseException {
        Set<Class<? extends PersistentRecord>> classSet = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
        for (QueryClause clause : clauses) {
            if (clause != null) {
        return new DepotTypes(ctx, classSet);

     * A varargs version of {@link #getDepotTypes(PersistenceContext,Iterable)}.
    public static <T extends PersistentRecord> DepotTypes getDepotTypes(PersistenceContext ctx,
            QueryClause... clauses) throws DatabaseException {
        return getDepotTypes(ctx, Arrays.asList(clauses));

     * Create a new DepotTypes with the given {@link PersistenceContext} and a collection of
     * persistent record classes.
    public DepotTypes(PersistenceContext ctx, Iterable<Class<? extends PersistentRecord>> others)
            throws DatabaseException {
        for (Class<? extends PersistentRecord> c : others) {
            addClass(ctx, c);

     * Create a new DepotTypes with the given {@link PersistenceContext} and the given
     * persistent record.
    public DepotTypes(PersistenceContext ctx, Class<? extends PersistentRecord> pClass) throws DatabaseException {
        addClass(ctx, pClass);

     * Return the full table name of the given persistent class, which must have been previously
     * registered with this object.
    public String getTableName(Class<? extends PersistentRecord> cl) {
        return getMarshaller(cl).getTableName();

     * Return the current abbreviation by which we refer to the table associated with the given
     * persistent record -- which must have been previously registered with this object. If the
     * useTableAbbreviations flag is false, we return the full table name instead.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if the specified class is not known.
    public String getTableAbbreviation(Class<? extends PersistentRecord> cl) {
        if (_useTableAbbreviations) {
            Integer ix = _classIx.get(cl);
            checkArgument(ix != null, "Unknown persistence class: " + cl);
            return "T" + (ix + 1);
        return getTableName(cl);

     * Return the associated database column of the given field of the given persistent class,
     * throwing an exception if the record has not been registered with this object, or if the
     * field is unknown on the record.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if the specified field is not part of the
     * specified persistent class.
    public String getColumnName(Class<? extends PersistentRecord> cl, String field) {
        FieldMarshaller<?> fm = getMarshaller(cl).getFieldMarshaller(field);
        checkArgument(fm != null, "Field not known on class [field=%s, class=%s]", field, cl);
        return fm.getColumnName();

     * Return the {@link DepotMarshaller} associated with the given persistent class, if it's been
     * registered with this object.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if the specified class is not known.
    public <T extends PersistentRecord> DepotMarshaller<T> getMarshaller(Class<T> cl) {
        DepotMarshaller<T> marsh = (DepotMarshaller<T>) _classMap.get(cl);
        checkArgument(marsh != null, "Persistent class not known: " + cl);
        return marsh;

     * Register a new persistent class with this object.
    public void addClass(PersistenceContext ctx, Class<? extends PersistentRecord> type) throws DatabaseException {
        if (_classMap.containsKey(type)) {

        // add the class in question
        DepotMarshaller<?> marsh = ctx.getMarshaller(type);
        _classMap.put(type, marsh);
        _classIx.put(type, _classIx.size());

        // if this class is @Computed and has a shadow, add its shadow
        if (marsh.getComputed() != null && !PersistentRecord.class.equals(marsh.getComputed().shadowOf())) {
            addClass(ctx, marsh.getComputed().shadowOf());

     * Return the value of the useTableAbbreviations flag, which governs the behaviour when
     * referencing columns during SQL construction. Normally, this flag is on, and tables are
     * referenced as e.g. T1.itemId, but there are cases of weak/broken SQL where abbreviations
     * may not be brought into play. In these cases we prepend the full table name.
    public boolean getUseTableAbbreviations() {
        return _useTableAbbreviations;

     * Sets the value of the useTableAbbreviations flag, which governs the behaviour when
     * referencing columns during SQL construction. Normally, this flag is on, and tables are
     * referenced as e.g. T1.itemId, but there are cases of weak/broken SQL where abbreviations
     * may not be brought into play. In these cases we prepend the full table name.
    public void setUseTableAbbreviations(boolean doUse) {
        _useTableAbbreviations = doUse;

    // constructor used to create TRIVIAL
    protected DepotTypes() {

    /** Classes mapped to integers, used for table abbreviation indexing. */
    protected Map<Class<?>, Integer> _classIx = Maps.newHashMap();

    /** Classes mapped to marshallers, used for table names and field lists. */
    protected Map<Class<?>, DepotMarshaller<?>> _classMap = Maps.newHashMap();

    /** When false, override the normal table abbreviations and return full table names instead. */
    protected boolean _useTableAbbreviations = true;