Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Sam Johnson * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import com.samrj.devil.math.Mat3; import com.samrj.devil.math.Mat4; import com.samrj.devil.math.Quat; import com.samrj.devil.math.Vec2; import com.samrj.devil.math.Vec2i; import com.samrj.devil.math.Vec3; import com.samrj.devil.math.Vec4; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; /** * 3D camera class. * * @author Samuel Johnson (SmashMaster) */ public class Camera3D { /** * Returns an array of eight vectors, each one a vertex of this camera's * frustum. Returned in local space. * * @param near The near plane of the frustum. * @param far The far plane of the frustum. * @return The frustum of this camera. */ public static Vec3[] getFrustum(float near, float far, float hSlope, float vSlope) { float wn = near * hSlope, wf = far * hSlope; float hn = near * vSlope, hf = far * vSlope; Vec3[] array = { new Vec3(-wn, -hn, -near), new Vec3(-wf, -hf, -far), new Vec3(-wn, hn, -near), new Vec3(-wf, hf, -far), new Vec3(wn, -hn, -near), new Vec3(wf, -hf, -far), new Vec3(wn, hn, -near), new Vec3(wf, hf, -far), }; return array; } public final Vec3 pos = new Vec3(); public final Quat dir = Quat.identity(); public final float zNear, zFar; public final float fov; public final float hSlope, vSlope; public final Mat4 projMat, viewMat; public final Vec3 right, up, forward; public Camera3D(float zNear, float zFar, float fov, float aspectRatio) { this.zNear = zNear; this.zFar = zFar; this.fov = fov; float tanFov = (float) Math.tan(fov * 0.5f); if (aspectRatio <= 1.0f) //Width is greater or equal to height. { hSlope = tanFov; vSlope = tanFov * aspectRatio; } else //Widgth is smaller than height. { hSlope = tanFov / aspectRatio; vSlope = tanFov; } projMat = Mat4.frustum(hSlope * zNear, vSlope * zNear, zNear, zFar); viewMat = Mat4.identity(); right = new Vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); up = new Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); forward = new Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); } public Camera3D(float zNear, float zFar, float fov, Vec2i resolution) { this(zNear, zFar, fov, resolution.y / (float) resolution.x); } /** * Returns whether this camera frustum's width is smaller than its height. */ public boolean isSkinny() { return hSlope < vSlope; } public void pointAt(Vec3 p) { dir.setRotation(new Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), Vec3.sub(p, pos)); } /** * Projects the given vector to this camera's clip space */ public void project(Vec3 v, Vec3 result) { Vec4 h = new Vec4(v, 1.0f); h.mult(viewMat); h.mult(projMat); result.set(h.x, h.y, h.z).div(h.w); } public Vec3 project(Vec3 v) { Vec3 out = new Vec3(); project(v, out); return out; } /** * Updates the matrices and axis directions for this camera. */ public void update() { viewMat.setRotation(Quat.invert(dir)); viewMat.translate(Vec3.negate(pos)); Mat3 rot = Mat3.rotation(dir); right.setAsColumn(rot, 0); up.setAsColumn(rot, 1); forward.setAsColumn(rot, 2).negate(); } /** * Loads this camera's matrices into OpenGL. */ public void glLoadMatrices() { GraphicsUtil.glLoadMatrix(projMat, GL11.GL_PROJECTION); GraphicsUtil.glLoadMatrix(viewMat, GL11.GL_MODELVIEW); } /** * Returns an array of eight vectors, each one a vertex of this camera's * frustum. Returned in local space, with actual. * * @return The frustum of this camera. */ public Vec3[] getFrustum() { return getFrustum(zNear, zFar, hSlope, vSlope); } /** * There is a unique sphere whose surface touches each vertex of this * camera's frustum. This method returns the distance to and radius of that * sphere, in the first and second components of a 2D vector. * * @param near The near plane to use. * @param far The far plane to use. * @return The circumsphere of this camera. */ public Vec2 getFrustumCircumsphere(float near, float far) { float slopeSq = hSlope * hSlope + vSlope * vSlope; float z = (near * (slopeSq - 1.0f) + far * (slopeSq + 1.0f)) * 0.5f; float r = (float) Math.sqrt(near * near * slopeSq + z * z); return new Vec2(-(near + z), r); } /** * There is a unique sphere whose surface touches each vertex of this * camera's frustum. This method returns the distance to and radius of that * sphere, in the first and second components of a 2D vector. * * @return The circumsphere of this camera. */ public Vec2 getFrustumCircumsphere() { return getFrustumCircumsphere(zNear, zFar); } }