Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to csti consulting * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Copyright (c) 2006-Aug 24, 2010 Consultation CS-TI inc. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.salesmanager.core.util; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Transparency; import java.awt.RenderingHints.Key; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp; import java.awt.image.ConvolveOp; import java.awt.image.Kernel; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import sun.awt.image.BufferedImageGraphicsConfig; import com.salesmanager.core.entity.catalog.Product; import com.salesmanager.core.module.model.application.FileModule; public class ProductImageUtil { private boolean cropeable = true; private int cropeBaseline = 0;// o is width, 1 is height public int getCropeBaseline() { return cropeBaseline; } public void setCropeBaseline(int cropeBaseline) { this.cropeBaseline = cropeBaseline; } private int cropAreaWidth; private int cropAreaHeight; public int getCropAreaWidth() { return cropAreaWidth; } public void setCropAreaWidth(int cropAreaWidth) { this.cropAreaWidth = cropAreaWidth; } public int getCropAreaHeight() { return cropAreaHeight; } public void setCropAreaHeight(int cropAreaHeight) { this.cropAreaHeight = cropAreaHeight; } public void initCropImage(Product product, Map<String, String> moduleConfigMap) throws Exception { Configuration conf = PropertiesUtil.getConfiguration(); //String folder = conf.getString("core.product.image.filefolder") String folder = FileUtil.getProductFilePath() + "/" + product.getMerchantId() + "/"; File image = new File(folder + product.getProductImage()); Map<String, String> defaultConfigMap = getDefaultConfigMap(); // Save the Large Image // get specifications int largeImageHeight = getValue("largeimageheight", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); int largeImageWidth = getValue("largeimagewidth", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); /** Original Image **/ // get original image size BufferedImage originalImage =; int width = originalImage.getWidth(); int height = originalImage.getHeight(); /*** determine if image can be cropped ***/ determineCropeable(width, largeImageWidth, height, largeImageHeight); /*** determine crop area calculation baseline ***/ this.determineBaseline(width, height); determineCropArea(width, largeImageWidth, height, largeImageHeight); } public void uploadProductImages(File image, String imageName, String imageContentType, Product product, Map<String, String> moduleConfigMap) throws Exception { FileModule fh = (FileModule) SpringUtil.getBean("localfile"); Configuration conf = PropertiesUtil.getConfiguration(); Map<String, String> defaultConfigMap = getDefaultConfigMap(); // Save the Large Image // get specifications int largeImageHeight = getValue("largeimageheight", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); int largeImageWidth = getValue("largeimagewidth", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); /** Original Image **/ // get original image size BufferedImage originalImage =; int width = originalImage.getWidth(); int height = originalImage.getHeight(); // original image StringBuffer imgName = new StringBuffer(); imgName.append(product.getProductId()).append("-").append(imageName); // store renamed image in products_image column product.setProductImage(imgName.toString()); // upload anyway fh.uploadFile(product.getMerchantId(), "core.product.image", image, imgName.toString(), imageContentType); /*** determine if image can be cropped ***/ determineCropeable(width, largeImageWidth, height, largeImageHeight); product.setProductImageCrop(this.isCropeable()); /*** determine crop area calculation baseline ***/ this.determineBaseline(width, height); // Save the small Image int smallImageHeight = getValue("smallimageheight", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); int smallImageWidth = getValue("smallimagewidth", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); File resizedSmallImage = resizeImage(originalImage, smallImageWidth, smallImageHeight); StringBuffer smallImgName = new StringBuffer(); smallImgName.append(conf.getString("core.product.image.small.prefix")).append("-") .append(imgName.toString()); fh.uploadFile(product.getMerchantId(), "core.product.image", resizedSmallImage, smallImgName.toString(), imageContentType); resizedSmallImage.delete(); // Save large Image int listingImageHeight = getValue("largeimageheight", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); int listingImageWidth = getValue("largeimagewidth", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); File resizedListingImage = resizeImage(originalImage, listingImageWidth, listingImageHeight); StringBuffer largeImgName = new StringBuffer(); largeImgName.append(conf.getString("core.product.image.large.prefix")).append("-") .append(imgName.toString()); fh.uploadFile(product.getMerchantId(), "core.product.image", resizedListingImage, largeImgName.toString(), imageContentType); resizedListingImage.delete(); determineCropArea(width, largeImageWidth, height, largeImageHeight); } public void uploadCropedProductImages(File image, String imageName, String imageContentType, Product product, Map<String, String> moduleConfigMap) throws Exception { FileModule fh = (FileModule) SpringUtil.getBean("localfile"); Configuration conf = PropertiesUtil.getConfiguration(); Map<String, String> defaultConfigMap = getDefaultConfigMap(); /** Original Image **/ // get original image size BufferedImage originalImage =; // Save the small Image int smallImageHeight = getValue("smallimageheight", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); int smallImageWidth = getValue("smallimagewidth", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); File resizedSmallImage = resizeImage(originalImage, smallImageWidth, smallImageHeight); StringBuffer smallImgName = new StringBuffer(); smallImgName.append(conf.getString("core.product.image.small.prefix")).append("-") .append(product.getProductImage()); fh.uploadFile(product.getMerchantId(), "core.product.image", resizedSmallImage, smallImgName.toString(), imageContentType); resizedSmallImage.delete(); // Save large Image int listingImageHeight = getValue("largeimageheight", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); int listingImageWidth = getValue("largeimagewidth", moduleConfigMap, defaultConfigMap); File resizedListingImage = resizeImage(originalImage, listingImageWidth, listingImageHeight); StringBuffer largeImgName = new StringBuffer(); largeImgName.append(conf.getString("core.product.image.large.prefix")).append("-") .append(product.getProductImage()); fh.uploadFile(product.getMerchantId(), "core.product.image", resizedListingImage, largeImgName.toString(), imageContentType); resizedListingImage.delete(); } private void determineCropeable(int width, int specificationsWidth, int height, int specificationsHeight) { /*** determine if image can be cropped ***/ // height int y = height - specificationsHeight; // width int x = width - specificationsWidth; if (x < 0 || y < 0) { cropeable = false; } if (x == 0 && y == 0) { cropeable = false; } } private void determineBaseline(int width, int height) { /*** determine crop area calculation baseline ***/ if (width < height) { this.setCropeBaseline(0);// width } if (height < width) { this.setCropeBaseline(1);// height } if (width == height) { this.setCropeBaseline(0); } } private void determineCropArea(int width, int specificationsWidth, int height, int specificationsHeight) { cropAreaWidth = specificationsWidth; cropAreaHeight = specificationsHeight; // crop factor double factor = 1; if (this.getCropeBaseline() == 0) {// width factor = new Integer(width).doubleValue() / new Integer(specificationsWidth).doubleValue(); } else {// height factor = new Integer(height).doubleValue() / new Integer(specificationsHeight).doubleValue(); } double w = factor * specificationsWidth; double h = factor * specificationsHeight; cropAreaWidth = (int) w; cropAreaHeight = (int) h; /* * if(factor>1) { //determine croping section for(double * i=factor;i>1;i--) { //multiply specifications by factor int newWidth * = (int)(i * specificationsWidth); int newHeight = (int)(i * * specificationsHeight); //check if new size >= original image * if(width>=newWidth && height>=newHeight) { cropAreaWidth = newWidth; * cropAreaHeight = newHeight; break; } } } */ } public File getCroppedImage(File originalFile, int x1, int y1, int width, int height) throws Exception { BufferedImage image =; BufferedImage out = image.getSubimage(x1, y1, width, height); File tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp", ".jpg"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); ImageIO.write(out, "jpg", tempFile); return tempFile; } public Integer getValue(String key, Map<String, String> moduleConfigMap, Map<String, String> defaultConfigMap) { if (moduleConfigMap.get(key) != null) { return Integer.valueOf(moduleConfigMap.get(key)); } else { return Integer.valueOf(defaultConfigMap.get(key)); } } public Map<String, String> getDefaultConfigMap() { Configuration conf = PropertiesUtil.getConfiguration(); Map<String, String> defaultConfigMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); defaultConfigMap.put("largeimageheight", conf.getString("core.product.config.large.image.height")); defaultConfigMap.put("largeimagewidth", conf.getString("core.product.config.large.image.width")); defaultConfigMap.put("smallimageheight", conf.getString("core.product.config.small.image.height")); defaultConfigMap.put("smallimagewidth", conf.getString("core.product.config.small.image.width")); defaultConfigMap.put("listingimageheight", conf.getString("core.product.config.large.image.height")); defaultConfigMap.put("listingimagewidth", conf.getString("core.product.config.large.image.width")); return defaultConfigMap; } public BufferedImage resize(BufferedImage image, int width, int height) { int type = image.getType() == 0 ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB : image.getType(); BufferedImage resizedImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, type); Graphics2D g = resizedImage.createGraphics(); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Src); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height, null); g.dispose(); return resizedImage; } public BufferedImage blurImage(BufferedImage image) { float ninth = 1.0f / 9.0f; float[] blurKernel = { ninth, ninth, ninth, ninth, ninth, ninth, ninth, ninth, ninth }; Map<Key, Object> map = new HashMap<Key, Object>(); map.put(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR); map.put(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); map.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints(map); BufferedImageOp op = new ConvolveOp(new Kernel(3, 3, blurKernel), ConvolveOp.EDGE_NO_OP, hints); return op.filter(image, null); } private BufferedImage createCompatibleImage(BufferedImage image) { GraphicsConfiguration gc = BufferedImageGraphicsConfig.getConfig(image); int w = image.getWidth(); int h = image.getHeight(); BufferedImage result = gc.createCompatibleImage(w, h, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT); Graphics2D g2 = result.createGraphics(); g2.drawRenderedImage(image, null); g2.dispose(); return result; } // To Shrink /* * private BufferedImage shrinkResize(BufferedImage image, int width,int * height) { image = createCompatibleImage(image); image = resize(image, * 100, 100); image = blurImage(image); image = resize(image, width, * height); return image; } */ public File resizeImage(BufferedImage image, int width, int height) throws Exception { // BufferedImage readImage =; BufferedImage resizedImage = resize(image, width, height); File temp = File.createTempFile("temp", ".png"); ImageIO.write(resizedImage, "png", temp); return temp; } public boolean isCropeable() { return cropeable; } public void setCropeable(boolean cropeable) { this.cropeable = cropeable; } }