Java tutorial
package com.safecell; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.ParseException; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import android.content.Context; import android.location.Location; import android.util.Log; import com.safecell.dataaccess.ProfilesRepository; import com.safecell.dataaccess.RulesRepository; import com.safecell.model.SCRule; import com.safecell.networking.ConfigurationHandler; import com.safecell.networking.GetSchools; import com.safecell.networking.RulesAccountRequest; import com.safecell.utilities.ConfigurePreferences; import com.safecell.utilities.DistanceAndTimeUtils; import com.safecell.utilities.Util; public class RulesDownload { private String TAG = "RulesDownload"; private Location lastRulesDownloadlocation; private final double RULE_UPDATE_RADIUS = 5; private double distanceSinceLastDownload; private RulesAccountRequest rulesAccountRequest; public ArrayList<SCRule> scRules = new ArrayList<SCRule>(); private boolean isPhoneActive = false; private boolean isSmsActive = false; private SCRule scRule; private Context context; private RulesRepository rulesRepository; private ProfilesRepository profilesRepository; private String currentProfileLicenseKey; private boolean ruleDownloadFailed = false; public static boolean RULES_REQUEST = false; public RulesDownload(Context context) { this.context = context; rulesRepository = new RulesRepository(context); profilesRepository = new ProfilesRepository(context); currentProfileLicenseKey = profilesRepository.getLicenseKey(); // scRules = new ArrayList<SCRule>(); } public void loactionChangedForRule(Location location, Context context) { if (lastRulesDownloadlocation != null) { double distance = DistanceAndTimeUtils.distFrom(lastRulesDownloadlocation.getLatitude(), lastRulesDownloadlocation.getLongitude(), location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()); // Log.v("Safecell :"+TAG + "distance", distance + ""); distanceSinceLastDownload += distance; Log.d(TAG, "Rules: distanceSinceLastDownload: " + distanceSinceLastDownload); if (distanceSinceLastDownload >= RULE_UPDATE_RADIUS) { Log.v(TAG, "Distance more than rule radius."); distanceSinceLastDownload = 0; lastRulesDownloadlocation = location; startDownloadThread(); // downloadRule(); } if (ruleDownloadFailed == true) { distanceSinceLastDownload = 0; lastRulesDownloadlocation = location; startDownloadThread(); ruleDownloadFailed = false; } } else { distanceSinceLastDownload = 0; lastRulesDownloadlocation = location; startDownloadThread(); // downloadRule(); } } private synchronized void startDownloadThread() { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { downloadRule(); } }; Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); } private void downloadRule() { RULES_REQUEST = true; // Log.e(TAG, "Enable network before normal rules download"); // // enable network // Log.e(TAG, // "Network status befor rules download " // + Util.getNETWORK_BLOCKED()); // if (!Util.getNETWORK_BLOCKED()) { // // Util.setMobileDataEnabled(context, true); // } rulesAccountRequest = new RulesAccountRequest(context, lastRulesDownloadlocation.getLatitude(), lastRulesDownloadlocation.getLongitude(), RULE_UPDATE_RADIUS); HttpResponse rulesHttpResponse = rulesAccountRequest.ruleRequest(); if (rulesHttpResponse != null) { RULES_REQUEST = false; ruleDownloadFailed = false; synchronized (scRules) { scRules = rulesAccountRequest.handleGetResponseSCRule(rulesHttpResponse); Log.v(TAG, "Downloaded RULES Size: " + scRules.size()); // disable network // if (Util.getNETWORK_BLOCKED()) { // if (!SchoolsDownload.SCHOOLS_RULES_REQUEST // && !RULES_REQUEST) { // Log.e(TAG, // "disable network after normal rules download"); // Log.e(TAG, "SCHOOLS_RULES_REQUEST status:" // + SchoolsDownload.SCHOOLS_RULES_REQUEST // + " RULES REQUEST Status: " + RULES_REQUEST); // // Util.setMobileDataEnabled(context, false); // } // } } } else { RULES_REQUEST = false; ruleDownloadFailed = true; // disable network // if (Util.getNETWORK_BLOCKED()) { // if (!SchoolsDownload.SCHOOLS_RULES_REQUEST && !RULES_REQUEST) { // Log.e(TAG, "disable network after normal rules download"); // Log.e(TAG, "SCHOOLS_RULES_REQUEST status:" // + SchoolsDownload.SCHOOLS_RULES_REQUEST // + " RULES REQUEST Status: " + RULES_REQUEST); // // Util.setMobileDataEnabled(context, false); // } // } } rulesInsertionOrUpdation(); } private boolean isSMSOrEmailRule(int index) { String rule_type = scRules.get(index).getRule_type(); if (rule_type.equalsIgnoreCase("sms") || rule_type.equalsIgnoreCase("email")) { return true; } return false; } private boolean isSchoolZoneOnly(int index) { String isSchoolZone = scRules.get(index).getWhen_enforced(); if (isSchoolZone.equalsIgnoreCase("always")) { return true; } return false; } private boolean isPhoneRule(int index) { String isPhone = scRules.get(index).getRule_type(); if (isPhone.equalsIgnoreCase("phone")) { return true; } return false; } public void updateRulesStatusAsPerSchoolZone(boolean schoolZoneActive) { Log.d(TAG, "Update Rules Status As Per School Zone value: " + schoolZoneActive); synchronized (scRules) { if (scRules.size() == 0) { Log.d(TAG, "No rules available"); ruleApplyOnTrackingScreen(); return; } else { boolean phoneRuleFound = false; boolean smsOrEmailRuleFound = false; boolean smsRuleApplicableForAllZones = false; boolean phoneRuleApplicableForAllZones = false; for (int i = 0; i < scRules.size(); i++) { if (!(scRules.get(i).appliesToLicenseClass(currentProfileLicenseKey))) { Log.d(TAG, "Rule does not apply to " + scRules.get(i).getLicenses() + " " + currentProfileLicenseKey); continue; } // Log.v("Safecell :"+"Rule_type", // scRules.get(i).getRule_type()); if (isSMSOrEmailRule(i)) { smsOrEmailRuleFound = true; Log.d(TAG, "SMS or Email Rule Found"); if (isSchoolZoneOnly(i)) { smsRuleApplicableForAllZones = true; Log.d(TAG, "sms Rule Applicable For All Zones (i.e always)"); } } // end if email if (isPhoneRule(i)) { phoneRuleFound = true; Log.d(TAG, "Phone Rule Found"); if (isSchoolZoneOnly(i)) { phoneRuleApplicableForAllZones = true; Log.d(TAG, "Phone Rule Applicable For All Zones (i.e always)"); } } // end if phone } // end for loop if (smsOrEmailRuleFound) { if (smsRuleApplicableForAllZones) { isSmsActive = true; // Log.v("Safecell :"+"RuleSMs", // "ApplyToall--smsOrEmailRuleFound"); } else if ((!smsRuleApplicableForAllZones) && schoolZoneActive) { // Log.v("Safecell :"+"RuleSMs", // "SchoolZone--smsOrEmailRuleFound"); isSmsActive = true; } else { isSmsActive = false; } } else { isSmsActive = false; // Log.v("Safecell :"+"sms", "smsRule Not Found"); } // end smsOrEmailRuleFound if (phoneRuleFound) { if (phoneRuleApplicableForAllZones) { // Log.v("Safecell :"+"RulePhone", // "ApplyToall--PhoneRuleFound"); isPhoneActive = true; isSmsActive = true; if (!ConfigurationHandler.getInstance().getConfiguration().isDisableCall()) { ConfigurationHandler.getInstance().getConfiguration().setDisableCall(true); ConfigurationHandler.getInstance().getConfiguration().setDisableTexting(true); } } else if ((!phoneRuleApplicableForAllZones) && schoolZoneActive) { // Log.v("Safecell :"+"RulePhone", // "SchoolZone--PhoneRuleFound"); isPhoneActive = true; isSmsActive = true; if (!ConfigurationHandler.getInstance().getConfiguration().isDisableCall()) { ConfigurationHandler.getInstance().getConfiguration().setDisableCall(true); ConfigurationHandler.getInstance().getConfiguration().setDisableTexting(true); } } else { // Log.v("Safecell :"+"phone", "phoneRule Not Found"); isPhoneActive = false; } } else { isPhoneActive = false; // Log.v("Safecell :"+"phone", "phoneRule Not Found"); } // end phoneRuleFound Log.v(TAG, "Appling rules - phone: " + isPhoneActive + " sms: " + isSmsActive + " school: " + schoolZoneActive); ruleApplyOnTrackingScreen(); } // first if else } // end synchronized } /** * UPdate the location rules on tracking screen. */ public void ruleApplyOnTrackingScreen() { TrackingScreenActivity.updateRulesUI(isPhoneActive, isSmsActive); } public boolean isPhoneActive() { return isPhoneActive; } public void setPhoneActive(boolean isPhoneActive) { this.isPhoneActive = isPhoneActive; } public boolean isSmsActive() { return isSmsActive; } public void setSmsActive(boolean isSmsActive) { this.isSmsActive = isSmsActive; } public synchronized void rulesInsertionOrUpdation() { try { rulesRepository.updateInActive(); Log.v(TAG, "Rules: " + scRules); boolean ruleIdPresent = false; for (int i = 0; i < scRules.size(); i++) { int ruleID = scRules.get(i).getId(); ruleIdPresent = rulesRepository.ruleIdPresentInTable(String.valueOf(ruleID)); if (ruleIdPresent) { rulesRepository.updateRules(scRules.get(i)); Log.d(TAG, "Updating rule id: " + ruleID); // activeRulesArrayList.add(rulesArrayList.get(i)); } else { rulesRepository.insertRules(scRules.get(i)); // activeRulesArrayList.add(scRules.get(i)); Log.d(TAG, "Inserting rule id: " + ruleID); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception while rules inserting into reo"); e.printStackTrace(); } } public ArrayList<SCRule> getScRules() { return scRules; } public String responseBody(HttpResponse response) throws ParseException, IOException { if (response == null) { return null; } String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); return responseBody; } }