Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015 TerraFrame, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of Runway SDK(tm). * * Runway SDK(tm) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Runway SDK(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with Runway SDK(tm). If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.runwaysdk.configuration.RunwayConfigurationException; import com.runwaysdk.constants.CommonProperties; import com.runwaysdk.constants.Constants; import com.runwaysdk.constants.DeployProperties; import com.runwaysdk.constants.LocalProperties; import com.runwaysdk.constants.RunwayProperties; import com.runwaysdk.constants.ServerProperties; import com.runwaysdk.dataaccess.CoreException; import com.runwaysdk.dataaccess.MdTypeDAOIF; import com.runwaysdk.dataaccess.metadata.MdTypeDAO; import com.runwaysdk.generation.CommonMarker; import com.runwaysdk.util.FileIO; /** * The abstract root of programmatic compilers, AbstractCompiler contains all * code that is common to different compiler implementations (creating * {@link Arguments}, setting destination, etc.) * * @author Richard Rowlands, Eric Gunzke */ public abstract class AbstractCompiler { public static final String COMPILER_LOG = "Compiler"; private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractCompiler.class); /** * Contains the args for this particular execution of the compiler */ protected Arguments arguments; protected String runwaysdkCommonJarPath = LocalProperties.getCommonLib() + "/" + Constants.RUNWAYSDK_COMMON_JAR; protected String runwaysdkServerJarPath = LocalProperties.getServerLib() + "/" + Constants.RUNWAYSDK_SERVER_JAR; protected String runwaysdkClientJarPath = LocalProperties.getClientLib() + "/" + Constants.RUNWAYSDK_CLIENT_JAR; protected boolean canCompileClient = true; /** * Creates the Arguments object and sets the default values */ protected AbstractCompiler() { // Ensure existence of some paths we're going to need ensureExistence(LocalProperties.getSrcRoot()); ensureExistence(LocalProperties.getGenRoot()); ArrayList<String> props = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!ensureExistence(LocalProperties.getCommonSrc())) { props.add("common.src"); } if (!ensureExistence(LocalProperties.getClientSrc())) { props.add("client.src"); } if (!ensureExistence(LocalProperties.getServerSrc())) { props.add("server.src"); } if (!ensureExistence(LocalProperties.getClientGenSrc())) { props.add("client.gen.src"); } if (!ensureExistence(LocalProperties.getCommonGenSrc())) { props.add("common.gen.src"); } if (!ensureExistence(LocalProperties.getServerGenSrc())) { props.add("server.gen.src"); } if (!ensureExistence(LocalProperties.getClientGenBin())) { props.add("client.gen.bin"); } if (!ensureExistence(LocalProperties.getCommonGenBin())) { props.add("common.gen.bin"); } if (!ensureExistence(LocalProperties.getServerGenBin())) { props.add("server.gen.bin"); } if (props.size() != 0) { throw new RunwayConfigurationException("Unable to generate source. Required configuration properties [" + StringUtils.join(props, ", ") + "] in do not exist."); } FileFilter fileFilter = new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { if (pathname.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".jar") || pathname.isDirectory()) { return true; } else { return false; } } }; arguments = new Arguments(); arguments.common.setDestination(LocalProperties.getCommonGenBin()); // Add all of the custom classpath entries for (String path : LocalProperties.getLocalClasspath()) { arguments.common.addClasspath(path); } // We need to add the runway to the classpath, either in a jar or directly if (LocalProperties.isRunwayEnvironment()) { // Check to make sure Runway is compiled, otherwise we get an unhelpful // error. ArrayList<String> uncompiled = new ArrayList<String>(); File commonClass = new File( RunwayProperties.getRunwayCommonBin() + "/com/runwaysdk/business/BusinessDTO.class"); if (!commonClass.exists()) { uncompiled.add("runwaysdk-common"); } File clientClass = new File( RunwayProperties.getRunwayClientBin() + "/com/runwaysdk/controller/DTOFacade.class"); if (!clientClass.exists()) { uncompiled.add("runwaysdk-client"); } File serverClass = new File( RunwayProperties.getRunwayServerBin() + "/com/runwaysdk/business/Business.class"); if (!serverClass.exists()) { uncompiled.add("runwaysdk-server"); } if (uncompiled.size() > 0) { throw new CoreException( "This project has declared a runway environment, yet the following runway projects have not been compiled [" + StringUtils.join(uncompiled, ", ") + "]. First compile these projects, then try your operation again."); } arguments.common.addClasspath(RunwayProperties.getRunwayCommonBin()); arguments.server.addClasspath(RunwayProperties.getRunwayServerBin()); arguments.client.addClasspath(RunwayProperties.getRunwayClientBin()); arguments.common.addClasspath(LocalProperties.getLocalBin()); } else if (!LocalProperties.useMavenLib()) { arguments.common.addClasspath(runwaysdkCommonJarPath); arguments.server.addClasspath(runwaysdkServerJarPath); arguments.client.addClasspath(runwaysdkClientJarPath); } // application environments have static classes that must be compiled // with the metadata generated classes. if (LocalProperties.isDevelopEnvironment()) { String localBin = LocalProperties.getLocalBin(); if (localBin != null) { arguments.common.addClasspath(localBin); } arguments.common.addSourceDir(LocalProperties.getCommonSrc()); arguments.client.addSourceDir(LocalProperties.getClientSrc()); arguments.server.addSourceDir(LocalProperties.getServerSrc()); } // Add the Project's Dependency Classpath if (!LocalProperties.useMavenLib()) { for (File lib : FileIO.listFilesRecursively(new File(LocalProperties.getCommonLib()), fileFilter)) { arguments.common.addClasspath(lib.getAbsolutePath()); } for (File lib : FileIO.listFilesRecursively(new File(LocalProperties.getClientLib()), fileFilter)) { arguments.client.addClasspath(lib.getAbsolutePath()); } for (File lib : FileIO.listFilesRecursively(new File(LocalProperties.getServerLib()), fileFilter)) { arguments.server.addClasspath(lib.getAbsolutePath()); } } else { List<String> commonClasspath; List<String> clientClasspath; List<String> serverClasspath; commonClasspath = CommonProperties.getCommonClasspath(); serverClasspath = ServerProperties.getServerClasspath(); clientClasspath = ServerProperties.getClientClasspath(); if (clientClasspath == null) { logger.warn("Unable to compile client, client jar not on classpath."); canCompileClient = false; } else { Iterator<String> clI = clientClasspath.iterator(); while (clI.hasNext()) { arguments.client.addClasspath(; } } Iterator<String> cI = commonClasspath.iterator(); while (cI.hasNext()) { arguments.common.addClasspath(; } Iterator<String> sI = serverClasspath.iterator(); while (sI.hasNext()) { arguments.server.addClasspath(; } } arguments.common.addClasspath(LocalProperties.getCommonGenBin()); if (LocalProperties.isDeployedInContainer()) { String containerLib = DeployProperties.getContainerLib(); if (containerLib != null && !containerLib.equals("") && new File(containerLib).exists()) { for (File lib : FileIO.listFilesRecursively(new File(containerLib), fileFilter)) { arguments.common.addClasspath(lib.getAbsolutePath()); } } else { String servletAPI = DeployProperties.getContainerServletAPIJarLocation(); if (servletAPI != null && !servletAPI.equals("") && new File(servletAPI).exists()) { logger.warn( "The configuration option 'deploy.servlet.jar' is deprecated in favor of 'container.lib'"); arguments.common.addClasspath(servletAPI); } else { logger.error( "Unable to add provided container jars to compilation classpath, configuration key 'container.lib' either does not exist or points to a file/directory that does not exist. This is likely to cause the compilation to fail."); } } } arguments.client.setDestination(LocalProperties.getClientGenBin()); arguments.client.addClasspath(LocalProperties.getClientGenBin()); arguments.client.setDependency(arguments.common); arguments.server.setDestination(LocalProperties.getServerGenBin()); arguments.server.addClasspath(LocalProperties.getServerGenBin()); arguments.server.setDependency(arguments.common); } /** * Compiles the sources for the given {@link MdTypeDAO}s * * @param types * A collection of types to compile * @throws CompilerException * if compilation fails */ protected void compile(Collection<? extends MdTypeDAOIF> types) { // No need to go further if there is nothing to compile if (types.size() == 0) return; for (MdTypeDAOIF mdType : types) { for (String source : GenerationManager.getServerFiles(mdType)) { arguments.server.addSourceFile(source); } for (String source : GenerationManager.getCommonFiles(mdType)) { arguments.common.addSourceFile(source); } for (String source : GenerationManager.getClientFiles(mdType)) { arguments.client.addSourceFile(source); } } execute(); } private static boolean ensureExistence(String path) { if (path == null) { return false; } File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { return true; } File parent = file.getParentFile(); if (parent.exists()) { file.mkdir(); return true; } return false; } /** * Configures the compiler to produce no output then compiles all generated * sources. This can be useful to check if a change will break existing code. * * @throws CompilerException * if compilation fails */ protected void compileAllNoOutput() { arguments.common.setDestination("none"); arguments.server.setDestination("none"); arguments.client.setDestination("none"); compileAll(); } /** * Compiles all generated content. Can be slow if there are a lot of classes. * * @throws CompilerException * if compilation fails */ protected void compileAll() { arguments.common.addSourceDir(CommonMarker.BASE_DIRECTORY); arguments.common.addSourceDir(CommonMarker.SOURCE_DIRECTORY); arguments.server.addSourceDir(ServerMarker.BASE_DIRECTORY); arguments.server.addSourceDir(ServerMarker.SOURCE_DIRECTORY); arguments.client.addSourceDir(ClientMarker.BASE_DIRECTORY); arguments.client.addSourceDir(ClientMarker.SOURCE_DIRECTORY); execute(); } /** * Converts the arguments into a usable String[] and passes them into the * compiler. * * @throws CompilerException * if compilation fails */ abstract void execute(); }