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 * Copyright (c) 2014. Real Time Genomics Limited.
 * Use of this source code is bound by the Real Time Genomics Limited Software Licence Agreement
 * for Academic Non-commercial Research Purposes only.
 * If you did not receive a license accompanying this file, a copy must first be obtained by email
 * from  On downloading, using and/or continuing to use this source
 * code you accept the terms of that license agreement and any amendments to those terms that may
 * be made from time to time by Real Time Genomics Limited.

package com.rtg.alignment;

import static com.rtg.util.StringUtils.LS;

import java.util.Random;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import com.rtg.mode.DnaUtils;
import com.rtg.ngs.NgsParams;
import com.rtg.ngs.NgsParamsBuilder;
import com.rtg.util.TestUtils;
import com.rtg.util.diagnostic.NoTalkbackSlimException;

public class SingleIndelEditDistanceTest extends AbstractUnidirectionalEditDistanceTest {

    private static final String[] DNA_STRINGS = new String[] { "A", "C", "G", "T" };

    private static String randomDNA(final long seed, final int length) {
        final Random rand = new Random(seed);
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            final int dna = rand.nextInt(4);
            final String dnac = DNA_STRINGS[dna];
        return sb.toString();

    protected UnidirectionalEditDistance getEditDistanceInstance(int gapOpenPenalty, int gapExtendPenalty,
            int substitutionPenalty, int unknownsPenalty) {
        final NgsParams params = new NgsParamsBuilder().gapOpenPenalty(gapOpenPenalty)
        return new SingleIndelEditDistance(params, 1000);

    private SingleIndelEditDistance getTableEDInstance(String table, int maxReadLen) throws Exception {
        try (TestDirectory dir = new TestDirectory("siedt")) {
            final File tableFile = FileUtils.stringToFile(table, new File(dir, ""));
            final NgsParams params = new NgsParamsBuilder().singleIndelPenalties(tableFile.getPath()).create();
            return new SingleIndelEditDistance(params, maxReadLen);

    public void testTableLoading2() throws Exception {
        String table = "" + "error_ins_penalty_extension_slope=1.0\n" + "error_del_penalty_extension_slope=0.5\n"
                + "error_ins_penalty=5,6,6,6,6,6\n" //...        7,   8,   9   10
                + "error_del_penalty=4,6,6,6,6\n" //... 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5
        try {
            getTableEDInstance(table, 15);
        } catch (NoTalkbackSlimException ntse) {
            TestUtils.containsAll(ntse.getMessage(), "Could not parse substitution penalty in");

        table += "error_snp_penalty=9\n";

        try {
            getTableEDInstance(table, 15);
        } catch (NoTalkbackSlimException ntse) {
            TestUtils.containsAll(ntse.getMessage(), "Could not parse unknowns penalty in");

        table += "error_unknowns_penalty=5\n";
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = getTableEDInstance(table, 10);

                new int[] { 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, /* now extrapolation: */ 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10 },
        TestUtils.assertEquals(new int[] { -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -5, 5, -6, 6, -7, 7, -8, 8, -9, -10, 9, 10 },

    public void testM() {
        checkm(1, 1, true, 0);
        checkm(1, 1, false, 0);
        checkm(2, 1, true, 9);
        checkm(2, 1, false, 9);
        checkm(4, 4, true, 0);
        checkm(4, 4, false, 0);
        checkm(1, 0, true, 9);
        checkm(1, 0, false, 0);
        checkm(0, 0, true, 9);
        checkm(0, 0, false, 0);

    private void checkm(final int rb, final int tb, final boolean treatnsAsMismatches, final int exp) {
        final int penalty = 9;
        final int m0 = SingleIndelEditDistance.m((byte) tb, (byte) rb, penalty, treatnsAsMismatches ? 9 : 0);
        assertEquals(exp, m0);
        final int m1 = SingleIndelEditDistance.m((byte) rb, (byte) tb, penalty, treatnsAsMismatches ? 9 : 0);
        assertEquals(exp, m1);

    public void testDiagonal() throws Exception {
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = (SingleIndelEditDistance) getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0);
        final String exp = "" + "SingleIndelEditDistance" + " unknownsPenalty=0" + " substitution=9" + LS
                + " rLen=8" + " maxScore=2147483647" + " mMaxShift=9" + LS + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + LS + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + LS + " firstMiss=0"
                + " lastMiss=7" + " diagScore=0" + " bestOffset=0" + LS;
        final int[] actions = make("ACGTACGT", "ACGTACGT", 0, exp, ed);
        assertEquals(0, actions[ActionsHelper.ALIGNMENT_SCORE_INDEX]);
        assertEquals(0, actions[ActionsHelper.TEMPLATE_START_INDEX]);
        assertEquals("========", ActionsHelper.toString(actions));

    public void testForwardPositive() throws Exception {
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = (SingleIndelEditDistance) getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0);
        for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
            checkForwardPositive(ed, i, null);

    public void testForwardPositive4() throws Exception {
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = (SingleIndelEditDistance) getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0);
        final String exp = "" + "SingleIndelEditDistance" + " unknownsPenalty=0" + " substitution=9" + LS
                + " rLen=100" + " maxScore=2147483647" + " mMaxShift=9" + LS + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9"
                + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 0" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9"
                + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + LS + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 9"
                + " 18" + " 18" + " 27" + " 36" + " 45" + " 45" + " 54" + " 54" + " 63" + " 63" + " 72" + " 72"
                + " 81" + " 81" + " 81" + " 90" + " 99" + " 108" + " 117" + " 126" + " 135" + " 135" + " 144"
                + " 153" + " 162" + " 171" + " 180" + " 189" + LS + " firstMiss=70" + " lastMiss=99"
                + " diagScore=198" + " bestOffset=4" + LS + " bestPosn=70" + " bestScore=23" + " bestForward=true"
                + LS;
        checkForwardPositive(ed, 4, exp);

    private void checkForwardPositive(final SingleIndelEditDistance ed, int i, final String exp0) {
        //    final String tins = "AAAA" + StringUtils.repeat("C", i) + "GTAT";
        //    final int[] actions = make("AAAAGTAT", tins, 0, exp0, ed);
        //    final String exp = "====" + StringUtils.repeat("D", i) + "====";
        final String a = randomDNA(42, 20);
        final String b = randomDNA(101, 70);
        final String c = StringUtils.repeat("C", i);
        final String d = randomDNA(301, 30);
        final String e = randomDNA(21, 20);

        final String read = b + d;
        final String template = a + b + c + d + e;
        final int[] actions = make(read, template, a.length(), exp0, ed);
        final String exp = StringUtils.repeat("=", b.length()) + StringUtils.repeat("D", i)
                + StringUtils.repeat("=", d.length());
        assertEquals(exp, ActionsHelper.toString(actions));
        assertEquals(19 + i, actions[ActionsHelper.ALIGNMENT_SCORE_INDEX]);
        assertEquals(a.length(), actions[ActionsHelper.TEMPLATE_START_INDEX]);

    public void testForwardNegative() throws Exception {
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = (SingleIndelEditDistance) getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0);
        for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
            checkForwardNegative(ed, i, null);

    public void testForwardNegative4() throws Exception {
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = (SingleIndelEditDistance) getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0);
        final String exp = "" + "SingleIndelEditDistance" + " unknownsPenalty=0" + " substitution=9" + LS
                + " rLen=12" + " maxScore=2147483647" + " mMaxShift=9" + LS + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 9"
                + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + LS + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 9"
                + " 18" + " 27" + " 36" + " 36" + " 36" + " 36" + LS + " firstMiss=4" + " lastMiss=7"
                + " diagScore=36" + " bestOffset=-4" + LS + " bestPosn=8" + " bestScore=23" + " bestForward=true"
                + LS;
        checkForwardNegative(ed, 4, exp);

    private void checkForwardNegative(final SingleIndelEditDistance ed, int i, final String exp0) {
        final String read = "AAAA" + StringUtils.repeat("C", i) + "GTAT";
        final int[] actions = make(read, "AAAA" + StringUtils.repeat("GTAT", 4), 0, exp0, ed);
        final String exp = "====" + StringUtils.repeat("I", i) + "====";
        assertEquals(exp, ActionsHelper.toString(actions));
        assertEquals(19 + i, actions[ActionsHelper.ALIGNMENT_SCORE_INDEX]);
        assertEquals(0, actions[ActionsHelper.TEMPLATE_START_INDEX]);

    public void testForwardNegativeLong() throws Exception {
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = (SingleIndelEditDistance) getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0);
        for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
            checkForwardNegativeLong(ed, i, null);

    public void testForwardNegative4Long() throws Exception {
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = (SingleIndelEditDistance) getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0);
        final String exp = "" + "SingleIndelEditDistance" + " unknownsPenalty=0" + " substitution=9" + LS
                + " rLen=100" + " maxScore=2147483647" + " mMaxShift=9" + LS + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9"
                + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9"
                + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 0" + " 9" + " 0" + LS + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 9" + " 18" + " 18" + " 27"
                + " 36" + " 45" + " 54" + " 54" + " 63" + " 72" + " 72" + " 81" + " 90" + " 90" + " 99" + " 99"
                + " 108" + " 117" + " 117" + " 126" + " 135" + " 144" + " 153" + " 162" + " 171" + " 180" + " 189"
                + " 198" + " 207" + " 216" + " 216" + " 216" + " 225" + LS + " firstMiss=66" + " lastMiss=98"
                + " diagScore=225" + " bestOffset=-4" + LS + " bestPosn=70" + " bestScore=23" + " bestForward=true"
                + LS;
        checkForwardNegativeLong(ed, 4, exp);

    private void checkForwardNegativeLong(final SingleIndelEditDistance ed, int i, final String exp0) {
        final String a = randomDNA(42, 20);
        final String b = randomDNA(103, 70 - i);
        final String c = StringUtils.repeat("C", i);
        final String d = randomDNA(307, 30);
        final String e = randomDNA(71, 20);

        final String read = b + c + d;
        final String template = a + b + d + e;
        final int[] actions = make(read, template, a.length(), exp0, ed);
        final String exp = StringUtils.repeat("=", b.length()) + StringUtils.repeat("I", i)
                + StringUtils.repeat("=", d.length());
        assertEquals(exp, ActionsHelper.toString(actions));
        assertEquals(19 + i, actions[ActionsHelper.ALIGNMENT_SCORE_INDEX]);
        assertEquals(a.length(), actions[ActionsHelper.TEMPLATE_START_INDEX]);

    private static final String TRICKY = "GTAGGTTATAGATTAGAT";

    private static String sub(final int i) {
        return TRICKY.substring(0, i);

    public void testReversePositive() throws Exception {
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = (SingleIndelEditDistance) getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 4); //changed to true due to new off template allowance interfering with tests
        for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
            //final int i = 9;
            checkReversePositive(ed, i, null);

    public void testReversePositive4() throws Exception {
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = (SingleIndelEditDistance) getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0);
        final String exp0 = "" + "SingleIndelEditDistance" + " unknownsPenalty=0" + " substitution=9" + LS
                + " rLen=25" + " maxScore=2147483647" + " mMaxShift=9" + LS + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + LS + " 0" + " 9" + " 18" + " 27" + " 36" + " 36" + " 36"
                + " 45" + " 54" + " 63" + " 72" + " 81" + " 90" + " 99" + " 108" + " 117" + " 117" + " 117" + " 117"
                + " 117" + " 117" + " 117" + " 117" + " 117" + " 117" + LS + " firstMiss=0" + " lastMiss=14"
                + " diagScore=117" + " bestOffset=4" + LS + " bestPosn=10" + " bestScore=23" + " bestForward=false"
                + LS;
        checkReversePositive(ed, 4, exp0);

    private void checkReversePositive(final SingleIndelEditDistance ed, int i, final String exp0) {

        final String a = StringUtils.repeat("C", i);
        final String b = sub(15 - i);
        final String c = StringUtils.repeat("C", i);
        final String d = "GTATGTATAA";
        final String template = a + b + d;
        final String read = b + c + d;
        final int[] actions = make(read, template, 0, exp0, ed);
        final String exp = StringUtils.repeat("=", b.length()) + StringUtils.repeat("I", c.length())
                + StringUtils.repeat("=", d.length());
        assertEquals(exp, ActionsHelper.toString(actions));
        assertEquals(19 + i, actions[ActionsHelper.ALIGNMENT_SCORE_INDEX]);
        assertEquals(i, actions[ActionsHelper.TEMPLATE_START_INDEX]);

    public void testReverseNegative() throws Exception {
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = (SingleIndelEditDistance) getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0);
        for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
            checkReverseNegative(i, null, ed);

    public void testReverseNegative4() throws Exception {
        final SingleIndelEditDistance ed = (SingleIndelEditDistance) getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0);
        final String exp0 = "" + "SingleIndelEditDistance" + " unknownsPenalty=0" + " substitution=9" + LS
                + " rLen=100" + " maxScore=2147483647" + " mMaxShift=9" + LS + " 0" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9"
                + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9"
                + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9"
                + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 9" + " 0" + " 0" + " 9"
                + " 9" + " 9" + " 9" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + " 0" + LS + " 0" + " 0"
                + " 9" + " 9" + " 18" + " 27" + " 36" + " 45" + " 54" + " 63" + " 63" + " 72" + " 81" + " 81"
                + " 90" + " 99" + " 108" + " 108" + " 117" + " 126" + " 135" + " 144" + " 153" + " 162" + " 162"
                + " 171" + " 180" + " 189" + " 198" + " 207" + " 216" + " 225" + " 234" + " 243" + " 243" + " 252"
                + " 261" + " 261" + " 270" + " 279" + " 288" + " 297" + " 306" + " 306" + " 315" + " 315" + " 315"
                + " 324" + " 333" + " 342" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351"
                + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351"
                + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351"
                + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351"
                + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + " 351" + LS
                + " firstMiss=1" + " lastMiss=49" + " diagScore=351" + " bestOffset=-4" + LS + " bestPosn=49"
                + " bestScore=23" + " bestForward=false" + LS;
        checkReverseNegative(4, exp0, ed);

    private void checkReverseNegative(int i, final String exp0, final SingleIndelEditDistance ed) {
        final String a = randomDNA(41, 20);
        final String b = randomDNA(503, 50);
        final String c = StringUtils.repeat("C", i);
        final String d = randomDNA(707, 50);
        final String e = randomDNA(61, 20);
        //    final String a = "";
        //    final String b = sub(15 - i);
        //    final String c = StringUtils.repeat("C", i);
        //    final String d = "GTATGTAT";
        //    final String e = "";
        final String template = a + b + c + d + e;
        final String read = b + d;
        final int[] actions = make(read, template, a.length() + i, exp0, ed);
        final String exp = StringUtils.repeat("=", b.length()) + StringUtils.repeat("D", c.length())
                + StringUtils.repeat("=", d.length());
        assertEquals(exp, ActionsHelper.toString(actions));
        assertEquals(19 + i, actions[ActionsHelper.ALIGNMENT_SCORE_INDEX]);
        assertEquals(a.length(), actions[ActionsHelper.TEMPLATE_START_INDEX]);

    private int[] make(final String readStr, final String templateStr, final int tStart, final String exp,
            final SingleIndelEditDistance ed) {
        //System.err.println(" read       =" + readStr);
        //System.err.println(" templateStr=" + templateStr);
        final byte[] read = DnaUtils.encodeString(readStr);
        final byte[] template = DnaUtils.encodeString(templateStr);

        final int[] actions = ed.calculateEditDistance(read, read.length, template, tStart, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 9,
        if (exp != null) {
            assertEquals(exp, ed.toString());
        return actions;

    public void testIndelOffTemplateEnd() {
        final String readStr = "AAATCCACATTATAT     AAATCTAACTATATCATCATACAATACATACATAG".replaceAll(" ", "");
        final byte[] read = DnaUtils.encodeString(readStr);
        final byte[] template = DnaUtils.encodeString(templateStr);

        final int[] actions = getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0).calculateEditDistance(read, read.length,
                template, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 9, false);
        final String exp = "===============DDDDD==================================X"; //regression
        assertEquals(exp, ActionsHelper.toString(actions));
        assertEquals(0, actions[ActionsHelper.TEMPLATE_START_INDEX]);
        //System.err.println(ActionsHelper.toString(actions)); //not sure what the intended behaviour is here, return null? "best alignment" that won't leave the template?

    //these two tests (testInconsistent) trigger an assert that fails before a recent bugfix (Tues 1 Oct 2013, a9380b0)
    public void testThingInconsistent() {
        final byte[] read = DnaUtils.encodeString(
        final byte[] template = DnaUtils.encodeString(
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0).calculateEditDistance(read, read.length, template, i,
                    Integer.MAX_VALUE, 9, false);

    public void testThingInconsistent2() {
        final byte[] read = DnaUtils.encodeString(
        final byte[] template = DnaUtils.encodeString(
        for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
            getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0).calculateEditDistance(read, read.length, template, i,
                    Integer.MAX_VALUE, 9, false);

    private void runTestThing(int position, byte[] read, byte[] tmpl, String actionString, int alignmentScore) {
        final UnidirectionalEditDistance ed = getEditDistanceInstance(19, 1, 9, 0);
        final int[] actions = ed.calculateEditDistance(read, read.length, tmpl, position, 255, 50, true);
        if (actions == null) {
            //        System.err.println("Null");
        } else {
            //        System.err.println(ActionsHelper.toString(actions));
            assertEquals(actionString, ActionsHelper.toString(actions));
            assertEquals(alignmentScore, ActionsHelper.alignmentScore(actions));

    public void testInsertAtStart() throws Exception {
        final byte[] read = DnaUtils.encodeString(
                        .replaceAll(" ", ""));
        final byte[] template = DnaUtils.encodeString(
        runTestThing(12, read, template,
        runTestThing(12 - 10, read, template,

    public void testInsertAtEnd() throws Exception {
        final byte[] read = DnaUtils.encodeString(
                        .replaceAll(" ", ""));
        final byte[] template = DnaUtils.encodeString(
        runTestThing(2, read, template,

    public void testInsertAtEndWithMismatchAtStart() throws Exception {
        final byte[] read = DnaUtils.encodeString(
                        .replaceAll(" ", ""));
        final byte[] template = DnaUtils.encodeString(
        runTestThing(2, read, template,

    public void testNoMismatchAfterIndelAtEnd() throws Exception {
        final byte[] read = DnaUtils.encodeString(
                        .replaceAll(" ", ""));
        final byte[] template = DnaUtils.encodeString(
        runTestThing(2, read, template,

    public void testMatchBeforeInsert() throws Exception {
        final byte[] read = DnaUtils.encodeString(
                        .replaceAll(" ", ""));
        final byte[] template = DnaUtils.encodeString(
        runTestThing(3, read, template,