Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.rometools.propono.atom.client; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.jdom2.Element; import com.rometools.propono.atom.common.AtomService; import com.rometools.propono.atom.common.Categories; import com.rometools.propono.atom.common.Collection; import com.rometools.propono.atom.common.Workspace; import com.rometools.propono.utils.ProponoException; import com.rometools.rome.feed.atom.Entry; import; /** * Models an Atom collection, extends Collection and adds methods for adding, retrieving, updateing * and deleting entries. * * @deprecated Propono will be removed in Rome 2. */ @Deprecated public class ClientCollection extends Collection { private final boolean writable = true; private HttpClient httpClient = null; private AuthStrategy authStrategy = null; private ClientWorkspace workspace = null; private ClientAtomService service = null; ClientCollection(final Element e, final ClientWorkspace workspace, final String baseURI) throws ProponoException { super(e, baseURI); this.workspace = workspace; service = workspace.getAtomService(); httpClient = workspace.getAtomService().getHttpClient(); authStrategy = workspace.getAtomService().getAuthStrategy(); parseCollectionElement(e); } ClientCollection(final String href, final AuthStrategy authStrategy) throws ProponoException { super("Standalone connection", "text", href); this.authStrategy = authStrategy; try { httpClient = new HttpClient(new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager()); // TODO: make connection timeout configurable httpClient.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setConnectionTimeout(30000); } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new ProponoException("ERROR creating HTTPClient", t); } } void addAuthentication(final HttpMethodBase method) throws ProponoException { authStrategy.addAuthentication(httpClient, method); } /** * Package access to httpClient to allow use by ClientEntry and ClientMediaEntry. */ HttpClient getHttpClient() { return httpClient; } /** * Get iterator over entries in this collection. Entries returned are considered to be partial * entries cannot be saved/updated. */ public Iterator<ClientEntry> getEntries() throws ProponoException { return new EntryIterator(this); } /** * Get full entry specified by entry edit URI. Note that entry may or may not be associated with * this collection. * * @return ClientEntry or ClientMediaEntry specified by URI. */ public ClientEntry getEntry(final String uri) throws ProponoException { final GetMethod method = new GetMethod(uri); authStrategy.addAuthentication(httpClient, method); try { httpClient.executeMethod(method); if (method.getStatusCode() != 200) { throw new ProponoException("ERROR HTTP status code=" + method.getStatusCode()); } final Entry romeEntry = Atom10Parser.parseEntry(new InputStreamReader(method.getResponseBodyAsStream()), uri, Locale.US); if (!romeEntry.isMediaEntry()) { return new ClientEntry(service, this, romeEntry, false); } else { return new ClientMediaEntry(service, this, romeEntry, false); } } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ProponoException("ERROR: getting or parsing entry/media, HTTP code: ", e); } finally { method.releaseConnection(); } } /** * Get workspace or null if collection is not associated with a workspace. */ public Workspace getWorkspace() { return workspace; } /** * Determines if collection is writable. */ public boolean isWritable() { return writable; } /** * Create new entry associated with collection, but do not save to server. * * @throws ProponoException if collecton is not writable. */ public ClientEntry createEntry() throws ProponoException { if (!isWritable()) { throw new ProponoException("Collection is not writable"); } return new ClientEntry(service, this); } /** * Create new media entry assocaited with collection, but do not save. server. Depending on the * Atom server, you may or may not be able to persist the properties of the entry that is * returned. * * @param title Title to used for uploaded file. * @param slug String to be used in file-name of stored file * @param contentType MIME content-type of file. * @param bytes Data to be uploaded as byte array. * @throws ProponoException if collecton is not writable */ public ClientMediaEntry createMediaEntry(final String title, final String slug, final String contentType, final byte[] bytes) throws ProponoException { if (!isWritable()) { throw new ProponoException("Collection is not writable"); } return new ClientMediaEntry(service, this, title, slug, contentType, bytes); } /** * Create new media entry assocaited with collection, but do not save. server. Depending on the * Atom server, you may or may not be able to. persist the properties of the entry that is * returned. * * @param title Title to used for uploaded file. * @param slug String to be used in file-name of stored file * @param contentType MIME content-type of file. * @param is Data to be uploaded as InputStream. * @throws ProponoException if collecton is not writable */ public ClientMediaEntry createMediaEntry(final String title, final String slug, final String contentType, final InputStream is) throws ProponoException { if (!isWritable()) { throw new ProponoException("Collection is not writable"); } return new ClientMediaEntry(service, this, title, slug, contentType, is); } /** * Save to collection a new entry that was created by a createEntry() or createMediaEntry() and * save it to the server. * * @param entry Entry to be saved. * @throws ProponoException on error, if collection is not writable or if entry is partial. */ public void addEntry(final ClientEntry entry) throws ProponoException { if (!isWritable()) { throw new ProponoException("Collection is not writable"); } entry.addToCollection(this); } @Override protected void parseCollectionElement(final Element element) throws ProponoException { if (workspace == null) { return; } setHref(element.getAttribute("href").getValue()); final Element titleElem = element.getChild("title", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT); if (titleElem != null) { setTitle(titleElem.getText()); if (titleElem.getAttribute("type", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT) != null) { setTitleType(titleElem.getAttribute("type", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT).getValue()); } } final List<Element> acceptElems = element.getChildren("accept", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL); if (acceptElems != null && !acceptElems.isEmpty()) { for (final Element acceptElem : acceptElems) { addAccept(acceptElem.getTextTrim()); } } // Loop to parse <app:categories> element to Categories objects final List<Element> catsElems = element.getChildren("categories", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL); for (final Element catsElem : catsElems) { final Categories cats = new ClientCategories(catsElem, this); addCategories(cats); } } }