Java tutorial
/* * **************************************************************************** * Copyright 2015 Hoffmann-La Roche * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **************************************************************************** */ package com.roche.iceboar.settings; import com.roche.iceboar.IceBoarException; import com.roche.iceboar.cachestorage.CacheStatus; import com.roche.iceboar.cachestorage.LocalCacheStorage; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import javax.jnlp.BasicService; import javax.jnlp.ServiceManager; import javax.jnlp.UnavailableServiceException; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import static com.roche.iceboar.settings.GlobalSettings.*; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; /** * This class create an instance of {@link GlobalSettings} based on arguments from main(String [] args) method and * System properties. */ public class GlobalSettingsFactory { /** * <tt>{@value #DEFAULT_FRAME_TITLE}</tt><br> * Default Frame Title. */ public static final String DEFAULT_FRAME_TITLE = "Ice Boar"; private static final String JAVA_VERSION = "java.version"; private static final String OS_NAME = ""; private static final String TEMP_DIRECTORY = ""; private static final String JNLP_ICE_BOAR_PREFIX = "jnlp.IceBoar."; private static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = "path.separator"; /** * Reads system properties (incl. those specified in JNLP file). * * @param args */ public static GlobalSettings getGlobalSettings(String[] args) { long jvmStartTime = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getStartTime(); String codeBase = getCodeBase(); Properties properties = System.getProperties(); boolean showDebug = getShowDebug(properties); String frameTitle = properties.getProperty(JNLP_FRAME_TITLE, DEFAULT_FRAME_TITLE); String currentJavaVersion = properties.getProperty(JAVA_VERSION); String targetJavaVersion = getTargetJavaVersion(currentJavaVersion, properties); String tempDirectory = properties.getProperty(TEMP_DIRECTORY); String mainClass = properties.getProperty(JNLP_MAIN_CLASS); String targetJavaURL = getTargetJavaUrl(codeBase, properties); List<String> jarURLs = getDependenciesJars(codeBase, properties); List<String> allPropertiesForTarget = getAllPropertiesForTarget(properties); String initialHeapSize = properties.getProperty(JNLP_INITIAL_HEAP_SIZE); String maxHeapSize = properties.getProperty(JNLP_MAX_HEAP_SIZE); String javaVmArgs = properties.getProperty(JNLP_JAVA_VM_ARGS); String operationSystemName = properties.getProperty(OS_NAME); String pathSeparator = properties.getProperty(PATH_SEPARATOR); boolean closeOnEnd = getCloseOnEnd(properties); String cachePath = tempDirectory + ".IceBoar.cache"; CacheStatus cacheStatus = getCacheStatus(cachePath); List<String> icons = getIcons(codeBase, properties); String splash = getSplashScreen(codeBase, properties); boolean hideFrameBorder = getHideFrameBorder(properties); GlobalSettings settings = GlobalSettings.builder().applicationArguments(args).jvmStartTime(jvmStartTime) .showDebug(showDebug).frameTitle(frameTitle).currentJavaVersion(currentJavaVersion) .targetJavaVersion(targetJavaVersion).tempDirectory(tempDirectory).mainClass(mainClass) .targetJavaURL(targetJavaURL).jarURLs(jarURLs).allPropertiesForTarget(allPropertiesForTarget) .operationSystemName(operationSystemName).pathSeparator(pathSeparator) .initialHeapSize(initialHeapSize).maxHeapSize(maxHeapSize).javaVmArgs(javaVmArgs) .closeOnEnd(closeOnEnd).cachePath(cachePath).cacheStatus(cacheStatus).icons(icons) .customSplashImage(splash).hideFrameBorder(hideFrameBorder).build(); return settings; } private static String getCodeBase() { String codeBase = ""; try { codeBase = ((BasicService) ServiceManager.lookup("javax.jnlp.BasicService")).getCodeBase().toString(); } catch (UnavailableServiceException e) { System.out.println("BasicService is uninitialized. Do you started it from JNLP?"); } return codeBase; } private static boolean getShowDebug(Properties properties) { String showDebugProperty = properties.getProperty(JNLP_SHOW_DEBUG); System.out.println("showDebug: " + showDebugProperty); return isNotBlank(showDebugProperty) && showDebugProperty.equals("true"); } private static boolean getCloseOnEnd(Properties properties) { String closeOnEnd = properties.getProperty(JNLP_CLOSE_ON_END); return !(isNotBlank(closeOnEnd) && closeOnEnd.equals("false")); } private static String getTargetJavaVersion(String currentJavaVersion, Properties properties) { String targetJavaVersion; targetJavaVersion = properties.getProperty(JNLP_TARGET_JAVA_VERSION); if (targetJavaVersion == null) { System.out.println("A property " + JNLP_TARGET_JAVA_VERSION + " is not defined. It is set to current Java Version: " + currentJavaVersion); targetJavaVersion = currentJavaVersion; } return targetJavaVersion; } private static String getTargetJavaUrl(String codeBase, Properties properties) { String targetJavaURL; targetJavaURL = properties.getProperty(JNLP_TARGET_JAVA_URL); if (targetJavaURL == null) { throw new IceBoarException( "A property " + JNLP_TARGET_JAVA_URL + " is not defined. Please specify it in JNLP file!", null); } if (!isAbsolutePath(targetJavaURL) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(codeBase)) { targetJavaURL = codeBase + targetJavaURL; } return targetJavaURL; } private static List<String> getDependenciesJars(String codeBase, Properties properties) { List<String> jarURLs = readRemoteResourcesByPrefix(codeBase, properties, JNLP_JARS_PREFIX); if (jarURLs.isEmpty()) { throw new IceBoarException( "Please specify minimum a one JAR file in property: " + JNLP_JARS_PREFIX + "0", null); } return jarURLs; } private static List<String> readRemoteResourcesByPrefix(String codeBase, Properties properties, String prefix) { List<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { Object key = entry.getKey(); if (key instanceof String && ((String) key).startsWith(prefix)) { String urlText = getAbsoluteUrl(codeBase, entry.getValue().toString()); urls.add(urlText); } } return urls; } private static String getAbsoluteUrl(String codeBase, String urlText) { if (!isAbsolutePath(urlText) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(codeBase)) { urlText = codeBase + urlText; } return urlText; } private static List<String> getAllPropertiesForTarget(Properties properties) { List<String> allPropertiesForTarget = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { Object key = entry.getKey(); if (key instanceof String) { String keyText = (String) key; if (keyText.startsWith("jnlp.") && !keyText.startsWith(JNLP_ICE_BOAR_PREFIX)) { allPropertiesForTarget.add("-D" + key + "=\"" + entry.getValue() + "\""); } } } return allPropertiesForTarget; } private static boolean isAbsolutePath(String urlText) { return urlText.contains("://"); } private static CacheStatus getCacheStatus(String cachePath) { LocalCacheStorage localCacheStorage = new LocalCacheStorage(); CacheStatus cacheStatus = localCacheStorage.loadCacheStatus(cachePath); return cacheStatus; } private static List<String> getIcons(String codeBase, Properties properties) { List<String> icons = readRemoteResourcesByPrefix(codeBase, properties, JNLP_ICONS_PREFIX); return icons; } private static String getSplashScreen(String codeBase, Properties properties) { return getAbsoluteUrl(codeBase, defaultIfNull((String) properties.get(JNLP_SPLASH_SCREEN), "")); } private static boolean getHideFrameBorder(Properties properties) { String hideFrameBorder = properties.getProperty(JNLP_SPLASH_HIDE_FRAME_BORDER); return (isNotBlank(hideFrameBorder) && hideFrameBorder.equals("true")); } }