Java tutorial
// Copyright 2010 - May 2014 Rise Vision Incorporated. // Use of this software is governed by the GPLv3 license // (reproduced in the LICENSE file). package com.risevision.viewer.client.controller; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.risevision.common.client.utils.PresentationParser; import com.risevision.viewer.client.utils.ViewerHtmlUtils; public class ViewerGadgetController implements ViewerControllerInterface { private PlaceholderInfo placeholderInfo; private PlaylistItemInfo playlistItem; private String phName, htmlName, presFrame; private boolean isReady = false, isPlaying = false; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private boolean canPlay, canStop, canPause, canReportReady, canReportDone; private Command gadgetReadyCommand, gadgetDoneCommand; private static final String GADGET_SCRIPT = "<script><!--\n" + "try {" + "updateGadget('%s1', '%s3', '%s4', '%s5');" + "gadgetRequest('%s4', '%s2');" + "} catch(err) { parent.writeToLog('updateGadget call - %s3 - ' + err.message); }" + "\n//-->" + "</script>"; private final String GADGET_HTML = "" + "<iframe id=\"if_%id%\" name=\"if_%id%\" allowTransparency=\"true\" " + "style=\"display:block;position:absolute;height:100%;width:100%;\" frameborder=0 scrolling=\"no\">" + "</iframe>" + ""; public ViewerGadgetController(PlaceholderInfo placeholderInfo, PlaylistItemInfo playlistItem, String phName, String htmlName, Command gadgetReadyCommand, Command gadgetDoneCommand) { this.placeholderInfo = placeholderInfo; this.playlistItem = playlistItem; this.phName = phName; this.htmlName = htmlName; // add first letter of Gadget type to the name if (playlistItem != null && playlistItem.getType() != null && playlistItem.getType().length() > 1) this.htmlName = htmlName + playlistItem.getType().substring(0, 1); this.gadgetReadyCommand = gadgetReadyCommand; this.gadgetDoneCommand = gadgetDoneCommand; ViewerHtmlUtils.registerGadget(this.htmlName, this); } public void updateHtml(PresentationInfo presentation) { if (playlistItem != null && PlaylistItemInfo.TYPE_GADGET.equals(playlistItem.getType())) { updateHtmlGadget(presentation); } } private void updateHtmlGadget(PresentationInfo presentation) { String transition = "none"; String xmlUrl = ""; if (playlistItem != null) { if (playlistItem.getObjectData().toLowerCase().contains(".xml")) { String url = playlistItem.getObjectData(); int queryLocation = url.indexOf(".xml") + 4; xmlUrl = url.substring(0, queryLocation); } else { // add URL functionality here } } // else if (placeholderInfo.getUrl().toLowerCase().contains(".xml")) { // url = placeholderInfo.getUrl(); // } if (placeholderInfo != null) { transition = placeholderInfo.getTransition(); } String html = GADGET_HTML // .replace("%s0%", url) .replace("%id%", htmlName).replace("\n", "").replace("\r", ""); addGadgetScript(presentation, html, xmlUrl, phName, htmlName, transition); } public void addGadgetScript(PresentationInfo presentation, String html, String gadgetUrl, String containerName, String htmlName, String transition) { String tagHtml = GADGET_SCRIPT.replace("%s1", html).replace("%s2", gadgetUrl).replace("%s3", containerName) .replace("%s4", htmlName).replace("%s5", transition); PresentationParser.addScriptTag(presentation, tagHtml); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String addVersionNumber(String url) { int queryLocation = url.indexOf(".xml"); if (queryLocation != -1) { String versionString = "%3Fv%3D" + Random.nextInt(10000); queryLocation += ".xml".length(); if (queryLocation < url.length()) { url = url.substring(0, queryLocation) + versionString + url.substring(queryLocation, url.length()); } else { url = url + versionString; } } else { // TODO: handle cases where the Gadget is obtained through an API not a static .XML file. } return url; } private String updateUrlParams(String urlParams) { int height, width; // int top = 0, left = 0; urlParams = removeIdParameter(urlParams); // urlParams = addVersionNumber(urlParams); if (placeholderInfo.getWidthUnits().equals("%")) { width = (int) ((placeholderInfo.getWidth() / 100.0) * Window.getClientWidth()); } else { width = (int) placeholderInfo.getWidth(); } // if (placeholderInfo.getHeightUnits().equals("%")) { height = (int) ((placeholderInfo.getHeight() / 100.0) * Window.getClientHeight()); } else { height = (int) placeholderInfo.getHeight(); } urlParams += "&up_rsW=" + width; urlParams += "&up_rsH=" + height; //"&pid=test1&up_id=test1" // urlParams += "&pid=" + htmlName; urlParams += "&up_id=" + htmlName; // urlParams += "&parent=" + URL.encodeQueryString(Window.Location.getHref()); // urlParams += ViewerEntryPoint.getDisplayId().isEmpty() ? "": "&up_displayid=" + ViewerEntryPoint.getDisplayId(); urlParams = urlParams.replace("'", "\\'"); return urlParams; } private String removeIdParameter(String url) { while (url.indexOf("up_id=") > 0) { int start = url.indexOf("up_id="); if (url.charAt(start - 1) == '&') { start -= 1; } int end = url.indexOf("&", url.indexOf("up_id=")); if (end != -1) { url = url.substring(0, start) + url.substring(end, url.length()); } else { url = url.substring(0, start); } } return url; } public void setLoad(String presFrame, String gadgetXml) { try { String gadgetHtml; // String gadgetDefaultSettings; String gadgetUrl = updateUrlParams(playlistItem.getObjectData()); GadgetSettingsInfo gadgetSettings = new GadgetSettingsInfo(gadgetUrl, null, gadgetXml); // used for debugging purposes; doesn't use minified js file // GadgetSettingsInfo.useLongScript(); gadgetHtml = gadgetSettings.getGadgetHtml(); renderHtml(presFrame, gadgetHtml); } catch (GadgetXmlParserError e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private void renderHtml(String presFrame, String gadgetHtml) { // render the Gadget in the iframe using (phName, htmlName) // String html = GADGET_INNER_HTML.replace("%s0%", urlParams) // .replace("%s1%", gadgetDefaultSettings) // .replace("%body%", gadgetHtml); ViewerHtmlUtils.addGadgetHtml(presFrame, "if_" + htmlName, gadgetHtml); } public void setReady(String presFrame, boolean canPlay, boolean canStop, boolean canPause, boolean canReportReady, boolean canReportDone) { this.presFrame = presFrame; this.canPause = canPlay; this.canStop = canStop; this.canPause = canPause; this.canReportReady = canReportReady; this.canReportDone = canReportDone; if (!isReady) { isReady = true; if (gadgetReadyCommand != null) { gadgetReadyCommand.execute(); } // if GadgetReadyCommand is null, than this is a single Gadget // in placeholder (no ready command, just Start playing right away) else if (!isPlaying) { play(true); } } } public void setError(String presFrame, String reason) { // catch gadget error (not implemented) } public void setDone() { if (isPlaying) { if (gadgetDoneCommand != null) { isPlaying = false; gadgetDoneCommand.execute(); } else { stop(false); play(false); } } } public void play(boolean show) { if (!isPlaying) { isPlaying = true; if (isReady) { ViewerHtmlUtils.playCommand(presFrame, htmlName, show); } } } public void stop(boolean hide) { // if (isPlaying) { isPlaying = false; ViewerHtmlUtils.stopCommand(presFrame, htmlName, hide); // } } public void pause(boolean hide) { // removed isPlaying check (since pause can be called on a "paused" item to hide it) // if (isPlaying) { isPlaying = false; ViewerHtmlUtils.pauseCommand(presFrame, htmlName, hide); // } } public void setReady(boolean isReady) { this.isReady = isReady; } public boolean isReady() { return isReady; } public PlaylistItemInfo getItem() { return playlistItem; } }