Java tutorial
// Copyright 2010 - May 2014 Rise Vision Incorporated. // Use of this software is governed by the GPLv3 license // (reproduced in the LICENSE file). package com.risevision.ui.client.common.widgets; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.risevision.common.client.utils.RiseUtils; import; public class GridWidget extends Composite implements ClickHandler { private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); private Grid searchGrid = new Grid(1, 5); private TextBox searchTextBox = new TextBox(); private RiseListBox categoryListBox = new RiseListBox(); private Anchor searchLink = new Anchor("Search"); private FlexTable usersFlexTable = new FlexTable(); private HorizontalPanel pagingPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); private GridInfo gridInfo; private Command dataCommand = null; private int currentCommand; private String currentKey; private boolean currentCheckBoxValue; /* * Be careful with saving UI components in datastructures like this: if you * remove a button from the app, make sure you also remove its reference * from buttonMap HashMap to avoid memory leaks. */ private Map<Widget, String> actionMap = new HashMap<Widget, String>(); private String[][] header; public GridInfo getGridInfo() { return gridInfo; } public int getCurrentCommand() { return currentCommand; } public String getCurrentKey() { return currentKey; } public boolean getCurrentCheckBoxValue() { return currentCheckBoxValue; } public GridWidget(Command dataCommand, String[][] header, String[][] searchCategories) { this.dataCommand = dataCommand; if (searchCategories != null) { searchTextBox.setStyleName("rdn-TextBoxMedium"); categoryListBox.setStyleName("rdn-ListBoxMedium"); searchLink.addClickHandler(this); actionMap.put(searchLink, GridInfo.SEARCHACTION + ""); searchGrid.setCellPadding(0); searchGrid.setCellSpacing(0); //searchGrid.setStyleName("rdn-Grid"); searchGrid.setWidget(0, 0, searchTextBox); searchGrid.setWidget(0, 1, new InlineHTML(" ")); searchGrid.setWidget(0, 2, categoryListBox); searchGrid.setWidget(0, 3, new InlineHTML(" ")); searchGrid.setWidget(0, 4, searchLink); mainPanel.add(searchGrid); setSearchCategories(searchCategories); } mainPanel.add(usersFlexTable); mainPanel.add(pagingPanel); mainPanel.setStyleName("rdn-TableShort"); // style the table usersFlexTable.setCellSpacing(0); usersFlexTable.setCellPadding(0); usersFlexTable.setStyleName("rdn-Grid"); this.header = header; setHeader(); initWidget(mainPanel); } private void setSearchCategories(String[][] searchCategories) { for (String[] def : searchCategories) { if (def[1] != null) { categoryListBox.addItem(def[0], def[1]); } } } private void setHeader() { int i = 0; for (String[] def : header) { if (def[1] != null) { if (GridInfo.CHECKBOX.equals(def[1])) { CheckBox checkAll = new CheckBox(); checkAll.addClickHandler(this); actionMap.put(checkAll, GridInfo.CHECKALLACTION + Integer.toString(i)); usersFlexTable.setWidget(0, i, checkAll); } else { Anchor sortLink = new Anchor(def[0]); sortLink.setStyleName("rdn-GridItemLink"); sortLink.addClickHandler(this); actionMap.put(sortLink, GridInfo.SORTACTION + def[1]); usersFlexTable.setWidget(0, i, sortLink); } } else { if (def[0] == null || def[0].isEmpty()) usersFlexTable.setHTML(0, i, " "); else usersFlexTable.setText(0, i, def[0]); } CellFormatter cellFormatter = usersFlexTable.getCellFormatter(); if (def[0] == null || def[0].isEmpty()) { cellFormatter.setStyleName(0, i, "rdn-GridItemHeaderShort"); } else { cellFormatter.setStyleName(0, i, "rdn-GridItemHeader"); } if (def.length > 2) { ColumnFormatter colFormatter = usersFlexTable.getColumnFormatter(); colFormatter.setWidth(i, def[2]); // for firefox cellFormatter.setWidth(0, i, def[2]); } i++; } RowFormatter rowFormatter = usersFlexTable.getRowFormatter(); rowFormatter.setStyleName(0, "rdn-GridHeader"); } protected void onLoad() { searchTextBox.setFocus(true); super.onLoad(); } public void loadGrid(GridInfo gridInfo) { this.gridInfo = gridInfo; if (gridInfo != null && dataCommand != null) { updatePaging(); } } public void setText(int row, int column, String text) { Label textLabel = new Label(text); try { String[] colProperties = header[column]; textLabel.addStyleName("rdn-OverflowElipsis"); textLabel.setWidth(colProperties[2]); } catch (Exception e) { } setWidget(row, column, textLabel); } public void setAction(int row, int column, String text, int actionType, String id) { Anchor actionHyperlink = new Anchor(text); actionHyperlink.addClickHandler(this); setWidget(row, column, actionHyperlink); actionMap.put(actionHyperlink, actionType + id); } public void setWidget(int row, int column, Widget widget) { formatCell(row, column); usersFlexTable.setWidget(row, column, widget); } public void setAction(int row, int column, String text, String id) { setAction(row, column, text, GridInfo.SELECTACTION, id); } public void setCheckBox(int row, int column, Boolean checked, String id) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.setValue(checked); cb.addClickHandler(this); setWidget(row, column, cb); actionMap.put(cb, GridInfo.CHECKACTION + id); } private void formatCell(int row, int column) { CellFormatter cellFormatter = usersFlexTable.getCellFormatter(); RowFormatter rowFormatter = usersFlexTable.getRowFormatter(); cellFormatter.setStyleName(row, column, "rdn-GridItem"); for (int i = 0; i < usersFlexTable.getCellCount(0); i++) { cellFormatter.addStyleName(row, i, "rdn-GridItemFooterBottom"); if (row > 0) { cellFormatter.removeStyleName(row - 1, i, "rdn-GridItemFooterBottom"); } } if (row % 2 == 0) { rowFormatter.addStyleName(row, "rdn-GridAlternateRow"); } } // The shared ClickHandler code. public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Object sender = event.getSource(); if (sender instanceof Anchor) { Anchor b = (Anchor) sender; String keyString = actionMap.get(b); if (keyString != null && !keyString.isEmpty()) { currentCommand = RiseUtils.strToInt(keyString.substring(0, 1), -1); currentKey = keyString.substring(1); if (currentCommand == GridInfo.SORTACTION) { gridInfo.setSortBy(currentKey); // set paging to first page gridInfo.setCurrentPage(1); } else if (currentCommand == GridInfo.PAGEACTION) { int key = RiseUtils.strToInt(currentKey, 0); if (key != 0) { gridInfo.setCurrentPage(key); } } else if (currentCommand == GridInfo.SEARCHACTION) { gridInfo.setSortBy(categoryListBox.getSelectedValue()); gridInfo.setSearchFor(searchTextBox.getText()); // set paging to first page gridInfo.setCurrentPage(1); } dataCommand.execute(); } } else if (sender instanceof CheckBox) { String keyString = actionMap.get(sender); if (keyString != null && !keyString.isEmpty()) { currentCommand = RiseUtils.strToInt(keyString.substring(0, 1), -1); currentKey = keyString.substring(1); currentCheckBoxValue = ((CheckBox) sender).getValue(); dataCommand.execute(); } } } public void clear() { searchTextBox.setText(""); if (gridInfo != null) { gridInfo.setPageCount(0); clearGrid(); gridInfo.setSortBy(""); gridInfo.setSearchFor(""); } } public void clearGrid() { updatePaging(); for (int i = usersFlexTable.getRowCount() - 1; i > 0; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < usersFlexTable.getCellCount(1); j++) { Widget widget = usersFlexTable.getWidget(i, j); if (widget != null && widget instanceof Anchor) { Anchor link = (Anchor) widget; actionMap.remove(link); } } usersFlexTable.removeRow(i); } } private void updatePaging() { // remove previous widgets for (int i = 0; i < pagingPanel.getWidgetCount(); i++) { if (pagingPanel.getWidget(i) instanceof Anchor) { Anchor link = (Anchor) pagingPanel.getWidget(i); actionMap.remove(link); } } pagingPanel.clear(); updatePagingHyperlink("<<", gridInfo.getFirstPage()); updatePagingHyperlink("<", gridInfo.getPrevPage()); for (int i = 1; i <= gridInfo.getPageCount(); i++) { if (i != gridInfo.getCurrentPage()) { updatePagingHyperlink(i + "", i); } else { Label pageLabel = new Label(i + ""); pageLabel.setStyleName("rdn-GridItemLink"); pagingPanel.add(pageLabel); } } updatePagingHyperlink(">", gridInfo.getNextPage()); updatePagingHyperlink(">>", gridInfo.getLastPage()); } private void updatePagingHyperlink(String text, Integer key) { Anchor pageHyperlink; if (key != 0) { pageHyperlink = new Anchor(text); pageHyperlink.setStyleName("rdn-GridItemLink"); pageHyperlink.addClickHandler(this); pagingPanel.add(pageHyperlink); actionMap.put(pageHyperlink, GridInfo.PAGEACTION + key.toString()); pagingPanel.setSpacing(3); } } public void checkAll(boolean value) { for (Widget w : actionMap.keySet()) if (w instanceof CheckBox) ((CheckBox) w).setValue(value); } }