Java tutorial
// Copyright 2010 - May 2014 Rise Vision Incorporated. // Use of this software is governed by the GPLv3 license // (reproduced in the LICENSE file). package com.risevision.ui.client.common.widgets.background; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.risevision.ui.client.common.widgets.RiseListBox; import com.risevision.ui.client.common.widgets.SpacerWidget; import com.risevision.ui.client.common.widgets.colorPicker.ColorPickerTextBox; import com.risevision.ui.client.common.widgets.mediaLibrary.GooglePickerViewId; import com.risevision.ui.client.common.widgets.mediaLibrary.MediaLibraryTextBox; public class BackgroundDialog extends PopupPanel /* implements ChangeHandler */ { private static BackgroundDialog instance; private static final String[][] repeatOptions = { { "repeat", "Vertical and Horizontal" }, { "repeat-x", "Horizontal" }, { "repeat-y", "Vertical" }, { "no-repeat", "None" } }; private static final String[][] positionOptions = { { "left top", "Top Left" }, { "center top", "Top" }, { "right top", "Top Right" }, { "left center", "Left" }, { "center center", "Center" }, { "right center", "Right" }, { "left bottom", "Bottom Left" }, { "center bottom", "Bottom" }, { "right bottom", "Bottom Right" } }; // Define the buttons HorizontalPanel buttonPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); Button okButton = new Button("Save"); // ok button Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); // cancel button // private BackgroundPreview previewWidget = BackgroundPreview.getInstance(); private Grid mainGrid = new Grid(5, 2); private int row = -1; private ColorPickerTextBox colorTextBox = new ColorPickerTextBox(); private MediaLibraryTextBox urlTextBox = new MediaLibraryTextBox(GooglePickerViewId.DOCS_IMAGES); private RiseListBox positionListBox = new RiseListBox(); private CheckBox scaleToFitCheckBox = new CheckBox(); private RiseListBox repeatListBox = new RiseListBox(); // private Label cssLabel = new Label(); // private Anchor showCssLink = new Anchor("Edit"); // private TextBox cssTextBox = new TextBox(); private Command onClose; public static BackgroundDialog getInstance() { try { if (instance == null) instance = new BackgroundDialog(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return instance; } public BackgroundDialog() { super(false, true); //set auto-hide and modal buttonPanel.add(okButton); buttonPanel.add(new SpacerWidget()); buttonPanel.add(cancelButton); // HorizontalPanel cssPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); // cssPanel.add(cssLabel); // cssPanel.add(cssTextBox); // cssPanel.add(new SpacerWidget()); // cssPanel.add(showCssLink); gridAdd("Background Color:", colorTextBox, "rdn-TextBoxMedium"); gridAdd("Background Image URL:", urlTextBox, "rdn-TextBoxLong"); gridAdd("Image Position:", positionListBox, "rdn-ListBoxMedium"); gridAdd("Scale To Fit:", scaleToFitCheckBox, "rdn-CheckBox"); gridAdd("Image Repeat:", repeatListBox, "rdn-ListBoxMedium"); // gridAdd("CSS Style:", cssPanel, ""); // mainGrid.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(4, 1, 2); // mainGrid.getFlexCellFormatter().setRowSpan(0, 2, 4); // mainGrid.getCellFormatter().setWidth(0, 2, "100%"); // mainGrid.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 2, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); // mainGrid.setWidget(0, 2, previewWidget); VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); mainPanel.add(mainGrid); mainPanel.add(buttonPanel); setWidget(mainPanel); updateTextBoxes(); styleControls(); initButtons(); initHandlers(); } private void updateTextBoxes() { for (String[] s : positionOptions) { positionListBox.addItem(s[1], s[0]); } for (String[] s : repeatOptions) { repeatListBox.addItem(s[1], s[0]); } } private void styleControls() { mainGrid.setCellSpacing(0); mainGrid.setCellPadding(0); mainGrid.setStyleName("rdn-Table"); // cssLabel.addStyleName("rdn-OverflowElipsis"); // cssLabel.setWidth("420px"); // cssTextBox.setStyleName("rdn-TextBoxLong"); getElement().getStyle().setProperty("padding", "10px"); buttonPanel.addStyleName("rdn-VerticalSpacer"); } private void initButtons() { okButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (onClose != null) { onClose.execute(); } hide(); } }); cancelButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { hide(); } }); // showCssLink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { // public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // showCssTextBox(true); // } // }); } // protected void showCssTextBox(boolean visible) { // showCssLink.setVisible(!visible); // cssLabel.setVisible(!visible); // cssTextBox.setVisible(visible); // cssLabel.setText(cssTextBox.getText()); // } private void initHandlers() { // cssTextBox.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { // @Override // public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { // bindData(cssTextBox.getText()); // } // }); // urlTextBox.addChangeHandler(this); // colorTextBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { // // @Override // public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { // saveData(); // } // }); // positionListBox.addChangeHandler(this); // repeatListBox.addChangeHandler(this); scaleToFitCheckBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { repeatListBox.setEnabled(!event.getValue()); if (event.getValue()) { repeatListBox.setSelectedValue("no-repeat"); } // saveData(); } }); } public String getStyle() { return saveData(); // return cssTextBox.getText(); } public boolean isScaleToFit() { return scaleToFitCheckBox.getValue(); } public void show(Command onClose, String style, boolean scaleToFit) {; this.onClose = onClose; clearData(); bindData(style, scaleToFit); // showCssTextBox(false);; } // @Override // public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { // saveData(); // } private void clearData() { colorTextBox.setText(""); urlTextBox.setText(""); positionListBox.setSelectedValue("left top"); scaleToFitCheckBox.setValue(true); repeatListBox.setSelectedValue("no-repeat"); repeatListBox.setEnabled(false); // cssTextBox.setText(""); // cssLabel.setText(""); // previewWidget.setPreview("", true); } // private void bindData(String style) { // bindData(style, scaleToFitCheckBox.getValue()); // } private void bindData(String style, boolean scaleToFit) { // style = "#ffffff url('/images/preview-opacity.png') repeat-x right top"; if (style != null && !style.isEmpty()) { // Extract URL at the beginning and remove // Otherwise spaces in the URL cause split(" ") to fail String imageUrl = getImageUrl(style); if (!imageUrl.isEmpty()) { style = style.replace(imageUrl, ""); } String[] styleTokens = style.split(" "); // tokens have to be in order String token1 = null; int location = styleTokens.length - 1; // see if last token is a position token if (location >= 0) { for (String[] position : positionOptions) { if (position[0].contains(styleTokens[location].toLowerCase())) { token1 = styleTokens[location].toLowerCase(); location--; break; } } } // see if second last token is a position token if (token1 != null && location >= 0) { boolean found = false; if ("center".equals(styleTokens[location].toLowerCase())) { positionListBox.setSelectedValue("center center"); location--; } else { for (String[] position : positionOptions) { if (position[0].contains(token1) && position[0].contains(styleTokens[location].toLowerCase())) { positionListBox.setSelectedValue(position[0]); location--; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { for (String[] position : positionOptions) { if (position[0].contains("center") && position[0].contains(styleTokens[location].toLowerCase())) { positionListBox.setSelectedValue(position[0]); location--; break; } } } } } // search for repeat token if (location >= 0) { for (String[] repeat : repeatOptions) { if (repeat[0].contains(styleTokens[location].toLowerCase())) { repeatListBox.setSelectedValue(repeat[0]); location--; } } } // search for url token if (location >= 0) { if (!imageUrl.isEmpty()) { urlTextBox.setText(imageUrl); location--; } } // first token has to be color (if available) if (location >= 0) { String color = ""; for (int i = 0; i <= location; i++) { color = color + styleTokens[i] + " "; } colorTextBox.setText(color.trim()); } scaleToFitCheckBox.setValue(scaleToFit); repeatListBox.setEnabled(!scaleToFit); // cssTextBox.setText(style); // cssLabel.setText(style); // previewWidget.setPreview(style, scaleToFitCheckBox.getValue()); } } private String saveData() { String properties = ""; if (!colorTextBox.getText().isEmpty()) { properties = colorTextBox.getText() + " "; } if (!urlTextBox.getText().isEmpty()) { properties = properties + "url('" + urlTextBox.getText() + "') "; properties = properties + repeatListBox.getSelectedValue() + " "; properties = properties + positionListBox.getSelectedValue(); } properties = properties.trim(); return properties; // cssTextBox.setText(properties); // cssLabel.setText(properties); // previewWidget.setPreview(properties, scaleToFitCheckBox.getValue()); } // CSS example: url('/images/preview-opacity.png') private static String getImageUrl(String cssStyle) { int i = cssStyle.indexOf("url"); if (i != -1) { i = cssStyle.indexOf("(", i); if (i != -1) { int j = cssStyle.lastIndexOf(")"); if (j != -1) { return cssStyle.substring(i + 1, j).replace('\"', ' ').replace('\'', ' ').trim(); } } } return ""; } private void gridAdd(String label, Widget widget, String styleName) { row++; mainGrid.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(row, 0, "rdn-ColumnShort"); mainGrid.setText(row, 0, label); if (widget != null) { mainGrid.setWidget(row, 1, widget); if (styleName != null) widget.setStyleName(styleName); } } public String getLabelText(String style, boolean scaleToFit) { String returnString = ""; if (style != null && !style.isEmpty()) { bindData(style, scaleToFit); if (!colorTextBox.getText().isEmpty()) { returnString = colorTextBox.getText(); } if (!urlTextBox.getText().isEmpty()) { if (!returnString.isEmpty()) returnString = returnString + ", "; returnString = returnString + "Image, "; returnString = returnString + repeatListBox.getItemText(repeatListBox.getSelectedIndex()) + ", "; returnString = returnString + positionListBox.getItemText(positionListBox.getSelectedIndex()); } return returnString; } return "None"; } }