Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.reydentx.core.common; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.imgscalr.Scalr; /** * * @author ducnt3 */ public class PhotoUtils { public static byte[] fromBlobString(String blobImage) { if (blobImage.startsWith("data:image")) { String imgData = blobImage.substring(blobImage.indexOf(",") + 1, blobImage.length()) + ""; return Base64.decodeBase64(imgData); } return null; } public static boolean isValidImage(byte[] data) { if (isPNG(data)) { return true; } else { if (isValidJPEG(data) && !isBlackJPEG(data)) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isPNG(byte[] data) { if (data == null || data.length < 8) { return false; } if (data[0] == (byte) 0x89 && data[1] == (byte) 0x50 && data[2] == (byte) 0x4E && data[3] == (byte) 0x47 && data[4] == (byte) 0x0D && data[5] == (byte) 0x0A && data[6] == (byte) 0x1A && data[7] == (byte) 0x0A) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean isValidJPEG(byte[] data) { if (data == null || data.length < 4) { return false; } int totalBytes = data.length; // valid SOI if (data[0] == (byte) 0xff && data[1] == (byte) 0xd8) { // valid EOI if (data[totalBytes - 2] == (byte) 0xff && data[totalBytes - 1] == (byte) 0xd9) { return true; } // ignore last 2 bytes if (data[totalBytes - 4] == (byte) 0xff && data[totalBytes - 3] == (byte) 0xd9) { return true; } if (data[2] == (byte) 0xff && data[3] == (byte) 0xe0) { // JPEG File // Interchange // Format return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isBlackJPEG(byte[] data) { try { BufferedImage bi = ByteArrayInputStream(data)); return isBlackJPEG(bi); } catch (Exception e) { } return true; } public static boolean isBlackJPEG(BufferedImage bi) { if (bi != null) { int height = bi.getHeight(); int width = bi.getWidth(); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (bi.getRGB(x, y) != -16777216) { return false; } } } } return true; } public static byte[] resizeImageScaleCrop(InputStream data, int img_width, int img_height, boolean isPNG) { BufferedImage originalImage; try { originalImage =; Dimension origDimentsion = new Dimension(originalImage.getWidth(), originalImage.getHeight()); Dimension fitDimentsion = new Dimension(img_width, img_height); int flag = testThresholdMinWidthHeightImage(origDimentsion, fitDimentsion); // size Anh dang: MinW < W < 720, MinH < H < 720. if (flag == -1) { data.reset(); ByteArrayOutputStream byteArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] read = new byte[2048]; int i = 0; while ((i = > 0) { byteArray.write(read, 0, i); } data.close(); return byteArray.toByteArray(); } else if (flag == 0) { // size Anh dang: MinW < W < 720 < H || MinH < H < 720 < W double ratioWidth = (origDimentsion.width * 1.0) / fitDimentsion.width; double ratioHeight = (origDimentsion.height * 1.0) / fitDimentsion.height; if (ratioWidth < ratioHeight) { // fit width, crop height image. int yH = 0; if (origDimentsion.height > fitDimentsion.height) { yH = (origDimentsion.height - fitDimentsion.height) / 2; } return cropBufferedImage(isPNG, originalImage, 0, yH, origDimentsion.width, fitDimentsion.height); } else { // fit height, crop width image. int xW = 0; if (origDimentsion.width > fitDimentsion.width) { xW = (origDimentsion.width - fitDimentsion.width) / 2; } return cropBufferedImage(isPNG, originalImage, xW, 0, fitDimentsion.width, origDimentsion.height); } } else { // size Anh dang: 720 < W,H. // Scale Image. double ratioWidth = (origDimentsion.width * 1.0) / fitDimentsion.width; double ratioHeight = (origDimentsion.height * 1.0) / fitDimentsion.height; if (ratioWidth < ratioHeight) { // fit width, crop height image. int new_width = fitDimentsion.width; int new_height = (int) (origDimentsion.height / ratioWidth); int yH = 0; if (new_height > fitDimentsion.height) { yH = (new_height - fitDimentsion.height) / 2; } byte[] scaleByteImage = scaleBufferedImage(isPNG, originalImage, 0, 0, new_width, new_height); if (scaleByteImage != null && scaleByteImage.length > 0) { InputStream isImg = new ByteArrayInputStream(scaleByteImage); BufferedImage scaleBufferedImage =; // Crop width image. return cropBufferedImage(isPNG, scaleBufferedImage, 0, yH, fitDimentsion.width, fitDimentsion.height); } } else { // fit height, crop width image. int new_width = (int) (origDimentsion.width / ratioHeight); int new_height = fitDimentsion.height; int xW = 0; if (new_width > fitDimentsion.width) { xW = (new_width - fitDimentsion.width) / 2; } byte[] scaleByteImage = scaleBufferedImage(isPNG, originalImage, 0, 0, new_width, new_height); if (scaleByteImage != null && scaleByteImage.length > 0) { InputStream isImg = new ByteArrayInputStream(scaleByteImage); BufferedImage scaleBufferedImage =; // Crop height image. return cropBufferedImage(isPNG, scaleBufferedImage, xW, 0, fitDimentsion.width, fitDimentsion.height); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } public static byte[] scaleBufferedImage(boolean isPNG, BufferedImage originalImage, int x, int y, int width, int height) { byte[] imageFinal = null; try { if (originalImage != null) { int type = (originalImage.getType() == 0) ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB : originalImage.getType(); BufferedImage resizedImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, type); Graphics2D g = resizedImage.createGraphics(); ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); g.drawImage(originalImage, x, y, width, height, null); g.dispose(); if (isPNG) { ImageIO.write(resizedImage, "png", outstream); } else { ImageIO.write(resizedImage, "jpg", outstream); } imageFinal = outstream.toByteArray(); } } catch (IOException ex) { } return imageFinal; } public static byte[] cropBufferedImage(boolean isPNG, BufferedImage originalImage, int x, int y, int width, int height) throws IOException { byte[] imageFinal = null; if (originalImage != null) { // step 1: crop BufferedImage thumbnail = Scalr.crop(originalImage, x, y, width, height, Scalr.OP_ANTIALIAS); // step 2. convert BufferedImage to byte[]. String extension = ""; if (isPNG == true) { extension = "png"; } else { extension = "jpg"; } ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(thumbnail, extension, outstream); outstream.flush(); imageFinal = outstream.toByteArray(); outstream.close(); } return imageFinal; } private static int testThresholdMinWidthHeightImage(Dimension imgSize, Dimension boundary) { int rs = -1; if (imgSize.width <= boundary.width && imgSize.height <= boundary.height) { rs = -1; } else if ((imgSize.width <= boundary.width && imgSize.height > boundary.height) || (imgSize.width > boundary.width && imgSize.height <= boundary.height)) { rs = 0; } else if (imgSize.width > boundary.width && imgSize.height > boundary.height) { rs = 1; } return rs; } public static byte[] converImagePNGtoJPEG(InputStream data) { byte[] imageFinal = null; try { ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BufferedImage bufferedImage =; // create a blank, RGB, same width and height, and a white background BufferedImage newBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); newBufferedImage.createGraphics().drawImage(bufferedImage, 0, 0, Color.WHITE, null); ImageIO.write(newBufferedImage, "JPEG", outstream); imageFinal = outstream.toByteArray(); outstream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } return imageFinal; } public static byte[] resizeImage(ByteArrayInputStream data, int img_width, int img_height, boolean isPNG) { BufferedImage originalImage; try { originalImage =; Dimension origDimentsion = new Dimension(originalImage.getWidth(), originalImage.getHeight()); Dimension fitDimentsion = new Dimension(img_width, img_height); // Dimension dimentsion = getScaledDimension(origDimentsion, fitDimentsion); Dimension dimentsion = fitDimentsion; if (origDimentsion.width != dimentsion.width || origDimentsion.height != dimentsion.height) { ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BufferedImage resizedImage = Scalr.resize(originalImage, Scalr.Method.QUALITY, Scalr.Mode.FIT_EXACT, dimentsion.width, dimentsion.height, Scalr.OP_ANTIALIAS); if (isPNG) { ImageIO.write(resizedImage, "png", outstream); } else { ImageIO.write(resizedImage, "jpg", outstream); } return outstream.toByteArray(); } else { data.reset(); ByteArrayOutputStream byteArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] read = new byte[2048]; int i = 0; while ((i = > 0) { byteArray.write(read, 0, i); } data.close(); return byteArray.toByteArray(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } public static byte[] waterMarkJPG(String baseImagePath, String waterMartPath) { try { File origFile = new File(baseImagePath); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(origFile.getPath()); BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(icon.getIconWidth(), icon.getIconHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics graphics = bufferedImage.getGraphics(); graphics.drawImage(icon.getImage(), 0, 0, null); ImageIcon png = new ImageIcon(waterMartPath); graphics.drawImage(png.getImage(), 0, 0, null); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "jpg", baos); baos.flush(); byte[] imageInByte = baos.toByteArray(); return imageInByte; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }