Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.rest4j.impl; import com.rest4j.ApiException; import com.rest4j.Marshaller; import com.rest4j.type.ApiType; import com.rest4j.type.MapApiType; import com.rest4j.type.StringApiType; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import com.rest4j.json.JSONException; import com.rest4j.json.JSONObject; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * @author Joseph Kapizza <> */ public class MapApiTypeImpl extends ApiTypeImpl implements MapApiType, PatchableType { ApiType elementType; final StringApiType stringApiType; MapApiTypeImpl(Marshaller marshaller, ApiType elementType) { super(marshaller); this.elementType = elementType; stringApiType = marshaller.getStringType(null); } @Override public ApiType getElementType() { return elementType; } @Override public boolean check(Type javaType) { Class clz = Util.getClass(javaType); if (clz == null) return false; if (clz != Map.class && clz != HashMap.class && clz != LinkedHashMap.class) return false; if (javaType instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType pType = (ParameterizedType) javaType; if (pType.getActualTypeArguments().length != 2) return false; // the first parameter is a string if (!stringApiType.check(pType.getActualTypeArguments()[0])) return false; // the second parameter is the element type return elementType.check(pType.getActualTypeArguments()[1]); } else { return false; } } @Override public Object cast(Object value, Type javaType) { if (value == null) return null; if (!(javaType instanceof ParameterizedType) || !(value instanceof Map)) return value; ParameterizedType pType = (ParameterizedType) javaType; Type keyJavaType = pType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; Type elementJavaType = pType.getActualTypeArguments()[1]; Map map = (Map) value; Map newMap = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Object key : map.keySet()) { newMap.put(stringApiType.cast(key, keyJavaType), elementType.cast(map.get(key), elementJavaType)); } return newMap; } @Override public String getJavaName() { return "Map<" + stringApiType.getJavaName() + "," + elementType.getJavaName() + ">"; } @Override public Object unmarshal(Object val) throws ApiException { if (val instanceof JSONObject) { JSONObject object = (JSONObject) val; Map map = (Map) createInstance(object); Iterator<String> keys = object.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; Object element = object.opt(key); if (JSONObject.NULL.equals(element)) { map.put(key, null); continue; // throw new ApiException("{value}[\""+ StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(key)+"\"] should not be null"); } try { map.put(key, marshaller.unmarshal(elementType, element)); } catch (ApiException apiex) { throw Util.replaceValue(apiex, "{value}[\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(key) + "\"]"); } } return map; } else { throw new ApiException("{value} should be an object"); } } @Override public Object marshal(Object val) throws ApiException { if (val == null) return JSONObject.NULL; JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); if (!(val instanceof Map)) { throw new ApiException("Expected Map, " + val.getClass() + " given").setHttpStatus(500); } for (Map.Entry entry : ((Map<String, Object>) val).entrySet()) { try { object.put((String) marshaller.marshal(stringApiType, entry.getKey()), marshaller.marshal(elementType, entry.getValue())); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ApiException("Cannot create JSON object from " + val).setHttpStatus(500); } } return object; } @Override public Object unmarshalPatch(Object original, JSONObject object) throws ApiException { if (original == null) return null; Object patched = Util.deepClone(original); Map map = (Map) patched; Iterator<String> keys = object.keys(); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(object.length()); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; Object element = object.opt(key); if (JSONObject.NULL.equals(element)) { map.remove(key); } else { if (elementType instanceof PatchableType) { if (!(element instanceof JSONObject)) { throw new ApiException("Expected JSON object in key '" + key + "'"); } PatchableType ptype = (PatchableType) elementType; Object originalVal = map.get(key); if (originalVal == null) { originalVal = ptype.createInstance(null); } try { map.put(key, marshaller.unmarshalPatch(ptype, originalVal, (JSONObject) element)); } catch (ApiException apiex) { throw Util.replaceValue(apiex, "{value}[\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(key) + "\"]"); } } else { try { map.put(key, marshaller.unmarshal(elementType, element)); } catch (ApiException apiex) { throw Util.replaceValue(apiex, "{value}[\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(key) + "\"]"); } } } } return patched; } @Override public Object createInstance(JSONObject object) throws ApiException { return new LinkedHashMap(object.length()); } }