Java tutorial
/* * * REMEDIATE THE FLAG * Copyright 2018 - Andrea Scaduto * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import com.amazonaws.regions.Region; import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class LaunchExerciseInstanceAction extends IAction { private HibernatePersistenceFacade hpc = new HibernatePersistenceFacade(); @Override public void doAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.ATTRIBUTE_SECURITY_CONTEXT); JsonObject json = (JsonObject) request.getAttribute(Constants.REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_JSON); if (user.getCredits() == 0) { MessageGenerator.sendErrorMessage("CreditsLimit", response); logger.warn("No credits left for user " + user.getIdUser()); return; } List<ExerciseInstance> activeInstances = hpc.getActiveExerciseInstanceForUser(user.getIdUser()); if (activeInstances.size() > 0 && activeInstances.size() >= user.getInstanceLimit()) { MessageGenerator.sendErrorMessage("InstanceLimit", response); logger.warn("Instance limit reached for user " + user.getIdUser() + " current: " + activeInstances.size() + " limit:" + user.getInstanceLimit()); return; } Integer exerciseId = json.get(Constants.ACTION_PARAM_ID).getAsInt(); JsonElement challengeElement = json.get(Constants.ACTION_PARAM_CHALLENGE_ID); AvailableExercise exercise = hpc.getAvailableExercise(exerciseId, user.getDefaultOrganization()); if (null == exercise || exercise.getStatus().equals(AvailableExerciseStatus.INACTIVE) || exercise.getStatus().equals(AvailableExerciseStatus.COMING_SOON)) { MessageGenerator.sendErrorMessage("ExerciseUnavailable", response); logger.error("User " + user.getIdUser() + " requested an unavailable exercise: " + exerciseId); return; } Integer validatedChallengeId = null; List<Challenge> userChallengesWithExercise = hpc.getChallengesForUserExercise(exercise.getId(), user.getIdUser()); if (!userChallengesWithExercise.isEmpty()) { Boolean inChallenge = false; if (null != challengeElement && (challengeElement.getAsInt() != -1)) { Integer challengeId = challengeElement.getAsInt(); Challenge c = hpc.getChallengeWithDetailsForUser(challengeId, user.getIdUser()); if (null != c) { for (AvailableExercise avE : c.getExercises()) { if (avE.getId().equals(exerciseId)) { validatedChallengeId = c.getIdChallenge(); inChallenge = true; break; } } } if (!inChallenge) { logger.error("Exercise " + exerciseId + " is NOT in Challenge: " + challengeId + ", but a challenge id was provided by user: " + user.getIdUser()); validatedChallengeId = null; } for (ExerciseInstance e : c.getRunExercises()) { if (e.getUser().getIdUser().equals(user.getIdUser()) && e.getAvailableExercise().getId().equals(exerciseId)) { logger.warn("Exercise " + exerciseId + " is in Challenge: " + challengeId + ", but user: " + user.getIdUser() + " already run it"); validatedChallengeId = null; break; } } } else { logger.warn("Exercise " + exerciseId + " is in Challenge, but no challenge id was provided by user: " + user.getIdUser()); Boolean run = false; for (Challenge dbChallenges : userChallengesWithExercise) { for (ExerciseInstance dbChallengeExercise : dbChallenges.getRunExercises()) { if (dbChallengeExercise.getUser().getIdUser().equals(user.getIdUser()) && dbChallengeExercise.getAvailableExercise().getId().equals(exerciseId)) { run = true; } } if (!run) { validatedChallengeId = userChallengesWithExercise.get(0).getIdChallenge(); break; } } } } JsonElement exerciseRegionsElement = json.getAsJsonArray(Constants.ACTION_PARAM_REGION); Type listType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<ExerciseRegion>>() { }.getType(); List<ExerciseRegion> regList = null; try { regList = new Gson().fromJson(exerciseRegionsElement, listType); } catch (Exception e) { MessageGenerator.sendErrorMessage("NoRegionsPing", response); logger.error("User " + user.getIdUser() + " requested an exercise: " + exerciseId + " without supplying regions pings"); return; } Collections.sort(regList, new Comparator<ExerciseRegion>() { public int compare(ExerciseRegion p1, ExerciseRegion p2) { return Integer.valueOf(p1.getPing()).compareTo(p2.getPing()); } }); AWSHelper awsHelper = new AWSHelper(); RTFECSTaskDefinition taskDefinition = null; Regions awsRegion = null; Boolean satisfied = false; for (ExerciseRegion r : regList) { if (satisfied) break; try { awsRegion = Regions.valueOf(r.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Region " + r.getName() + " not found for user " + user.getIdUser() + " for launching exercise: " + exerciseId); continue; } RTFGateway gw = hpc.getGatewayForRegion(awsRegion); if (null == gw || !gw.isActive()) { logger.warn("User " + user.getIdUser() + " requested an unavailable gateway for region: " + awsRegion + " for launching exercise: " + exerciseId); continue; } GuacamoleHelper guacHelper = new GuacamoleHelper(); if (!guacHelper.isGuacOnline(gw)) { logger.warn("User " + user.getIdUser() + " could not launch instance as Guac is not available in region: " + awsRegion + " for launching exercise: " + exerciseId); continue; } taskDefinition = hpc.getTaskDefinitionForExerciseInRegion(exerciseId, awsRegion); if (null == taskDefinition) { taskDefinition = hpc.getTaskDefinitionFromUUID(exercise.getUuid(), awsRegion); } if (null == taskDefinition || !resourcesAvailable(Region.getRegion(awsRegion))) { logger.warn("No resources for user " + user.getIdUser() + " launching exercise: " + exerciseId + " in region " + awsRegion); continue; } satisfied = true; } if (!satisfied) { MessageGenerator.sendErrorMessage("Unavailable", response); logger.error("User " + user.getIdUser() + " could not launch instance as there is no available region/gateway/guac/task def for exercise id " + exerciseId); return; } String otp = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", ""); LaunchStrategy strategy = new AWSECSLaunchStrategy(user, exercise.getDuration(), RTFConfig.getExercisesCluster(), otp, taskDefinition, exercise, validatedChallengeId); RTFInstanceReservation reservation = awsHelper.createRTFInstance(strategy); if (!reservation.getError()) {"Reservation " + reservation.getId() + " for user " + user.getIdUser() + " launching exercise: " + exerciseId + " in region " + awsRegion); if (user.getCredits() != -1) { user.setCredits(user.getCredits() - 1); hpc.updateUserInfo(user); request.getSession().setAttribute(Constants.ATTRIBUTE_SECURITY_CONTEXT, user);"Reducing 1 credit for user " + user.getIdUser() + " to: " + user.getCredits()); } MessageGenerator.sendReservationMessage(reservation, response); return; } else { MessageGenerator.sendErrorMessage("InstanceUnavailable", response); } } private boolean resourcesAvailable(Region region) { AWSHelper aws = new AWSHelper(); if (aws.getClusterContainerInstances(region) > 0) { if (aws.getClusterMemoryReservation(region) < 90) { return true; } return false; } return false; } }