Java tutorial
// Copyright 2014, RedSky IT // This software is release under the MIT License. // See LICENSE file for details. // package com.redskyit.scriptDriver; // API documentation: import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import java.time.Duration; import; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.InvalidElementStateException; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.Point; import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import; import; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LogEntries; import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LogEntry; import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LogType; import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LoggingPreferences; import org.openqa.selenium.logging.Logs; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.Augmenter; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.CapabilityType; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement; import; import; public class RunTests { // Execution selection represents an executable chunk of source code, be that a script from file // or the body of a function/alias. An execution selection has a body and optionally some arguments. private class ExecutionContext { private List<String> params = null; private String body = null; private List<Object> args = null; public ExecutionContext() { } public ExecutionContext(List<String> params, String body) { this.params = params; this.body = body; this.args = new ArrayList<Object>(); } public String getBody() { return body; } public List<String> getParams() { return params; } public void addArg(Object arg) { if (null == args) throw new Error("Script: cannot add argument to alias without parameters"); args.add(arg); } public Object getArg(String name) { if (args != null && args.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { if (params.get(i).equals(name)) { return args.get(i); } } } return null; } public String getExpandedString(String str) { // Token is a word (rather than quoted string). We only support $name format // variable substitution in words if (args != null && args.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { Object v = args.get(i); if (v.getClass() == Double.class) { Integer value = new Integer(((Double) v).intValue()); str = str.replace("$I(" + params.get(i) + ")", value.toString()); } str = str.replace("$(" + params.get(i) + ")", args.get(i).toString()); } } return str; } public String getExpandedString(StreamTokenizer tokenizer) { // Token is a word (rather than quoted string). We only support $name format // variable substitution in words if (args != null && args.size() > 0) { if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { if (tokenizer.sval.startsWith("$")) { Object repl = this.getArg(tokenizer.sval.substring(1)); if (null != repl) return repl.toString(); } if (tokenizer.sval.startsWith("\\$")) { return tokenizer.sval.substring(1); } } if (tokenizer.ttype == '"') { // token is a quoted string return this.getExpandedString(tokenizer.sval); } } return tokenizer.sval; } public double getExpandedNumber(StreamTokenizer tokenizer) { // Token is a word (rather than quoted string). We only support $name format // variable substitution in words if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { return tokenizer.nval; } if (args != null && args.size() > 0) { if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD && tokenizer.sval.startsWith("$")) { Object repl = this.getArg(tokenizer.sval.substring(1)); if (null != repl) { if (repl.getClass() == Double.class) { return ((Double) repl).doubleValue(); } } } throw new Error("Argument is not a number"); } throw new Error("Arguments are missing from function call"); } public void clearArgs() { if (args != null) args.clear(); } }; enum SelectionType { None, Field, Select, Script, XPath }; ChromeOptions options = null; Map<String, Object> prefs = null; ChromeDriver driver = null; Actions actions = null; RemoteWebElement selection = null; SelectionType stype = SelectionType.None; String selector = null; String selectionCommand = null; private String screenShotPath = null; private long _waitFor = 0; private long _defaultWaitFor = 5000; private boolean _if; private boolean _test; private boolean _skip; private boolean _not; HashMap<String, ExecutionContext> functions = new HashMap<String, ExecutionContext>(); private boolean autolog = false; private Dimension chrome = new Dimension(0, 0); private HashMap<String, ArrayList<Object>> stacks = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Object>>(); private static String version = "0.5.2"; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class RetryException extends Exception { public RetryException(String message) { super(message); } }; abstract class WaitFor { public WaitFor(String cmd, StreamTokenizer tokenizer, boolean requiresContext) throws Exception { if (requiresContext && null == selection) { throw new Exception(cmd + " command requires a field selection at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } int retry = 0; long now = 0; do { try {; return; } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) { // element has gone stale, re-select it System.out.println("// EXCEPTION : StaleElementReference : " + e.getMessage().split("\n")[0]); retry++; } catch (InvalidElementStateException is) { System.out.println( "// EXCEPTION : InvalidElementStateException : " + is.getMessage().split("\n")[0]); scrollContextIntoView(selection); retry++; } catch (WebDriverException e2) { System.out.println("// EXCEPTION : WebDriverException : " + e2.getMessage().split("\n")[0]); // Try and auto-recover by scrolling this element into view scrollContextIntoView(selection); retry++; } catch (RetryException r) { System.out.println("// EXCEPTION : RetryException : " + r.getMessage().split("\n")[0]); // Try and auto-recover by scrolling this element into view retry++; } catch (Exception e3) { System.out.println("// EXCEPTION : " + e3.getMessage().split("\n")[0]); if (retry++ > 3); } // attempt to recover now = (new Date()).getTime(); System.out.println( now + ": DEBUG: retry=" + retry + " calling sleepAndReselect(100) _waitFor = " + _waitFor); if (retry == 1 && now >= _waitFor) { System.out.println("// Wait timer already expired, apply default wait timer"); System.out.println("// wait " + (_defaultWaitFor * 1.0) / 1000.0); _waitFor = (long) now + _defaultWaitFor; } sleepAndReselect(100); } while (_waitFor > 0 && now < _waitFor); // action failed info(selection, selectionCommand, false); _waitFor = 0; // wait timer expired Exception(cmd + " failed at line " + tokenizer.lineno())); } protected abstract void run() throws Exception; protected void fail(Exception e) throws Exception { throw e; } } public RunTests() throws IOException { } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { RunTests app = new RunTests(); int exitstatus =; System.exit(exitstatus); } public int run(String[] args) { File source = null; String onexit = "--onsuccess"; int exitstatus = 0; int i = 0; try { while (i < args.length) { source = runScript(args[i]); ++i; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(args[i]); e.printStackTrace(); onexit = "--onfail"; exitstatus = 1; } // If we have an onexit handler to call, then run it now if (null != onexit) { try { executeFunction(onexit, source, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); exitstatus = 2; } } // Cleanup if (null != driver) { driver.quit(); } return exitstatus; } private void initTokenizer(StreamTokenizer tokenizer) { tokenizer.quoteChar('"'); tokenizer.slashStarComments(true); tokenizer.slashSlashComments(true); tokenizer.whitespaceChars(' ', ' '); tokenizer.whitespaceChars(0x09, 0x09); tokenizer.wordChars('$', '$'); // treat $ as part of word tokenizer.wordChars('#', '#'); // treat # as part of word tokenizer.wordChars('_', '_'); // treat $# as part of word } private StreamTokenizer openScript(File file) throws IOException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF8")); StreamTokenizer tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(in); initTokenizer(tokenizer); return tokenizer; } private StreamTokenizer openString(String code) { // StreamTokenizer tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(code.getBytes())))); StreamTokenizer tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(new CharArrayReader(code.toCharArray())); initTokenizer(tokenizer); return tokenizer; } private File runScript(String filename) throws Exception { File file = new File(filename); StreamTokenizer tokenizer = openScript(file); while (tokenizer.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { runCommand(tokenizer, file, file.getName(), new ExecutionContext()); } } return file; } private boolean executeFunction(String name, File file, StreamTokenizer parent, ExecutionContext script) throws Exception { ExecutionContext context = functions.get(name); if (null != context) { // If this context has parameters then gather argument values if (null != parent && null != script) { List<String> params = context.getParams(); if (null != params && params.size() > 0) { context.clearArgs(); int count = params.size(); while (count-- > 0) { // get argument parent.nextToken(); System.out.print(' '); switch (parent.ttype) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: System.out.print(parent.nval); context.addArg(parent.nval); break; default: System.out.print(parent.sval); context.addArg(script.getExpandedString(parent)); break; } } } System.out.println(); } // Get function body and execute it String code = context.getBody(); if (null != code) { StreamTokenizer tokenizer = openString(code); while (tokenizer.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { runCommand(tokenizer, file, name, context); } } return true; } } return false; } private boolean runString(String source, File file, String cmd) throws Exception { StreamTokenizer tokenizer = openString(source); while (tokenizer.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { runCommand(tokenizer, file, cmd, null); } } return true; } // Argument parsing: { token token { token token } token } private interface BlockHandler { void parseToken(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, String arg) throws IOException; } private void parseBlock(ExecutionContext script, StreamTokenizer tokenizer, BlockHandler handler) throws Exception { tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == '{') { int braceLevel = 1; System.out.print(" {"); tokenizer.eolIsSignificant(true); tokenizer.nextToken(); while (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"' || tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER || tokenizer.ttype == '\n' || tokenizer.ttype == '{' || tokenizer.ttype == '}' || tokenizer.ttype == ',' || tokenizer.ttype == '*' || tokenizer.ttype == ':') { System.out.print(' '); String arg; switch (tokenizer.ttype) { case '{': braceLevel++; arg = "{"; break; case '}': if (--braceLevel == 0) { System.out.print("}"); tokenizer.eolIsSignificant(false); return; } arg = "}"; break; case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: arg = String.valueOf(tokenizer.nval); break; case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL: arg = "\n"; break; case '"': // 5 backslashed required in replace string because its processed once // as a string (yielding \\") and then again by the replace method // of the regular expression (so \\" becomes \") arg = '"' + script.getExpandedString(tokenizer).replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"") + '"'; break; case ',': arg = ","; break; case ':': arg = ":"; break; case '*': arg = "*"; break; default: arg = script.getExpandedString(tokenizer); } System.out.print(arg); handler.parseToken(tokenizer, arg); tokenizer.nextToken(); } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("args unexpectd token " + tokenizer.ttype); } tokenizer.pushBack(); // no arguments } private class Block implements BlockHandler { char sep = ' '; char isep = sep; boolean quoteWords = false; String args = null; public Block(char sep, boolean quoteWords) { this.isep = this.sep = sep; this.quoteWords = quoteWords; } public void parseToken(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, String arg) { if (quoteWords && tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { arg = '"' + arg + '"'; } if (tokenizer.ttype == ',') { sep = ','; // next word joined by comma return; } if (tokenizer.ttype == ':') { sep = ':'; return; } if (tokenizer.ttype == '*') { arg = "*"; } args = args == null ? arg : args + sep + arg; sep = isep; } String get() { return args; } }; private class ArgArray implements BlockHandler { List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); public void parseToken(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, String arg) { if (tokenizer.ttype == '"' || tokenizer.ttype == '\'') { arg = arg.substring(1, arg.length() - 1); } args.add(arg); } List<String> get() { return args; } }; private String getBlock(ExecutionContext script, StreamTokenizer tokenizer, char sep, boolean quoteWords) throws Exception { Block block = new Block(sep, quoteWords); parseBlock(script, tokenizer, block); return block.get(); } private List<String> getArgs(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, ExecutionContext script) throws Exception { ArgArray args = new ArgArray(); parseBlock(script, tokenizer, args); return args.get(); } // Param parsing: (name, name, name) private interface ParamHandler { void processParam(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, String arg) throws IOException; } private void parseParams(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, ParamHandler handler) throws Exception { tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == '(') { System.out.print(" ("); tokenizer.nextToken(); while (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == ',' || tokenizer.ttype == ')') { System.out.print(' '); String arg; switch (tokenizer.ttype) { case ',': arg = ","; break; case ')': System.out.print(")"); return; default: arg = tokenizer.sval; } System.out.print(arg); handler.processParam(tokenizer, arg); tokenizer.nextToken(); } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("args unexpectd token " + tokenizer.ttype); } tokenizer.pushBack(); // no arguments } private class Params implements ParamHandler { List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); public Params() { } public void processParam(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, String arg) throws IOException { if (!arg.equals(",")) { args.add(arg); } } List<String> get() { return args; } }; private List<String> getParams(StreamTokenizer tokenizer) throws Exception { Params params = new Params(); parseParams(tokenizer, params); return params.get(); } private void runCommand(final StreamTokenizer tokenizer, File file, String source, ExecutionContext script) throws Exception { // Automatic log dumping if (autolog && null != driver) { dumpLog(); } String cmd = tokenizer.sval; System.out.printf((new Date()).getTime() + ": [%s,%d] ", source, tokenizer.lineno()); System.out.print(tokenizer.sval); if (cmd.equals("version")) { // HELP: version System.out.println(); System.out.println("ScriptDriver version " + version); return; } if (cmd.equals("browser")) { tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(tokenizer.sval); if (tokenizer.sval.equals("prefs")) { // HELP: browser prefs ... tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(tokenizer.sval); String pref = tokenizer.sval; tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.print(' '); if (_skip) return; if (null == options) options = new ChromeOptions(); if (null == prefs) prefs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); switch (tokenizer.ttype) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: case '"': System.out.println(tokenizer.sval); if (tokenizer.sval.equals("false")) { prefs.put(pref, false); } else if (tokenizer.sval.equals("true")) { prefs.put(pref, true); } else { prefs.put(pref, tokenizer.sval); } return; case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: System.out.println(tokenizer.nval); prefs.put(pref, tokenizer.nval); return; } } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("browser option command argument missing"); } if (tokenizer.sval.equals("option")) { // HELP: browser option ... tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { // expect a quoted string System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(tokenizer.sval); if (_skip) return; if (null == options) options = new ChromeOptions(); options.addArguments(tokenizer.sval); return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("browser option command argument missing"); } // HELP: browser wait <seconds> if (tokenizer.sval.equals("wait")) { tokenizer.nextToken(); double nval = script.getExpandedNumber(tokenizer); System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(nval); if (_skip) return; driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait((long) (tokenizer.nval * 1000), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return; } if (tokenizer.sval.equals("start")) { // HELP: browser start System.out.println(); if (null == driver) { // DesiredCapabilities capabilities =; LoggingPreferences logs = new LoggingPreferences(); logs.enable(LogType.BROWSER, Level.ALL); capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.LOGGING_PREFS, logs); if (null == options) options = new ChromeOptions(); if (null == prefs) prefs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); options.setExperimentalOption("prefs", prefs); options.merge(capabilities); driver = new ChromeDriver(options); driver.setLogLevel(Level.ALL); actions = new Actions(driver); // for advanced actions } return; } if (null == driver) { System.out.println(); throw new Exception("browser start must be used before attempt to interract with the browser"); } if (tokenizer.sval.equals("get")) { // HELP: browser get "url" tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { // expect a quoted string System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(tokenizer.sval); if (_skip) return; if (null == driver) driver = new ChromeDriver(options); driver.get(tokenizer.sval); return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("browser get command argument should be a quoted url"); } if (tokenizer.sval.equals("refresh")) { // HELP: browser refresh System.out.println(); driver.navigate().refresh(); return; } if (tokenizer.sval.equals("back")) { // HELP: browser refresh System.out.println(); driver.navigate().back(); return; } if (tokenizer.sval.equals("forward")) { // HELP: browser refresh System.out.println(); driver.navigate().forward(); return; } if (tokenizer.sval.equals("close")) { // HELP: browser close System.out.println(); if (!_skip) { driver.close(); autolog = false; } return; } if (tokenizer.sval.equals("chrome")) { // HELP: browser chrome <width>,<height> int w = 0, h = 0; tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { w = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(w); tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == ',') { tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.print(','); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { h = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(h); System.out.println(); if (!_skip) { = new Dimension(w, h); } return; } } } throw new Exception("browser chrome arguments error at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } if (tokenizer.sval.equals("size")) { // HELP: browser size <width>,<height> tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { final int w = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(w); tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == ',') { tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.print(','); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { final int h = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(h); System.out.println(); if (!_skip) { new WaitFor(cmd, tokenizer, false) { @Override protected void run() throws RetryException { Dimension size = new Dimension(chrome.width + w, chrome.height + h); System.out.println("// chrome " + chrome.toString()); System.out.println("// size with chrome " + size.toString()); try { driver.manage().window().setSize(size); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RetryException("Could not set browser size"); } } }; } return; } } } throw new Exception("browser size arguments error at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } if (tokenizer.sval.equals("pos")) { // HELP: browser pos <x>,<y> int x = 0, y = 0; tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { x = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(x); tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == ',') { tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.print(','); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { y = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(y); System.out.println(); if (!_skip) driver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(x, y)); return; } } } throw new Exception("browser size arguments error at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } throw new Exception("browser unknown command argument at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } throw new Exception("browser missing command argument at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } if (cmd.equals("alias") || cmd.equals("function")) { // HELP: alias <name> { body } // HELP: function <name> (param, ...) { body } String name = null, args = null; List<String> params = null; tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(tokenizer.sval); name = tokenizer.sval; params = getParams(tokenizer); args = getBlock(script, tokenizer, ' ', false); System.out.println(); if (_skip) return; addFunction(name, params, args); // add alias return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("alias name expected"); } if (cmd.equals("while")) { // HELP: while { block } String block = null; block = getBlock(script, tokenizer, ' ', false); if (_skip) return; boolean exitloop = false; while (!exitloop) { try { runString(block, file, "while"); } catch (Exception e) { exitloop = true; } } return; } if (cmd.equals("include")) { // HELP: include <script> tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { if (_skip) return; System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(tokenizer.sval); File include = new File(tokenizer.sval.startsWith("/") ? tokenizer.sval : file.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath() + "/" + tokenizer.sval); runScript(include.getCanonicalPath()); return; } throw new Exception("include argument should be a quoted filename"); } if (cmd.equals("exec")) { // HELP: exec <command> { args ... } tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { String command = tokenizer.sval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(command); List<String> args = getArgs(tokenizer, script); File include = new File(command.startsWith("/") ? command : file.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath() + "/" + command); command = include.getCanonicalPath(); System.out.println(command); List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>(); arguments.add(command); arguments.addAll(args); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(arguments.toArray(new String[arguments.size()])); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); String line = ""; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } int exitStatus = process.waitFor(); if (exitStatus != 0) { throw new Exception("exec command returned failure status " + exitStatus); } return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("exec argument should be string or a word"); } if (cmd.equals("exec-include")) { // HELP: exec-include <command> { args ... } tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { String command = tokenizer.sval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(command); List<String> args = getArgs(tokenizer, script); File include = new File(command.startsWith("/") ? command : file.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath() + "/" + command); command = include.getCanonicalPath(); System.out.println(command); List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>(); arguments.add(command); arguments.addAll(args); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(arguments.toArray(new String[arguments.size()])); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); String s = "", line = ""; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { s += line + "\n"; } int exitStatus = process.waitFor(); if (exitStatus != 0) { throw new Exception("exec-include command returned failure status " + exitStatus); } if (s.length() > 0) { runString(s, file, tokenizer.sval); } return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception(cmd + " argument should be string or a word"); } if (cmd.equals("log")) { tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { String action = tokenizer.sval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(action); if (action.equals("dump")) { // HELP: log dump System.out.println(""); if (driver != null) dumpLog(); return; } if (action.equals("auto")) { // HELP: log auto <on|off> // HELP: log auto <true|false> tokenizer.nextToken(); String onoff = tokenizer.sval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(onoff); autolog = onoff.equals("on") || onoff.equals("true"); return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("invalid log action"); } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("log argument should be string or a word"); } if (cmd.equals("default")) { tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { String action = tokenizer.sval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(action); if (action.equals("wait")) { // HELP: default wait <seconds> tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(tokenizer.nval); _defaultWaitFor = (int) (tokenizer.nval * 1000.0); } return; } if (action.equals("screenshot")) { // HELP: default screenshot <path> tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(tokenizer.sval); screenShotPath = tokenizer.sval; } return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("invalid default property " + tokenizer.sval); } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("default argument should be string or a word"); } if (cmd.equals("push")) { // HELP: push wait tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { String action = tokenizer.sval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(action); ArrayList<Object> stack = stacks.get(action); if (null == stack) { stack = new ArrayList<Object>(); stacks.put(action, stack); } if (action.equals("wait")) { stack.add(new Long(_waitFor)); System.out.println(); return; } } System.out.println(); throw new Error("Invalid push argument"); } if (cmd.equals("pop")) { // HELP: pop wait tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { String action = tokenizer.sval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(action); ArrayList<Object> stack = stacks.get(action); if (null == stack || stack.isEmpty()) { throw new Error("pop called without corresponding push"); } if (action.equals("wait")) { int index = stack.size() - 1; _waitFor = (Long) stack.get(index); stack.remove(index); System.out.println(); return; } } System.out.println(); throw new Error("Invalid push argument"); } if (cmd.equals("echo")) { // HELP: echo "string" tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { String text = script.getExpandedString(tokenizer); System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(text); if (!_skip) System.out.println(text); return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("echo argument should be string or a word"); } if (cmd.equals("sleep")) { // HELP: sleep <seconds> tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(tokenizer.nval); this.sleep((long) (tokenizer.nval * 1000)); return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("sleep command argument should be a number"); } if (cmd.equals("fail")) { // HELP: fail "<message>" tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { String text = tokenizer.sval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(text); if (!_skip) { System.out.println("TEST FAIL: " + text); throw new Exception(text); } return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("echo argument should be string or a word"); } if (cmd.equals("debugger")) { // HELP: debugger System.out.println(); this.sleepSeconds(10); return; } if (cmd.equals("if")) { // HELP: if <commands> then <commands> [else <commands>] endif _if = true; System.out.println(); return; } if (cmd.equals("then")) { _if = false; _skip = !_test; System.out.println(); return; } if (cmd.equals("else")) { _if = false; _skip = _test; System.out.println(); return; } if (cmd.equals("endif")) { _skip = false; System.out.println(); return; } if (cmd.equals("not")) { // HELP: not <check-command> System.out.println(); _not = true; return; } if (null != driver) { // all these command require the browser to have been started if (cmd.equals("field") || cmd.equals("id") || cmd.equals("test-id")) { // HELP: field "<test-id>" // HELP: id "<test-id>" // HELP: test-id "<test-id>" tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { if (_skip) return; System.out.print(' '); this.setContextToField(script, tokenizer); return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception(cmd + " command requires a form.field argument"); } if (cmd.equals("select")) { // HELP: select "<query-selector>" tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { if (_skip) return; System.out.print(' '); selectContext(tokenizer, script); return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception(cmd + " command requires a css selector argument"); } if (cmd.equals("xpath")) { // HELP: xpath "<xpath-expression>" tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { if (_skip) return; System.out.print(' '); this.xpathContext(script, tokenizer); return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception(cmd + " command requires a css selector argument"); } if (cmd.equals("wait")) { // HELP: wait <seconds> tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(tokenizer.nval); // we will repeat then next select type command until it succeeds or we timeout _waitFor = (long) ((new Date()).getTime() + (tokenizer.nval * 1000)); return; } // HELP: wait <action> if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { String action = tokenizer.sval; System.out.println(' '); System.out.println(action); if (action.equals("clickable")) { long sleep = (_waitFor - (new Date()).getTime()) / 1000; if (sleep > 0) { System.out.println("WebDriverWait for " + sleep + " seconds"); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, sleep); WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(selection)); if (element != selection) { throw new Exception("element is not clickable"); } } else { System.out.println("WebDriverWait for " + sleep + " seconds (skipped)"); } return; } } throw new Exception(cmd + " command requires a seconds argument"); } if (cmd.equals("set") || cmd.equals("send")) { // HELP: set "<value>" // HELP: send "<value>" tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { if (_skip) return; System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(script.getExpandedString(tokenizer)); this.setContextValue(cmd, script, tokenizer, cmd.equals("set")); return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("set command requires a value argument"); } if (cmd.equals("test") || cmd.equals("check")) { // HELP: test "<value>" // HELP: check "<value>" tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"' || tokenizer.ttype == '\'') { if (_skip) return; System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(script.getExpandedString(tokenizer)); this.testContextValue(cmd, script, tokenizer, false); return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception(cmd + " command requires a value argument"); } if (cmd.equals("checksum")) { // HELP: checksum "<checksum>" tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"' || tokenizer.ttype == '\'') { if (_skip) return; System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(script.getExpandedString(tokenizer)); this.testContextValue(cmd, script, tokenizer, true); return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception(cmd + " command requires a value argument"); } if (cmd.equals("click") || cmd.equals("click-now")) { // HELP: click System.out.println(); final boolean wait = !cmd.equals("click-now"); new WaitFor(cmd, tokenizer, true) { @Override protected void run() throws RetryException { if (!_skip) { if (wait) { long sleep = (_waitFor - (new Date()).getTime()) / 1000; if (sleep > 0) { System.out.println("WebDriverWait for " + sleep + " seconds"); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, sleep); WebElement element = wait .until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(selection)); if (element == selection) {; return; } else { throw new RetryException("click failed"); } } } // click-nowait, no or negative wait period, just click; } } }; return; } if (cmd.equals("scroll-into-view")) { // HELP: scroll-into-view System.out.println(); if (null == selection) throw new Exception(cmd + " command requires a field selection at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); if (!_skip) { try { scrollContextIntoView(selection); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); info(selection, selectionCommand, false); throw e; } } return; } if (cmd.equals("clear")) { // HELP: clear System.out.println(); new WaitFor(cmd, tokenizer, true) { @Override protected void run() { if (!_skip) selection.clear(); } }; return; } if (cmd.equals("call")) { // HELP: call <function> { args ... } String function = null, args = null; tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { // expect a quoted string function = script.getExpandedString(tokenizer); System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(function); args = getBlock(script, tokenizer, ',', true); System.out.println(); if (_skip) return; if (null == args) args = ""; String js = "var result = window.RegressionTest.test('" + function + "',[" + args + "]);" + "arguments[arguments.length-1](result);"; System.out.println("> " + js); Object result = driver.executeAsyncScript(js); if (null != result) { if (result.getClass() == RemoteWebElement.class) { selection = (RemoteWebElement) result; stype = SelectionType.Script; selector = js; System.out.println("new selection " + selection); } } return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("missing arguments for call statement at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } if (cmd.equals("enabled")) { // HELP: enabled System.out.println(); new WaitFor(cmd, tokenizer, true) { @Override protected void run() throws RetryException { if (!_skip) { if (selection.isEnabled() != _not) { _not = false; return; } throw new RetryException("enabled check failed"); } } }; return; } if (cmd.equals("selected")) { // HELP: selected System.out.println(); new WaitFor(cmd, tokenizer, true) { @Override protected void run() throws RetryException { if (!_skip) { if (selection.isSelected() != _not) { _not = false; return; } throw new RetryException("selected check failed"); } } }; return; } if (cmd.equals("displayed")) { // HELP: displayed System.out.println(); new WaitFor(cmd, tokenizer, true) { @Override protected void run() throws RetryException { if (!_skip) { if (selection.isDisplayed() != _not) { _not = false; return; } throw new RetryException("displayed check failed"); } } }; return; } if (cmd.equals("at")) { // HELP: at <x|*>,<y> int x = 0, y = 0; tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER || tokenizer.ttype == '*') { x = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(' '); if (tokenizer.ttype == '*') { x = -1; System.out.print('*'); } else { x = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(x); } tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == ',') { tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.print(','); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { y = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(y); System.out.println(); final int X = x; final int Y = y; new WaitFor(cmd, tokenizer, true) { @Override protected void run() throws RetryException { if (!_skip) { Point loc = selection.getLocation(); if (((loc.x == X || X == -1) && loc.y == Y) != _not) { _not = false; return; } throw new RetryException("location check failed"); } } }; return; } } } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("at missing co-ordiantes at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } if (cmd.equals("size")) { // HELP: size <w|*>,<h> int mw = 0, w = 0, h = 0; tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER || tokenizer.ttype == '*') { System.out.print(' '); if (tokenizer.ttype == '*') { mw = w = -1; System.out.print('*'); } else { mw = w = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(w); } tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == ':') { tokenizer.nextToken(); w = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(':'); System.out.print(w); tokenizer.nextToken(); } if (tokenizer.ttype == ',') { tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.print(','); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { h = (int) tokenizer.nval; System.out.print(h); System.out.println(); final int MW = mw; final int W = w; final int H = h; new WaitFor(cmd, tokenizer, true) { @Override protected void run() throws RetryException { if (!_skip) { Dimension size = selection.getSize(); if (((MW == -1 || (size.width >= MW && size.width <= W)) && size.height == H) != _not) { _not = false; return; } throw new RetryException("size check failed"); } } }; return; } } } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("size missing dimensions at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } if (cmd.equals("tag")) { // HELP: tag <tag-name> tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(tokenizer.sval); System.out.println(); new WaitFor(cmd, tokenizer, true) { @Override protected void run() throws RetryException { if (!_skip) { String tag = selection.getTagName(); if (tokenizer.sval.equals(tag) != _not) { _not = false; return; } throw new RetryException("tag \"" + tokenizer.sval + "\" check failed, tag is " + tag + " at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } } }; return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("tag command has missing tag name at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } if (cmd.equals("info")) { // HELP: info System.out.println(); if (null == selection) throw new Exception("info command requires a selection at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); info(selection, selectionCommand, true); return; } if (cmd.equals("alert")) { // HELP: alert accept System.out.println(); tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { System.out.print(' '); System.out.print(tokenizer.sval); if (tokenizer.sval.equals("accept")) { System.out.println(); if (!_skip) driver.switchTo().alert().accept(); return; } } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("alert syntax error at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } if (cmd.equals("dump")) { // HELP: dump System.out.println(); if (!_skip) dump(); return; } if (cmd.equals("mouse")) { // HELP: mouse { <center|0,0|origin|body|down|up|click|+/-x,+/-y> commands ... } parseBlock(script, tokenizer, new BlockHandler() { public void parseToken(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, String token) { int l = token.length(); if (token.equals("center")) { actions.moveToElement(selection); } else if ((l > 1 && token.substring(1, l - 1).equals("0,0")) || token.equals("origin")) { actions.moveToElement(selection, 0, 0); } else if (token.equals("body")) { actions.moveToElement(driver.findElement(By.tagName("body")), 0, 0); } else if (token.equals("down")) { actions.clickAndHold(); } else if (token.equals("up")) { actions.release(); } else if (token.equals("click")) {; } else if (l > 1) { String[] a = token.substring(1, l - 1).split(","); actions.moveByOffset(Integer.valueOf(a[0]), Integer.valueOf(a[1])); } else { // no-op } } }); System.out.println(); actions.release();; return; } if (cmd.equals("screenshot")) { // HELP: screenshot "<path>" tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || tokenizer.ttype == '"') { String path = tokenizer.sval; System.out.print(' '); System.out.println(path); if (!_skip) { WebDriver augmentedDriver = new Augmenter().augment(driver); File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) augmentedDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); String outputPath; if (screenShotPath == null || path.startsWith("/") || path.substring(1, 1).equals(":")) { outputPath = path; } else { outputPath = screenShotPath + (screenShotPath.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + path; } System.out.println(screenshot.getAbsolutePath() + " -> " + path); FileUtils.moveFile(screenshot, new File(outputPath)); } return; } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("screenshot argument should be a path"); } } if (functions.containsKey(cmd)) { executeFunction(cmd, file, tokenizer, script); return; } if (null == driver) { throw new Exception("browser start must be used before attempt to interract with the browser"); } System.out.println(); throw new Exception("unrecognised command, " + cmd); } private void dumpLog() throws Exception { Logs log = driver.manage().logs(); LogEntries entries = log.get(LogType.BROWSER); // System.out.println(entries); List<LogEntry> list = entries.getAll(); boolean fail = false; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { LogEntry e = list.get(i); System.out.println(e); if (e.getLevel().getName().equals("SEVERE") && e.getMessage().indexOf("Uncaught ") != -1 && e.getMessage().indexOf(" Error:") != -1) { System.out.println("*** Uncaught Error ***"); fail = true; } } if (fail) throw new Exception("Unhandled Exception! Check console log for details"); } private void info(WebElement element, String selector, boolean verify) throws Exception { do { try { Point loc = element.getLocation(); Dimension size = element.getSize(); String tag = element.getTagName(); System.out .print(null == selector ? "test-id \"" + element.getAttribute("test-id") + "\"" : selector); System.out.print(" info"); System.out.print(" tag " + tag); System.out.print((element.isDisplayed() ? "" : " not") + " displayed"); System.out.print(" at " + loc.x + "," + loc.y); System.out.print(" size " + size.width + "," + size.height); System.out.print((element.isEnabled() ? "" : " not") + " enabled"); System.out.print((element.isSelected() ? "" : " not") + " selected"); if (tag.equals("input") || tag.equals("select")) { System.out.print(" check \"" + element.getAttribute("value") + "\""); } else { String text = tag.equals("textarea") ? element.getAttribute("value") : element.getText(); if (text.indexOf('\n') != -1) { CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); crc.update(text.getBytes()); System.out.print(" checksum \"crc32:" + crc.getValue() + "\""); } else { System.out.print(" check \"" + element.getText() + "\""); } } System.out.println(); return; } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) { // If element has gone stale during a dump, ignore it if (!verify) return; // element has gone stale, re-select it System.out.println("// EXCEPTION : StaleElementReference"); } catch (Exception e) { if (verify) throw e; return; } sleepAndReselect(100); } while (_waitFor > 0 && (new Date()).getTime() < _waitFor); } // Find all test-id fields, and dump their info private void dump() throws Exception { List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//*[@test-id]")); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { info(elements.get(i), null, false); } } private void addFunction(String name, List<String> params, String args) { ExecutionContext script = new ExecutionContext(params, args); functions.put(name, script); } private boolean compareStrings(String s1, String s2, boolean checksum) { if (checksum) { CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); crc.update(s1.getBytes()); return ("crc32:" + crc.getValue()).equals(s2); } return s1.equals(s2); } private void testContextValue(String cmd, final ExecutionContext script, final StreamTokenizer tokenizer, final boolean checksum) throws Exception { new WaitFor(cmd, tokenizer, true) { @Override protected void run() throws RetryException { String tagName = selection.getTagName(); String test = script.getExpandedString(tokenizer); if (tagName.equals("input") || tagName.equals("select") || tagName.equals("textarea")) { System.out.println( "// Checking element value is " + (_not ? "NOT " : "") + " equal to '" + test + "'"); String value = selection.getAttribute("value"); if (_not != (null != value && compareStrings(value, test, checksum))) { _not = false; return; } if (null == value) { System.out.println("// CHECK FAIL: EXPECTED '" + test + "' BUT VALUE IS NULL"); } else { System.out.println("// CHECK FAIL: EXPECTED '" + test + "' WHICH DOES " + (_not ? "" : "NOT ") + " MATCH '" + value + "'"); } throw new RetryException("value check failed"); } else { System.out.println("// Checking element textContent is " + (_not ? "NOT " : "") + "equal to '" + test + "'"); String value = selection.getText(); System.out.println("text: " + value); if (_not != (null != value && compareStrings(value, test, checksum))) { _not = false; return; } if (null == value) { System.out.println("// CHECK FAIL: EXPECTED '" + test + "' BUT VALUE IS NULL"); } else { System.out.println("// CHECK FAIL: EXPECTED '" + test + "' WHICH DOES " + (_not ? "" : "NOT ") + " MATCH '" + value + "'"); } throw new RetryException("textContent check failed"); } } @Override protected void fail(Exception e) throws Exception { throw new Exception(e.getMessage() + ": " + tokenizer.sval + " test failed for current select selection at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } }; } private void setContextValue(String cmd, final ExecutionContext script, final StreamTokenizer tokenizer, final boolean set) throws Exception { new WaitFor(cmd, tokenizer, true) { @Override protected void run() throws Exception { final String tagName = selection.getTagName(); if (tagName.equals("input") || tagName.equals("select") || tagName.equals("textarea")) { if (set && !tagName.equals("select")) selection.clear(); selection.sendKeys(script.getExpandedString(tokenizer)); } else { throw new Exception( "set cannot be used on a non-field selection at line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } } @Override protected void fail(Exception e) throws Exception { throw new Exception("could not send keys to element: " + e.getMessage()); } }; } private void sleepSeconds(long seconds) { try { Sleeper.SYSTEM_SLEEPER.sleep(Duration.ofSeconds(seconds)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void sleep(long ms) { try { Sleeper.SYSTEM_SLEEPER.sleep(Duration.ofMillis(ms)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean sleepAndReselect(int ms) throws Exception { if (autolog) dumpLog(); long waitTimer = (_waitFor - (new Date()).getTime()); System.out.println("// SLEEP AND RESELECT [wait=" + waitTimer + "] ID " + selection.getId()); // if (waitTimer < -(ms*2)) { // System.out.println("AUTO WAIT FOR 1s"); // _waitFor = (new Date()).getTime() + 1000; // } this.sleep(ms); try { if (stype == SelectionType.XPath || stype == SelectionType.Field) { selection = (RemoteWebElement) driver.findElement(By.xpath(selector)); } else if (stype == SelectionType.Select) { selection = (RemoteWebElement) driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(selector)); } else if (stype == SelectionType.Script) { Object result = driver.executeAsyncScript(selector); if (null != result) { if (result.getClass() == RemoteWebElement.class) { selection = (RemoteWebElement) result; } } } } catch (NoSuchElementException e2) { // element has gone stale, re-select it System.out.println("// SLEEPANDRESELECT: EXCEPTION : NoSuchElement"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("// SLEEPANDRESELECT: EXCEPTION : " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } System.out.println("// SLEEPANDRESELECT: RESELECTED " + selector + " SLEEP 100ms"); this.sleep(100); // small delay return true; } private void xpathContext(ExecutionContext script, StreamTokenizer tokenizer) throws Exception { Exception e; stype = SelectionType.None; selector = null; String sval = script.getExpandedString(tokenizer); System.out.println(sval); do { try { selection = (RemoteWebElement) driver.findElement(By.xpath(sval)); if (_not) { _test = _not = false; throw new Exception("not xpath " + sval + " is invalid on line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } selectionCommand = "xpath \"" + sval + "\""; stype = SelectionType.XPath; selector = sval; _test = true; return; } catch (Exception ex) { e = ex; sleep(100); } } while (_waitFor > 0 && (new Date()).getTime() < _waitFor); _waitFor = 0; _test = false; if (!_if) { if (_not) { _test = true; selection = null; _not = false; return; } throw new Exception( "xpath " + sval + " is invalid on line " + tokenizer.lineno() + " " + e.getMessage()); } } private void selectContext(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, ExecutionContext script) throws Exception { Exception e; stype = SelectionType.None; selector = null; String sval = script.getExpandedString(tokenizer); System.out.println(sval); do { try { selection = (RemoteWebElement) driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(sval)); if (_not) { _test = _not = false; throw new Exception("not selector " + sval + " is invalid on line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } selectionCommand = "select \"" + sval + "\""; stype = SelectionType.Select; selector = sval; _test = true; return; } catch (Exception ex) { e = ex; sleep(100); } } while (_waitFor > 0 && (new Date()).getTime() < _waitFor); _waitFor = 0; _test = false; if (!_if) { if (_not) { _test = true; selection = null; selector = null; _not = false; return; } throw new Exception( "selector " + sval + " is invalid on line " + tokenizer.lineno() + " " + e.getMessage()); } } private void setContextToField(ExecutionContext script, StreamTokenizer tokenizer) throws Exception { Exception e; String sval = script.getExpandedString(tokenizer); System.out.println(sval); String query = "//*[@test-id='" + sval + "']"; stype = SelectionType.None; selector = null; do { try { selection = (RemoteWebElement) driver.findElement(By.xpath(query)); if (_not) { _test = _not = false; throw new Exception("not test-id " + sval + " is invalid on line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } selectionCommand = "field \"" + sval + "\""; stype = SelectionType.Field; selector = query; _test = true; return; } catch (Exception ex) { e = ex; sleep(100); } } while (this._waitFor > 0 && (new Date()).getTime() < this._waitFor); _waitFor = 0; _test = false; if (!_if) { if (_not) { _test = true; selection = null; _not = false; return; } throw new Exception( "field reference " + sval + " is invalid on line " + tokenizer.lineno() + " " + e.getMessage()); } } private void scrollContextIntoView(WebElement element) throws Exception { Capabilities cp = ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCapabilities(); if (cp.getBrowserName().equals("chrome")) { try { ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", element); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } } }