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 * Copyright (c) 2009--2014 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License,
 * version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or
 * implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2
 * along with this software; if not, see
 * Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is
 * granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated
 * in this software or its documentation.
package com.redhat.rhn.manager.rhnset;

import com.redhat.rhn.common.util.Asserts;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.rhnset.RhnSet;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.rhnset.SetCleanup;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.server.Server;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.user.User;
import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.action.SetLabels;

import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * The declaration of an {@link RhnSet}. This combines the name of the set with
 * the security information needed to ensure that users only put items into the
 * set they actually have permission to see. All sets must be declared as
 * constants in this class; to load a set, you can simply say
 * <code>RhnSetDecl.SYSTEMS.get(user)</code>.
 * <p>
 * To create a new set, you need to first define the needed cleanup as a
 * constant in {@link SetCleanup} and then declare the set with a new constant
 * in this class.
 * @version $Rev$
public class RhnSetDecl {

    private static final Map<String, RhnSetDecl> DECLS = new HashMap<String, RhnSetDecl>();

    // set of actions by action_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl ACTIONS_COMPLETED = make("completed_action_list", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_ACTIONS);

    // set of actions by action_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl ACTIONS_FAILED = make("failed_action_list", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_ACTIONS);

    // set of actions by action_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl ACTIONS_ARCHIVED = make("archived_action_list", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_ACTIONS);

    // set of actions by action_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl ACTIONS_PENDING = make("pending_action_list", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_ACTIONS);

    // set of servers by server_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl ACTIONS_UNSCHEDULE = make("unscheduleaction", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_SERVERS);

    // set of Action Chains by id
    public static final RhnSetDecl ACTION_CHAINS = make("action_chains", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // set of channels by channel_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl CHANNELS_FOR_ERRATA = make("channels_for_errata", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_CHANNELS);

    // set of errata by errata_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl ERRATA = make("errata_list", SetCleanup.ILLEGAL_ERRATA);

    // set of errata by errata_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl ERRATA_CLONE = make("clone_errata_list", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_NONRHN_ERRATA);

    // set of errata by errata_id; needs new cleanup
    public static final RhnSetDecl ERRATA_TO_DELETE = make("errata_to_delete", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_ERRATA);

    // set of errata by errata_id; needs new cleanup
    public static final RhnSetDecl ERRATA_TO_DELETE_BULK = make("errata_to_delete_bulk", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_ERRATA);

    // set of errata by errata_id; needs new cleanup
    public static final RhnSetDecl ERRATA_TO_SYNC = make("errata_to_sync", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_ERRATA);

    public static final RhnSetDecl ERRATA_PACKAGES_TO_SYNC = make("errata_packages_to_sync",

    // set of file list: needs new cleanup
    public static final RhnSetDecl FILE_LISTS = make("file_lists", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_FILE_LIST);

    // set of packages by package_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGES_FOR_SYSTEM_SYNC = make("packages_for_system_sync", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // set of packages by name_id/evr_id; can not be cleaned
    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGES_REMOVABLE = make("removable_package_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // set of packages by package_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGES_TO_ADD = make("packages_to_add", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_PACKAGES);

    // set of packages by package_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGES_TO_PUSH = make("update_package_list", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_PACKAGES);

    // set of packages by name_id/evr_id; can not be cleaned
    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL = make("install_package_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // set of packages by name_id/evr_id; can not be cleaned
    // set of package_ids for deleting packages (from manage software packages)
    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGES_TO_REMOVE = make("packages_to_remove", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // set of packages by name_id/evr_id; can not be cleaned
    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGES_UPGRADABLE = make(SetLabels.PACKAGE_UPGRADE_SET, SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // set of packages by name_id/evr_id; can not be cleaned
    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGES_VERIFY = make("verify_package_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // set of packages by package_id (sync channels)
    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGES_TO_SYNC_CHANNEL = make("packages_to_sync_channel", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // set of servers by server_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl SYSTEMS = make(SetLabels.SYSTEM_LIST, SetCleanup.ILLEGAL_SERVERS);

    // set of duplicate servers by server_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl DUPLICATE_SYSTEMS = make(SetLabels.DUPLICATE_SYSTEM_LIST, SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // set of servers by server_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl SYSTEMS_AFFECTED = make(SetLabels.AFFECTED_SYSTEMS_LIST,

    // set of servers by server_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl SYSTEM_ENTITLEMENTS = make(SetLabels.SYSTEM_ENTITLEMENTS,

    // set of servers by server_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl SYSTEMS_FAILED = make("failed_system_list", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_SERVERS);

    // set of system groups by group id
    public static final RhnSetDecl SYSTEM_GROUPS = make("system_group_list", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_SYSTEM_GROUPS);

    public static final RhnSetDecl TEST = make("test action", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // set of users by user_id
    public static final RhnSetDecl USERS = make("user_list", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_USERS);

    // Set of contact methods in an org
    public static final RhnSetDecl METHODS_IN_ORG = make("methods_in_org", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_METHODS);

    // set of kickstart profiles
    public static final RhnSetDecl KICSKTART_IPRANGES = make("kickstart_ipranges", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl ACTIVATION_KEYS = make("activation_keys", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_ACTIVATION_KEYS);

    public static final RhnSetDecl KICKSTART_ACTIVATION_KEYS = make("kickstart_activation_keys",

    public static final RhnSetDecl GPGSSL_KEYS = make("gpgssl_keys", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_GPGSSL_KEYS);

    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGE_PROFILES = make("package_profiles", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_PACKAGE_PROFILES);

    // Set of systems subscribed to a specified config-channel
    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_SYSTEMS = make("config_subscribed_systems", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_SERVERS);

    // Set of systems subscribable, but not yet subscribed, to a specified
    // config-channel
    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_TARGET_SYSTEMS = make("config_target_systems",

    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_ENABLE_SYSTEMS = make("enable_config_systems",

    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_CHANNELS = make("config_channels",

    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_CHANNELS_RANKING = make("config_channels_rankings",

    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_CHANNELS_TO_UNSUBSCRIBE = make("config_channels_to_unsubscribe",

    // Set of files contained within a specified config-channel
    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_FILES = make("config_files", SetCleanup.INACCESSIBLE_CONFIG_FILES);

    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_FILE_NAMES = make("config_file_names", SetCleanup.NOOP); // always a no-op

    public static final RhnSetDecl ORG_LIST = make("org_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // set of config file names to be uploaded from the server.
    // must have a no-op set cleanup because the file names might be new
    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_IMPORT_FILE_NAMES = make("config_import_names", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_REVISIONS = make("config_revisions",

    // Set of systems a given config-file could be deployed to
    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_FILE_DEPLOY_SYSTEMS = make("config_deploy_systems", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // Set of config-revisions to be deployed from a specified config-channel
    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_CHANNEL_DEPLOY_REVISIONS = make("config_channel_deploy_revisions",

    // Set of systems subscribed to a channel to deploy CONFIG_CHANNEL_DEPLOY_REVISIONS to
    public static final RhnSetDecl CONFIG_CHANNEL_DEPLOY_SYSTEMS = make("config_channel_deploy_systems",

    // Set of channels we're subscribing to/unsubscribing from in the SSM
    public static final RhnSetDecl SSM_CHANNEL_LIST = make("channel_list", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_CHANNELS);

    // Set of packages being removed from packages in the SSM (this is used by the
    // query but the UI uses SessionSet)
    public static final RhnSetDecl SSM_REMOVE_PACKAGES_LIST = make("ssm_remove_packages_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // Set of packages being upgraded from packages in the SSM (this is used by the
    // query but the UI uses SessionSet)
    public static final RhnSetDecl SSM_UPGRADE_PACKAGES_LIST = make("ssm_upgrade_packages_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // Set of packages being verified from packages in the SSM (this is used by the
    // query but the UI uses SessionSet)
    public static final RhnSetDecl SSM_VERIFY_PACKAGES_LIST = make("ssm_verify_packages_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    // This cleanser is for when the set contains
    // instead of
    public static final RhnSetDecl VIRTUAL_SYSTEMS = make("virtual_systems", SetCleanup.UNOWNED_VIRTUAL_SERVERS);

    public static final RhnSetDecl REMOVE_SYSTEMS_LIST = make("remove_systems_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl CHANNEL_SUBSCRIPTION_PERMS = make("channel_subscription_perms", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl TARGET_SYSTEMS_FOR_CHANNEL = make("target_systems_for_channel", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGE_DOWNLOADABLE_LIST = make("package_downloadable_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl ERRATA_TO_REMOVE = make("errata_to_remove", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl ERRATA_TO_ADD = make("errata_to_add", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGE_TO_ADD = make("packages_to_add", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGES_FOR_MERGE = make("packages_for_merge", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl CHANNEL_MANAGEMENT_PERMS = make("channel_management_perms", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl TARGET_SYSTEMS = make("target_systems", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl DELETABLE_PACKAGE_LIST = make("deletable_package_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl REMOVEABLE_SYSTEM_LIST = make("removable_system_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGE_INSTALLABLE_LIST = make("package_installable_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGE_ANSWER_FILE_LIST = make("package_answer_file_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl PACKAGE_UPGRADABLE_LIST = make("package_upgradable_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl REMOVE_SYSTEM_FROM_GROUPS = make("remove_system_from_groups", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl TARGET_GROUPS_FOR_SYSTEM = make("target_groups_for_system", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl SCHEDULE_ACTION_LIST = make("schedule_action_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl REMOVABLE_SNAPSHOT_TAG_LIST = make("removable_snapshot_tag_list",

    public static final RhnSetDecl SYSTEMS_AFFECTED_BY_ERRATA = make("systems_affected_by_errata", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl SSCD_VERIFY_PACKAGE_LIST = make("sscd_verify_package_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl SSCD_REMOVABLE_PACKAGE_LIST = make("sscd_removable_package_list",

    public static final RhnSetDecl MULTIORG_TRUST_LIST = make("multiorg_trust_list", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl SSM_CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBE = make("ssm_channel_subscribe", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl SSM_CHANNEL_UNSUBSCRIBE = make("ssm_channel_unsubscribe", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl ISS_SLAVES = make("iss_slaves", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl ISS_MASTERS = make("iss_masters", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl ISS_LOCAL_ORGS = make("iss_local_orgs", SetCleanup.NOOP);
    public static final RhnSetDecl XCCDF_TESTRESULTS = make("xccdf_testresults",

    public static final RhnSetDecl SSM_SYSTEMS_SET_LOCK = make("ssm_systems_set_lock", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl SSM_SYSTEMS_REBOOT = make("ssm_systems_reboot", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl PENDING_ACTIONS_TO_DELETE = make("pending_actions_delete", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl SNAPSHOT_TAGS_TO_DELETE = make("snapshot_tags_delete", SetCleanup.NOOP);

    private SetCleanup cleanup;
    private String label;

    private RhnSetDecl(String label0, SetCleanup cleanup0) {
        label = label0;
        cleanup = cleanup0;

     * Clear the set for user <code>u</code>
     * @param u the user whose set to clear
    public void clear(User u) {
        RhnSetManager.deleteByLabel(u.getId(), label);

     * Create a new, empty set
     * @param u the user for whom to create the set
     * @return the created set
    public RhnSet create(User u) {
        Asserts.assertNotNull(u, "u");
        return RhnSetManager.createSet(u.getId(), label, cleanup);

     * Load the set for user <code>u</code>. If the set for this user does
     * not exist yet, a new one is created. In other words, this method will
     * always return a non-null value.
     * @param u the user for whom to get the set
     * @return the set for user <code>u</code>
    public RhnSet get(User u) {
        Asserts.assertNotNull(u, "u");
        RhnSet s = lookup(u);
        if (s == null) {
            s = create(u);
        return s;

     * The label of the set
     * @return the label of the set
    public String getLabel() {
        return label;

     * Look the set for user <code>u</code> up from the database. If the user
     * has no entries in the set, return <code>null</code>
     * @param u the user for whom to look the set up
     * @return the set or <code>null</code> if the user has nothing in the set
    public RhnSet lookup(User u) {
        return RhnSetManager.findByLabel(u.getId(), label, cleanup);

     * Creates new Declaration based on the selections for this set.
     * @param suffix suffix to make this set declaration unique
     * @return the newly created set declaration.
    public RhnSetDecl createCustom(Object... suffix) {
        String customName = generateCustomSetName(this, suffix);
        return make(customName, cleanup);

     * Make a new set declaration with the given <code>label</code> and
     * <code>cleanup</code>
     * @param label the label of the set
     * @param cleanup the cleanup
     * @return a new set declaration
    private static RhnSetDecl make(String label, SetCleanup cleanup) {
        RhnSetDecl result = new RhnSetDecl(label, cleanup);
        DECLS.put(label, result);
        return result;

     * up an existing set declaration for the given <code>label</code>. If
     * one exists, <code>cleanup</code> is ignored. Otherwise, a declaration
     * with the given <code>cleanup</code> and <code>label</code> is
     * created.
     * @deprecated Do not use this method.
     * @param label the label for the set
     * @param cleanup the cleanup to use
     * @return the set declaration
    public static RhnSetDecl findOrCreate(String label, SetCleanup cleanup) {
        RhnSetDecl result = DECLS.get(label);
        if (result == null) {
            result = new RhnSetDecl(label, cleanup);
        return result;

     * Retrieves the set declaration associated to the given label
     * @param label the label for the set
     * @return the set declaration or null if none exists
    public static RhnSetDecl find(String label) {
        return DECLS.get(label);

     * get the set for Channel Errata cloning
     * @param chan the Channel passed in
     * @return the Set decl
    public static RhnSetDecl setForChannelErrata(Channel chan) {
        return make("errata_clone_list" + chan.getId(), SetCleanup.ILLEGAL_ERRATA);

     * get the set for Channel package pushing
     * @param chan the Channel passed in
     * @return the Set decl
    public static RhnSetDecl setForChannelPackages(Channel chan) {
        return make("package_clone_list" + chan.getId(), SetCleanup.NOOP);

     * get the set for system software crashes
     * @param serv server passed in
     * @return the Set descl
    public static RhnSetDecl setForSystemCrashes(Server serv) {
        return make("crashes_for_system" + serv.getId(), SetCleanup.NOOP);

    public static final RhnSetDecl SYSTEM_NOTES = make("systems_notes", SetCleanup.NOOP);

     * Generates a new set name based on an existing set and one or more variables.
     * @param base   the generation will use the label from this set
     * @param suffix used as entropy in the custom name
     * @return name suitable for an RhnSet that is a derivative of the base set
    public static String generateCustomSetName(RhnSetDecl base, Object... suffix) {
        HashCodeBuilder builder = new HashCodeBuilder();
        for (Object o : suffix) {

        String customName = base.getLabel() + builder.toHashCode();
        return customName;