Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2009--2013 Red Hat, Inc. * * This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, * version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or * implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 * along with this software; if not, see * * * Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is * granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated * in this software or its documentation. */ package; import com.redhat.rhn.common.localization.LocalizationService; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.monitoring.Probe; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.monitoring.command.Command; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.monitoring.command.CommandParameter; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.monitoring.command.Metric; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.monitoring.command.ParameterValidator; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.monitoring.command.ThresholdParameter; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.monitoring.notification.ContactGroup; import; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.struts.RequestContext; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.struts.RhnAction; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.struts.RhnValidationHelper; import com.redhat.rhn.manager.monitoring.ModifyProbeCommand; import org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages; import org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm; import org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; /** * Action for the probe details page. Note that there is no correpsonding * SetupAction since there isn't really a good separation between setup * and performing the action. * * @version $Rev: 53910 $ */ public class BaseProbeAction extends RhnAction { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BaseProbeAction.class); protected static final String NOTIFICATION = "notification"; public static final String PROBEID = RequestContext.PROBEID; public static final String SID = RequestContext.SID; public static final String METRICS = "metrics"; public static final String STARTTS = "startts"; public static final String ENDTS = "endts"; protected static final String DESCR = "description"; protected static final String CHECK_INTERVAL_MIN = "check_interval_min"; protected static final String CONTACT_GROUP_ID = "contact_group_id"; protected static final String NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL_MIN = "notification_interval_min"; private static final String PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER = "*pwd_placeholder*"; /** * Create a list of localized intervals for notifications like '5 minutes' * or '2 hours' * @param req HttpServletRequest which will have an attribute set. */ protected static void setIntervals(HttpServletRequest req) { List rv = new LinkedList(); LocalizationService ls = LocalizationService.getInstance(); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(ls.getMessage("probeeditaction.minute"), "1")); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(ls.getMessage("probeeditaction.minutes", "5"), "5")); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(ls.getMessage("probeeditaction.minutes", "10"), "10")); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(ls.getMessage("probeeditaction.minutes", "15"), "15")); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(ls.getMessage("probeeditaction.minutes", "30"), "30")); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(ls.getMessage("probeeditaction.minutes", "45"), "45")); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(ls.getMessage("probeeditaction.hour"), "60")); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(ls.getMessage("probeeditaction.hours", "2"), "120")); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(ls.getMessage("probeeditaction.hours", "6"), "360")); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(ls.getMessage("probeeditaction.hours", "12"), "720")); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(ls.getMessage("probeeditaction.hours", "24"), "1440")); req.setAttribute("intervals", rv); } /** * Get a list of the contact groups for <code>org</code> * as <code>LabelValueBeans</code> * @param orgIn the org for which to get the contact groups */ protected static void setContactGroups(HttpServletRequest req, Org orgIn) { List rv = new LinkedList(); Iterator i = orgIn.getContactGroups().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ContactGroup cg = (ContactGroup); rv.add(new LabelValueBean(cg.getContactGroupName(), cg.getId().toString())); } // Sort the list Collections.sort(rv); req.setAttribute("contactGroups", rv); } /** * Get the parameter values for <code>probe</code> as a list * of <code>CommandParameterValue</code> objects * @param probe the probe from which parameter values should be taken; if * it is <code>null</code>, the commands default values are used * @param command the command whose parameters to list * @param submitted whether the user submitted parameter values */ protected static void setParamValueList(HttpServletRequest req, Probe probe, Command command, boolean submitted) { List result = new LinkedList(); List thresholdParams = new LinkedList(); ArrayList params = new ArrayList(command.getCommandParameters()); Collections.sort(params, new CommandParameterComparator()); Iterator i = params.iterator(); String lastLabel = ""; while (i.hasNext()) { CommandParameter cp = (CommandParameter); boolean isPassword = isPassword(cp); if (cp.isFieldVisible()) { String value = null; if (submitted) { value = paramValue(cp, req); } else if (probe == null) { value = cp.getDefaultValue(); } else { value = probe.getProbeParameterValue(cp).getValue(); } boolean isThreshold = cp instanceof ThresholdParameter; Map map = getCommandParameterMap(cp, paramName(cp), value, isThreshold, lastLabel); if (isThreshold) { thresholdParams.add(map); } else { result.add(map); } if (isPassword) { // Add extra password confirm field Map confirmmap = getCommandParameterMap(cp, paramName(cp) + "_confirm", null, false, lastLabel); String confirmLabel = (String) confirmmap.get("label"); confirmLabel = confirmLabel + "_confirm"; confirmmap.put("label", confirmLabel); // Get rid of value from map if (submitted) { String requestParamName = paramName(cp) + "_confirm"; String confirmValue = req.getParameter(requestParamName); confirmmap.put("value", confirmValue); } else { if (value != null) { map.put("value", PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER); confirmmap.put("value", PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER); } else { map.put("value", null); } } result.add(confirmmap); } } } result.addAll(thresholdParams); req.setAttribute("paramValueList", result); } private static Map getCommandParameterMap(CommandParameter cp, String paramName, String value, boolean isThreshold, String lastLabel) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("value", value); map.put("mandatory", Boolean.valueOf(cp.isMandatory())); String label = cp.getDescription(); if (isThreshold) { ThresholdParameter tp = (ThresholdParameter) cp; label = tp.getMetric().getDescription(); map.put("unit", tp.getMetric().getStorageUnitId()); map.put("threshold", tp.getThresholdType().getName()); } if (!lastLabel.equals(label)) { map.put("label", label); } lastLabel = label; map.put("fieldWidgetName", cp.getFieldWidgetName()); map.put("paramName", paramName); map.put("maxLength", cp.getFieldMaximumLength()); map.put("size", cp.getFieldVisibleLength()); return map; } private static boolean isPassword(CommandParameter cp) { return cp.getFieldWidgetName().equals("password"); } /** * Edit the probe according to the values submitted in <code>form</code> * and command parameters in the request parameters named <tt>param_*</tt> * @param cmd the command that will modify the probe * @param form the submitted form * @param req the request */ protected boolean editProbe(ModifyProbeCommand cmd, DynaActionForm form, HttpServletRequest req) { // Validate the form ActionErrors errors = RhnValidationHelper.validateDynaActionForm(BaseProbeAction.class, form); validateParameters(errors, cmd, req); validateInterval(errors, form); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { addErrors(req, errors); return false; } // Loop through the params and set the object value Iterator i = cmd.commandParametersIter(); while (i.hasNext()) { CommandParameter cp = (CommandParameter); // In the JSP we pre-pend the "param_" so we can // keep the Command parameter values separate from the other // parameters. if (cp.isFieldVisible()) { String value = paramValue(cp, req); if (isPassword(cp) && value != null && value.equals(PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER)) { logger.debug("Password is existing and is the placeholder."); } else { logger.debug("Setting param value."); cmd.setParameterValue(cp, value); } } } cmd.setDescription(form.getString(DESCR)); cmd.setNotification((Boolean) form.get(NOTIFICATION)); cmd.setCheckIntervalMinutes((Long) form.get("check_interval_min")); cmd.setNotificationIntervalMinutes((Long) form.get("notification_interval_min")); cmd.setContactGroup((Long) form.get("contact_group_id")); cmd.storeProbe(); return true; } // Check to make sure they didn't set the notif interval to be // less than the check interval. private void validateInterval(ActionErrors errors, DynaActionForm form) { if (form.get("check_interval_min") != null && form.get("notification_interval_min") != null) { long cim = ((Long) form.get("check_interval_min")).longValue(); long nim = ((Long) form.get("notification_interval_min")).longValue(); if (nim < cim) { addGlobalMessage(errors, "probedit.checklessthannotif"); } } } private void validateParameters(ActionErrors errors, ModifyProbeCommand cmd, HttpServletRequest req) { LocalizationService ls = LocalizationService.getInstance(); for (Iterator i = cmd.commandParametersIter(); i.hasNext();) { CommandParameter cp = (CommandParameter); if (cp.isFieldVisible()) { String name = ls.getMessage(cp.getDescription()); String value = paramValue(cp, req); ParameterValidator v = cp.getValidator(); if (value == null && v.isMandatory()) { addGlobalMessage(errors, "probeparam.mandatory", name); } else if (cp.getFieldWidgetName().equals("password")) { String confirmParamName = paramName(cp); String valueConfirm = req.getParameter(confirmParamName + "_confirm"); valueConfirm = cp.getValidator().normalize(valueConfirm); // If the passwords dont match, warn the user if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("v : " + value); logger.debug("vc : " + valueConfirm); logger.debug("1st cond : " + StringUtils.equals(value, valueConfirm)); logger.debug("2nd cond : " + StringUtils.equals(value, PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER)); } if (!StringUtils.equals(value, valueConfirm) && !StringUtils.equals(value, PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER)) { ActionMessage m = new ActionMessage("probeparam.passnomatch", name, value, null); errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, m); } } else if (!v.isConvertible(value)) { String typeName = ls.getMessage(v.getTypeKey()); ActionMessage m = new ActionMessage("probeparam.illegal", name, value, typeName); errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, m); } else if (!v.inRange(value)) { ActionMessage m = null; if (cp.getMinValue() == null) { m = new ActionMessage("probeparam.toolarge", name, value, cp.getMaxValue()); } else if (cp.getMaxValue() == null) { m = new ActionMessage("probeparam.toosmall", name, value, cp.getMinValue()); } else { m = new ActionMessage("probeparam.notbetween", name, value, cp.getMinValue(), cp.getMaxValue()); } errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, m); } } } // Check that the values for threshold params are // in ascending order for each metric Command c = cmd.getCommand(); ToParamValue toParamValue = new ToParamValue(req); for (Iterator i = c.getMetrics().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Metric m = (Metric); ArrayList v = c.checkAscendingValues(m, toParamValue); for (Iterator j = v.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { ThresholdParameter p1 = (ThresholdParameter); String v1 = (String); ThresholdParameter p2 = (ThresholdParameter); String v2 = (String); String mlabel = ls.getMessage(m.getDescription()); String plabel1 = ls.getMessage(p1.getThresholdType().getName()); String plabel2 = ls.getMessage(p2.getThresholdType().getName()); ActionMessage am = new ActionMessage("probeparam.threshold.inverted", new Object[] { mlabel, plabel1, v1, plabel2, v2 }); errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, am); } } } private static String paramValue(CommandParameter cp, HttpServletRequest req) { String requestParamName = paramName(cp); String value = req.getParameter(requestParamName); return cp.getValidator().normalize(value); } private static String paramName(CommandParameter cp) { return "param_" + cp.getParamName(); } private static final class CommandParameterComparator implements Comparator { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { CommandParameter p1 = (CommandParameter) o1; CommandParameter p2 = (CommandParameter) o2; return p1.getFieldOrder().compareTo(p2.getFieldOrder()); } } private static final class ToParamValue implements Transformer { private HttpServletRequest req; public ToParamValue(HttpServletRequest req0) { req = req0; } public Object transform(Object input) { return paramValue((CommandParameter) input, req); } } }