Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2009--2014 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License,
 * version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or
 * implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2
 * along with this software; if not, see
 * Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is
 * granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated
 * in this software or its documentation.
package com.redhat.rhn.domain.server;

import com.redhat.rhn.common.conf.Config;
import com.redhat.rhn.common.conf.ConfigDefaults;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.BaseDomainHelper;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.Identifiable;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.common.ProvisionState;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.config.ConfigChannel;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.config.ConfigChannelListProcessor;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.config.ConfigChannelType;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.config.ConfigurationFactory;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.entitlement.Entitlement;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.entitlement.VirtualizationEntitlement;
import com.redhat.rhn.domain.user.User;
import com.redhat.rhn.manager.configuration.ConfigurationManager;
import com.redhat.rhn.manager.entitlement.EntitlementManager;
import com.redhat.rhn.manager.kickstart.cobbler.CobblerXMLRPCHelper;
import com.redhat.rhn.manager.system.SystemManager;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.cobbler.CobblerConnection;
import org.cobbler.SystemRecord;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

 * Server - Class representation of the table rhnServer.
 * @version $Rev$
public class Server extends BaseDomainHelper implements Identifiable {

     * Logger for this class
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Server.class);

    private Boolean ignoreEntitlementsForMigration;

    private Long id;
    private Org org;
    private String digitalServerId;
    private String os;
    private String release;
    private String name;
    private String description;
    private String info;
    private String secret;
    private User creator;
    private String autoUpdate;
    private String runningKernel;
    private Long lastBoot;
    private ServerArch serverArch;
    private ProvisionState provisionState;
    private Date channelsChanged;
    private Date created;
    private String cobblerId;
    private Set<Device> devices;
    private ServerInfo serverInfo;
    private CPU cpu;
    private ServerLock lock;
    private ServerUuid serverUuid;
    private Set<Note> notes;
    private Set<Network> networks;
    private Ram ram;
    private Dmi dmi;
    private NetworkInterface primaryInterface;
    private Set<NetworkInterface> networkInterfaces;
    private Set<CustomDataValue> customDataValues;
    private Set<Channel> channels;
    private List<ConfigChannel> configChannels = new ArrayList<ConfigChannel>();
    private Set<ConfigChannel> localChannels = new HashSet<ConfigChannel>();
    private Location serverLocation;
    private Set<VirtualInstance> guests = new HashSet<VirtualInstance>();
    private VirtualInstance virtualInstance;
    private PushClient pushClient;
    private final ConfigChannelListProcessor configListProc = new ConfigChannelListProcessor();
    private Set<ServerHistoryEvent> history;
    private Set<InstalledPackage> packages;
    private ProxyInfo proxyInfo;
    private Set<? extends ServerGroup> groups;
    private Set<Capability> capabilities;
    private CrashCount crashCount;
    private Set<Crash> crashes;

    public static final String VALID_CNAMES = "valid_cnames_";

     * @return Returns the capabilities.
    public Set<Capability> getCapabilities() {
        return capabilities;

     * @param capabilitiesIn The capabilities to set.
    public void setCapabilities(Set<Capability> capabilitiesIn) {
        capabilities = capabilitiesIn;

     * @return Returns the groups.
    protected Set<? extends ServerGroup> getGroups() {
        return groups;

     * @param groupsIn The groups to set.
    protected void setGroups(Set<? extends ServerGroup> groupsIn) {
        groups = groupsIn;

     * @return the proxyInfo
    public ProxyInfo getProxyInfo() {
        return proxyInfo;

     * the proxy information to set
     * @param proxy the proxyInfo to set
    public void setProxyInfo(ProxyInfo proxy) {
        this.proxyInfo = proxy;

     * Retrieves the local override channel associated with this system.
     * @return the Local Override Channel or create one if none exists
    public ConfigChannel getLocalOverride() {
        return findLocal(ConfigChannelType.local());

     * Retrieves the local override channel associated with this system.
     * @return the Local Override Channel or NULL if there's none created yet
    public ConfigChannel getLocalOverrideNoCreate() {
        ConfigChannel channel = null;
        for (Iterator<ConfigChannel> itr = localChannels.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            ConfigChannel ch =;
            if (ch.getConfigChannelType().equals(ConfigChannelType.local())) {
                channel = ch;
        return channel;

     * @param ch Override channel to set
    public void setLocalOverride(ConfigChannel ch) {
        setLocalType(ch, ConfigChannelType.local());

    private void setLocalType(ConfigChannel channel, ConfigChannelType cct) {

        ConfigChannel ch = findLocal(cct);
        if (ch != null) {

    protected void setLocalChannels(Set<ConfigChannel> chls) {
        localChannels = chls;

    protected Set<ConfigChannel> getLocalChannels() {
        return localChannels;

     * Used for retrieving Local/Sandbox override channels since the process is
     *  exacly the same. Creates the channel if it does not exist.
     * @param cct Config Channel type .. (local or sandbox)
     * @return Config channel associated with the given type
    private ConfigChannel findLocal(ConfigChannelType cct) {

        assert localChannels.size() <= 2 : "More than two local override  channels" + "Associated with this server."
                + "There should be NO more than Two" + " Override Channels associated";
        for (Iterator<ConfigChannel> itr = localChannels.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            ConfigChannel ch =;
            ConfigChannelType item = ch.getConfigChannelType();
            if (cct.equals(item)) {
                return ch;

        //We automatically create local config channels, so
        //if we didn't find one, we just haven't created it yet.
        ConfigChannel channel = ConfigurationFactory.createNewLocalChannel(this, cct);

        //TODO: Adding the new channel to the set of local channels should
        //happen in the createNewLocalChannel method.  However, the way things
        //are currently set up, I have to work with the member variable, because using
        //accessors and mutators would create an infinite loop.  Fix this setup.
        return channel;

     * Retrieves the sandbox override channel associated with this system.
     * @return the Sandbox Override Channel or create one if none exists
    public ConfigChannel getSandboxOverride() {
        return findLocal(ConfigChannelType.sandbox());

     * Retrieves the sandbox override channel associated with this system.
     * @return the Sandbox Override Channel or NULL if there's none created yet
    public ConfigChannel getSandboxOverrideNoCreate() {
        ConfigChannel channel = null;
        for (Iterator<ConfigChannel> itr = localChannels.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            ConfigChannel ch =;
            if (ch.getConfigChannelType().equals(ConfigChannelType.sandbox())) {
                channel = ch;
        return channel;

     * @param ch sets the sandbox override channel
    public void setSandboxOverride(ConfigChannel ch) {
        setLocalType(ch, ConfigChannelType.sandbox());

     * @param configChannelsIn The configChannels to set.
    protected void setConfigChannelsHibernate(List<ConfigChannel> configChannelsIn) {
        configChannels = configChannelsIn;
        for (Iterator<ConfigChannel> itr = configChannels.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            if ( == null) {

     * @return List of config channels
    protected List<ConfigChannel> getConfigChannelsHibernate() {
        return configChannels;

     * @return Returns the ServerConfigChannels mappings currently available
     * to the server based on it's entitlements.
    public List<ConfigChannel> getConfigChannels() {
        return getConfigChannelsHibernate();

     * @return Returns the number of configuration channels associated with
     * the server.
    public int getConfigChannelCount() {
        return getConfigChannelsHibernate().size();

    private void ensureConfigManageable() {
        if (!getIgnoreEntitlementsForMigration()) {

     * subscribes a channel to a system, giving it the
     * highest value for the  position (or the lowest priority)
     * @param cc The config channel to subscribe to
    public void subscribe(ConfigChannel cc) {
        configListProc.add(getConfigChannels(), cc);

     * subscribes a channel to a system at the given position
     * @param cc the channel to subscribe
     * @param position the positon/ranking of the channel in the system list,
     *                  must be > 0
    public void subscribeAt(ConfigChannel cc, int position) {
        configListProc.add(getConfigChannels(), cc, position);

     * @param cc the ConfigChannel to unsubscribe
     * @return returns true if the remove operation succeeded
    public boolean unsubscribe(ConfigChannel cc) {
        return configListProc.remove(getConfigChannels(), cc);

     * Protected constructor
    protected Server() {
        devices = new HashSet<Device>();
        notes = new HashSet<Note>();
        networks = new HashSet<Network>();
        networkInterfaces = new HashSet<NetworkInterface>();
        customDataValues = new HashSet<CustomDataValue>();

        ignoreEntitlementsForMigration = Boolean.FALSE;

     * @return Returns the serverInfo.
    public ServerInfo getServerInfo() {
        return serverInfo;

     * @param serverInfoIn The serverInfo to set.
    public void setServerInfo(ServerInfo serverInfoIn) {
        this.serverInfo = serverInfoIn;

     * Gets the last checkin date for this server
     * @return last checkin date
    public Date getLastCheckin() {
        return serverInfo.getCheckin();

     * Gets the number of times this server has checked in
     * @return number of times this server has checked in.
    public Long getCheckinCount() {
        return serverInfo.getCheckinCounter();

     * Getter for id
     * @return Long to get
    public Long getId() {

     * Setter for id
     * @param idIn to set
    public void setId(Long idIn) { = idIn;

     * @return Returns the org.
    public Org getOrg() {
        return org;

     * @param o The org to set.
    public void setOrg(Org o) { = o;

     * Getter for digitalServerId
     * @return String to get
    public String getDigitalServerId() {
        return this.digitalServerId;

     * Setter for digitalServerId
     * @param digitalServerIdIn to set
    public void setDigitalServerId(String digitalServerIdIn) {
        this.digitalServerId = digitalServerIdIn;

     * Getter for os
     * @return String to get
    public String getOs() {
        return this.os;

     * Setter for os
     * @param osIn to set
    public void setOs(String osIn) {
        this.os = osIn;

     * Getter for release
     * @return String to get
    public String getRelease() {
        return this.release;

     * Setter for release
     * @param releaseIn to set
    public void setRelease(String releaseIn) {
        this.release = releaseIn;

     * Getter for name
     * @return String to get
    public String getName() {

     * Setter for name
     * @param nameIn to set
    public void setName(String nameIn) { = nameIn;

     * Getter for description
     * @return String to get
    public String getDescription() {
        return this.description;

     * Setter for description
     * @param descriptionIn to set
    public void setDescription(String descriptionIn) {
        this.description = descriptionIn;

     * Getter for info
     * @return String to get
    public String getInfo() {

     * Setter for info
     * @param infoIn to set
    public void setInfo(String infoIn) { = infoIn;

     * Getter for secret
     * @return String to get
    public String getSecret() {
        return this.secret;

     * Setter for secret
     * @param secretIn to set
    public void setSecret(String secretIn) {
        this.secret = secretIn;

     * @return Returns the creator.
    public User getCreator() {
        return creator;

     * @param c The creator to set.
    public void setCreator(User c) {
        this.creator = c;

     * Getter for autoUpdate
     * @return String to get
    public String getAutoUpdate() {
        return this.autoUpdate;

     * Setter for autoUpdate
     * @param autoUpdateIn to set
    public void setAutoUpdate(String autoUpdateIn) {
        this.autoUpdate = autoUpdateIn;

     * Getter for runningKernel
     * @return String to get
    public String getRunningKernel() {
        return this.runningKernel;

     * Setter for runningKernel
     * @param runningKernelIn to set
    public void setRunningKernel(String runningKernelIn) {
        this.runningKernel = runningKernelIn;

     * Getter for lastBoot
     * @return Long to get
    public Long getLastBoot() {
        return this.lastBoot;

     * Getter for lastBoot as a date
     * @return lastBoot time as a Date object
    public Date getLastBootAsDate() {
        return new Date(this.lastBoot.longValue() * 1000);

     * Setter for lastBoot
     * @param lastBootIn to set
    public void setLastBoot(Long lastBootIn) {
        this.lastBoot = lastBootIn;

     * @return Returns the serverArch.
    public ServerArch getServerArch() {
        return serverArch;

     * @param s The serverArch to set.
    public void setServerArch(ServerArch s) {
        this.serverArch = s;

     * @return Returns the provisionState.
    public ProvisionState getProvisionState() {
        return provisionState;

     * @param p The provisionState to set.
    public void setProvisionState(ProvisionState p) {
        this.provisionState = p;

     * Getter for channelsChanged
     * @return Date to get
    public Date getChannelsChanged() {
        return this.channelsChanged;

     * Setter for channelsChanged
     * @param channelsChangedIn to set
    public void setChannelsChanged(Date channelsChangedIn) {
        this.channelsChanged = channelsChangedIn;

     * The set of ServerGroup(s) that this Server is a member of
     * @return Returns the serverGroups.
    public List<EntitlementServerGroup> getEntitledGroups() {
        return ServerGroupFactory.listEntitlementGroups(this);

     * The set of ServerGroup(s) that this Server is a member of
     * @return Returns the serverGroups.
    public List<ManagedServerGroup> getManagedGroups() {
        return ServerGroupFactory.listManagedGroups(this);

     * Returns the set of devices attached to this server.
     * @return Returns the list of devices attached to this server.
    public Set<Device> getDevices() {
        return devices;

     * Sets the set of devices.
     * @param devicesIn The devices to set.
    protected void setDevices(Set<Device> devicesIn) {
        devices = devicesIn;

     * Get the Device with the given description (i.e. eth0)
     * @param dev the device name (i.e. sda)
     * @return the Device, otherwise null
    public Device getDevice(String dev) {
        for (Device d : getDevices()) {
            if ((d.getDevice() != null) && (d.getDevice().equals(dev))) {
                return d;
        return null;

     * Adds a device to the list of devices for this server.
     * @param device Device to add
    public void addDevice(Device device) {

     * @return Returns the notes.
    public Set<Note> getNotes() {
        return notes;

     * @param n The notes to set.
    public void setNotes(Set<Note> n) {
        this.notes = n;

     * Adds a note to the notes set
     * @param note The note to add
    public void addNote(Note note) {

     * Adds a note to the notes set.
     * @param user The user creating the note
     * @param subject The subject for the note
     * @param body The body for the note
    public void addNote(User user, String subject, String body) {
        Note note = new Note();
        note.setCreated(new Date());


     * @return Returns the networks
    public Set<Network> getNetworks() {
        return networks;

     * Sets the set of networks
     * @param n The networks to set
    public void setNetworks(Set<Network> n) {
        this.networks = n;

     * Adds a network to the set of networks for this server.
     * @param network The network to add.
    public void addNetwork(Network network) {

     * Get the primary ip address for this server
     * @return Returns the primary ip for this server
    public String getIpAddress() {
        Network n = findPrimaryNetwork();
        if (n != null) {
            log.debug("Found a Network: " + n.getIpaddr());
            return n.getIpaddr();
        NetworkInterface ni = findPrimaryNetworkInterface();
        if (ni != null) {
            log.debug("Found a NetworkInterface: " + ni.getIpaddr());
            return ni.getIpaddr();
        return null;

     * Get the primary ipv6 address for this server
     * @return Returns the primary ip for this server
    public String getIp6Address() {
        Network n = findPrimaryIpv6Network();
        if (n != null) {
            log.debug("Found a Network: " + n.getIp6addr());
            return n.getIp6addr();
        return null;

     * Return the NetworkInterface which Spacewalk is guessing is
     * the primary.  Order of preference:
     * eth0, eth0*, eth1, eth1*, after that its first match that is
     * not
     * @return NetworkInterface in order of preference: eth0, eth0*,
     * eth1, eth1*, after that its first match that is not
    public NetworkInterface findPrimaryNetworkInterface() {
        primaryInterface = lookupForPrimaryInterface();
        if (primaryInterface != null) {
            return primaryInterface;
        if (!networkInterfaces.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator<NetworkInterface> i = networkInterfaces.iterator();
            // First pass look for names
            NetworkInterface ni = null;

            ni = findActiveIfaceWithName("eth0", false);
            if (ni != null) {
                primaryInterface = ni;
                return ni;
            ni = findActiveIfaceWithName("eth0", true);
            if (ni != null) {
                primaryInterface = ni;
                return ni;
            ni = findActiveIfaceWithName("eth1", false);
            if (ni != null) {
                primaryInterface = ni;
                return ni;
            ni = findActiveIfaceWithName("eth1", true);
            if (ni != null) {
                primaryInterface = ni;
                return ni;
            // Second pass look for localhost
            i = networkInterfaces.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                NetworkInterface n =;
                String addr = n.getIpaddr();
                if (addr != null && !addr.equals("")) {
                    log.debug("Found NetworkInterface !localhost");
                    primaryInterface = n;
                    return n;
                for (ServerNetAddress6 ad6 : n.getIPv6Addresses()) {
                    if (ad6 != null && !ad6.getAddress().equals("::1")) {
                        log.debug("Found NetworkInterface !localhost");
                        primaryInterface = n;
                        return n;
            // If we didnt match any of the above criteria
            // just give up and return the 1st one.
            log.debug("just returning 1st network interface");
            primaryInterface = networkInterfaces.iterator().next();
            return primaryInterface;
        primaryInterface = null;
        return null;

    private NetworkInterface findActiveIfaceWithName(String pattern, boolean startsWith) {
        if (networkInterfaces.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        for (Iterator<NetworkInterface> i = networkInterfaces.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            NetworkInterface ni =;
            if (ni.isDisabled()) {
            if (startsWith) {
                if (ni.getName().startsWith(pattern)) {
                    log.debug("Found " + pattern + "*");
                    return ni;
            } else {
                if (ni.getName().equals(pattern)) {
                    log.debug("Found " + pattern);
                    return ni;
        return null;

    // Sometimes java really annoys me
    private Network findPrimaryNetwork() {
        if (!networks.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator<Network> i = networks.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                Network n =;
                String addr = n.getIpaddr();
                if (addr != null && !addr.equals("")) {
                    log.debug("returning Network that is !localhost");
                    return n;
            log.debug("giving up, returning 1st Network");
            return networks.iterator().next();
        return null;

    private Network findPrimaryIpv6Network() {
        if (!networks.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator<Network> i = networks.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                Network n =;
                String addr = n.getIp6addr();
                if (addr != null && !addr.equals("::1")) {
                    log.debug("returning Network that is !localhost");
                    return n;
            log.debug("giving up, returning 1st Network");
            return networks.iterator().next();
        return null;

     * Get the primary MAC/hardware address for this server
     * @return Returns the primary MAC/hardware for this server
    public String getHardwareAddress() {
        NetworkInterface network = findPrimaryNetworkInterface();
        if (network != null) {
            return network.getHwaddr();
        return null;

     * Get the primary hostname for this server
     * @return Returns the primary hostname for this server
    public String getHostname() {
        if (!networks.isEmpty()) {
            Network net = networks.iterator().next();
            return net.getHostname();
        return null;

     * Get the hostname aliases for this server
     * @return Returns the hostname aliases for this server
    public List<String> getCnames() {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> proxyCnames = Config.get().getList(VALID_CNAMES + serverInfo.getId().toString());
        if (!proxyCnames.isEmpty()) {
        return result;

     * Get the primary hostname for this server
     * If hostname is IDN, it is decoded from Pune encoding
     * @return Returns the primary hostname for this server
    public String getDecodedHostname() {
        String hostname = getHostname();
        return (hostname == null) ? null : IDN.toUnicode(hostname);

     * Get the hostname aliases (cname records) for this server
     * If hostname is IDN, it is decoded from Pune encoding
     * @return Returns the primary hostname for this server
    public List<String> getDecodedCnames() {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String hostname : getCnames()) {
        return result;

     * @return Returns the networkInterfaces.
    public Set<NetworkInterface> getNetworkInterfaces() {
        return networkInterfaces;

     * @param n The networkInterfaces to set.
    public void setNetworkInterfaces(Set<NetworkInterface> n) {
        this.networkInterfaces = n;

     * Adds a network interface to the set of network interfaces
     * for this server.
     * @param netIn The NetworkInterface to add
    public void addNetworkInterface(NetworkInterface netIn) {

     * Returns the total amount of ram for this server.
     * @return the total amount of ram for this server.
    public long getRam() {
        if (ram == null) {
            return 0;
        return ram.getRam();

     * Convenience method for formatting the Ram as a String value.
     * @return String of RAM.
    public String getRamString() {
        return new Long(getRam()).toString();

     * the total amount of ram for this server.
     * @param ramIn The ram to set.
    public void setRam(long ramIn) {

     * Returns the  amount of swap for this server.
     * @return the  amount of swap for this server.
    public long getSwap() {
        if (ram == null) {
            return 0;
        return ram.getSwap();

     * the amount of swap for this server.
     * @param swapIn the amount of swap for this server.
    public void setSwap(long swapIn) {

     * @return Returns the cpu.
    public CPU getCpu() {
        return cpu;

     * @param cpuIn The cpu to set.
    public void setCpu(CPU cpuIn) {
        this.cpu = cpuIn;

     * @return Returns the dmi.
    public Dmi getDmi() {
        return dmi;

     * @param dmiIn The dmi to set.
    public void setDmi(Dmi dmiIn) {
        dmi = dmiIn;

     * @return Returns the serverLocation associated with the server.
    public Location getLocation() {
        return serverLocation;

     * @param locationIn Location to associate with the server.
    public void setLocation(Location locationIn) {
        serverLocation = locationIn;

    private void initializeRam() {
        if (ram == null) {
            ram = new Ram();

     * @return Returns the customDataValues.
    public Set<CustomDataValue> getCustomDataValues() {
        return customDataValues;

     * @param customDataValuesIn The customDataValues to set.
    public void setCustomDataValues(Set<CustomDataValue> customDataValuesIn) {
        this.customDataValues = customDataValuesIn;

     * Adds a custom data value to the set of custom data values
     * for this server.
     * @param value The CustomDataValue to add
    public void addCustomDataValue(CustomDataValue value) {

     * Adds a custom data value to the set of custom data values
     * @param key The CustomDataKey for this value
     * @param value The value to set
     * @param user The user doing the setting
    public void addCustomDataValue(CustomDataKey key, String value, User user) {
        // Check for null key values.
        if (key == null || key.getLabel() == null) {
            throw new UndefinedCustomDataKeyException("CustomDataKey can not be null.");

        // Make sure this org has this particular CustomDataKey defined
        if (!org.hasCustomDataKey(key.getLabel())) {
            throw new UndefinedCustomDataKeyException(
                    "CustomDataKey: " + key.getLabel() + " is not defined for this org.");

        // get the CustomDataValue
        CustomDataValue customValue = getCustomDataValue(key);

        // does the server already have this key defined?
        if (customValue == null) {
            // create a new CustomDataValue object
            customValue = new CustomDataValue();
        // add customValue to customDataValues set

     * Adds a custom data value to the set of custom data values
     * @param keyLabel The label for the CustomDataKey for this value
     * @param value The value to set
     * @param user The user doing the setting
    public void addCustomDataValue(String keyLabel, String value, User user) {
        // look up CustomDataKey by keyLabel
        CustomDataKey key = OrgFactory.lookupKeyByLabelAndOrg(keyLabel, user.getOrg());
        addCustomDataValue(key, value, user);

     * Retrieves a specific CustomDataValue from the customDataValues set
     * @param key The Key for the value you're looking up
     * @return Returns a CustomDataValue if it exists for this server. null otherwise.
    public CustomDataValue getCustomDataValue(CustomDataKey key) {
        return ServerFactory.getCustomDataValue(key, this);

     * Returns the set of Channels this Server is subscribed to.
     * @return the set of Channels this Server is subscribed to.
    public Set<Channel> getChannels() {
        return channels;

    protected void setChannels(Set<Channel> chans) {
        channels = chans;

     * Adds the given channel to this Server.
     * @param c Channel to be added.
    public void addChannel(Channel c) {

     * Returns the base channel for this server or null if not set.
     * @return Returns the base channel for this server or null if not set.
    public Channel getBaseChannel() {
         * The base channel for a given server is designated in the database by
         * parent_channel == null. Since the number of channels for a given server is
         * relatively small, loop through the channels set and look for one without a
         * parentChannel instead of going back to the db.
        for (Iterator<Channel> itr = channels.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            Channel channel =;
            if (channel.getParentChannel() == null) {
                // This is the base channel
                return channel;
        // Either we have no channels or all channels have a parent_channel. In either
        // case, the base channel cannot be determined for this server.
        return null;

     * Returns true if this is a satellite server.
     * @return true if this is a satellite server.
    public boolean isSatellite() {
        return false;

     * Returns true if this is a proxy server.
     * @return true if this is a proxy server.
    public boolean isProxy() {
        return getProxyInfo() != null;

     * Returns true if the server has the given Entitlement.
     * @param entitlement Entitlement to verify.
     * @return true if the server has the given Entitlement.
    public boolean hasEntitlement(Entitlement entitlement) {
        List<?> grps = getEntitledGroups();
        for (Iterator<?> itr = grps.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            ServerGroup g = (ServerGroup);

            // The server's group type can be null if the user has created some
            // custom server groups.  If so, we won't check it against the
            // given entitlement.

            ServerGroupType groupType = g.getGroupType();
            if (groupType.getLabel().equals(entitlement.getLabel())) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Give a set of the entitlements a server has.
     * This is entirely based on the server groups, but server
     * groups also contain user defined groups.
     * @return a set of Entitlement objects
    public Set<Entitlement> getEntitlements() {
        Set<Entitlement> entitlements = new HashSet<Entitlement>();

        Iterator<EntitlementServerGroup> i = getEntitledGroups().iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            ServerGroup grp =;
        return entitlements;

     * Base entitlement for the Server.
     * @return Entitlement that is the base entitlement for the server
    public Entitlement getBaseEntitlement() {
        Entitlement baseEntitlement = null;
        Iterator<EntitlementServerGroup> i = getEntitledGroups().iterator();

        while (i.hasNext() && baseEntitlement == null) {
            ServerGroupType sgt = (;

            if (sgt.isBase()) {
                baseEntitlement = EntitlementManager.getByName(sgt.getLabel());

        return baseEntitlement;

     * Base entitlement for the Server.
     * @param baseIn to update to
    public void setBaseEntitlement(Entitlement baseIn) {
        ServerGroupType verify = ServerFactory.lookupServerGroupTypeByLabel(baseIn.getLabel());
        if (!verify.isBase()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("baseIn is not a base entitlement");

        Entitlement baseEntitlement = this.getBaseEntitlement();
        if (baseEntitlement != null && baseIn.equals(baseEntitlement)) {
            // noop if there is no change
        if (baseEntitlement != null) {
            SystemManager.removeServerEntitlement(this.getId(), baseEntitlement);

        SystemManager.entitleServer(this, baseIn);

     * Set of add-on entitlements for the Server.
     * @return Set of entitlements that are add-on entitlements for the server
    public Set<Entitlement> getAddOnEntitlements() {
        Set<Entitlement> s = new HashSet<Entitlement>();

        Iterator<?> i = getEntitledGroups().iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {
            ServerGroupType sgt = ((ServerGroup);

            if (!sgt.isBase()) {

        return s;

     * Returns a comma-delimted list of add-on entitlements with their human readable
     * labels.
     * @return A comma-delimted list of add-on entitlements with their human readable
     * labels.
    public String getAddOnEntitlementsAsText() {
        Set<?> addOnEntitlements = getAddOnEntitlements();
        Iterator<?> iterator = addOnEntitlements.iterator();
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        Entitlement entitlement = null;

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            entitlement = (Entitlement);
            buffer.append(entitlement.getHumanReadableLabel()).append(", ");

        if (!addOnEntitlements.isEmpty()) {
            buffer.delete(buffer.length() - 2, buffer.length());

        return buffer.toString();

     * Return <code>true</code> if this is a virtual host, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * If this is a host system, {@link #getVirtualInstance()} will always be <code>null
     * </code> since we are not supporting/implementing guests of guest in the RHN 500
     * release.
     * @return true if the system is a virtual host
    public boolean isVirtualHost() {
        return (SystemManager.isVirtualHost(getOrg().getId(), getId())) || hasVirtualizationEntitlement();

     * Return <code>true</code> if this a guest system, <code>false</code> otherwise. If
     * this system is a guest, {@link #getVirtualInstance()} will be non-<code>null</code>.
     * @return <code>true</code> if this a guest system, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean isVirtualGuest() {
        return getVirtualInstance() != null;

     * Return <code>true</code> if this system has virtualization entitlements,
     * <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @return <code>true</code> if this system has virtualization entitlements,
     *      <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean hasVirtualizationEntitlement() {
        return hasEntitlement(EntitlementManager.VIRTUALIZATION)
                || hasEntitlement(EntitlementManager.VIRTUALIZATION_PLATFORM);

     * @return the virtual guests
    private Set<VirtualInstance> getVirtualGuests() {
        return guests;

    private void setVirtualGuests(Set<VirtualInstance> virtualGuests) {
        this.guests = virtualGuests;

     * Returns a read-only collection of VirtualInstance objects.
     * @return A read-only collection of VirtualInstance objects.
    public Collection<VirtualInstance> getGuests() {
        Set<VirtualInstance> retval = new HashSet<VirtualInstance>();
        for (VirtualInstance vi : getVirtualGuests()) {
            // Filter out the hosts that sometimes show up in this table.
            // Hosts have no UUID defined.
            if (vi.getUuid() != null) {
        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(retval);

     * @param guest the guest to add
    public void addGuest(VirtualInstance guest) {

     * Removes the virtual instance guest from this server. If the guest is registered,
     * then the guest server will be deleted from the virtual instance.
     * @param guest The virtual instance to delete
     * @return <code>true</code> if the guest is deleted, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean deleteGuest(VirtualInstance guest) {
        if (canDeleteGuest(guest)) {
            return removeGuest(guest);
        return false;

    private boolean canDeleteGuest(VirtualInstance guest) {
        for (VirtualInstance g : getGuests()) {
            if (g.getId().equals(guest.getId())) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Remove the association between a guest and this server, but do not delete the
     * guest server.
     * @param guest Guest to remove from this server.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the guest is deleted, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean removeGuest(VirtualInstance guest) {
        boolean deleted = false;
        for (Iterator<VirtualInstance> it = guests.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            VirtualInstance g =;
            if (g.getId().equals(guest.getId())) {

                deleted = true;

        return deleted;

     * Return the virtual instance that owns this server when the server is a virtual guest.
     * @return The virtual instance that owns this server when the server is a virtual
     * guest. If the server is not a guest, the method returns <code>null</code>.
    public VirtualInstance getVirtualInstance() {
        return virtualInstance;

     * Sets the owning virtual instance for this server, which effectively makes this a
     * guest system.
     * @param instance The owning virtual instance
    // Note that while the relationship between guest and virtual instance needs to be
    // bi-directional, we want to manage the relationship (add/delete) from the virtual
    // instance since it is the owner/parent. Hence, the reason for package visibility on
    // this method.
    void setVirtualInstance(VirtualInstance instance) {
        virtualInstance = instance;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean equals(final Object other) {
        if (other == null || !(other instanceof Server)) {
            return false;
        Server castOther = (Server) other;

        return new EqualsBuilder().append(os, castOther.getOs()).append(release, castOther.getRelease())
                .append(name, castOther.getName()).append(description, castOther.getDescription())
                .append(info, castOther.getInfo()).append(secret, castOther.getSecret())
                .append(autoUpdate, castOther.getAutoUpdate()).append(runningKernel, castOther.getRunningKernel())
                .append(lastBoot, castOther.getLastBoot()).append(channelsChanged, castOther.getChannelsChanged())
                .append(getProxyInfo(), castOther.getProxyInfo()).isEquals();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int hashCode() {
        return new HashCodeBuilder().append(id).append(digitalServerId).append(os).append(release).append(name)

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String toString() {
        return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE).append("id", id).append("org", org)
                .append("name", name).append("description", description).toString();

     * @return Returns the created.
    public Date getCreated() {
        return created;

     * @param createdIn The created to set.
    public void setCreated(Date createdIn) {
        this.created = createdIn;

     * @return Returns the lock.
    public ServerLock getLock() {
        return lock;

     * @param lockIn The lock to set.
    public void setLock(ServerLock lockIn) {
        this.lock = lockIn;

     * @return Returns the uuid.
    public ServerUuid getServerUuid() {
        return this.serverUuid;

     * @param serverUuidIn The uuid to set.
    public void setServerUuid(ServerUuid serverUuidIn) {
        this.serverUuid = serverUuidIn;

     * Business method to check if the system is considered 'inactive'
     * @return boolean if it hasn't checked in recently.
    public boolean isInactive() {
        Date lastCheckin = this.getLastCheckin();
        long millisInDay = (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
        long threshold = Config.get().getInt(ConfigDefaults.SYSTEM_CHECKIN_THRESHOLD, 1);
        Date yesterday = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() - (millisInDay * threshold));
        return lastCheckin.before(yesterday);

     * Get the Set of Child Channel objects associated with this server.  This
     * is just a convenience method.  Basically the channels associated with this
     * server that are not base channels.
     * @return Set of Child Channels.  null of none found.
    public Set<Channel> getChildChannels() {
        // Make sure we return NULL if none are found
        if (this.getChannels() != null) {
            Set<Channel> retval = new HashSet<Channel>();
            for (Channel c : this.getChannels()) {
                // add non base channels (children)
                // to return set.
                if (!c.isBaseChannel()) {
            if (retval.size() == 0) {
                return new HashSet<Channel>();
            return retval;
        return new HashSet<Channel>();

     * @return The push client for this server.
    public PushClient getPushClient() {
        return pushClient;

     * @param pushClientIn The push client to be used for this server.
    public void setPushClient(PushClient pushClientIn) {
        this.pushClient = pushClientIn;

     * Simple check to see if the Server is subscribed to the passed in channel already.
     * @param channelIn to check
     * @return boolean true false if subbed or not.
    public boolean isSubscribed(Channel channelIn) {
        Set<Channel> childChannels = this.channels;
        if (childChannels != null) {
            return childChannels.contains(channelIn);
        return false;

     * Check to see if the passed in entitlement can be applied to this server.
     * @param entIn to check
     * @return boolean if its compatible with this server.
    public boolean isEntitlementAllowed(Entitlement entIn) {
        // Check virt entitlements.
        if (this.isVirtualGuest()) {
            if (entIn instanceof VirtualizationEntitlement) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Get the Set of valid addon Entitlements for this server.
     * @return Set of valid addon Entitlement instances for this server
    public Set<Entitlement> getValidAddonEntitlementsForServer() {
        Set<Entitlement> retval = new HashSet<Entitlement>();
        Iterator<?> i = this.getOrg().getValidAddOnEntitlementsForOrg().iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Entitlement ent = (Entitlement);
            if (this.isEntitlementAllowed(ent)) {
        return retval;


     * An adapter method that transforms a Server into a HostAndGuestCountView.
     * @return A HostAndGuestCountView from which the Server was transformed
    public HostAndGuestCountView asHostAndGuestCountView() {
        return new HostAndGuestCountView(getId(), getName(), getGuests().size());


     * @return this list of history events for this server
    public Set<ServerHistoryEvent> getHistory() {
        return history;

     * Set the history events for this server
     * @param historyIn the List of history events
    public void setHistory(Set<ServerHistoryEvent> historyIn) {
        this.history = historyIn;

     * @return Returns the packages.
    public Set<InstalledPackage> getPackages() {
        return packages;

     * @param packagesIn The packages to set.
    public void setPackages(Set<InstalledPackage> packagesIn) {
        this.packages = packagesIn;

     * @return Returns the cobblerId.
    public String getCobblerId() {
        return cobblerId;

     * @param cobblerIdIn The cobblerId to set.
    public void setCobblerId(String cobblerIdIn) {
        this.cobblerId = cobblerIdIn;

     * @return Returns the ignoreEntitlementsForMigration.
    public Boolean getIgnoreEntitlementsForMigration() {
        return ignoreEntitlementsForMigration;

     * This method should ONLY be used for system migrations, hence the long method name.
     * This method will set a local flag (i.e. not Hibernate-related) that if set will
     * result in skipping entitlement checking on various methods.
     * @param ignoreIn  Set to true to override entitlement sestings.
    public void setIgnoreEntitlementsForMigration(Boolean ignoreIn) {
        this.ignoreEntitlementsForMigration = ignoreIn;

     * Get the NetworkInteface with the given name (i.e. eth0)
     * @param ifName the interface name (i.e. eth0)
     * @return the NetworkInterface, otherwise null
    public NetworkInterface getNetworkInterface(String ifName) {
        for (NetworkInterface nic : getNetworkInterfaces()) {
            if (nic.getName().equals(ifName)) {
                return nic;
        return null;

     * Returns the cobbler object associated to
     * to this server.
     * @param user the user object needed for connection,
     *              enter null if you want to use the
     *              automated connection as provided by
     *              taskomatic.
     * @return the SystemRecord associated to this server
    public SystemRecord getCobblerObject(User user) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(getCobblerId())) {
            return null;
        CobblerConnection con;
        if (user == null) {
            con = CobblerXMLRPCHelper.getAutomatedConnection();
        } else {
            con = CobblerXMLRPCHelper.getConnection(user);
        return SystemRecord.lookupById(con, getCobblerId());

     * @return Return application crashes.
    public CrashCount getCrashCount() {
        return crashCount;

     * @param crashIn Set application crashes.
    public void setCrashCount(CrashCount crashIn) {
        crashCount = crashIn;

     * @return primaryInterface Primary network interface
    public NetworkInterface getPrimaryInterface() {
        return primaryInterface;

     * @param primaryInterfaceIn Primary network interface to be set
    public void setPrimaryInterface(NetworkInterface primaryInterfaceIn) {
        primaryInterface = primaryInterfaceIn;
        Iterator<NetworkInterface> i = networkInterfaces.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            NetworkInterface n =;
        if (networks.size() == 1) {
            Network n = networks.iterator().next();

     * @param interfaceName name of the interface
    public void setPrimaryInterfaceWithName(String interfaceName) {
        setPrimaryInterface(findActiveIfaceWithName(interfaceName, false));

    private NetworkInterface lookupForPrimaryInterface() {
        for (NetworkInterface n : networkInterfaces) {
            if (n.getPrimary() != null && n.getPrimary().equals("Y")) {
                return n;
        return null;

     * @return active Set of active interaces without lo
    public Set<NetworkInterface> getActiveNetworkInterfaces() {
        Set<NetworkInterface> active = new HashSet();
        for (NetworkInterface n : networkInterfaces) {
            if (!n.isDisabled()) {
        return active;

     * @return Returns the crashes.
    public Set<Crash> getCrashes() {
        return crashes;

     * @param c The crashes to set.
    public void setCrashes(Set<Crash> c) {
        this.crashes = c;

     * @param interfaceName Name of the interface to be checked
     * @return Returns true if yes, otherwise no
    public Boolean existsActiveInterfaceWithName(String interfaceName) {
        return findActiveIfaceWithName(interfaceName, false) != null;