Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2006-2014 smartics, Kronseder & Reiner GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.redhat.rcm.maven.plugin.buildmetadata; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink; import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReportException; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils; import com.redhat.rcm.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.common.Constant; import com.redhat.rcm.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.common.Property; import com.redhat.rcm.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.common.Constant.Section; import com.redhat.rcm.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.util.FilePathNormalizer; import com.redhat.rcm.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.util.NoopNormalizer; import com.redhat.rcm.maven.plugin.buildmetadata.util.Normalizer; /** * Renders the build report. * * @author <a href="">Robert Reiner</a> * @version $Revision:591 $ */ public final class BuildReportRenderer { // NOPMD // ********************************* Fields ********************************* // --- constants ------------------------------------------------------------ // --- members -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The normalizer to be applied to file name value to remove the base dir * prefix. */ private final FilePathNormalizer filePathNormalizer; /** * The sink to write to. */ private final Sink sink; /** * The resource bundle to access localized messages. */ private final ResourceBundle messages; /** * The properties file to read the build information from. */ private final File buildMetaDataPropertiesFile; /** * The list of a system properties or environment variables to be selected by * the user to include into the build meta data properties. * <p> * The name is the name of the property, the section is relevant for placing * the property in one of the following sections: * </p> * <ul> * <li><code>build.scm</code></li> * <li><code>build.dateAndVersion</code></li> * <li><code>build.runtime</code></li> * <li><code></code></li> * <li><code>build.maven</code></li> * <li><code>build.misc</code></li> * </ul> * <p> * If no valid section is given, the property is silently rendered in the * <code>build.misc</code> section. * </p> * * @parameter */ private final List<Property> properties; // ****************************** Initializer ******************************* // ****************************** Constructors ****************************** /** * Default constructor. * * @param filePathNormalizer the normalizer to be applied to file name value * to remove the base dir prefix. * @param messages the resource bundle to access localized messages. * @param sink the sink to write to. * @param buildMetaDataPropertiesFile the properties file to read the build * information from. * @param properties the list of a system properties or environment variables * to be selected by the user to include into the build meta data * properties. */ public BuildReportRenderer(final FilePathNormalizer filePathNormalizer, final ResourceBundle messages, final Sink sink, final File buildMetaDataPropertiesFile, final List<Property> properties) { this.filePathNormalizer = filePathNormalizer; this.sink = sink; this.messages = messages; this.buildMetaDataPropertiesFile = buildMetaDataPropertiesFile; = properties; } // ****************************** Inner Classes ***************************** // ********************************* Methods ******************************** // --- init ----------------------------------------------------------------- // --- get&set -------------------------------------------------------------- // --- business ------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Renders the report to the instance's sink. * * @throws MavenReportException if the report cannot be rendered. */ public void renderReport() throws MavenReportException { sink.head(); sink.title(); sink.text(messages.getString("")); sink.title_(); sink.head_(); sink.body(); renderBody(); sink.body_(); sink.flush(); sink.close(); } /** * Renders the body of the report. * * @throws MavenReportException if the report cannot be rendered. */ private void renderBody() throws MavenReportException { sink.section1(); sink.sectionTitle1(); sink.text(messages.getString("")); sink.sectionTitle1_(); sink.paragraph(); sink.text(messages.getString("report.description")); sink.paragraph_(); final Properties buildMetaDataProperties = readBuildMetaDataProperties(); renderSections(buildMetaDataProperties); renderFooter(); sink.section1_(); } private void renderSections(final Properties buildMetaDataProperties) { for (final Section section : Constant.REPORT_PROPERTIES) { final List<String> properties = section.getProperties(); if (hasPropertiesProvided(buildMetaDataProperties, properties)) { final String sectionKey = section.getTitleKey(); sink.sectionTitle2(); sink.text(messages.getString(sectionKey)); sink.sectionTitle2_(); renderTableStart(); for (final String key : properties) { renderCell(buildMetaDataProperties, key); } renderSelectedPropertiesForSection(buildMetaDataProperties, sectionKey); renderTableEnd(); } } renderNonStandardProperties(buildMetaDataProperties); } private boolean hasPropertiesProvided(final Properties buildMetaDataProperties, final List<String> properties) { for (final String key : properties) { final Object value = buildMetaDataProperties.get(key); if (value != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(String.valueOf(value))) { return true; } } final Set<String> selectedProperties = createSelectedProperties(); for (final String key : selectedProperties) { final Object value = buildMetaDataProperties.get(key); if (value != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(String.valueOf(value))) { return true; } } return false; } private void renderSelectedPropertiesForSection(final Properties buildMetaDataProperties, final String sectionKey) { if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) { for (final Property property : properties) { if (sectionKey.equals(property.getSection())) { final String key = property.getName(); renderCell(buildMetaDataProperties, key); } } } } private void renderNonStandardProperties(final Properties buildMetaDataProperties) { final Properties nonStandardProperties = Constant.calcNonStandardProperties(buildMetaDataProperties, properties); if (!nonStandardProperties.isEmpty()) { sink.sectionTitle2(); sink.text(messages.getString(Constant.SECTION_BUILD_MISC)); sink.sectionTitle2_(); renderTableStart(); for (final Enumeration<Object> en = nonStandardProperties.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { final String key = String.valueOf(en.nextElement()); if (Constant.isIntendedForMiscSection(key)) { renderCell(nonStandardProperties, key); } } renderTableEnd(); } } private Set<String> createSelectedProperties() { final Set<String> selectedProperties = new HashSet<String>(); if (properties != null) { for (final Property property : properties) { selectedProperties.add(property.getName()); } } return selectedProperties; } private void renderTableEnd() { sink.table_(); } private void renderTableStart() { sink.table(); sink.tableRow(); sink.tableHeaderCell("200"); final String topicLabel = messages.getString("report.table.header.topic"); sink.text(topicLabel); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableHeaderCell(); final String valueLabel = messages.getString("report.table.header.value"); sink.text(valueLabel); sink.tableHeaderCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); } /** * Renders a single cell of the table. * * @param buildMetaDataProperties build meta data properties to access the * data to be rendered. * @param key the key to the data to be rendered. */ private void renderCell(final Properties buildMetaDataProperties, final String key) { final Object value = buildMetaDataProperties.get(key); if (value != null) { sink.tableRow(); sink.tableCell(); sink.text(getLabel(key)); sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableCell(); if (Constant.PROP_NAME_MAVEN_ACTIVE_PROFILES.equals(key)) { renderMultiTupleValue(buildMetaDataProperties, value, Constant.MAVEN_ACTIVE_PROFILE_PREFIX); } else if (Constant.PROP_NAME_SCM_LOCALLY_MODIFIED_FILES.equals(key)) { final String filesValue = Constant.prettifyFilesValue(value); renderMultiValue(filesValue, NoopNormalizer.INSTANCE); } else if (Constant.PROP_NAME_MAVEN_GOALS.equals(key)) { renderMultiValue(value, NoopNormalizer.INSTANCE); } else if (Constant.PROP_NAME_MAVEN_FILTERS.equals(key)) { renderMultiValue(value, filePathNormalizer); } else { renderSingleValue(value); } sink.tableCell_(); sink.tableRow_(); } } private void renderSingleValue(final Object value) { final String stringValue = String.valueOf(value); if (stringValue != null && !isLink(stringValue)) { sink.text(stringValue); } else {; sink.text(stringValue); sink.link_(); } } private boolean isLink(final String input) { return (input.startsWith("http://") || input.startsWith("https://")); } private void renderMultiTupleValue(final Properties buildMetaDataProperties, final Object value, final String subKeyPrefix) { final String stringValue = Constant.prettify((String) value); if (hasMultipleValues(stringValue)) { final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(stringValue, ","); sink.numberedList(Sink.NUMBERING_DECIMAL); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { final String profileName = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); final String subKey = subKeyPrefix + '.' + profileName; final Object subValue = buildMetaDataProperties.get(subKey); final String item = profileName + ':' + subValue; sink.listItem(); sink.text(item); sink.listItem_(); } sink.numberedList_(); } else { sink.text(String.valueOf(value)); } } private void renderMultiValue(final Object value, final Normalizer normalizer) { final String stringValue = Constant.prettify(ObjectUtils.toString(value)); if (hasMultipleValues(stringValue)) { final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(stringValue, ","); sink.numberedList(Sink.NUMBERING_DECIMAL); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { final String subValue = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); final String textValue = normalizer.normalize(subValue); sink.listItem(); sink.text(textValue); sink.listItem_(); } sink.numberedList_(); } else { final String textValue = normalizer.normalize(stringValue); sink.text(textValue); } } private boolean hasMultipleValues(final String stringValue) { return stringValue.indexOf(',') != -1; } private String getLabel(final String key) { try { return messages.getString(key); } catch (final MissingResourceException e) { if (properties != null) { for (final Property property : properties) { final String label = property.getLabel(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(label) && key.equals(property.getMappedName())) { return label; } } } return key; } } /** * Renders the footer text. */ private void renderFooter() { final String footerText = messages.getString("report.footer"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(footerText)) { sink.rawText(footerText); } } /** * Reads the build meta data properties from the well known location. * * @return the read properties. * @throws MavenReportException if the properties cannot be read. */ private Properties readBuildMetaDataProperties() throws MavenReportException { final Properties buildMetaDataProperties = new Properties(); InputStream inStream = null; try { inStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(this.buildMetaDataPropertiesFile)); buildMetaDataProperties.load(inStream); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new MavenReportException( "Cannot read build properties file '" + this.buildMetaDataPropertiesFile + "'.", e); } finally { IOUtil.close(inStream); } return buildMetaDataProperties; } // --- object basics -------------------------------------------------------- }