Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. This file is part of lightblue. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.redhat.mongotx; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.WriteConcern; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.MongoException; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.Mongo; /** * This is a transaction logger for MongoDB databases. It provides a * rudimentary way of implementing READ_COMMITTED isolation level * semantics. That is: * * <ul> * <li>All modification operations performed within a transaction * establishes write-locks on documents</li> * <li>All clients reading documents that were modified within a * transaction that is not yet committed * read the unmodified version of the document</li> * <li>All modifications performed during a transaction is not * visible to the others until transaction is committed</li> * </ul> * * This class requires a new collection to maintain transaction * information. This transaction collection contains two types of * documents: * <ul> * <li>Transaction data: Document identifying a transaction * <pre> * { * _id: <transaction id, auto-generated>, * state: <active, rolling_back, or commiting>, * started: <Timestamp for transaction start>, * lastTouched: <Timestamp for last write activity>, * collections: <array of collection names involved in the transaction> * } * </pre> * <li>Lock data: For every locked document: * <pre> * { * _id: <lockId, format is <collectionName>:<docId>>, * txId: <transaction id>, * state: "new" or "deleted", anything else means "updated", * original: <The original copy of the modified document> * } * </pre> * * When a document is modified or inserted with a transaction, the * document is written to a collection named * <pre> * <collectionName>.tx * </pre> * where the collectionName is the collection to which the document * is to be written. */ public class TransactionLogger { private final DB db; private final DBCollection txCollection; private static final String ID = "_id"; private static final String STATE = "st"; private static final String STARTED = "strt"; private static final String LAST_TOUCHED = "last"; private static final String LAST_COLLECTIONS = "coll"; private static final String TX_ID = "txId"; private static final String ORIGINAL = "org"; private static final String IN = "$in"; public enum LockOp { _new, _deleted, _updated }; enum TxState { active, rolling_back, committing }; public TransactionLogger(DB db, String txCollectionName) { this.db = db; this.txCollection = db.getCollection(txCollectionName); } public TransactionLogger(DB db) { this(db, "transactions"); } /** * Inserts a record into the transaction collection, and returns * the new transaction id */ public String startTransaction() { Date date = new Date(); BasicDBObject txDoc = new BasicDBObject().append(STATE,, date) .append(LAST_TOUCHED, date); txCollection.insert(txDoc, WriteConcern.SAFE); return txDoc.get(ID).toString(); } /** * Returns a transactional data collection for the given * collection. It is a collection obtained by appending the name * ".tx". */ private DBCollection getTxDataCollection(DBCollection collection) { return db.getCollection(collection.getName() + ".tx"); } /** * Writes an IN query: _id in ids */ private BasicDBObject idInQ(List<String> ids) { return new BasicDBObject(ID, new BasicDBObject(IN, ids)); } /** * Checks if the transaction exists with active status, and * updates the timestamp. Adds the collection to the collections * set. public void touch(String txId,DBCollection collection) throws InvalidTransactionException { BasicDBObject q=new BasicDBObject(). append(ID,txId). append(STATE,; WriteResult wr=txCollection.update(q, new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject(LAST_TOUCHED,new Date())). new BasicDBObject("$addToSet", new BasicDBObject(COLLECTIONS,collection.getName())), false,false,WriteConcern.SAFE); if(wr.getN()!=1) throw new InvalidLockException(txId); } /** * Returns a list of lock ids given document ids and a collection private List<String> getLockIds(DBCollection collection,List<String> docIds) { String prefix=collection.getName()+":"; List<String> ids=new ArrayList<>(docIds.size()); for(String id:docIds) ids.add(prefix+id); return ids; } /** * Returns a list of IDs of the documents private List<String> getIds(List<DBObject> docs) { List<String> list=new ArrayList<>(docs.size()); for(DBObject doc:docs) { list.add(doc.get(ID)); } return list; } /** * Either locks all docs, or none of them. Lock data is saved into * the transaction collection, with id=collection:docId, txId: * transactionId, and lock:w public void lock(String txId,DBCollection collection,List<String> docIds,LockOp op) throws LockException, InvalidTransactionException { // Try to lock the document by inserting lock data DBObject[] lockData=new DBObject[docIds.size()]; int i=0; List<String> lockIds=new ArrayList<>(docIds.size()); String prefix=collection.getName()+":"; for(String docId:docIds) { String lockId=prefix+docId; lockIds.add(lockId); lockData[i++]=new BasicDBObject(). append(ID,lockId). append(TX_ID,txId). append(STATE,op.toString()); } try { WriteResult result=txCollection.insert(lockData,WriteConcern.SAFE); if(result.getError()!=null) throw new LockException(txId,collection.getName(),docIds); // Check transaction validity here touch(txId,collection); } catch (Exception e) { // Cleanup try { txCollection.remove(idInQ(lockIds)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error during lock cleanup:"+e); } } } public void lock(String txId,DBCollection collection,String docId,LockOp state) throws LockException, InvalidTransactionException { lock(txId,collection,new String[] {docId},state); } public void unlock(String txId,DBCollection collection,List<String> docIds) throws LockException, InvalidTransactionException { touch(txId,collection); List<String> lockIds=getLockIds(collection,docIds); try { // Invalidate the locks first txCollection.remove(idInQ(lockIds)); // Cleanup any modified data in the collection getTxDataCollection(collection).remove(idInQ(docIds)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new LockException(txId,collection.getName(),docIds); } } public void insert(String txId,DBCollection collection,List<DBObject> docs) { touch(txId,collection); try { WriteResult wr=getTxDataCollection(collection).insert(docs); if(wr.getError()!=null) throw new LockException(txId,collection,wr.getError()); List<BasicDBObject> lockData=new List<>(docs.size()); String prefix=collection.getName()+":"; for(DBObject doc:docs) { lockData.add(new BasicDBObject(). append(ID,prefix+doc.get(ID).toString()). append(TX_ID,txId). append(STATE,LockOp._new.toString())); } wr=txCollection.insert(lockData); if(wr.getError()!=null) throw new LockException(txId,collection,wr.getError()); } catch(LockException le) { throw le; } catch(Exception e) { throw new LockException(txId,collection,e.toString()); } } public DBObject find(String txId,DBCollection collection,String docId) { BasicDBObject q=new BasicDBObject(); q.put(ID,docId); return getTxDataCollection(collection).findOne(q); } public DBCursor find(String txId,DBCollection collection,DBObject query) { return getTxDataCollection(collection).find(query); } /** * Assumes all docs are already locked public void delete(String txId,DBCollection collection,List<String> docIds) throws LockException, InvalidTransactionException { List<String> lockIds=getLockIds(collection,docIds); // Mark locks as deleted touch(txId,collection); // Remove locks for all new records txCollection.remove(idInQ(lockIds).append(STATE,LockOp._new.toString()),WriteConcern.SAFE); BasicDBObject inq=idInQ(docIds); // Remove all docs from the data collection getTxDataCollection(collection).remove(idInQ(docIds)); // Copy the document original versions to lock data, and update lock states to "deleted" DBCursor cursor=collection.find(inq); while(cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject; txCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(ID,doc.get(ID).toString()), new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject(ORIGINAL,doc). append(STATE,LockOp._deleted))); } cursor.close(); } /** * Assumes docs are already locked public void update(String txId,DBCollection collection,List<DBObject> docs) { touch(txId,collection); // Make sure all docs are locked, and not deleted List<String> lockIds=new ArrayList<>(docs.size()); String prefix=collection.getName()+":"; for(DBObject doc:docs) { lockIds.add(prefix+doc.get(ID)); } long count=txCollection.count(idInQ(lockIds).append(STATE,new BasicDBObject("$ne",LockOp._deleted.toString()))); // We expect to find exactly that many documents if(count!=docs.size()) throw new LockException(txId,collection,"Expected to find "+docs.size()+ " locked docs, but there are "+cursor.count()); // Save the originals for those docs that are not saved before DBCursor cursor=txCollection.find(inInQ(lockIds).append(ORIGINAL,new BasicDBObject("$exists",false)). append(STATE,new BasicDBObject("$ne",LockOp._new.toString())), new BasicDBObject(ID)); int suffixIx=collection.getName()+1; List<DBObject> idDocs=cursor.toArray(); cursor.close(); if(!idDocs.isEmpty()) { List<String> saveIds=new ArrayList<>(idDocs.size()); for(DBObject idDoc:idDocs) { saveIds.add(idDoc.get(ID).substring(suffixIx)); } cursor=collection.find(idInQ(saveIds)); while(cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject; txCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(ID,prefix+doc.get(ID).toString()), new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject(ORIGINAL,doc))); } cursor.close(); } // Update the docs DBCollection dataCollection=getTxDataCollection(collection); for(DBObject doc:docs) { String docId=doc.get(ID).toString(); WriteResult wr=dataCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(ID,docId), doc, false,false); if(wr.getError()!=null) { throw new LockException(txId,collection,docId); } } } public void rollback(String txId) { // Set the transaction to rolling-back state WriteResult wr=txCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(ID,txId). append(STATE,, new BasicDBObject("$set",new BasicDBObject(STATE,TxState.rolling_back.toString())), false,false,WriteConcern.FSYNCED); if(wr.getError()!=null||wr.getN()!=1) throw new IllegalTransactionException(txId); // Read the transaction DBObject txData=txCollection.findOne(new BasicDBObject(ID,txId)); if(txData==null) throw new IllegalTransactionException(txId); // Process all the collections in the tx List<String> collections=txData.get(COLLECTIONS); DBObject projectId=new BasicDBObject(ID); if(collections!=null) { for(String collName:collections) { // Read all the lock ids for the docs in this collection BasicDBObject lockq=new BasicDBObject(ID, new BasicDBObject("$regex", collName+":.*")); DBCursor cursor=txCollection.find(lockq,projectId); List<DBObject> lockDocs=cursor.toArray(); List<String> docIds=new ArrayList<>(lockDocs.size()); for(DBObject lockDoc:lockDocs) { String id=lockDoc.get(ID).toString(); id=id.substring(collName.length()+1); docIds.add(id); } txCollection.getDB().getCollection(collName).remove(new BasicDBObject(ID, new BasicDBObject("$in",docIds))); txCollection.remove(lockq); } } txCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(TX_ID,txId)); txCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(ID,txId)); } private static final List<String> newDeletedList=Arrays.asList(LockOp._new.toString(),LockOp._deleted.toString()); public void commit(String txId) { // Set the transaction to committing state WriteResult wr=txCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(ID,txId). append(STATE,, new BasicDObject("$set",new BasicDBObject(STATE,TxState.committing.toString())), false,false,WriteConcern.FSYNCED); if(wr.getError()!=null||wr.getN()!=1) throw new IllegalTransactionException(txId); // Read the transaction DBObject txData=txCollection.findOne(new BasicDBObject(ID,txId)); if(txData==null) throw new IllegalTransactionException(txId); // Process all the collections in the tx List<String> collections=txData.get(COLLECTIONS); if(collections!=null) { for(String collName:collections) { DBCollection txDataCollection=getTxDataCollection(collName); DBCollection dataCollection=db.getCollection(collName); DBCursor cursor=getDocsOfState(txDataCollection,collName,LockOp._new.toString()); if(cursor!=null) { List<DBObject> docs=cursor.toArray(); if(!docs.isEmpty()) { WriteResult wr=dataCollection.insert(docs.toArray(new DBObject[docs.size()]),WriteConcern.FSYNCED); if(wr.getError()!=null) throw new CommitError(wr.getError()); } } List<DBObject> locks=getLocksOfState(collName,LockOp._deleted.toString()); if(!locks.isEmpty()) { List<String> ids=getDocIdsFromLocks(locks); wr=dataCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(ID, new BasicDBObject("$in",ids)),WriteConcern.FSYNCED); if(wr.getError()!=null) throw new CommitError(wr.getError()); } // Anything that's not new or deleted cursor=txCollection.find(new BasicDBObject(ID, new BasicDBObject("$regex",collName+":.*")). append(STATE, new BasicDBObject("$nin",newDeletedList))); locks=cursor.toArray(); if(!locks.isEmpty()) { cursor=getDocsForLocks(collName,locks); List<DBObject> docs=cursor.toArray(); for(DBObject doc:docs) { wr=collection.update(new BasicDBObject(ID,doc.get(ID).toString()), doc, false,false,WriteConcern.FSYNCED); } } } } txCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(TX_ID,txId)); txCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(ID,txId)); } public void restore(String txId) { // Set the transaction to rolling-back state WriteResult wr=txCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(ID,txId), new BasicDBObject("$set",new BasicDBObject(STATE,TxState.rolling_back.toString())), false,false,WriteConcern.FSYNCED); if(wr.getError()!=null||wr.getN()!=1) throw new IllegalTransactionException(txId); // Read the transaction DBObject txData=txCollection.findOne(new BasicDBObject(ID,txId)); if(txData==null) throw new IllegalTransactionException(txId); // Process all the collections in the tx List<String> collections=txData.get(COLLECTIONS); DBObject projectId=new BasicDBObject(ID); if(collections!=null) { for(String collName:collections) { DBCollection collection=db.getCollection(collName); // Restore all deleted docs DBCursor cursor=txCollection.find(new BasicDBObject(ID, new BasicDBObject("$regex",collName+":.*")). append(STATE,LockOp._deleted.toString())); while(cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject; DBObject original=doc.get(ORIGINAL); if(original!=null) { collection.insert(original); } } // Restore all modified docs cursor=txCollection.find(new BasicDBObject(ID, new BasicDBObject("$regex",collName+":.*")). append(STATE, new BasicDBObject("$nin",newDeletedList))); while(cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject; DBObject original=doc.get(ORIGINAL); if(original!=null) {; } } } } txCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(TX_ID,txId)); txCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(ID,txId)); } private List<DBObject> getLocksOfState(String collName, String state) { // Get all lock records with that state DBCursor cursor=txCollection.find(new BasicDBObject(ID, new BasicDBObject("$regex",collName+":.*")). append(STATE,state)); return cursor.toArray(); } private DBCursor getDocsOfState(DBCollection txDataCollection, String collName, String state) { List<String> lockData=getLocksOfState(collName,state); if(!lockData.isEmpty()) return getDocsForLocks(collName,lockData); else return null; } private DBCursor getDocsForLocks(String collName,List<DBObject> lockData) { List<String> docIds=new ArrayList<>(lockData.size()); int collSuffix=collName.length()+1; for(DBObject lock:lockData) docIds.add(lock.get(ID).toString().substring(collSuffix)); return txDataCollection.find(idInQ(docIds)); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String dbHost = arg("dbHost", args, true); String dbPort = arg("dbPort", args, true); String dbName = arg("dbName", args); DB db=null; if (dbHost == null) { dbHost = "localhost"; } if (dbPort == null) { dbPort = "27017"; } MongoClient client = new MongoClient(dbHost, Integer.valueOf(dbPort)); db = client.getDB(dbName); if(db!=null) { TransactionLogger tx=new TransactionLogger(db,"tx"); tx.getTxDataCollection(db.getCollection("test")); String cmd=arg("cmd",args); if(cmd!=null) { if("startTransaction".equals(cmd)) { System.out.println(tx.startTransaction()); } else if("lock".equals(cmd)) { String txId=arg("txId",args); String collection=arg("collection",args); String docId=arg("docId",args); String state=arg("state",args,true); DBCollection coll=db.getCollection(collection); //tx.lock(txId,coll,docId,state); } else if("unlock".equals(cmd)) { String txId=arg("txId",args); String collection=arg("collection",args); String docId=arg("docId",args); DBCollection coll=db.getCollection(collection); tx.unlock(txId,coll,docId); } else System.out.println("Unknown command"); } } else System.out.println("Can't connect"); } private static String arg(String argName, String[] args, boolean optional) { for (String x : args) { if (x.startsWith(argName + "=")) { return x.substring(argName.length() + 1); } } if (!optional) { throw new RuntimeException("Required:" + argName); } return null; } private static String arg(String argName, String[] args) { return arg(argName, args, false); } **/ }