Java tutorial
package com.realdolmen.rdfleet.service; import com.realdolmen.rdfleet.domain.*; import com.realdolmen.rdfleet.repositories.CarRepository; import com.realdolmen.rdfleet.repositories.EmployeeCarRepository; import com.realdolmen.rdfleet.repositories.RdEmployeeRepository; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.List; @Service public class EmployeeService { private RdEmployeeRepository rdEmployeeRepository; private CarRepository carRepository; private EmployeeCarRepository employeeCarRepository; @Autowired public void setEmployeeCarRepository(EmployeeCarRepository employeeCarRepository) { this.employeeCarRepository = employeeCarRepository; } @Autowired public void setRdEmployeeRepository(RdEmployeeRepository rdEmployeeRepository) { this.rdEmployeeRepository = rdEmployeeRepository; } @Autowired public void setCarRepository(CarRepository carRepository) { this.carRepository = carRepository; } /** * Assigns an order of a car to an employee. The RdEmployee and the order cannot be null. The car of the order also cannot be null. * * @param rdEmployee the employee found from the database * @param order the order that should be linked to the employee */ public void assignOrderToEmployee(RdEmployee rdEmployee, Order order) { if (rdEmployee == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The employee to assign and order to cannot be null."); if (rdEmployee.getId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("The id of employee %s %s is null so it did not originate out of the database.", rdEmployee.getFirstName(), rdEmployee.getLastName())); if (order == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The order to be assigned to an employee cannot be null."); if (order.getOrderedCar() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The order should have a car assigned to it."); if ((order.getOrderedCar().getSelectedCar().getFunctionalLevel() > rdEmployee.getFunctionalLevel() + 1 || order.getOrderedCar().getSelectedCar().getFunctionalLevel() < rdEmployee.getFunctionalLevel() - 1) && order.getOrderedCar().getCarStatus() != CarStatus.NOT_USED) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The ordered car differs more than 1 functional level from the employee's functional level."); if (rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder() != null) setEmployeeCarRemoved(rdEmployee); order.getOrderedCar().setCarStatus(CarStatus.PENDING); order.setDateOrdered(; rdEmployee.setCurrentOrder(order);; } /** * "Removes" the employee from the company. It actually just changes his inService status to false, sets his current car to NOT_USED and sets his current order to null. * This allows the car to be re-used in the free-pool. * * @param rdEmployee the rdEmployee to be removed from the company. */ public void removeEmployeeFromCompany(RdEmployee rdEmployee) { if (rdEmployee == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The employee to be removed cannot be null."); if (rdEmployee.getId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("The id of employee %s %s is null so it did not originate out of the database.", rdEmployee.getFirstName(), rdEmployee.getLastName())); if (rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder() != null && rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder().getOrderedCar() != null) rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder().getOrderedCar().setCarStatus(CarStatus.NOT_USED); rdEmployee.setCurrentOrder(null); rdEmployee.setInService(false);; } /** * Decrements the functional level of the employee. * * @param rdEmployee the employee who's functional level should be decremented. */ public void decrementEmployeeFunctionalLevel(RdEmployee rdEmployee) { modifyFunctionalLevel(rdEmployee, false); } /** * Increments the functional level of the employee. * * @param rdEmployee the employee who's functional level should be incremented. */ public void incrementEmployeeFunctionalLevel(RdEmployee rdEmployee) { modifyFunctionalLevel(rdEmployee, true); } /** * Helper method to re-use code for incrementing and decrementing functional levels. * * @param rdEmployee the employee who's functional level should be incremented or decremented. * @param increment true if his functional level should be incremented, false if it should be decremented. */ private void modifyFunctionalLevel(RdEmployee rdEmployee, boolean increment) { if (rdEmployee == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The employee to be modified cannot be null."); if (rdEmployee.getId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("The id of employee %s %s is null so it did not originate out of the database.", rdEmployee.getFirstName(), rdEmployee.getLastName())); if (!increment) { if (rdEmployee.getFunctionalLevel() <= 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "The employee %s %s already has a functional level of %d, it cannot be lowered.", rdEmployee.getFirstName(), rdEmployee.getLastName(), rdEmployee.getFunctionalLevel())); rdEmployee.setFunctionalLevel(rdEmployee.getFunctionalLevel() - 1); } else { if (rdEmployee.getFunctionalLevel() >= 7) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "The employee %s %s already has a functional level of %d, it cannot be incremented.", rdEmployee.getFirstName(), rdEmployee.getLastName(), rdEmployee.getFunctionalLevel())); rdEmployee.setFunctionalLevel(rdEmployee.getFunctionalLevel() + 1); }; } /** * After ordering a car it is set to pending, the fleet employee has to set the car to IN_USE. * This will define the car as being used, it will also add the car to the history of the user. * The received-date will be set on the day this method is called. * * @param rdEmployee the employee whos car should be set to in-use */ public void setEmployeeCarInUse(RdEmployee rdEmployee, String givenLicensePlate) { if (rdEmployee == null || rdEmployee.getId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The employee was not found."); Order currentOrder = rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder(); if (currentOrder == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The order cannot be null."); EmployeeCar employeeCar = currentOrder.getOrderedCar(); if (employeeCar == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The car to change status of cannot be null."); if (employeeCar.getCarStatus() != CarStatus.PENDING) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The car is not in PENDING state."); String upperCaseLicensePlate = givenLicensePlate.toUpperCase(); if (!upperCaseLicensePlate.matches("^\\d-[A-Z]{3}-\\d{3}$")) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The license plate is not valid. It must have the following pattern: 0-XXX-000"); EmployeeCar byLicensePlateIgnoreCase = employeeCarRepository .findByLicensePlateIgnoreCase(upperCaseLicensePlate); if (byLicensePlateIgnoreCase != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "This license plate already exists in the system. Please provide a new one."); rdEmployee.getOrderHistory().add(rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder()); rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder().setDateReceived(; employeeCar.setCarStatus(CarStatus.IN_USE); employeeCar.setLicensePlate(upperCaseLicensePlate);; } /** * The car from an employee can be moved to the free pool so another employee can instead use this car. * The current employee will then not have a current car and will have to order a new one. * * @param rdEmployee the employee of which the car should be moved to the free pool */ public void setEmployeeCarInFreePool(RdEmployee rdEmployee) { setEmployeeCarToStatus(rdEmployee, CarStatus.NOT_USED); } /** * The car from an employee can be removed from the system. * This could happen on a total-loss off the car or when the max mileage/date is reached for his car. * The employee will then have to order a new car. * * @param rdEmployee the employee of which the car should be set to REMOVED status */ public void setEmployeeCarRemoved(RdEmployee rdEmployee) { setEmployeeCarToStatus(rdEmployee, CarStatus.REMOVED); } /** * Helper method to combine duplicate code. It will set the status of the car based on the parameters. * * @param rdEmployee the employee to save and manipulate * @param status the status to set the car to */ private void setEmployeeCarToStatus(RdEmployee rdEmployee, CarStatus status) { if (rdEmployee == null || rdEmployee.getId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Existing employee must be provided."); if (rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The employee does not have an order."); if (rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder().getOrderedCar() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The employee must have a car."); EmployeeCar orderedCar = rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder().getOrderedCar(); orderedCar.setCarStatus(status);; rdEmployee.setCurrentOrder(null);; } public RdEmployee findEmployeeByLicensePlateOfCurrentCar(String licensePlate) { if (licensePlate == null || licensePlate.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The license plate should be provided."); return rdEmployeeRepository.findRdEmployeeByCurrentOrder_OrderedCar_LicensePlate(licensePlate); } /** * this will call the assignOrderForEmployee * uses findCarByLicensePlate until it returns null to ensure licenseplate is unique * * @param email of an rdemployee * @param order new car to order */ public void createEmployeeCarAndDelegateOrderForEmployee(String email, Order order) { RdEmployee rdEmployee = findRdEmployeeByEmail(email); if (order == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Order can not be null"); EmployeeCar employeeCar = order.getOrderedCar(); if (employeeCar == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("EmployeeCar can not be null"); if (employeeCar.getSelectedCar() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Car for employeeCar can not be null"); if (order.getAmountPaidByCompany() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("amountPaidByCompany can not be null"); if (order.getAmountPaidByEmployee() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("amountPaidByEmployee can not be null"); assignOrderToEmployee(rdEmployee, order); } /** * find and return an rdemployee by email if email is not empty and find doesn't return an empty object * * @param email of an rdemployee * @return rdEmployee if it isn't null else error */ public RdEmployee findRdEmployeeByEmail(String email) { if (email == null || email.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Email can not be empty"); RdEmployee rdEmployee = rdEmployeeRepository.findByEmailIgnoreCase(email); if (rdEmployee == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("RdEmployee can not be empty"); return rdEmployee; } /** * uses getFunctionalLevelByEmail * find cars relevant for an employee by his current functional level + one above and one under his current level * * @param email of an rdemployee * @return list of cars founded (func lvl, -1, +1), if empty error */ public List<Car> findCarsForEmployeeByFunctionalLevel(String email) { int functionalLevel = getFunctionalLevelByEmail(email); List<Car> cars = carRepository.findAllCarsByFunctionalLevelAndIsOrderable(functionalLevel); if (cars.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("There are no cars to select from"); return cars; } public List<RdEmployee> findAllRdEmployeesInService() { return rdEmployeeRepository.findAllEmployeesInService(); } public RdEmployee findRdEmployee(Long id) { return rdEmployeeRepository.findOne(id); } /** * calls findRdEmployeeByEmail and gets functional level for the returned rdemployee * * @param email of an rdemployee * @return functionallevel by given email */ public int getFunctionalLevelByEmail(String email) { RdEmployee rdEmployeeByEmail = findRdEmployeeByEmail(email); return rdEmployeeByEmail.getFunctionalLevel(); } /** * calls checkIfEmployeeCanOrderCar and return the returnvalue of that function * * @param email of an rdemployee * @return returns true or false */ public boolean employeeCanOrderNewCar(String email) { return checkIfEmployeeCanOrderCar(email); } public boolean employeeCanOrderEmployeeCar(String email, Long employeeCarId) { if (employeeCarId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("EmployeeCar id can not be null"); if (employeeCarId < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("EmployeeCar id can not be a negative number"); EmployeeCar employeeCar = employeeCarRepository.findOne(employeeCarId); if (employeeCar == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("EmployeeCar object can not be null"); return checkIfEmployeeCanOrderCar(email) && employeeCar.getCarStatus() == CarStatus.NOT_USED; } public boolean employeeCanOrderNewCar(String email, Long carId) { if (carId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Car id can not be null"); if (carId < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Car id can not be a negative number"); Car car = carRepository.findOne(carId); if (car == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Car object can not be null"); boolean canOrderCar = checkIfEmployeeCanOrderCar(email); RdEmployee rdEmployee = findRdEmployeeByEmail(email); return canOrderCar && car.getFunctionalLevel() <= rdEmployee.getFunctionalLevel() + 1 && car.getFunctionalLevel() >= rdEmployee.getFunctionalLevel() - 1 && car.isOrderable(); } private boolean checkIfEmployeeCanOrderCar(String email) { RdEmployee rdEmployee = findRdEmployeeByEmail(email); LocalDate fourYearsAgo =; if (rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder() == null) return true; if (rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder().getDateReceived() == null) if (rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder().getOrderedCar().getCarStatus() == CarStatus.PENDING) return false; if (rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder().getDateReceived() != null && rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder().getDateReceived().isBefore(fourYearsAgo)) return true; if (rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder().getOrderedCar() == null) return true; if (rdEmployee.getCurrentOrder().getOrderedCar().getMileage() > 160000) return true; return false; } public Order createOrderForEmployee(String email, EmployeeCar employeeCar) { RdEmployee rdEmployee = findRdEmployeeByEmail(email); if (employeeCar == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("EmployeeCar can not be empty"); if (employeeCar.getSelectedCar() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("EmployeeCar selectedCar can not be empty"); Order order = new Order(); if (employeeCar.getSelectedCar().getFunctionalLevel() > rdEmployee.getFunctionalLevel()) { order.setAmountPaidByCompany(employeeCar.getSelectedCar().getListPrice()); order.setAmountPaidByEmployee(employeeCar.getSelectedCar().getAmountUpgrade()); } else { order.setAmountPaidByCompany(employeeCar.getSelectedCar().getListPrice()); order.setAmountPaidByEmployee(BigDecimal.ZERO); } order.setOrderedCar(employeeCar); return order; } public List<RdEmployee> findAllRdEmployeesInServiceWithPendingRequestOrNoCar() { return rdEmployeeRepository.findAllEmployeesInServiceWithPendingRequestOrNoCar(); } }