Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.fxml.Initializable; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; /** * * @author Rajko */ public class SaleEnterController extends Controller implements Initializable { public SaleEnterController(ScreensConfig uIConfig) { super(uIConfig); } @FXML private TextField productCode; @FXML private TextField produstNumberText; @FXML private Label produstNumberLabel; @FXML private Pane sizesPane; @FXML private Button searchProductButton; @FXML private Button resetSaleButton; @FXML private Button quitSaleButton; @Autowired private ProductService productService; private Product storedProduct; private Map<String, Label> quantityLabels; private Map<String, Button> quantityButtons; private Integer productNumber; @Override public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) { initializeHandlers(); initializeQuantityFields(); reset(); if (productNumber != null) { searchProduct(productNumber, null, false); } } private void reset() { sizesPane.setVisible(false); resetSaleButton.setVisible(false); quitSaleButton.setVisible(false); searchProductButton.setVisible(true); productCode.setDisable(false); produstNumberText.setDisable(false); storedProduct = null; productCode.setText(""); produstNumberText.setText(""); } private void initializeHandlers() { produstNumberText.textProperty().addListener(getDigitChangeListener(produstNumberText)); } private void initializeQuantityFields() { quantityLabels = new HashMap<>(); quantityButtons = new HashMap<>(); ObservableList<Node> children = sizesPane.getChildren(); for (Node node : children) { if (node instanceof Label && node.getId() != null && node.getId().startsWith("label")) { Label label = (Label) node; quantityLabels.put(label.getId(), label); } else if (node instanceof Button) { Button button = (Button) node; if (button.getId() != null && button.getId().startsWith("button")) { quantityButtons.put(button.getId(), button); } } } } public void searchProduct() { String prodCode = productCode.getText(); String prodNumberTx = produstNumberText.getText(); if (NumberUtils.isDigits(prodNumberTx)) { searchProduct(Integer.parseInt(prodNumberTx), prodCode, false); } else { searchProduct(null, prodCode, false); } } private void searchProduct(Integer productNumber, String productCode, boolean skipDialog) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(productCode) && productNumber != null) { storedProduct = productService.findByProductCodeAndProductNum(productCode, productNumber); } else if (productNumber != null) { storedProduct = productService.findByProductNum(productNumber); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(productCode)) { List<Product> prodList = productService.findByProductCode(productCode); if (prodList.size() == 1) { storedProduct = prodList.get(0); } else if (prodList.size() > 1) { List<String> choises = getProductNumbers(prodList); String prodNum = showChoiseDialog("Unos prodaje.", "Vie proizvoda je pronadjeno sa ifrom: " + productCode + "!", "Izaberi redni broj: ", choises, choises.get(0)); if (NumberUtils.isDigits(prodNum)) { Integer pn = Integer.parseInt(prodNum); for (Product p : prodList) { if (p.getProductNum().equals(pn)) { storedProduct = p; break; } } } } } if (storedProduct != null) { setProductOnForm(); } else { openProductNotFoundDialog(); } } private void openProductNotFoundDialog() { showInformationPopup("Proizvod nije pronadjen!", "Za unete kriterijume proizvod nije pronadjen!", ""); } private void setProductOnForm() { setQuantities(productService.getProductQuantitiesMap(storedProduct.getProductNum())); productCode.textProperty().setValue(storedProduct.getProductCode()); produstNumberText.textProperty().setValue(storedProduct.getProductNum().toString()); sizesPane.setVisible(true); resetSaleButton.setVisible(true); quitSaleButton.setVisible(true); searchProductButton.setVisible(false); productCode.setDisable(true); produstNumberText.setDisable(true); } private void setQuantities(Map<Integer, V_ProductHistory> map) { for (Label label : quantityLabels.values()) { Button button = quantityButtons.get("button" + getSize(label)); V_ProductHistory quantity = map.get(getSize(label)); if (quantity != null && quantity.getQuantity() > 0) { button.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) { enterSale(button); } }); button.setDefaultButton(true); label.textProperty().setValue(quantity.getQuantity().toString()); } else { button.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) { noQuantitySale(); } }); button.setDefaultButton(false); label.textProperty().setValue("0"); } } } private void noQuantitySale() { if (SecurityUtils.isAdmin()) { if (showConfirmPopup("Prodaja", "Pokuali ste da unesete prodaju za proizvod koji nije na stanju.", "Da li elite da izmenite stanje za ovaj proizvod?")) { uIConfig.loadEditProduct(storedProduct.getProductNum(), true); } } else { showInformationPopup("Prodaja", "Pokuali ste da unesete prodaju za proizvod koji nije na stanju.", "Kontaktirajte korisnika sa administratorskim pravom radi izmene stanja."); } } private void enterSale(Button button) { String message = "Prodaja: \n" + "ifra: " + storedProduct.getProductCode() + ",\n" + "redni broj: " + storedProduct.getProductNum() + ",\n" + "veli?ina: " + getSize(button); if (showConfirmPopup("Da li ste sigurni?", message)) { ProductHistory quantityHistory = new ProductHistory(); quantityHistory.setProductCode(storedProduct.getProductCode()); quantityHistory.setProductNum(storedProduct.getProductNum()); quantityHistory.setSize(getSize(button)); quantityHistory.setType(3); quantityHistory.setQuantity(-1); productService.saveProductQuantityHistory(quantityHistory); showInformationPopup("Uspean unos!", "Prodaja je uspeno evidentirana.", ""); setProductOnForm(); } } public void resetForm() { reset(); } public void quitForm() { if (showConfirmPopup("Da li ste sigurni?", "Da li ste sigurni da elite da odustanete?")) { uIConfig.loadProducts(); } } public void changeProductQuantity() { uIConfig.loadEditProduct(storedProduct.getProductNum(), true); } public void setProductNumber(Integer productNumber) { this.productNumber = productNumber; } private List<String> getProductNumbers(List<Product> prodList) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Product p : prodList) { result.add(p.getProductNum().toString()); } return result; } }