Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.razza.apps.iosched.util; import; import android.content.AsyncQueryHandler; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import com.razza.apps.iosched.BuildConfig; import com.razza.apps.iosched.R; import com.razza.apps.iosched.appwidget.ScheduleWidgetProvider; import; import com.razza.apps.iosched.provider.ScheduleContract; import com.razza.apps.iosched.sync.SyncHelper; import static com.razza.apps.iosched.util.LogUtils.LOGD; import static com.razza.apps.iosched.util.LogUtils.makeLogTag; /** * Helper class for dealing with common actions to take on a session. */ public class SessionsHelper { private static final String TAG = LogUtils.makeLogTag(SessionsHelper.class); private final Activity mActivity; public SessionsHelper(Activity activity) { mActivity = activity; } public void startMapActivity(String roomId) { Intent intent = new Intent(mActivity.getApplicationContext(), MapActivity.class); intent.putExtra(MapActivity.EXTRA_ROOM, roomId); intent.putExtra(MapActivity.EXTRA_DETACHED_MODE, true); mActivity.startActivity(intent); } public Intent createShareIntent(int messageTemplateResId, String title, String hashtags, String url) { ShareCompat.IntentBuilder builder = ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.from(mActivity).setType("text/plain").setText( mActivity.getString(messageTemplateResId, title, BuildConfig.CONFERENCE_HASHTAG, " " + url)); return builder.getIntent(); } public void shareSession(Context context, int messageTemplateResId, String title, String hashtags, String url) { // ANALYTICS EVENT: Share a session. // Contains: Session title. AnalyticsHelper.sendEvent("Session", "Shared", title); Intent intent = Intent.createChooser(createShareIntent(messageTemplateResId, title, hashtags, url), context.getString(R.string.title_share)); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity(intent); } public void setSessionStarred(Uri sessionUri, boolean starred, String title) { LogUtils.LOGD(TAG, "setSessionStarred uri=" + sessionUri + " starred=" + starred + " title=" + title); String sessionId = ScheduleContract.Sessions.getSessionId(sessionUri); Uri myScheduleUri = ScheduleContract.MySchedule .buildMyScheduleUri(AccountUtils.getActiveAccountName(mActivity)); AsyncQueryHandler handler = new AsyncQueryHandler(mActivity.getContentResolver()) { }; final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(ScheduleContract.MySchedule.SESSION_ID, sessionId); values.put(ScheduleContract.MySchedule.MY_SCHEDULE_IN_SCHEDULE, starred ? 1 : 0); handler.startInsert(-1, null, myScheduleUri, values); // ANALYTICS EVENT: Add or remove a session from the schedule // Contains: Session title, whether it was added or removed (starred or unstarred) AnalyticsHelper.sendEvent("Session", starred ? "Starred" : "Unstarred", title); // Because change listener is set to null during initialization, these // won't fire on pageview. mActivity.sendBroadcast(ScheduleWidgetProvider.getRefreshBroadcastIntent(mActivity, false)); // Request an immediate user data sync to reflect the starred user sessions in the cloud SyncHelper.requestManualSync(AccountUtils.getActiveAccount(mActivity), true); } }