Java tutorial
/** * DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE * Version 2, December 2004 * * Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar * 14 rue de Plaisance, 75014 Paris, France * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified * copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long * as the name is changed. * * DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE * TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION * * 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. */ package com.raulexposito.alarife.upgrader; import com.raulexposito.alarife.creatorfromscratch.DatabaseCreatorFromScratch; import com.raulexposito.alarife.enumeration.ApplicationMode; import com.raulexposito.alarife.exception.DatabaseException; import com.raulexposito.alarife.enumeration.DatabaseType; import com.raulexposito.alarife.sqlexecutor.SQLExecutor; import com.raulexposito.alarife.upgrader.pojo.Version; import com.raulexposito.alarife.util.ScriptsDirectoryUtil; import com.raulexposito.alarife.util.VersionGeneratorUtil; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Performs the database upgrade if needed */ public final class DatabaseUpgrader { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DatabaseCreatorFromScratch.class); /** * Upgrades the database and enables working with the latest version of the database<br> * @param databaseType type of the database in use * @param propertiesFile name of the properties file where you can read the database configuration * @param scriptsPath path where find the scripts to perform the upgrade */ public void upgradeDatabase(final DatabaseType databaseType, final ApplicationMode applicationMode, final String propertiesFile) throws DatabaseException { final List<Version> versionList = this.recoverVersionList(databaseType, applicationMode); new SQLExecutor().updateToVersion(versionList, applicationMode, propertiesFile, databaseType); } /** * Recover a list with all the versions of the differents scripts<br> * <br> * <strong>This method is PROTECTED to allow testing</strong> * <br> * @param databaseType type of the database in use * @param scriptsPath path where find the scripts to perform the upgrade * @return a list with all the versions of the differents scripts */ protected List<Version> recoverVersionList(final DatabaseType databaseType, final ApplicationMode applicationMode) throws DatabaseException { final List<Version> versions = new ArrayList<Version>(); // recover the directory where found the scripts try { final File scriptsDirectory = new ScriptsDirectoryUtil().getRootScriptsDirectory(databaseType, applicationMode); final String[] directories = scriptsDirectory.list(); if (directories == null) { log.warn("there are no directories with the scripts ... WTF ???"); } else { for (String directory : directories) { final Version version = generateVersionFromDirectory( ScriptsDirectoryUtil.getScriptsDirectory(databaseType, applicationMode), directory); if (version == null) { log.debug("there is a version that cannot be recovered"); } else { versions.add(version); } } } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new DatabaseException("there is an error finding the directory with the upgrade scripts: ", ex); } return versions; } /** * Indicates if a directory is a valid scripts directory. It has 2 restrictions:<br> * <br> * - first, it must be a 'versioned' directory,for instance: '1.2.4', '2.5.1', not '' or '1.3.4b' * - second, it must contain two files ('upgradeTables' and 'insertData') with the version number as perfix, for instance: '1.2.4/upgradeTables-1.2.4.sql' * * @param scriptsDirectory directory with all the scripts * @param directory directory when found the scripts 'upgradeTables' and 'insertData' * @return an object of type 'Version' if the directory is valid to perform upgrades */ protected Version generateVersionFromDirectory(final String scriptsDirectory, final String directory) { try { // tests if the directory has the correct form final Version version = VersionGeneratorUtil.generateVersion(directory); // test if the upgrade script is present final String upgradeScript = scriptsDirectory + File.separator + directory + File.separator + ScriptsDirectoryUtil.UPGRADE_TABLES_SCRIPT_PREFFIX + version + ScriptsDirectoryUtil.SQL_EXTENSION; final InputStream upgradeScriptIS = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(upgradeScript); if (upgradeScriptIS == null) { log.warn("There is an invalid scripts directory: '" + directory + "'. It hasn't the upgrade script file '" + upgradeScript + "'"); return null; } // test if the insert data script is present final String insertDataScript = scriptsDirectory + File.separator + directory + File.separator + ScriptsDirectoryUtil.INSERT_DATA_SCRIPT_PREFFIX + version + ScriptsDirectoryUtil.SQL_EXTENSION; final InputStream insertDataScriptIS = this.getClass().getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(insertDataScript); if (insertDataScriptIS == null) { log.warn("There is an invalid scripts directory: '" + directory + "'. It hasn't the insert data script file '" + insertDataScript + "'"); return null; } log.debug("the directory with the version '" + version + "' is valid"); return version; } catch (DatabaseException ex) { log.warn("There is an invalid scripts directory: '" + directory + "' ", ex); return null; } } /** * Recover the newest version of the upgrade scripts<br> * <br> * <strong>This method is PROTECTED to allow testing</strong> * <br> * @param versionList list with all versions of scripts * @return the newest version of the upgrade scripts */ public static Version recoverLatestVersion(final List<Version> versionList) { log.debug("the latest version is '" + versionList.get(versionList.size() - 1) + "'"); return versionList.get(versionList.size() - 1); } /** * The database should be upgraded?<br> * @param currentVersion the version of the database that is being used by the application * @param latestVersion the newest version of the upgrade scripts * @return if the database must be upgraded */ public static boolean upgradeIsNeeded(final Version currentVersion, final Version latestVersion) { log.debug("current version: '" + currentVersion + "' | " + "latest version: '" + latestVersion + "'"); return (currentVersion.compareTo(latestVersion) == -1); } /** * Recovers the next version of the current version * <br> * <strong>This method is PROTECTED to allow testing</strong> * <br> * @param currentVersion the current version * @param versionList the list with all versions * @return the next version of the current version */ public static Version getNextVersion(final Version currentVersion, final List<Version> versionList) { final int currentPosition = versionList.indexOf(currentVersion); return versionList.get(currentPosition + 1); } }