Java tutorial
/*- * #%L * Rathravane Clerk * %% * Copyright (C) 2006 - 2016 Rathravane LLC * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ package com.rathravane.clerk.impl.s3; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONTokener; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.rathravane.clerk.exceptions.IamBadRequestException; import com.rathravane.clerk.exceptions.IamIdentityDoesNotExist; import com.rathravane.clerk.exceptions.IamSvcException; import com.rathravane.clerk.identity.ApiKey; import com.rathravane.clerk.impl.common.CommonJsonApiKey; import com.rathravane.clerk.impl.common.CommonJsonDb; import com.rathravane.clerk.impl.common.CommonJsonGroup; import com.rathravane.clerk.impl.common.CommonJsonIdentity; import; import; import; import com.rathravane.till.time.clock; public class S3IamDb extends CommonJsonDb<CommonJsonIdentity, CommonJsonGroup> { public static class Builder { public Builder withAccessKey(String key) { apiKey = key; return this; } public Builder withSecretKey(String key) { privateKey = key; return this; } public Builder withBucket(String bucket) { this.bucket = bucket; return this; } public Builder withPathPrefix(String pathPrefix) { this.prefix = pathPrefix; return this; } public Builder createBucketIfReqd() { this.create = true; return this; } public Builder usingAclFactory(AclFactory af) { this.aclFactory = af; return this; } public S3IamDb build() throws IamSvcException { final S3IamDb db = new S3IamDb(apiKey, privateKey, bucket, prefix, aclFactory); if (create) { db.findOrCreateBucket(); } return db; } private String apiKey; private String privateKey; private String bucket; private String prefix; private AclFactory aclFactory; private boolean create = false; } protected S3IamDb(String apiKey, String privateKey, String bucket, String prefix, AclFactory aclFactory) { super(aclFactory); fDb = new AmazonS3Client(new S3Creds(apiKey, privateKey)); fBucketId = bucket; fPrefix = prefix; fCache = new lruCache<String, JSONObject>(1024); // FIXME: clean caching } protected void findOrCreateBucket() throws IamSvcException { try { if (!fDb.doesBucketExist(fBucketId)) { fDb.createBucket(fBucketId); } } catch (AmazonClientException x) { throw new IamSvcException(x); } } public void close() { fDb.shutdown(); } @Override public Map<String, CommonJsonIdentity> loadAllUsers() throws IamSvcException { final HashMap<String, CommonJsonIdentity> result = new HashMap<String, CommonJsonIdentity>(); for (String userId : getAllUsers()) { result.put(userId, loadUser(userId)); } return result; } @Override public Collection<String> getAllUsers() throws IamSvcException { final String prefix = concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "users/"); final LinkedList<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String key : loadKeysBelow(prefix)) { final String localPart = key.substring(prefix.length()); if (localPart.length() > 0) { result.add(localPart); } } return result; } @Override public List<String> findUsers(String startingWith) throws IamSvcException { final String sysPrefix = concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "users"); final String prefix = concatPathParts(sysPrefix, startingWith); final List<String> matches = loadKeysBelow(prefix); final LinkedList<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String match : matches) { result.add(match.substring(sysPrefix.length() + 1)); } return result; } @Override public void sweepExpiredTags() throws IamSvcException { final TreeSet<String> keys = new TreeSet<String>(); try { final String prefix = makeByTagId(""); final ListObjectsRequest listObjectRequest = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(fBucketId) .withPrefix(prefix); ObjectListing objects = fDb.listObjects(listObjectRequest); do { for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objects.getObjectSummaries()) { final String tagId = objectSummary.getKey().substring(prefix.length()); keys.add(tagId); } objects = fDb.listNextBatchOfObjects(objects); } while (objects.isTruncated()); } catch (AmazonS3Exception x) { throw new IamSvcException(x); } for (String key : keys) { loadTagObject(key, false); } } private final AmazonS3Client fDb; private final String fBucketId; private final String fPrefix; private final lruCache<String, JSONObject> fCache; private static final long kMaxCacheAgeMs = 1000 * 60; String getPrefix() { if (fPrefix == null || fPrefix.length() == 0) { return ""; } return fPrefix + "/"; } String concatPathParts(String... parts) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String last = null; for (String part : parts) { if (last != null && !last.endsWith("/")) { sb.append("/"); } if (part.startsWith("/")) { part = part.substring(1); } sb.append(part); last = part; } return sb.toString(); } String makeUserId(String userId) { return concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "users/", userId); } String makeGroupId(String groupId) { return concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "groups/", groupId); } String makeByApiKeyId(String apiKeyId) { return concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "apikeys/byKey/", apiKeyId); } String makeByUserApiKeyId(String userId, String apiKeyId) { return concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "apikeys/byUser/", userId, apiKeyId); } String makeUserApiKeyFolderId(String userId) { return concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "apikeys/byUser/", userId); } String makeAclId(String aclId) { return concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "acls/", aclId); } String makeByTagId(String tagId) { return concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "tags/byTag/", tagId); } String makeByUserTagId(String userId, String type) { return concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "tags/byUser/", userId, type); } String makeByAliasId(String alias) { return concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "aliases/byKey/", alias); } String makeByUserAliasId(String userId) { return concatPathParts(getPrefix(), "aliases/byUser/", userId); } /** * Load an object by key, returning the stream or null * @param key * @return a stream or null if not found * @throws IamSvcException */ private InputStream load(String key) throws IamSvcException { final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (loadTo(key, baos)) { return new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); } return null; } /** * Load an object by key, returning the object or null if not found * @param key * @return the object or null if not found * @throws IamSvcException */ private JSONObject loadObject(String key) throws IamSvcException { final long startMs =; try { final JSONObject cached = fCache.get(key, kMaxCacheAgeMs); if (cached != null) { final long durMs = - startMs; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("S3IamDb.loadObject ( " + key + " ): from cache, " + durMs + " ms"); } return cached; } final InputStream is = load(key); if (is == null) return null; final JSONObject result = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(is)); fCache.put(key, JsonUtil.clone(result)); final long durMs = - startMs; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("S3IamDb.loadObject ( " + key + " ): from S3, " + durMs + " ms"); } return result; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new IamSvcException(e); } } /** * Load an object to a stream. * @param key * @param os * @returns true if found, false if not found * @throws IamSvcException * @throws IamBadRequestException */ private boolean loadTo(String key, OutputStream os) throws IamSvcException { S3Object object = null; try { object = fDb.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(fBucketId, key)); final InputStream is = object.getObjectContent(); // s3 objects must be closed or will leak an HTTP connection rrStreamTools.copyStream(is, os); return true; } catch (AmazonServiceException x) { if (404 == x.getStatusCode()) return false; throw new IamSvcException(x); } catch (AmazonClientException x) { throw new IamSvcException(x); } catch (IOException x) { throw new IamSvcException(x); } finally { if (object != null) { try { object.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IamSvcException(e); } } } } List<String> loadKeysBelow(String key) throws IamSvcException { final LinkedList<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); try { final ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(fBucketId) .withPrefix(key); ObjectListing objectListing; do { objectListing = fDb.listObjects(listObjectsRequest); for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) { result.add(objectSummary.getKey()); } listObjectsRequest.setMarker(objectListing.getNextMarker()); } while (objectListing.isTruncated()); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw new IamSvcException(e); } return result; } void storeObject(String key, JSONObject o) throws IamSvcException { try { fCache.put(key, JsonUtil.clone(o)); final String data = o.toString(); final InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes("UTF-8")); final long length = data.length(); final ObjectMetadata om = new ObjectMetadata(); om.setContentLength(length); om.setContentType("application/json"); fDb.putObject(new PutObjectRequest(fBucketId, key, is, om)); } catch (AmazonS3Exception x) { throw new IamSvcException(x); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IamSvcException(e); } } private void deleteObject(String key) throws IamSvcException { try { fCache.drop(key); fDb.deleteObject(fBucketId, key); } catch (AmazonS3Exception x) { throw new IamSvcException(x); } } private static class S3Creds implements AWSCredentials { public S3Creds(String key, String secret) { fAccessKey = key; fPrivateKey = secret; } @Override public String getAWSAccessKeyId() { return fAccessKey; } @Override public String getAWSSecretKey() { return fPrivateKey; } private final String fAccessKey; private final String fPrivateKey; } ////////////////////////// @Override protected JSONObject createNewUser(String id) { return CommonJsonIdentity.initializeIdentity(); } @Override protected JSONObject loadUserObject(String id) throws IamSvcException { return loadObject(makeUserId(id)); } @Override protected void storeUserObject(String id, JSONObject data) throws IamSvcException { storeObject(makeUserId(id), data); } @Override protected void deleteUserObject(String id) throws IamSvcException { deleteObject(makeUserId(id)); } @Override protected CommonJsonIdentity instantiateIdentity(String id, JSONObject data) { return new CommonJsonIdentity(id, data, this); } @Override protected JSONObject createNewGroup(String id, String groupDesc) { return CommonJsonGroup.initializeGroup(groupDesc); } @Override protected JSONObject loadGroupObject(String id) throws IamSvcException { return loadObject(makeGroupId(id)); } @Override protected void storeGroupObject(String id, JSONObject data) throws IamSvcException { storeObject(makeGroupId(id), data); } @Override protected void deleteGroupObject(String id) throws IamSvcException { deleteObject(makeGroupId(id)); } @Override protected CommonJsonGroup instantiateGroup(String id, JSONObject data) { return new CommonJsonGroup(this, id, data); } protected JSONObject createApiKeyObject(String userId, String apiKey, String apiSecret) { return CommonJsonApiKey.initialize(apiSecret, userId); } @Override protected JSONObject loadApiKeyObject(String id) throws IamSvcException { return loadObject(makeByApiKeyId(id)); } @Override protected void storeApiKeyObject(String id, JSONObject apiKeyObject) throws IamSvcException, IamBadRequestException { final String userId = apiKeyObject.optString(kUserId, null); if (userId == null) throw new IamBadRequestException("no user specified for api key"); // make sure the user exists final JSONObject user = loadUserObject(userId); if (user == null) throw new IamIdentityDoesNotExist(userId); // store in apikeys section storeObject(makeByApiKeyId(id), apiKeyObject); // store with user JSONArray userApiKeys = user.optJSONArray("apiKeys"); if (userApiKeys == null) { userApiKeys = new JSONArray(); user.put("apiKeys", userApiKeys); } final Set<String> existing = new TreeSet<String>(JsonVisitor.arrayToList(userApiKeys)); if (!existing.contains(id)) { userApiKeys.put(id); storeUserObject(userId, user); } } @Override protected void deleteApiKeyObject(String id) throws IamSvcException { final JSONObject apiKey = loadApiKeyObject(id); if (apiKey != null) { final String userId = apiKey.getString(kUserId); final JSONObject user = loadUserObject(userId); final JSONArray userApiKeys = user.optJSONArray("apiKeys"); if (userApiKeys != null) { if (JsonUtil.removeStringFromArray(userApiKeys, id)) { storeUserObject(userId, user); } } } deleteObject(makeByApiKeyId(id)); } @Override protected ApiKey instantiateApiKey(String id, JSONObject data) { return new CommonJsonApiKey(id, data); } @Override protected Collection<String> loadApiKeysForUser(String userId) throws IamSvcException, IamIdentityDoesNotExist { // make sure the user exists final JSONObject user = loadUserObject(userId); if (user == null) throw new IamIdentityDoesNotExist(userId); // read from user JSONArray userApiKeys = user.optJSONArray("apiKeys"); if (userApiKeys != null) { return JsonVisitor.arrayToList(userApiKeys); } return new LinkedList<String>(); } @Override protected JSONObject loadAclObject(String id) throws IamSvcException { return loadObject(makeAclId(id)); } @Override protected void storeAclObject(String id, JSONObject data) throws IamSvcException { storeObject(makeAclId(id), data); } @Override protected void deleteAclObject(String id) throws IamSvcException { deleteObject(makeAclId(id)); } @Override protected JSONObject loadTagObject(String id, boolean expiredOk) throws IamSvcException { final JSONObject entry = loadObject(makeByTagId(id)); if (entry == null) return null; final long expireEpoch = entry.getLong(kExpireEpoch); if (expireEpoch < ( / 1000L) && !expiredOk) { final String userId = entry.optString(kUserId, null); final String tagType = entry.optString(kTagType, entry.optString("type", null)); if (userId == null || tagType == null) { log.warn("Tag " + id + " is damaged."); } else { deleteTagObject(id, userId, tagType);"Tag " + id + " (" + userId + "/" + tagType + ") deleted."); } return null; } return entry; } @Override protected JSONObject loadTagObject(String userId, String appTagType, boolean expiredOk) throws IamSvcException { final JSONObject entry = loadObject(makeByUserTagId(userId, appTagType)); if (entry == null) return null; final long expireEpoch = entry.getLong(kExpireEpoch); if (expireEpoch < ( / 1000L) && !expiredOk) { removeMatchingTag(userId, appTagType); return null; } return entry; } @Override protected void storeTagObject(String id, String userId, String appTagType, JSONObject data) throws IamSvcException { storeObject(makeByTagId(id), data); storeObject(makeByUserTagId(userId, appTagType), data); } @Override protected void deleteTagObject(String id, String userId, String appTagType) throws IamSvcException { deleteObject(makeByTagId(id)); deleteObject(makeByUserTagId(userId, appTagType)); } @Override protected JSONObject loadAliasObject(String id) throws IamSvcException { return loadObject(makeByAliasId(id)); } @Override protected void storeAliasObject(String id, JSONObject aliasObject) throws IamSvcException, IamBadRequestException { final String userId = aliasObject.optString(kUserId, null); if (userId == null) throw new IamBadRequestException("no user specified for alias"); // make sure the user exists final JSONObject user = loadUserObject(userId); if (user == null) throw new IamIdentityDoesNotExist(userId); // store in apikeys section storeObject(makeByAliasId(id), aliasObject); // store with user JSONArray userAliases = user.optJSONArray("aliases"); if (userAliases == null) { userAliases = new JSONArray(); user.put("aliases", userAliases); } final Set<String> existing = new TreeSet<String>(JsonVisitor.arrayToList(userAliases)); if (!existing.contains(id)) { userAliases.put(id); storeUserObject(userId, user); } } @Override protected void deleteAliasObject(String id) throws IamSvcException { final JSONObject alias = loadAliasObject(id); if (alias != null) { final String userId = alias.getString(kUserId); final JSONObject user = loadUserObject(userId); final JSONArray userAliases = user.optJSONArray("aliases"); if (userAliases != null) { if (JsonUtil.removeStringFromArray(userAliases, id)) { storeUserObject(userId, user); } } } deleteObject(makeByAliasId(id)); } @Override protected Collection<String> loadAliasesForUser(String userId) throws IamSvcException, IamIdentityDoesNotExist { // make sure the user exists final JSONObject user = loadUserObject(userId); if (user == null) throw new IamIdentityDoesNotExist(userId); // read from user JSONArray userAliases = user.optJSONArray("aliases"); if (userAliases != null) { return JsonVisitor.arrayToList(userAliases); } return new LinkedList<String>(); } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(S3IamDb.class); }