Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright 2015 Tim Engler, Rareventure LLC
This file is part of Tiny Travel Tracker.
Tiny Travel Tracker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Tiny Travel Tracker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Tiny Travel Tracker.  If not, see <>.
package com.rareventure.gps2;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;

import org.acra.ACRA;

import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.os.StatFs;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.util.Log;

import com.rareventure.gps2.database.GpsLocationCache;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.GpsLocationRow;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.TAssert;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.TimeZoneTimeSet;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.UserLocationCache;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.cache.AreaPanel;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.cache.AreaPanelCache;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.cache.TimeTree;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.cache.TimeTreeCache;
import com.rareventure.gps2.database.cachecreator.GpsTrailerCacheCreator;
import com.rareventure.util.BackgroundRunner;
import com.rareventure.util.ReadWriteThreadManager;

 * Gps Trailer Globals... The reason we stick everything
 * here is 1) to make it easy to find, and 2) we might
 * have generic things like AndroidPreferenceSet which we
 * need to stick somewhere. 3) We have different apps using
 * the same globals but initialize them in different parts of
 * code
public class GTG {
    //TODO 2 put autozoom and gps buttons behind location/time window
    //TODO 2 create blog and make a lot of interesting articles... get a following, and make an article on ttt, maybe
    // even what if you build it and they never come?
    //TODO 2.1 add wifi back
    //TODO 2.1 add magnetic readings
    //TODO 2.1 add visualization of altitude, magnetic readings, etc.
    //TODO 2 add file locations in manual
    //TODO 2 after premium is install and moved over, add a little dialog indicating that the trial version can be removed
    //TODO 2 add version number in about
    //TODO 2.1 sas isn't updated when cache is updated and it includes the latest time
    //TODO 2.1 when a line is really long and zoomed in really closely, antialiasing doesn't seem to work (at least on google nexus)
    //TODO 4 sometimes after taking pictures immediately, they refuse to show up in TTT. It seems that id's are being reused. They won't be reused unless the 
    // *last* id was deleted. Maybe use date taken instead.. can't reproduce????
    //TODO 2.5: work with phones without google maps? Look at ApiDemos manifest file for how to install without maps library
    //TODO 2.5: how to deal with errors because of device differences?
    //TODO 4: Maybe allow user to click on and label current position if available
    //TODO 2.5: highlight current position (we can do this by looking at last gps row, and if it was added within
    // a few minutes we'll consider it the current pos)
    //TODO 2.5 get rid of validation for restore gpx????
    //TODO 2 where to put "(C) Rareventure LLC, All rights reserved"? In the manual, for instance? The about screen
    //TODO 2.5 make timeview oval drawer more accurate by drawing solid colors and empty spots
    //TODO 2.1 on most errors from cache, we should delete it as corrupted. This is incase there was some sort of powerfailure
    // which caused our code to fail, or the hardware failed. At least they can get into settings, probably and export the data
    //we should turn off cache creation in this case and notify user rather than just bombing
    //TODO 2.1 notify when time is not correct (ie points in the future) and that gps will be disabled until it is fixed
    //TODO 2.01 add pinch zooming and swipe to switch pictures in picture viewer maybe
    //TODO 2.5 rows created jsut as cache forms them are really big
    //TODO 3 make point location less "gridy" by looking at children locations
    //TODO 2.5 previous line from italy to argentina is being drawed for may 10th
    //TODO 2.5 when calculating paths, should not display any view nodes
    //TODO 2.5 maybe make the whole tree unknown when a path is calculated?
    //TODO 2.5 why doesn't the view nodes get recalcuated sometimes when a path is calcuated?
    //TODO 2.5 handle pictures wrt paths
    //TODO 2.5 put a number in areas 
    //TODO 2.5 try not using wake lock during gps tracking 
    //TODO 3 all videos sideloaded are at latest time
    //TODO 2.1 no tool tip for pressing on screen???
    //TODO 2.5 get rid of number scroller in restore
    //TODO 2.1 canceling during timmy journal rollback causes freeze 
    //TODO 3 collect gps data is slow when processing gps points are running
    //TODO 3 MyProgressDialog fails when flipping horizontally
    //TODO 2.1 either disable selecting areas or make them show distance (and maybe export gpx)
    //TODO 2.1 use bouncy castle for all, that way we are sure that it won't break when different
    // versions of java crypto are used

    //TODO 2.3 backup and restore. Backup and restore should use a common opensource format, maybe xml or something, or csv would be
    //the best I would think.It won't be password protected because that would be a pain for the user to enter a password 
    // every single time they want to backup. Its up to the user to secure at that point. Then we could import and export this data at will.

    //TODO 2.5 daylight wasting time shows 1 am forever when zoomed far in in timeview. See Nov 6, 2011 1am
    //TODO 2.5 make sure we can turn on premium without a user having to pay... we'd do this with our own
    // store app

    //TODO 2.5 possibly use time encoded in video filename to determine date time of file. remove all letters and look
    // for dates beginning with 20xx (indicating a year)

    //TODO 2.1 make trial invoke regular app if both are installed, don't want both accessing the db at the same time,
    // note that this work has been started but not finished. The big task here is shutting down the db when
    // we detect the premium version is installed. We need to do two things:
    //  1. when trial is started and premium is installed, launch premium
    //  2. when premium is installed and trial is running, shutdown trial before loading premium
    // These must be done to avoid db cache corruption 

    //TODO 2 Z make an explicit git version before release. Note the proguard mapping from class to obsfucated class
    // in proguard. Also store the whole translated tree, after, because the line numbers seem off

    //TODO 2.1 turn off get tasks permission

    //TODO 2 test everything: 
    //   battery low, 
    //   gps off, 
    //   sd card unmount,
    //   ttt server down
    //   select area
    //   gps service alerts
    //   different phones
    //   backup

    //TODO 2.2 put toast when the current location isn't known and button is pressed
    //TODO 2.1 setup a very sparse AreaPanel cache tile of just the first few tiles
    // to get the user going
    //TODO 2.1 pinch zoom and swipe in photo viewer
    //TODO 3 try to speed up point loading
    //TODO 2.2 use barber pole when still thinking for point location bar in timeview
    //TODO 2.1 use speed and direction of movement for location center
    //TODO 3 solve the problem where for a time gap, there is a visible dot
    // at a large x/y area panel, and it disappears when we zoom in somehow 
    //TODO 4 auto zoom when selecting time range by increasing size only, no panning?????
    //TODO 3 put a check in apcache to make sure that rwtm is working. Make it check
    //that anything accessing it while the writing thread is active is actually the
    //writing thread
    //TODO 2.2 prevent photos from changing size everytime we zoom in or zoom out
    //TODO 2.1 when going back to ttt, reset end time to latest gps time
    //TODO 4 only load points when plugged in into gtcache
    //TODO 2.1 option for darkening map so points stand out better?
    //TODO 2.1 facebook integration
    //TODO 4 slow down database point logging
    //TODO 2.1 bind to service so that we can notify it when 
    // we are show location enabled

    //TODO 3 tool tip when "+ sas" button is checked
    //TODO 9 feedback $1 off
    //TODO 2.1 see about making red frog appear immediately when gps is turned off, or at least
    // when another reading is attempted (rather than when phone is turned on)

    //TODO 2.1 smoozy web page

    //TODO 2.5: what if timmy files are corrupted?

    //TODO 2.1: don't let screen go below south pole or north of north pole

    //TODO 2.1: maybe use startForeground() to show gps service notification rather than manually doing this

    //TODO 3: make landscape work decently 

    //TODO 3: remove dbHack when we're sure that loading points and viewing them at the same
    // time works

    //TODO 3: remove log messages that appear way too much

    //TODO 2.5: encrypt background tiles (or have an option to do so)

    //TODO 2.1: make next/done button appear when entering passwords, etc.

    //TODO 2.5: make nicer frog??
    //TODO 3: Link this app to facebook
    //TODO 2.5: tutorial

    //TODO 2.5: get rid of magnifying glass in autozoom button, because we aren't
    //exactly zooming

    //TODO 3: We should maybe have an option to save a limited set of data
    // (ie excluding AreaPanel et al) to save room. Then we could probably
    // send the data in an email for example.   

    //TODO 3: add ability to merge an old backup with a current database
    // you will need to handle overlapping gps coords for this

    //TODO 2.5: add password timeout

    //TODO 2.5: wrap the world on the osm map view
    //TODO 2.5: allow option for password to be rechecked everytime the task is relaunched

    //TODO 2.5: make the gps service run when we want it to, immediately. Then we can
    // display the latest known point *and* it will go directly into the gps database

    //TODO 3: review code and clean up unnecessary classes/libs

    //TODO 3.5: histogram of speed to time spent at that speed

    //TODO 2.5: use proguard to optimize and obsfuscate code

    //TODO 2.5: possibly have ACRA display a troubleshooting link if things go wonky

    //TODO 2.5: check for whether there is GPS on phone
    //TODO 2.5: consider making a long standing background task for creating the database and setting up keys
    // while configuration is being done. If it's not finished by the time initial setup is done, then
    // put up a waiting dialog.

    //TODO 4: handle time range not changing for new GPS location row points while in map mode. (as long
    // as they're not in the app for days at a time, we'll never not be able to see new points the 
    // way it's currently set up)

    //TODO 3: have a auto zoom time button?
    //TODO 2.5: split the database into a cache database and a normal database. To backup, we just save the 
    //normal database
    //TODO 2.6: automatic backups
    //TODO 2.6: automatic backups and normal backups should prompt for passwords if there is no user password
    // (also have a "Change automatic password" box)

    //TODO 2.5: pan should wrap around in lon and hit the top and bottom of the earth in lat

    //TODO 2.1 turn this off if possible   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />

    public static final int IS_PREMIUM = /* ttt_installer:premium_neg42 */-42; //-42 is premium 

    public static final String PREMIUM_APPLICATION_PACKAGE = /* ttt_installer:premium_package */"com.rareventure.gps2_foobar";

    public static final String TRIAL_APPLICATION_PACKAGE = /* ttt_installer:trial_package */"com.rareventure.gps2_trial";

    public static SQLiteDatabase db;

     * synchronization rules... only the gtgcachecreator can 
     * perform transactions on the timmy db
    public static TimmyDatabase timmyDb;

    public static Intent BUY_PREMIUM_INTENT = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

    public static ReadWriteThreadManager initRwtm = new ReadWriteThreadManager();

     * The timestamp of when the user last did an action where we would want them to
     * reenter their password normally.
     * Used by password timeout functionality.
    public static long lastGtgClosedMS;

    //TODO 2.01 Z make video??

    //TODO 2 Z make sure that market link works for BUY_PREMIUM_INTENT   
    static {
        BUY_PREMIUM_INTENT.setData(Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + GTG.PREMIUM_APPLICATION_PACKAGE));

     * Requirements indicate system services and environment states that need to
     * be a certain way for an activity to run.
     * Each requirement has an associated require...() method. These methods should
     * be run in the same order listed (but some may be skipped if unnecessary)
     * The main reason we have requirements is that some activities require things that other
     * activities don't. We want to load in all the requirements for all the back activities
     * at once, so we have to OR requirements of all back pages together. This is opposed to
     * having simple "setup" methods to setup the system at once for different system modes. 
    public static enum Requirement {

         * True if the system has been already installed (the external directory
         * created, the db created, initial paramaeters set, etc.)
         * If this is not fulfilled, a password will be requested regardless if we need one to
         * decrypt or not.
         * This allows us to keep the system working for background processes (like
         * GpsTrailerCacheCreator) while still requesting a password if the user did
         * something that would normally lock the application.
         * Note, be careful that you don't ask for this as a requirement, and later have the
         * user navigate to a screen that requires full decryption, because then the user
         * will have to enter their password again


        public int bit;

        public int requiredPriorRequirementsBitmap;

        private Requirement(Requirement... requiredPriorRequirements) {
            if (ordinal() > Integer.SIZE - 1)
                throw new IllegalStateException("too many states");

            bit = 1 << ordinal();

            for (Requirement r : requiredPriorRequirements)
                requiredPriorRequirementsBitmap = (requiredPriorRequirementsBitmap | r.bit
                        | r.requiredPriorRequirementsBitmap);

         * bitmap of all required prior requirements and current requirement
        public int priorAndCurrentBitmap() {
            return bit | requiredPriorRequirementsBitmap;

        public void fulfill() {
            fulfilledRequirements = (fulfilledRequirements | bit);


        public boolean isPriorRequirementsFulfilled() {
            return (requiredPriorRequirementsBitmap & (~fulfilledRequirements)) == 0;

        public void assertPriorRequirementsFulfilled() {
            if (!isPriorRequirementsFulfilled()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Prior requirements not fulfilled, "
                        + requiredPriorRequirementsBitmap + ", got " + fulfilledRequirements);

        public boolean isFulfilled() {
            return (fulfilledRequirements & bit) != 0;

        public boolean isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements() {
            // we make sure we are in write mode so the gps trailer service doesn't interfere
            // with the ui (since they both share the same application space and both
            // need to be initted)
            return isFulfilled();

        public void reset() {
            fulfilledRequirements = (fulfilledRequirements & (~bit));

        public boolean isOn(int bitmap) {
            return (bitmap & bit) != 0;

     * When we just start out, none of the requirements are fulfilled
    public static int fulfilledRequirements = 0;

     * Initial setup should always be called first
    public static void requireInitialSetup(Context context, boolean inUi) {
        if (Requirement.INITIAL_SETUP.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())


    public static boolean requireNotInRestore() {
        if (Requirement.NOT_IN_RESTORE.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())
            return true;

        if (GTG.GTGEvent.DOING_RESTORE.isOn)
            return false;


        return true;

    public static void requirePrefsLoaded(Context context) {
        if (Requirement.PREFS_LOADED.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())



     * @return true if not expired, false otherwise
    public static boolean requireNotTrialExpired() {
        if (Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_EXPIRED.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())
            return true;

        if (calcDaysBeforeTrialExpired() == 0)
            return false;

        return true;

     * In the case where we're trial and premium package is installed
     * returns intent to go to premium package
    public static Intent requireNotTrialWhenPremiumIsAvailable(Context context) {
        if (Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_WHEN_PREMIUM_IS_AVAILABLE.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())
            return null;

        //if trial
        if (GTG.IS_PREMIUM != -42) {
            Intent premiumStart = GTG.getGTGAppStart(context, GTG.PREMIUM_APPLICATION_PACKAGE);

            if (premiumStart != null) {
                return premiumStart;


        return null;

    public static boolean requireSdcardPresent(Context context) {
        if (Requirement.SDCARD_PRESENT.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())
            return true;

        externalFilesDir = context.getExternalFilesDir(null);

        if (!sdCardMounted(context)) {
            return false;


        return true;

    public static boolean requireSystemInstalled(Context context) {
        if (Requirement.SYSTEM_INSTALLED.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())
            return true;

        if (!prefs.initialSetupCompleted)
            return false;


        return true;


    public static final int REQUIRE_DB_READY_OK = 0;
    public static final int REQUIRE_DB_READY_DB_DOESNT_EXIST = 1;

     * Opens the database. 
    public static int requireDbReady() {
        //WARNING make sure to update RestoreGpxBackup if you add anything here

        if (Requirement.DB_READY.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())
            return REQUIRE_DB_READY_OK;

        File dbToUse = GpsTrailerDbProvider.getDbFile(false);

        if (!dbToUse.exists()) {

        //      If db is corrupt we simply throw an exception
        //      and treat as an internal error. The reason being we are unsure if 
        //      an exception is a temporary occurrence or not. So if we prompt the
        //      user to destroy an existing database but seemingly corrupt database
        //      it may be a bad idea
        GTG.db = GpsTrailerDbProvider.openDatabase(dbToUse);


        return REQUIRE_DB_READY_OK;

    public static final int REQUIRE_DECRYPT_OK = 0;
    public static final int REQUIRE_DECRYPT_BAD_PASSWORD = 1;
    public static final int REQUIRE_DECRYPT_NEED_PASSWORD = 2;

     * Require both encrypt and decrypt requirements.
     * @param password if there is a password, this must be set, otherwise may be null
     * @return 
    public static int requireEncryptAndDecrypt(String password) {
        if (Requirement.DECRYPT.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())
            return REQUIRE_DECRYPT_OK;

        if (GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.isNoPassword || password != null) {
            if (!GpsTrailerCrypt.initialize(GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.isNoPassword ? null : password)) {
                return REQUIRE_DECRYPT_BAD_PASSWORD;

            GTG.userLocationCache = new UserLocationCache();
            GTG.gpsLocDbAccessor = new DbDatastoreAccessor<GpsLocationRow>(GpsLocationRow.TABLE_INFO);
            GTG.gpsLocCache = new GpsLocationCache(GTG.gpsLocDbAccessor, 10);
            GTG.tztSet = new TimeZoneTimeSet();
        } else


        return REQUIRE_DECRYPT_OK;

    public static void requireEncrypt() {
        if (Requirement.ENCRYPT.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())

        //TODO 4 we no longer need app id

        GTG.gpsLocDbAccessor = new DbDatastoreAccessor<GpsLocationRow>(GpsLocationRow.TABLE_INFO);
        GTG.gpsLocCache = new GpsLocationCache(GTG.gpsLocDbAccessor, 10);
        GTG.tztSet = new TimeZoneTimeSet();
        //co: we can't load the set here because we lack the private key to decrypt it with
        //note that we could still decrypt this if there is no set password, but I'd rather
        //keep the flow the same regardless if the user set the password or not
        //      tztSet.loadSet();



     * Require that the password be entered since the last time the app was entered
     * or there is none. 
     * @param password if user entered a password, the password that was entered, otherwise
     *   should be null
     * @param lastGtgClosedMS
    public static boolean requirePasswordEntered(String password, long lastGtgClosedMS) {
        if (Requirement.PASSWORD_ENTERED.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())
            return true;

        boolean status;
        if (GTG.prefs.passwordTimeoutMS != 0
                && lastGtgClosedMS + GTG.prefs.passwordTimeoutMS > System.currentTimeMillis())
            status = true;
        else if (password == null)
            status = GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.isNoPassword;
            status = GpsTrailerCrypt.verifyPassword(password);

        if (status) {

            return true;

        return false;

    public static int REQUIRE_TIMMY_DB_OK = 0;
    public static int REQUIRE_TIMMY_DB_IS_CORRUPT = 1;
    public static int REQUIRE_TIMMY_DB_NEEDS_UPGRADING = 2;

    public static int requireTimmyDbReady(boolean canWaitAroundAwhile) {
        //WARNING!!! If you add anything here, make sure to update shutdownTimmyDb()

        if (Requirement.TIMMY_DB_READY.isFulfilledAndAssertPriorRequirements())
            return REQUIRE_TIMMY_DB_OK;

        //now setup timmy database, (only for the ui)
        if (timmyDb == null) {
            try {
                GTG.timmyDb = GpsTrailerDbProvider.createTimmyDb();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.e(GTG.TAG, "Can't open timmy db", e);
                return REQUIRE_TIMMY_DB_IS_CORRUPT;

        //we check if timmy db is open outside of the timmyDb == null if
        // so that if we need more processing time, we don't need to null out timmy db
        // when we go back and try top open the db again
        if (!timmyDb.isOpen()) {
            try {
                if (timmyDb.isCorrupt()) {
                    return REQUIRE_TIMMY_DB_IS_CORRUPT;

                if (!canWaitAroundAwhile && timmyDb.needsProcessingTime())
                    return REQUIRE_TIMMY_DB_NEEDS_PROCESSING_TIME;


            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);

        //we need the database to be open before we mess with properties, so we 
        //check if the timmy db needs upgrade outside of the open if. We also do this
        //because if the user cancels out of the upgrade screen, or hits the home key,
        //this method would be run again, so timmydb would already be open (and not upgraded)
        //which would be bad if we didn't know to upgrade.
        if (timmyDb.isNew()) {
            timmyDb.setProperty(CACHE_VERSION_NAME, String.valueOf(CACHE_VERSION));
        } else if (!GTG.isTimmyDbLatestVersion())

        if (apCache == null) {
            //note that we create these after open because they need to call
            // getNextRowId() which is only available after the database is opened.
            GTG.apCache = new AreaPanelCache(new RollBackTimmyDatastoreAccessor<AreaPanel>(
                    GTG.timmyDb.getRollBackTable(GTG.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/"
                            + GpsTrailerDbProvider.APCACHE_TIMMY_TABLE_FILENAME)));
            GTG.ttCache = new TimeTreeCache(new RollBackTimmyDatastoreAccessor<TimeTree>(
                    GTG.timmyDb.getRollBackTable(GTG.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/"
                            + GpsTrailerDbProvider.TIME_TREE_TIMMY_TABLE_FILENAME)));
            GTG.mediaLocTimeTimmyTable = GTG.timmyDb.getTable(GTG.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/"
                    + GpsTrailerDbProvider.MEDIA_LOC_TIME_TIMMY_TABLE_FILENAME);
            //         GTG.mlcpCache = new MediaLocTimePlusCache(
            //               new TimmyDatastoreAccessor<MediaLocTimePlus>(
            //               GTG.timmyDb.getTable(context.getExternalFilesDir(null) + "/"
            //                     + MEDIA_LOC_TIME_PLUS_TIMMY_TABLE_FILENAME)));

            GTG.cacheCreator = new GpsTrailerCacheCreator();

            GTG.mediaLocTimeMap = new MediaLocTimeMap();


        return REQUIRE_TIMMY_DB_OK;


    public static AndroidPreferenceSet prefSet = new AndroidPreferenceSet() {

        public void writePrefs(Map<String, Object> res) {
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.encryptedPrivateKey",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.publicKey",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.salt",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.initialWorkPerformed",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.isNoPassword",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.aesKeySize",

            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.initialSetupCompleted",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.isCollectData",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.minBatteryPerc",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.compassData",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.useMetric",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.passwordTimeoutMS",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.writeGpsWakeLockDebug",

            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"",
            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"",

            res.put(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerGpsStrategy.Preferences.batteryGpsOnTimePercentage",


        protected void loadPreference(String name, String value) {
            if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.encryptedPrivateKey"))
                GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.encryptedPrivateKey = Util.toByte(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.publicKey"))
                GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.publicKey = Util.toByte(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.salt"))
                GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.salt = Util.toByte(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.initialWorkPerformed"))
                GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.initialWorkPerformed = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.isNoPassword"))
                GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.isNoPassword = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerCrypt.Preferences.aesKeySize"))
                GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.aesKeySize = Integer.parseInt(value);

            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.initialSetupCompleted"))
                GTG.prefs.initialSetupCompleted = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
            else if (name
                    .equals(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.isCollectData"))
                GTG.prefs.isCollectData = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
            else if (name
                    .equals(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.minBatteryPerc"))
                GTG.prefs.minBatteryPerc = Float.parseFloat(value);
            else if (name
                    .equals(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.compassData"))
                GTG.prefs.compassData = Integer.parseInt(value);
            else if (name.equals(/* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.useMetric"))
                GTG.prefs.useMetric = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.passwordTimeoutMS"))
                GTG.prefs.passwordTimeoutMS = Long.parseLong(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GTG.Preferences.writeGpsWakeLockDebug"))
                GTG.prefs.writeGpsWakeLockDebug = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);

            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */""))
                OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity.prefs.lastLon = Double.parseDouble(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */""))
                OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity.prefs.lastLat = Double.parseDouble(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */""))
                OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity.prefs.lastZoom = Float.parseFloat(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */""))
                OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity.prefs.currTimePosSec = Integer.parseInt(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */""))
                OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity.prefs.currTimePeriodSec = Integer.parseInt(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */""))
                OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity.prefs.showPhotos = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */""))
                OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity.prefs.selectedColorRangesBitmap = Integer.parseInt(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */""))
                OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity.prefs.enableToolTips = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */""))
                OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity.prefs.panelScale = Integer.parseInt(value);

            else if (name.equals(
                    /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2.GpsTrailerGpsStrategy.Preferences.batteryGpsOnTimePercentage"))
                GpsTrailerGpsStrategy.prefs.batteryGpsOnTimePercentage = Float.parseFloat(value);
                Log.e(GTG.TAG, "ignoring pref: " + name);
    public static GpsTrailerCrypt crypt;

    //WARNING if you add anoter cache type, be sure to update lockGpsCaches
    public static AreaPanelCache apCache;
    public static TimeTreeCache ttCache;
    public static GpsLocationCache gpsLocCache;
    public static TimeZoneTimeSet tztSet;
    public static UserLocationCache userLocationCache;

     * Use for debugging purposes only
    public static SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss");

    public static final boolean CLEAR_OUT = false;
    public static final int HACK_FAIL_STOP = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    public static final boolean DEBUG_SHOW_AREA_PANELS = false;
    public static final boolean COMMIT_TO_BEFORE_FAILURE = true;
    public static final boolean CHECK2 = false;

    public static final boolean FREE_VERSION = false;

    public static final boolean START_MAIN_APP = false;

    public static boolean HACK_MAKE_TT_CORRUPT = false;

    public static final boolean HACK_TURN_OFF_APCACHE_LOADING = false;

    public static boolean turnOnMethodTracing;
    public static Preferences prefs = new Preferences();

     * A hack to communicate between activities
    public static GTGAction lastSuccessfulAction;

    public enum GTGAction {

     * This lock is for the GpsTrailerCacheCreator. It prevents
     * (ui) threads that read the cache to find points from
     * interferring with writing to the cache. Since multiple threads
     * commonly access the cache at the same time, we don't use
     * regular synchronization, but instead this a ReadWriteThreadManager,
     * which allows multiple readers at the same time.
    public static ReadWriteThreadManager cacheCreatorLock = new ReadWriteThreadManager();

    //   public static BusyIndicationManager bim = new BusyIndicationManager();

     * Named of default SharedPreferences object (persistent store)
    public static final String SHARED_PREFS_NAME = "GpsPrefs";

     * ID for frog style notification pop up (for collecting data)
    public static final int FROG_NOTIFICATION_ID = -42;

     * Signifies the user_data_key row contains key of the master application (the one which knows the password)
     * All other keys will be removed and replaced by encrypting with this one. 
     * (we have several keys because everytime we encrypt, we use a different key, signed by the master public key,
     * this is how we prevent the app from asking for a password on boot, yet still have everything encrypted)
    public static final int MASTER_APP_ID = 0;

    public static final int SETTINGS_APP_ID = 3;
    public static final int GPS_TRAILER_SERVICE_APP_ID = 99;

     * True if we requested the user let us use gps, and they said no
    public static boolean userDoesntWantUsToHaveGpsPerm;

    //TODO 2.01 add instrumentation and automatic error reporting

    public static enum GTGEvent {


        public boolean isOn;
        public Object obj;

    public static interface GTGEventListener {
         * Note that this will always be run in the UI thread
         * @return true if the event has been handled and can be turned off.
        public boolean onGTGEvent(GTGEvent event);

        public void offGTGEvent(GTGEvent event);

    public static long MIN_FREE_SPACE_ON_SDCARD = 50l * 1024 * 1024; //WARNING: this is hardcoded into R.string.error_low_free_space,
    //if updated, update there as well

    public static GTGEventListener MAIN_APP_GTG_EVENT_LISTENER = new GTGEventListener() {

        public boolean onGTGEvent(GTGEvent event) {
            return false;

        public void offGTGEvent(GTGEvent event) {

     * If there is a serious problem that would prevent the application from running
     * successfully, this will create an alert and return true.
     * Otherwise if things are good to go, it returns false
    public static boolean checkSdCard(Context context) {
        if (!sdCardMounted(context)) {
            return false;

        StatFs stat = new StatFs(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath());
        long sdAvailSize = (long) stat.getAvailableBlocks() * (long) stat.getBlockSize();

        if (sdAvailSize < MIN_FREE_SPACE_ON_SDCARD) {
            return false;

        return true;


    public static boolean sdCardMounted(Context context) {
        String state = Environment.getExternalStorageState();

        //sometimes even though the external media is mounted, the external storage directory may not be present
        //for some reason
        return state.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)
                && (context == null || getExternalStorageDirectory() != null);

    public static DbDatastoreAccessor<GpsLocationRow> gpsLocDbAccessor;

    public static SuperThreadManager superThreadManager = new SuperThreadManager();

     * A background process for loading data into the areapanel and timetree
     * caches. We make it this way because it takes too long to commit 
     * to the database to properly quit, so it often needs to run in the 
     * background even when the user thinks they have exited the program
     * Also handles populating mediaLocTimeMap and updating it to reflect
     * areapanels
     * Synchronization rules:
     * any change to viewnodes, or areapanels must be synchronized against this
     * TODO 3 possibly change this to synchronize against a more appropriate
     * object, since cacheCreator is becoming a generic garbage man
    public static GpsTrailerCacheCreator cacheCreator;

    public static void notifyCollectDataServiceOfUpdate(Context context) {
        if (prefs.isCollectData)
            ContextCompat.startForegroundService(context, new Intent(context, GpsTrailerService.class));
            context.stopService(new Intent(context, GpsTrailerService.class));

    private static ArrayList<GTGEventListener> localEventListeners = new ArrayList<GTGEventListener>();

     * Called when a major event has occurred, such as an internal error.
     * Is thread safe. Cannot be called before setupIfNecessary() is run.
     * <p>
     * This is used to notify the application of a specific condition
     * with the environment. Note that events are sticky
     * until handled. This can be used for two purposes, one is to 
     * ignore an event until a screen comes up that can handle it. The
     * other is to display a constant message to the user and not 
     * remove it until the condition is lifted (such as for low
     * free space). For the second case, the boolean isOn can
     * turn off an event.
     * <p> 
     * Note that thread handling must be handled by the listener
     * @param obj object to set into event. If set, alert will always run, otherwise
     *   it will be ignored if the event is already on
    public static void alert(final GTGEvent event, final boolean isOn, final Object obj) {
        int i;

        //      Log.d(GTG.TAG,"GTGAlert: event: "+event+", isOn: "+isOn);

        synchronized (eventListeners) {
            if (event.isOn == isOn && obj == null) {
                //            Log.d(GTG.TAG,"GTGAlert: event ignored");

            event.isOn = isOn;
            event.obj = obj;

            i = localEventListeners.size() - 1;

            //         Log.d(GTG.TAG,"GTGAlert: num listeners "+(i+1));

        for (; i >= 0; i--) {
            GTGEventListener el;

            el = localEventListeners.get(i);

            if (event.isOn) {
                if (el.onGTGEvent(event)) {
                    //if the event handler turned off the event, alert everyone that its off
                    //and restart
                    alert(event, false);
            } else

        //make sure to clear so that we don't have a memory leak (eventListeners is a WeakHashMap)

    public static void alert(GTGEvent event, boolean isOn) {
        alert(event, isOn, null);

    public static void alert(final GTGEvent event) {
        alert(event, true, null);

    public static enum SetupState {
         * A password is necessary to setup the database (returned
         * only if decryption is asked for)
         * Success
         * The database has not been initially setup. Note that this
         * will *not* be called if the system expects the database to 
         * be present, but its not (ie. prefs.initialSetupCompleted
         * is true but the database isn't there). In this case,
         * a GTGEvent will be sent to gtgEventListener


         * The sdcard is not mounted, so we can't get the database

         * app is in trial mode and the premium version is installed

    public static boolean outsideApplication = false;

    private static final long TIME_TO_WAIT_BEFORE_CHECKING_ACTIVITY = 5000;

     * All intents must be under this package, or we won't be able to tell whether
     * the user is within the application or not.
    protected static final String GTG_PACKAGE_PREFIX = /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"com.rareventure.gps2";

    private static final String CACHE_VERSION_NAME = /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"CACHE_VERSION";

    private static final int CACHE_VERSION = 1;

    public static final String ENCODED_GOOGLE_PLAY_PUBLIC_KEY = /* ttt_installer:obfuscate_str */"MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAgDQPKbdJYuXJX4+RveoWle7vGL+YMm1tGjSa/rXtcDj04Su0QJCFaXF5I0cGGBQXwv7Y8lzFp/hsd34c8G0k9NyvPLacPVCLfBgWTt0WIINHKw8sWrwyDZO6Bph5V55My8J8Oi++ebkuSJFcEbSmblu/tI06CNmGd5uSBV2s8yVtv1eNjO+pQ3//ePONrKpehIASony9/gBQFT+vm3WYfNYIOyFsTP6f1mp5E+snNIdfp8H29jfxzNm1YwqQ2/AuFIMsXfzCmtD4zn/VWq5yaDlW2Rwh7pMNXs3FCthGFk88H9SUQew9ZReBHQaTl4uFUMlbJbP7l5oyEGGMg5Wv2QIDAQAB";

    public static boolean isTimmyDbLatestVersion() {

        int version = timmyDb.getIntProperty(CACHE_VERSION_NAME, 0);
        return version == CACHE_VERSION; // && 1 == 0; //xODO 2 HACK

    public static final String TAG = "GpsTrailer";

    public static final int FILE_CACHE_TASK_PRIORITY = 5;

    public static final int REMOTE_LOADER_TASK_PRIORITY = 5;

    //low priority for this so it doesn't slow down the gui too much
    public static final int GPS_TRAILER_CACHE_CREATOR_PRIORITY = 1;

    public static final int GPS_TRAILER_OVERLAY_DRAWER_PRIORITY = 5;

    public static final int SELECTED_AREA_SET_PRIORITY = 5;

    public static final String APP_NAME = "Tiny Travel Tracker";

    public static final int REQUIREMENTS_ENTER_PASSWORD = Requirement.INITIAL_SETUP.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.PREFS_LOADED.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_WHEN_PREMIUM_IS_AVAILABLE.priorAndCurrentBitmap();

    public static final int REQUIREMENTS_FATAL_ERROR = Requirement.INITIAL_SETUP.priorAndCurrentBitmap();

    public static final int REQUIREMENTS_BASIC_UI = Requirement.INITIAL_SETUP.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.NOT_IN_RESTORE.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_EXPIRED.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_WHEN_PREMIUM_IS_AVAILABLE.priorAndCurrentBitmap();

            .priorAndCurrentBitmap() | Requirement.NOT_IN_RESTORE.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_EXPIRED.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_WHEN_PREMIUM_IS_AVAILABLE.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.DECRYPT.priorAndCurrentBitmap() | Requirement.ENCRYPT.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.PASSWORD_ENTERED.priorAndCurrentBitmap();

    public static final int REQUIREMENTS_DB_DOESNT_EXIST_PAGE = Requirement.INITIAL_SETUP.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_EXPIRED.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_WHEN_PREMIUM_IS_AVAILABLE.priorAndCurrentBitmap();
    //co: although it's a little weird not to ask for a password here, we aren't allowing
    //the user any access to the gps points and if we do ask for a password and then
    //the user navigates to the main screen, they'd have to enter the password again
    // for the decrypt requirement
    //         |Requirement.PASSWORD_ENTERED.priorAndCurrentBitmap();

    public static final int REQUIREMENTS_FULL_PASSWORD_PROTECTED_UI = Requirement.DB_READY.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.DECRYPT.priorAndCurrentBitmap() | Requirement.ENCRYPT.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.INITIAL_SETUP.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_EXPIRED.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_WHEN_PREMIUM_IS_AVAILABLE.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.PASSWORD_ENTERED.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.PREFS_LOADED.priorAndCurrentBitmap() | Requirement.SDCARD_PRESENT.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.SYSTEM_INSTALLED.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.NOT_IN_RESTORE.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.TIMMY_DB_READY.priorAndCurrentBitmap();

            & (~Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_EXPIRED.bit);

     * Used by create backup so that an expired trial can create a backup
            & (~Requirement.NOT_TRIAL_EXPIRED.bit);
     * Initial setup wizard 
    public static final int REQUIREMENTS_WIZARD = Requirement.INITIAL_SETUP.priorAndCurrentBitmap()
            | Requirement.PREFS_LOADED.priorAndCurrentBitmap();

            & (~Requirement.NOT_IN_RESTORE.bit);

    public static final Class START_ACTIVITY_CLASS = OsmMapGpsTrailerReviewerMapActivity.class;

    //these are the preferences we save.

    private static void loadPreferences(Context context) {
        //TODO 3: notify user if an exception is thrown here when the
        // preferences are corrupted. We then should reset to factory settings...
        // don't forget to load the password check field

        //colorRanges only gets updated from this method (it is an array, so that's why it's
        // not stored in prefs directly)

    //note must be threadsafe for TTTClient
    //TODO 3 get rid of this method
    public static void savePreferences(Context context) {

    public static void runBackgroundTask(Runnable r) {
        if (backgroundRunner == null) {
            backgroundRunner = new BackgroundRunner();

    private static BackgroundRunner backgroundRunner;

     * Synchronization rules:
     * any change to rTree or the mlts should synchronize against this
    public static MediaLocTimeMap mediaLocTimeMap;

    public static TimmyTable mediaLocTimeTimmyTable;

     * Everytime the reviewer map is resumed() this value is incremented
    public static int reviewerMapResumeId;

    private static Boolean isTrial;

    public static class Preferences implements AndroidPreferences {

         * Prompts the user to enter initial setup
        public boolean initialSetupCompleted = false;

         * If set, gps trailer service will run, otherwise no
        public boolean isCollectData;

         * Minimum amount of battery life before gps collection automatically shuts itself off
        public float minBatteryPerc = .35f;

         * True if we should use metric for scale and stuff
        public boolean useMetric;

         * Shhhh... this is really the date in seconds when the product was installed xor'ed with 
         * a static value
        public int compassData = COMPASS_DATA_XOR;

         * If not zero, represents the amount of time before the password times out when
         * not inside the app
        public long passwordTimeoutMS;

         * If true will write to the gps wake lock debug file
        public boolean writeGpsWakeLockDebug = false;

    public static int COMPASS_DATA_XOR = -1016932754;

     * Time for the trial to exist 

    public static boolean isBillingSupported;

     * Sets up encryption for a new database, deleting all data
     * @param context
     * @param password if null, then will be setup with default "no password" password
    public static void setupCryptForNewDatabase(Context context, String password) {
        if (password == null)
            GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.isNoPassword = true;
            GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.isNoPassword = false;

        GpsTrailerCrypt.deleteAllDataAndSetNewPassword(context, password);
        if (!setupCrypt(password)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("What? created crypt with password and now it won't unlock");


     * Does all the work for setuping encryption for the database
    private static boolean setupCrypt(String password) {
        if (!GpsTrailerCrypt.initialize(GpsTrailerCrypt.prefs.isNoPassword ? null : password)) {
            return false;

        //WARNING!!! make sure to check that RestoreGpxBackup resets these things properly
        GTG.userLocationCache = new UserLocationCache();
        GTG.gpsLocDbAccessor = new DbDatastoreAccessor<GpsLocationRow>(GpsLocationRow.TABLE_INFO);
        GTG.gpsLocCache = new GpsLocationCache(GTG.gpsLocDbAccessor, 10);
        GTG.tztSet = new TimeZoneTimeSet();

        return true;

     * If expired, returns 0, otherwise the days left before expiration rounded up
    public static int calcDaysBeforeTrialExpired() {
        return 999999;
        //      int currTimeSec = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000l);
        //      int startDateSec = prefs.compassData ^ COMPASS_DATA_XOR;
        //      int timeRemaining = (GTG.TRIAL_TIME_LIMIT_SECS_XORED  ^ COMPASS_DATA_XOR)- (currTimeSec - startDateSec);
        //      //is premium
        //      if(IS_PREMIUM == -42)
        //         return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        //      //if start date was spoofed to future or trial is expired
        //      if(startDateSec > currTimeSec || timeRemaining < 0)
        //         return 0;
        //      return timeRemaining / Util.SECONDS_IN_DAY + 1;

    private static WeakHashMap<GTGEventListener, Object> eventListeners = new WeakHashMap<GTGEventListener, Object>();

    static GpsTrailerService service;

    private static File externalFilesDir;

    public static void addGTGEventListener(GTGEventListener eventListener) {
        synchronized (eventListeners) {
            if (eventListeners.containsKey(eventListener))

            for (GTGEvent event : GTGEvent.values()) {
                if (event.isOn)

            eventListeners.put(eventListener, Boolean.TRUE);

    public static void removeGTGEventListener(GTGEventListener eventListener) {
        synchronized (eventListeners) {

    public static File getExternalStorageDirectory() {
        return externalFilesDir;

    private static boolean licenseCheckerBeingContacted;
    private static Object licenseCheckerBeingContactedLock = new Object();

    public static Intent getGTGAppStart(Context context, String appPackage) {
        Intent i = new Intent();
        i.setComponent(new ComponentName(appPackage, START_ACTIVITY_CLASS.getName()));

        //check if premium is installed
        if (Util.isCallable(context, i)) {
            return i;

        return null;

     * A hack to prevent gps and caches from being accessed when we are making
     * major changes. Locks all the caches in a newly created thread and doesn't
     * let go. In general if a change was made, killSelf() may
     * prove useful.
    public static void lockGpsCaches(final Runnable myRunnable) {
        final boolean[] ready = new boolean[1];

        Runnable r = new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                synchronized (apCache) {
                    synchronized (ttCache) {
                        synchronized (gpsLocCache) {
                            synchronized (this) {
                                ready[0] = true;


                            if (myRunnable != null)

                            synchronized (this) {
                                try {
                                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        new Thread(r).start();

        synchronized (r) {
            while (!ready[0])
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    public static void setAppPasswordNotEntered() {
        if (Requirement.PASSWORD_ENTERED.isFulfilled())
            GTG.lastGtgClosedMS = System.currentTimeMillis();


     * Creates an initializes a db (including creating a user data encrypting key. Crypt in preferences must be already set up.
     * Database is closed after being initialized
    public static void createAndInitializeNewDbFile() {
        //we create it as a temp file and then move it over so we are sure it 
        //is initialized and ready before we start using it (in case we crash
        // part way through)
        File dbTmpFile = GpsTrailerDbProvider.getDbFile(true);

        SQLiteDatabase newDb = GpsTrailerDbProvider.createNewDbFile(dbTmpFile);
        GpsTrailerCrypt.generateAndInitializeNewUserDataEncryptingKey(GTG.MASTER_APP_ID, newDb);


     * Should not be called when gps service is running
    public static void closeDbAndCrypt() {
        if (GTG.db != null) {
            GTG.db = null;

        if (GTG.crypt != null) {
            GTG.crypt = null;

     * Sets whether to enable acra or not. Changes and saves to storedpreferences
    public static void enableAcra(Context context, boolean checked) {
        //co: for use with ACRA 5+ (If I use it, it causes a problem acquiring wake locks)
        //SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
        SharedPreferences sp = ACRA.getACRASharedPreferences();

        Editor editor = sp.edit();

        editor.putBoolean(ACRA.PREF_DISABLE_ACRA, !checked);

        if (!editor.commit())
  "failed storing to shared prefs");


    public static boolean isAcraEnabled(Context context) {
        //co: for use with ACRA 5+ (If I use it, it causes a problem acquiring wake locks)
        //SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
        SharedPreferences sp = ACRA.getACRASharedPreferences();

        return !sp.getBoolean(ACRA.PREF_DISABLE_ACRA, false);

    public static void setIsInRestore(boolean b) {

        GTG.alert(GTGEvent.DOING_RESTORE, b);

    private static Object shutdownTimmyDbLock = new Object();
    private static Thread shutdownTimmyDbThread;

     * Note this may take awhile if the cache creator is busy. May be interrutped
     * with interruptShutdownTimmyDb(). 
    public static void shutdownTimmyDb() {
        if (GTG.timmyDb == null)

        if (GTG.cacheCreator != null) {
            synchronized (shutdownTimmyDbLock) {
                shutdownTimmyDbThread = Thread.currentThread();


            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            synchronized (shutdownTimmyDbLock) {
                shutdownTimmyDbThread = null;

            GTG.cacheCreator = null;

        GTG.apCache = null;

        GTG.ttCache = null;

        GTG.mediaLocTimeMap = null;
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);
        GTG.timmyDb = null;
        GTG.mediaLocTimeTimmyTable = null;


    public static void interruptShutdownTimmyDb() {
        synchronized (shutdownTimmyDbLock) {
            if (shutdownTimmyDbThread != null) {
