Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-2015, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.rapid7.diskstorage.dynamodb; import com.rapid7.diskstorage.dynamodb.iterator.ParallelScanner; import com.rapid7.diskstorage.dynamodb.iterator.ScanSegmentWorker; import com.rapid7.diskstorage.dynamodb.mutation.MutateWorker; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; import com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.codahale.metrics.Counter; import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge; import com.codahale.metrics.Histogram; import com.codahale.metrics.Meter; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import; import; import; import; import; import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.BackendException; import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.PermanentBackendException; import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.StaticBuffer; import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.TemporaryBackendException; import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.configuration.Configuration; import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.locking.PermanentLockingException; import com.thinkaurelius.titan.util.stats.MetricManager; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder; /** * A wrapper on top of the DynamoDB client API that self-throttles using metric-based and context-aware * estimates for all Read APIs and for DeleteItem, and that self-throttles using accurate upper-bound * estimates of item size for PutItem and UpdateItem. Has a thread pool and is able to do parallel * UpdateItem / DeleteItem, Query, and Scan calls. * * @author Alexander Patrikalakis * */ public class DynamoDBDelegate { public static final String PAGES = "Pages"; public static final String CREATE_TABLE = "CreateTable"; public static final String DELETE_TABLE = "DeleteTable"; public static final String CONNECTION_RESET = "Connection reset"; public static final String MUTATE_ITEM = "MutateItem"; public static final String SUBSCRIBER_THROUGHPUT_LIMIT = "Cannot increase provisioned throughput to more than 80,000 units per account"; public static final String HASH_RANGE_KEY_SIZE_LIMIT = "Hash primary key values must be under 2048 bytes, and range primary key values must be under 1024 bytes"; public static final String UPDATE_ITEM_SIZE_LIMIT = "Item size to update has exceeded the maximum allowed size"; public static final String VALIDATION_EXCEPTION = "ValidationException"; public static final String USER_AGENT = "x-amz-user-agent"; public static final String TITAN_USER_AGENT = "dynamodb-titan-storage-backend_0.5.4"; public static final String PUT_ITEM = "PutItem"; public static final String UPDATE_ITEM = "UpdateItem"; public static final String DELETE_ITEM = "DeleteItem"; public static final String QUERY = "Query"; public static final String BATCH_WRITE_ITEM = "BatchWriteItem"; public static final String GET_ITEM = "GetItem"; public static final String DESCRIBE_TABLE = "DescribeTable"; public static final String SCAN = "Scan"; public static final int ONE_KILOBYTE = 1024; public static final int ONE_KILOBYTE_MINUS_ONE = ONE_KILOBYTE - 1; private static final long CONTROL_PLANE_RETRY_DELAY_MS = 1000; private static final String LIST_TABLES = "ListTables"; private final AmazonDynamoDB client; private static ThreadPoolExecutor clientThreadPool = null; private final Map<String, RateLimiter> readRateLimit; private final Map<String, RateLimiter> writeRateLimit; private final RateLimiter controlPlaneRateLimiter; private final int maxConcurrentUsers; private final long maxRetries; private final long retryMillis; private final boolean embedded = false; private final String listTablesApiName; private final String executorGaugeName; private final String metricsPrefix; public DynamoDBDelegate(String endpoint, AWSCredentialsProvider provider, ClientConfiguration clientConfig, Configuration titanConfig, Map<String, RateLimiter> readRateLimit, Map<String, RateLimiter> writeRateLimit, long maxRetries, long retryMillis, String prefix, String metricsPrefix, RateLimiter controlPlaneRateLimiter) { if (prefix == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("prefix must be set"); } if (metricsPrefix == null || metricsPrefix.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("metrics-prefix may not be null or empty"); } this.metricsPrefix = metricsPrefix; executorGaugeName = String.format("%s.%s_executor-queue-size", this.metricsPrefix, prefix); if (clientThreadPool == null) { clientThreadPool = Client.getPoolFromNs(titanConfig); } if (!MetricManager.INSTANCE.getRegistry().getNames().contains(executorGaugeName)) { MetricManager.INSTANCE.getRegistry().register(executorGaugeName, new Gauge<Integer>() { @Override public Integer getValue() { return clientThreadPool.getQueue().size(); } }); } if (endpoint != null && !endpoint.isEmpty()) { client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(provider, clientConfig); client.setEndpoint(endpoint); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must provide an endpoint URL"); } this.readRateLimit = readRateLimit; this.writeRateLimit = writeRateLimit; this.controlPlaneRateLimiter = controlPlaneRateLimiter; this.maxConcurrentUsers = titanConfig.get(Constants.DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_MAX_CONCURRENT_OPERATIONS); this.maxRetries = maxRetries; this.retryMillis = retryMillis; if (maxConcurrentUsers < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("need at least one user otherwise wont make progress on scan"); } this.listTablesApiName = String.format("%s_ListTables", prefix); } @VisibleForTesting AmazonDynamoDB client() { return client; } private <T extends AmazonWebServiceRequest> T setUserAgent(T request) { request.putCustomRequestHeader(USER_AGENT, TITAN_USER_AGENT); return request; } public BackendException processDynamoDBAPIException(Throwable e, String apiName, String tableName) { Preconditions.checkArgument(apiName != null); Preconditions.checkArgument(!apiName.isEmpty()); final String prefix = tableName == null ? apiName : String.format("%s_%s", apiName, tableName); final String message = String.format("%s %s", prefix, e.getMessage()); if (e instanceof ResourceNotFoundException) { return new BackendNotFoundException(String.format("%s; table not found", message), e); } else if (e instanceof ConditionalCheckFailedException) { return new PermanentLockingException(message, e); } else if (e instanceof AmazonServiceException) { if (e.getMessage() != null && (e.getMessage().contains(HASH_RANGE_KEY_SIZE_LIMIT) || e.getMessage().contains(UPDATE_ITEM_SIZE_LIMIT))) { return new PermanentBackendException(message, e); } else { return new TemporaryBackendException(message, e); } } else if (e instanceof AmazonClientException) { //all client exceptions are retriable by default return new TemporaryBackendException(message, e); } else if (e instanceof SocketException) { //sometimes this doesn't get caught by SDK return new TemporaryBackendException(message, e); } // unknown exception type return new PermanentBackendException(message, e); } public ScanResult scan(ScanRequest request, int permitsToConsume) throws BackendException { setUserAgent(request); ScanResult result; timedReadThrottle(SCAN, request.getTableName(), permitsToConsume); final Timer.Context apiTimerContext = getTimerContext(SCAN, request.getTableName()); try { result = client.scan(request); } catch (Exception e) { throw processDynamoDBAPIException(e, SCAN, request.getTableName()); } finally { apiTimerContext.stop(); } meterConsumedCapacity(SCAN, result.getConsumedCapacity()); measureItemCount(SCAN, request.getTableName(), result.getCount()); return result; } public ParallelScanner getParallelScanCompletionService(ScanRequest initialRequest) throws BackendException { final int segments = Math.max(1, clientThreadPool.getMaximumPoolSize() / maxConcurrentUsers); ParallelScanner completion = new ParallelScanner(clientThreadPool, segments, this); for (int segment = 0; segment < segments; segment++) { // dont need to set user agent here because ExponentialBackoff.Scan // calls DynamoDBDelegate.scan which sets it ScanRequest scanSegment = copyScanRequest(initialRequest).withTotalSegments(segments) .withSegment(segment); completion.addWorker(new ScanSegmentWorker(this, scanSegment), segment); } return completion; } public Future<ScanResult> scanAsync(final ScanRequest request, final int permitsToConsume) { return clientThreadPool.submit(new Callable<ScanResult>() { @Override public ScanResult call() throws Exception { final ExponentialBackoff.Scan backoff = new ExponentialBackoff.Scan(request, DynamoDBDelegate.this, permitsToConsume); return backoff.runWithBackoff(); } }); } public static ScanRequest copyScanRequest(ScanRequest request) { return new ScanRequest().withAttributesToGet(request.getAttributesToGet()) .withScanFilter(request.getScanFilter()).withConditionalOperator(request.getConditionalOperator()) .withExclusiveStartKey(request.getExclusiveStartKey()) .withExpressionAttributeNames(request.getExpressionAttributeNames()) .withExpressionAttributeValues(cloneItem(request.getExpressionAttributeValues())) .withFilterExpression(request.getFilterExpression()).withIndexName(request.getIndexName()) .withLimit(request.getLimit()).withProjectionExpression(request.getProjectionExpression()) .withReturnConsumedCapacity(request.getReturnConsumedCapacity()) .withScanFilter(request.getScanFilter()).withSelect(request.getSelect()) .withTableName(request.getTableName()).withTotalSegments(request.getTotalSegments()) .withSegment(request.getSegment()); } public void parallelMutate(List<MutateWorker> workers) throws BackendException { CompletionService<Void> completion = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(clientThreadPool); List<Future<Void>> futures = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (MutateWorker worker : workers) { futures.add(completion.submit(worker)); } //block on the futures all getting or throwing instead of using a latch as i need to check future status anyway boolean interrupted = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++) { try { completion.take().get(); //Void } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupted = true; // fail out because titan does not poll this thread for interrupted anywhere throw new BackendRuntimeException("was interrupted during parallelMutate"); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw unwrapExecutionException(e, MUTATE_ITEM); } } } finally { for (Future<Void> future : futures) { if (!future.isDone()) { future.cancel(interrupted /* mayInterruptIfRunning */); } } if (interrupted) { // set interrupted on this thread Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } public List<QueryResultWrapper> parallelQuery(List<QueryWorker> queryWorkers) throws BackendException { CompletionService<QueryResultWrapper> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(clientThreadPool); List<Future<QueryResultWrapper>> futures = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (QueryWorker worker : queryWorkers) { futures.add(completionService.submit(worker)); } boolean interrupted = false; List<QueryResultWrapper> results = Lists.newLinkedList(); try { for (int i = 0; i < queryWorkers.size(); i++) { try { QueryResultWrapper result = completionService.take().get(); results.add(result); } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupted = true; // fail out because titan does not poll this thread for interrupted anywhere throw new BackendRuntimeException("was interrupted during parallelQuery"); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw unwrapExecutionException(e, QUERY); } } } finally { for (Future<QueryResultWrapper> future : futures) { if (!future.isDone()) { future.cancel(interrupted /* mayInterruptIfRunning */); } } if (interrupted) { // set interrupted on this thread and fail out Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } return results; } public Map<StaticBuffer, GetItemResult> parallelGetItem(List<GetItemWorker> workers) throws BackendException { final CompletionService<GetItemResultWrapper> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<>( clientThreadPool); final List<Future<GetItemResultWrapper>> futures = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (GetItemWorker worker : workers) { futures.add(completionService.submit(worker)); } boolean interrupted = false; final Map<StaticBuffer, GetItemResult> results = Maps.newHashMap(); try { for (int i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++) { try { GetItemResultWrapper result = completionService.take().get(); results.put(result.getTitanKey(), result.getDynamoDBResult()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupted = true; throw new BackendRuntimeException("was interrupted during parallelGet"); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw unwrapExecutionException(e, GET_ITEM); } } } finally { for (Future<GetItemResultWrapper> future : futures) { if (!future.isDone()) { future.cancel(interrupted /* mayInterruptIfRunning */); } } if (interrupted) { // set interrupted on this thread and fail out Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } return results; } public BackendException unwrapExecutionException(ExecutionException e, String apiName) { final Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof BackendException) { return (BackendException) cause; //already translated } else { //ok not to drill down to specific because would have thrown permanentbackend exception for other return processDynamoDBAPIException(cause, apiName, null /*tableName*/); } } public GetItemResult getItem(GetItemRequest request) throws BackendException { setUserAgent(request); GetItemResult result; timedReadThrottle(GET_ITEM, request.getTableName(), estimateCapacityUnits(GET_ITEM, request.getTableName())); final Timer.Context apiTimerContext = getTimerContext(GET_ITEM, request.getTableName()); try { result = client.getItem(request); } catch (Exception e) { throw processDynamoDBAPIException(e, GET_ITEM, request.getTableName()); } finally { apiTimerContext.stop(); } meterConsumedCapacity(GET_ITEM, result.getConsumedCapacity()); return result; } public BatchWriteItemResult batchWriteItem(BatchWriteItemRequest batchRequest) throws BackendException { int count = 0; for (Entry<String, java.util.List<WriteRequest>> entry : batchRequest.getRequestItems().entrySet()) { final String tableName = entry.getKey(); final List<WriteRequest> requests = entry.getValue(); count += requests.size(); if (count > 25) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cant have more than 25 requests in a batchwrite"); } for (WriteRequest request : requests) { if (!(request.getPutRequest() != null ^ request.getDeleteRequest() != null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Exactly one of PutRequest or DeleteRequest must be set in each WriteRequest in a batch write operation"); } final int wcu; final String apiName; if (request.getPutRequest() != null) { apiName = PUT_ITEM; final int bytes = calculateItemSizeInBytes(request.getPutRequest().getItem()); wcu = computeWcu(bytes); } else { //deleterequest apiName = DELETE_ITEM; wcu = estimateCapacityUnits(apiName, tableName); } timedWriteThrottle(apiName, tableName, wcu); } } BatchWriteItemResult result; setUserAgent(batchRequest); final Timer.Context apiTimerContext = getTimerContext(BATCH_WRITE_ITEM, null /*tableName*/); try { result = client.batchWriteItem(batchRequest); } catch (Exception e) { throw processDynamoDBAPIException(e, BATCH_WRITE_ITEM, null /*tableName*/); } finally { apiTimerContext.stop(); } if (result.getConsumedCapacity() != null) { for (ConsumedCapacity ccu : result.getConsumedCapacity()) { meterConsumedCapacity(BATCH_WRITE_ITEM, ccu); } } return result; } public QueryResult query(QueryRequest request, int permitsToConsume) throws BackendException { setUserAgent(request); QueryResult result; timedReadThrottle(QUERY, request.getTableName(), permitsToConsume); final Timer.Context apiTimerContext = getTimerContext(QUERY, request.getTableName()); try { result = client.query(request); } catch (Exception e) { throw processDynamoDBAPIException(e, QUERY, request.getTableName()); } finally { apiTimerContext.stop(); } meterConsumedCapacity(QUERY, result.getConsumedCapacity()); measureItemCount(QUERY, request.getTableName(), result.getCount()); return result; } public PutItemResult putItem(PutItemRequest request) throws BackendException { setUserAgent(request); PutItemResult result; final int bytes = calculateItemSizeInBytes(request.getItem()); getBytesHistogram(PUT_ITEM, request.getTableName()).update(bytes); final int wcu = computeWcu(bytes); timedWriteThrottle(PUT_ITEM, request.getTableName(), wcu); final Timer.Context apiTimerContext = getTimerContext(PUT_ITEM, request.getTableName()); try { result = client.putItem(request); } catch (Exception e) { throw processDynamoDBAPIException(e, PUT_ITEM, request.getTableName()); } finally { apiTimerContext.stop(); } meterConsumedCapacity(PUT_ITEM, result.getConsumedCapacity()); return result; } public UpdateItemResult updateItem(UpdateItemRequest request) throws BackendException { setUserAgent(request); UpdateItemResult result; final int bytes = request.getUpdateExpression() != null ? calculateExpressionBasedUpdateSize(request) : calculateItemUpdateSizeInBytes(request.getAttributeUpdates()); getBytesHistogram(UPDATE_ITEM, request.getTableName()).update(bytes); final int wcu = computeWcu(bytes); timedWriteThrottle(UPDATE_ITEM, request.getTableName(), wcu); final Timer.Context apiTimerContext = getTimerContext(UPDATE_ITEM, request.getTableName()); try { result = client.updateItem(request); } catch (Exception e) { throw processDynamoDBAPIException(e, UPDATE_ITEM, request.getTableName()); } finally { apiTimerContext.stop(); } meterConsumedCapacity(UPDATE_ITEM, result.getConsumedCapacity()); return result; } /** * This method calculates a lower bound of the size of a new item created with UpdateItem UpdateExpression. It does not * account for the size of the attribute names of the document paths in the attribute names map and it assumes that the * UpdateExpression only uses the SET action to assign to top-level attributes. * @param request UpdateItem request that uses update expressions * @return the size of the post-update image of the item */ private int calculateExpressionBasedUpdateSize(UpdateItemRequest request) { if (request == null || request.getUpdateExpression() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("request did not use update expression"); } int size = calculateItemSizeInBytes(request.getKey()); for (AttributeValue value : request.getExpressionAttributeValues().values()) { size += calculateAttributeSizeInBytes(value); } return size; } public DeleteItemResult deleteItem(DeleteItemRequest request) throws BackendException { setUserAgent(request); DeleteItemResult result; int wcu = estimateCapacityUnits(DELETE_ITEM, request.getTableName()); timedWriteThrottle(DELETE_ITEM, request.getTableName(), wcu); final Timer.Context apiTimerContext = getTimerContext(DELETE_ITEM, request.getTableName()); try { result = client.deleteItem(request); } catch (Exception e) { throw processDynamoDBAPIException(e, DELETE_ITEM, request.getTableName()); } finally { apiTimerContext.stop(); } meterConsumedCapacity(DELETE_ITEM, result.getConsumedCapacity()); return result; } public int estimateCapacityUnits(String apiName, String tableName) { int cu = 1; final Meter apiCcuMeter = getConsumedCapacityMeter(apiName, tableName); final Timer apiTimer = getTimer(apiName, tableName); if (apiCcuMeter != null && apiTimer != null) { if (apiTimer.getCount() > 0) { cu = (int) Math .round(Math.max(1.0, (double) apiCcuMeter.getCount() / (double) apiTimer.getCount())); } } return cu; } public RateLimiter readRateLimit(String tableName) { return readRateLimit.get(tableName); } public RateLimiter writeRateLimit(String tableName) { return writeRateLimit.get(tableName); } private void timedWriteThrottle(String apiName, String tableName, int permits) { timedThrottle(apiName, writeRateLimit(tableName), tableName, permits); } private void timedReadThrottle(String apiName, String tableName, int permits) { timedThrottle(apiName, readRateLimit(tableName), tableName, permits); } private void timedThrottle(String apiName, RateLimiter limiter, String tableName, int permits) { if (limiter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("limiter for " + apiName + " on table " + tableName + " was null"); } final Timer.Context throttleTimerCtxt = getTimerContext(String.format("%sThrottling", apiName), tableName); try { limiter.acquire(permits); } finally { throttleTimerCtxt.stop(); } } public ListTablesResult listTables(ListTablesRequest request) throws BackendException { controlPlaneRateLimiter.acquire(); final Timer.Context apiTimerContext = getTimerContext(listTablesApiName, null /*tableName*/); ListTablesResult result; try { result = client.listTables(request); } catch (Exception e) { throw processDynamoDBAPIException(e, LIST_TABLES, null /*tableName*/); } finally { apiTimerContext.stop(); } return result; } public ListTablesResult listAllTables() throws BackendException { ListTablesWorker worker = new ListTablesWorker(this);; return worker.getMergedPages(); } public TableDescription describeTable(String tableName) throws BackendException { return describeTable(new DescribeTableRequest().withTableName(tableName)).getTable(); } public DescribeTableResult describeTable(DescribeTableRequest request) throws BackendException { controlPlaneRateLimiter.acquire(); final Timer.Context apiTimerContext = getTimerContext(DESCRIBE_TABLE, request.getTableName()); DescribeTableResult result; try { result = client.describeTable(request); } catch (Exception e) { throw processDynamoDBAPIException(e, DESCRIBE_TABLE, request.getTableName()); } finally { apiTimerContext.stop(); } return result; } public DeleteTableResult deleteTable(DeleteTableRequest request) throws BackendException { controlPlaneRateLimiter.acquire(); final Timer.Context apiTimerContext = getTimerContext(DELETE_TABLE, request.getTableName()); DeleteTableResult result; try { result = client.deleteTable(request); } catch (Exception e) { throw processDynamoDBAPIException(e, DELETE_TABLE, request.getTableName()); } finally { apiTimerContext.stop(); } return result; } public void interruptibleSleep(long millis) { boolean interrupted = false; try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupted = true; } finally { if (interrupted) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } public boolean ensureTableDeleted(String tableName) throws BackendException { boolean successFlag = false; int retryCount = 0; do { try { this.describeTable(tableName); } catch (BackendNotFoundException e) { successFlag = true; break; } interruptibleSleep(CONTROL_PLANE_RETRY_DELAY_MS); retryCount++; } while (!successFlag && retryCount < maxRetries); if (!successFlag) { throw new PermanentBackendException( "Table deletion not completed after retrying " + maxRetries + " times"); } return successFlag; } public DeleteTableResult deleteTable(String tableName) throws BackendException { return deleteTable(new DeleteTableRequest().withTableName(tableName)); } public CreateTableResult createTable(CreateTableRequest request) throws BackendException { controlPlaneRateLimiter.acquire(); final Timer.Context apiTimerContext = getTimerContext(CREATE_TABLE, request.getTableName()); CreateTableResult result; try { result = client.createTable(request); } catch (Exception e) { throw processDynamoDBAPIException(e, CREATE_TABLE, request.getTableName()); } finally { apiTimerContext.stop(); } return result; } private static boolean isTableActive(String status) { return isTableStatus(TableStatus.ACTIVE, status); } private static boolean isTableStatus(TableStatus constant, String status) { return constant.toString().equals(status); } public boolean waitForTableCreation(String tableName, boolean verifyIndexesList, List<LocalSecondaryIndexDescription> expectedLsiList, List<GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription> expectedGsiList) throws BackendException { boolean successFlag = false; int retryCount = 0; while (!successFlag && retryCount < maxRetries) { try { boolean areAllGSIsActive = true; final TableDescription td = describeTable(tableName); if (verifyIndexesList) { Set<LocalSecondaryIndexDescription> expectedLSIs = new HashSet<LocalSecondaryIndexDescription>(); if (expectedLsiList != null) { expectedLSIs.addAll(expectedLsiList); } Set<LocalSecondaryIndexDescription> actualLSIs = new HashSet<LocalSecondaryIndexDescription>(); if (td.getLocalSecondaryIndexes() != null) { actualLSIs.addAll(td.getLocalSecondaryIndexes()); } // the lsi list should be there even if the table is in creating state if (!((expectedLsiList == null && td.getLocalSecondaryIndexes() == null) || expectedLSIs.equals(actualLSIs))) { throw new PermanentBackendException( "LSI list is not as expected during table creation. expectedLsiList=" + expectedLsiList.toString() + "; table description=" + td.toString()); } // ignore the status of all GSIs since they will mess up .equals() if (td.getGlobalSecondaryIndexes() != null) { for (GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription gDesc : td.getGlobalSecondaryIndexes()) { if (!TableStatus.ACTIVE.toString().equals(gDesc.getIndexStatus())) { areAllGSIsActive = false; break; } } } // the gsi list should be there even if the table is in creating state if (!areGSIsSameConfiguration(expectedGsiList, td.getGlobalSecondaryIndexes())) { throw new PermanentBackendException( "GSI list is not as expected during table creation. expectedGsiList=" + expectedGsiList.toString() + "; table description=" + td.toString()); } } successFlag = td.getTableStatus().equals(TableStatus.ACTIVE.toString()) && areAllGSIsActive; } catch (BackendNotFoundException e) { successFlag = false; } if (!successFlag) { interruptibleSleep(CONTROL_PLANE_RETRY_DELAY_MS); } retryCount++; } if (!successFlag) { throw new PermanentBackendException( "Table creation not completed for table " + tableName + " after retrying " + this.maxRetries + " times for a duration of " + CONTROL_PLANE_RETRY_DELAY_MS * this.maxRetries + " ms"); } return successFlag; } public static boolean areGSIsSameConfiguration(List<GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription> g1, List<GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription> g2) { if (g1 == null) { if (g2 == null) { return true; } return false; } if (g1.size() != g2.size()) { return false; } // make copy of the lists because we don't want to mutate the lists ArrayList<GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription> g1clone = new ArrayList<>(g1.size()); g1clone.addAll(g1); ArrayList<GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription> g2clone = new ArrayList<>(g2.size()); g1clone.addAll(g2); for (GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription gi1 : g1) { for (GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription gi2 : g2) { if (areGSIsSameConfiguration(gi1, gi2)) { g1clone.remove(gi1); g2clone.remove(gi2); break; } } } return g1clone.isEmpty() || g2clone.isEmpty(); } public static boolean areGSIsSameConfiguration(GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription g1, GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription g2) { if (g1 == null ^ g2 == null) { return false; } if (g1 == g2) { return true; } final EqualsBuilder builder = new EqualsBuilder(); builder.append(g1.getIndexName(), g2.getIndexName()); builder.append(g1.getKeySchema(), g2.getKeySchema()); builder.append(g1.getProjection().getProjectionType(), g2.getProjection().getProjectionType()); builder.append(g1.getProvisionedThroughput().getReadCapacityUnits(), g2.getProvisionedThroughput().getReadCapacityUnits()); builder.append(g1.getProvisionedThroughput().getWriteCapacityUnits(), g2.getProvisionedThroughput().getWriteCapacityUnits()); final Set<String> projectionNonKeyAttributesG1 = g1.getProjection().getNonKeyAttributes() == null ? Collections.<String>emptySet() : new HashSet<String>(g1.getProjection().getNonKeyAttributes()); final Set<String> projectionNonKeyAttributesG2 = g2.getProjection().getNonKeyAttributes() == null ? Collections.<String>emptySet() : new HashSet<String>(g2.getProjection().getNonKeyAttributes()); builder.append(projectionNonKeyAttributesG1, projectionNonKeyAttributesG2); return builder.isEquals(); } public void createTableAndWaitForActive(CreateTableRequest request) throws BackendException { final String tableName = request.getTableName(); TableDescription desc; try { desc = this.describeTable(tableName); if (null != desc) { if (isTableActive(desc.getTableStatus())) { return; //store existed } } } catch (BackendNotFoundException e) { //Swallow, table doesnt exist yet } createTable(request); waitForTableCreation(tableName, false /*verifyIndexesList*/, null /*expectedLsiList*/, null /*expectedGsiList*/); } public void shutdown() { MetricManager.INSTANCE.getRegistry().remove(executorGaugeName); // TODO(amcp) figure out a way to make the thread pool not be static client.shutdown(); } public final Timer getTimer(String apiName, String tableName) { return MetricManager.INSTANCE.getTimer(getMeterName(apiName, tableName)); } public final Timer.Context getTimerContext(String apiName, String tableName) { return getTimer(apiName, tableName).time(); } public final Meter getMeter(String meterName) { return MetricManager.INSTANCE.getRegistry().meter(meterName); } public final String getItemCountMeterName(String apiName, String tableName) { return getMeterName(String.format("%sItemCount", apiName), tableName); } public final void measureItemCount(String apiName, String tableName, long itemCount) { getMeter(getItemCountMeterName(apiName, tableName)).mark(itemCount); getCounter(apiName, tableName, "ItemCountCounter").inc(itemCount); } private Counter getCounter(String apiName, String tableName, String quantity) { return MetricManager.INSTANCE.getCounter(getQuantityName(apiName, tableName, quantity)); } public final void meterConsumedCapacity(String apiName, ConsumedCapacity ccu) { if (ccu != null) { getConsumedCapacityMeter(apiName, ccu.getTableName()).mark(Math.round(ccu.getCapacityUnits())); } } public final String getQuantityName(String apiName, String tableName, String quantity) { return getMeterName(String.format("%s%s", apiName, quantity), tableName); } public final Meter getQuantityMeter(String apiName, String tableName, String quantity) { return getMeter(getQuantityName(apiName, tableName, quantity)); } public final Meter getConsumedCapacityMeter(String apiName, String tableName) { return getQuantityMeter(apiName, tableName, "ConsumedCapacity"); } public final Histogram getBytesHistogram(String apiName, String tableName) { return getHistogram(apiName, tableName, "Bytes"); } public final Histogram getHistogram(String apiName, String tableName, String quantity) { return MetricManager.INSTANCE.getHistogram(getQuantityName(apiName, tableName, quantity)); } public final Histogram getPagesHistogram(String apiName, String tableName) { return getHistogram(apiName, tableName, PAGES); } public final void updatePagesHistogram(String apiName, String tableName, int pagesProcessed) { getHistogram(apiName, tableName, PAGES).update(pagesProcessed); } public final String getMeterName(String apiName, String tableName) { return tableName == null ? String.format("%s.%s", metricsPrefix, apiName) : String.format("%s.%s.%s", metricsPrefix, apiName, tableName); } public final int getMaxConcurrentUsers() { return this.maxConcurrentUsers; } /** * Helper method that clones an item * * @param item the item to clone * @return a clone of item. */ public static Map<String, AttributeValue> cloneItem(Map<String, AttributeValue> item) { if (item == null) { return null; } Map<String, AttributeValue> clonedItem = Maps.newHashMap(); IdentityHashMap<AttributeValue, AttributeValue> sourceDestinationMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(); for (Entry<String, AttributeValue> entry : item.entrySet()) { if (!sourceDestinationMap.containsKey(entry.getValue())) { sourceDestinationMap.put(entry.getValue(), clone(entry.getValue(), sourceDestinationMap)); } clonedItem.put(entry.getKey(), sourceDestinationMap.get(entry.getValue())); } return clonedItem; } /** * Helper method that can clone an Attribute Value * * @param val the AttributeValue to copy * @param sourceDestinationMap used to avoid loops by keeping track of references * @return a copy of val */ public static AttributeValue clone(AttributeValue val, IdentityHashMap<AttributeValue, AttributeValue> sourceDestinationMap) { if (val == null) { return null; } if (sourceDestinationMap.containsKey(val)) { return sourceDestinationMap.get(val); } AttributeValue clonedVal = new AttributeValue(); sourceDestinationMap.put(val, clonedVal); if (val.getN() != null) { clonedVal.setN(val.getN()); } else if (val.getS() != null) { clonedVal.setS(val.getS()); } else if (val.getB() != null) { clonedVal.setB(val.getB()); } else if (val.getNS() != null) { clonedVal.setNS(val.getNS()); } else if (val.getSS() != null) { clonedVal.setSS(val.getSS()); } else if (val.getBS() != null) { clonedVal.setBS(val.getBS()); } else if (val.getBOOL() != null) { clonedVal.setBOOL(val.getBOOL()); } else if (val.getNULL() != null) { clonedVal.setNULL(val.getNULL()); } else if (val.getL() != null) { List<AttributeValue> list = new ArrayList<>(val.getL().size()); for (AttributeValue listItemValue : val.getL()) { if (!sourceDestinationMap.containsKey(listItemValue)) { sourceDestinationMap.put(listItemValue, clone(listItemValue, sourceDestinationMap)); } list.add(sourceDestinationMap.get(listItemValue)); } clonedVal.setL(list); } else if (val.getM() != null) { Map<String, AttributeValue> map = new HashMap<>(val.getM().size()); for (Entry<String, AttributeValue> pair : val.getM().entrySet()) { if (!sourceDestinationMap.containsKey(pair.getValue())) { sourceDestinationMap.put(pair.getValue(), clone(pair.getValue(), sourceDestinationMap)); } map.put(pair.getKey(), sourceDestinationMap.get(pair.getValue())); } clonedVal.setM(map); } return clonedVal; } public static final int computeWcu(int bytes) { return Math.max(1, (bytes + ONE_KILOBYTE_MINUS_ONE) / ONE_KILOBYTE); } private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF8"); // Each List element has 1 byte overhead for type. Adding 1 byte to account for it in item size public static final int BASE_LOGICAL_SIZE_OF_NESTED_TYPES = 1; protected static int LOGICAL_SIZE_OF_EMPTY_DOCUMENT = 3; public static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_FOR_NUMBER = 21; /**Calculate attribute value size*/ private static int calculateAttributeSizeInBytes(AttributeValue value) { int attrValSize = 0; if (value == null) { return attrValSize; } if (value.getB() != null) { ByteBuffer b = value.getB(); attrValSize += b.remaining(); } else if (value.getS() != null) { String s = value.getS(); attrValSize += s.getBytes(UTF8).length; } else if (value.getN() != null) { attrValSize += MAX_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_FOR_NUMBER; } else if (value.getBS() != null) { List<ByteBuffer> bs = value.getBS(); for (ByteBuffer b : bs) { if (b != null) { attrValSize += b.remaining(); } } } else if (value.getSS() != null) { List<String> ss = value.getSS(); for (String s : ss) { if (s != null) { attrValSize += s.getBytes(UTF8).length; } } } else if (value.getNS() != null) { List<String> ns = value.getNS(); for (String n : ns) { if (n != null) { attrValSize += MAX_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_FOR_NUMBER; } } } else if (value.getBOOL() != null) { attrValSize += 1; } else if (value.getNULL() != null) { attrValSize += 1; } else if (value.getM() != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, AttributeValue> entry : value.getM().entrySet()) { attrValSize += entry.getKey().getBytes(UTF8).length; attrValSize += calculateAttributeSizeInBytes(entry.getValue()); attrValSize += BASE_LOGICAL_SIZE_OF_NESTED_TYPES; } attrValSize += LOGICAL_SIZE_OF_EMPTY_DOCUMENT; } else if (value.getL() != null) { List<AttributeValue> list = value.getL(); for (Integer i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { attrValSize += calculateAttributeSizeInBytes(list.get(i)); attrValSize += BASE_LOGICAL_SIZE_OF_NESTED_TYPES; } attrValSize += LOGICAL_SIZE_OF_EMPTY_DOCUMENT; } return attrValSize; } public static int calculateItemUpdateSizeInBytes(Map<String, AttributeValueUpdate> item) { int size = 0; if (item == null) { return size; } for (Map.Entry<String, AttributeValueUpdate> entry : item.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); AttributeValueUpdate update = entry.getValue(); size += name.getBytes(UTF8).length; size += calculateAttributeSizeInBytes(update.getValue()); } return size; } public static int calculateItemSizeInBytes(Map<String, AttributeValue> item) { int size = 0; if (item == null) { return size; } for (Map.Entry<String, AttributeValue> entry : item.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); AttributeValue value = entry.getValue(); size += name.getBytes(UTF8).length; size += calculateAttributeSizeInBytes(value); } return size; } public long getMaxRetries() { return maxRetries; } public long getRetryMillis() { return retryMillis; } public boolean isEmbedded() { return embedded; } public String getListTablesApiName() { return listTablesApiName; } }