Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright (C) 2015 - Gareth Edwards / Rapid Information Systems
This file is part of the Rapid Application Platform
Rapid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as 
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the 
License, or (at your option) any later version. The terms require you 
to include the original copyright, and the license notice in all redistributions.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
in a file named "COPYING".  If not, see <>.

package com.rapid.forms;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;

import org.json.JSONObject;

import com.rapid.core.Application;
import com.rapid.core.Control;
import com.rapid.core.Page;
import com.rapid.server.RapidRequest;
import com.rapid.utils.Html;

public class RapidFormAdapter extends FormAdapter {

    //  static finals
    private static final String NEXT_FORM_ID = "nextFormId";
    private static final String USER_FORM_PAGE_VARIABLE_VALUES = "userFormPageVariableValues";
    private static final String USER_FORM_PAGE_CONTROL_VALUES = "userFormPageControlValues";
    private static final String USER_FORM_COMPLETE_VALUES = "userFormCompleteValues";

    // constructor

    public RapidFormAdapter(ServletContext servletContext, Application application) {
        super(servletContext, application);

    // class methods

    // the RapidFormAdapter holds all values in the user session so this method just gets them from there
    protected Map<String, FormPageControlValues> getUserFormPageControlValues(RapidRequest rapidRequest)
            throws Exception {
        // get the servlet context
        ServletContext servletContext = rapidRequest.getRapidServlet().getServletContext();
        // get all app page control values from the context
        Map<String, Map<String, FormPageControlValues>> userAppPageControlValues = (Map<String, Map<String, FormPageControlValues>>) servletContext
        // if null
        if (userAppPageControlValues == null) {
            // instantiate
            userAppPageControlValues = new HashMap<String, Map<String, FormPageControlValues>>();
            // add to session
            servletContext.setAttribute(USER_FORM_PAGE_CONTROL_VALUES, userAppPageControlValues);
        // get the form id
        String formId = getFormId(rapidRequest);
        // the page controls for specified app
        Map<String, FormPageControlValues> userPageControlValues = userAppPageControlValues.get(formId);
        // if null, instantiate
        if (userPageControlValues == null) {
            // instantiate
            userPageControlValues = new HashMap<String, FormPageControlValues>();
            // add to user app pages
            userAppPageControlValues.put(formId, userPageControlValues);

        // example page control pre-population         
        // userPageControlValues.put("P2", new FormPageControlValues(new FormControlValue("P2_C1_", "Hello world !!!")));

        // return!
        return userPageControlValues;

    // this uses a similar technique to record whether the form is complete or not
    protected Map<String, Boolean> getUserFormCompleteValues(RapidRequest rapidRequest) {
        // get the servlet context
        ServletContext servletContext = rapidRequest.getRapidServlet().getServletContext();
        // get the map of completed values
        Map<String, Boolean> userFormCompleteValues = (Map<String, Boolean>) servletContext
        // if there aren't any yet
        if (userFormCompleteValues == null) {
            // make some
            userFormCompleteValues = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
            // store them
            servletContext.setAttribute(USER_FORM_COMPLETE_VALUES, userFormCompleteValues);
        // return
        return userFormCompleteValues;

    protected Map<String, String> getUserFormPageVariableValues(RapidRequest rapidRequest, String formId) {
        // get the servlet context
        ServletContext servletContext = rapidRequest.getRapidServlet().getServletContext();
        // get the map of form values
        Map<String, HashMap<String, String>> userFormPageVariableValues = (Map<String, HashMap<String, String>>) servletContext
        // if there aren't any yet
        if (userFormPageVariableValues == null) {
            // make some
            userFormPageVariableValues = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>();
            // store them
            servletContext.setAttribute(USER_FORM_PAGE_VARIABLE_VALUES, userFormPageVariableValues);
        // get the map of values
        HashMap<String, String> formPageVariableValues = userFormPageVariableValues.get(formId);
        // if it's null
        if (formPageVariableValues == null) {
            // make some
            formPageVariableValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
            // store them
            userFormPageVariableValues.put(formId, formPageVariableValues);
        // return
        return formPageVariableValues;

    // overridden methods

    // this gets a new form id, when required, from an attribute in the servletContext
    public UserFormDetails getNewFormDetails(RapidRequest rapidRequest) {
        // get the servlet context
        ServletContext servletContext = rapidRequest.getRapidServlet().getServletContext();
        // the master form id as a string
        String nextFormIdString = (String) servletContext.getAttribute(NEXT_FORM_ID);
        // if null set to "0"
        if (nextFormIdString == null)
            nextFormIdString = "0";
        // add 1 to the master form id
        String formId = Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(nextFormIdString) + 1);
        // retain it in the context
        servletContext.setAttribute(NEXT_FORM_ID, formId);
        // return it
        return new UserFormDetails(formId, null);

    public UserFormDetails getResumeFormDetails(RapidRequest rapidRequest, String formId, String password)
            throws Exception {
        // get the servlet context
        ServletContext servletContext = rapidRequest.getRapidServlet().getServletContext();
        // get all app page control values from session
        Map<String, Map<String, FormPageControlValues>> userAppPageControlValues = (Map<String, Map<String, FormPageControlValues>>) servletContext
        // check we got something
        if (userAppPageControlValues == null) {
            // nothing so return null
            return null;
        } else {
            // the page controls for specified app
            Map<String, FormPageControlValues> userPageControlValues = userAppPageControlValues.get(formId);
            // null check
            if (userPageControlValues == null) {
                // form not found so fail
                return null;
            } else {
                // form found we're good
                return new UserFormDetails(formId, null, null, false, null);

    public void setMaxPage(RapidRequest rapidRequest, UserFormDetails formDetails, String pageId) {
        // if we got the details
        if (formDetails != null)

    public void setFormComplete(RapidRequest rapidRequest, UserFormDetails formDetails) throws Exception {
        // get the userPageComplete values
        Map<String, Boolean> userFormCompleteValues = getUserFormCompleteValues(rapidRequest);
        // set it
        userFormCompleteValues.put(formDetails.getId(), true);
        // store it
        // update details

    // set a form page variable
    public void setFormPageVariableValue(RapidRequest rapidRequest, String formId, String name, String value)
            throws Exception {
        // get the userPageComplete values
        Map<String, String> userFormPageVariableValues = getUserFormPageVariableValues(rapidRequest, formId);
        // set it
        userFormPageVariableValues.put(name, value);
        // store it

    // return form page variables
    public Map<String, String> getFormPageVariableValues(RapidRequest rapidRequest, String formId)
            throws Exception {
        // use our reusable function
        return getUserFormPageVariableValues(rapidRequest, formId);

    // uses our user session method to get the form page control values
    public FormPageControlValues getFormPageControlValues(RapidRequest rapidRequest, String formId, String pageId)
            throws Exception {
        // retrieve
        return getUserFormPageControlValues(rapidRequest).get(pageId);

    // uses our user session method to set the form page control values (for hidden pages pageControlValues will be null)
    public void setFormPageControlValues(RapidRequest rapidRequest, String formId, String pageId,
            FormPageControlValues pageControlValues) throws Exception {
        // store them
        getUserFormPageControlValues(rapidRequest).put(pageId, pageControlValues);

    // uses our user session method to get a control value
    public String getFormControlValue(RapidRequest rapidRequest, String formId, String controlId, boolean notHidden)
            throws Exception {
        // split the controlid
        String[] controlIdParts = controlId.split("_");
        // check we have enough to include the page
        if (controlIdParts.length > 1) {
            // get the page id from the first part
            String pageId = controlIdParts[0];
            // get all user form page values
            Map<String, FormPageControlValues> userFormPageControlValues = getUserFormPageControlValues(
            // if there are control values stored
            if (userFormPageControlValues.size() > 0) {
                // look for values from our page
                FormPageControlValues pageControlValues = userFormPageControlValues.get(pageId);
                // if we have some
                if (pageControlValues != null) {
                    // loop them
                    for (FormControlValue controlValue : pageControlValues) {
                        // look for an id match, but not if hidden and not hidden is true
                        if (controlValue.getId().equals(controlId) && !(controlValue.getHidden() && notHidden))
                            return controlValue.getValue();
            } // page has values
        } // parts > 1      
        return null;

    // the start of the form summary   page
    public String getSummaryStartHtml(RapidRequest rapidRequest, Application application) {
        return "<h1 class='formSummaryTitle'>Form summary</h1>\n";

    // the end of the form summary page
    public String getSummaryEndHtml(RapidRequest rapidRequest, Application application) {
        return "";

    // the start of a page block in the form summary
    public String getSummaryPageStartHtml(RapidRequest rapidRequest, Application application, Page page) {
        String label = page.getLabel();
        if (label == null) {
            label = page.getTitle();
        } else {
            if (label.trim().length() == 0)
                label = page.getTitle();
        return "<div class='formSummaryPage'><h2>" + label + "</h2>\n";

    // the end of a page block in the form summary
    public String getSummaryPageEndHtml(RapidRequest rapidRequest, Application application, Page page) {
        return "</div>\n";

    // a page control's value in the form summary
    public String getSummaryControlValueHtml(RapidRequest rapidRequest, Application application, Page page,
            FormControlValue controlValue) {
        if (controlValue.getHidden()) {
            return "";
        } else {
            Control control = page.getControl(controlValue.getId());
            if (control == null) {
                return "control " + controlValue.getId() + " cannot be found";
            } else {
                String label = control.getLabel();
                if (label == null) {
                    return "";
                } else {
                    String value = controlValue.getValue();
                    // check for nulls
                    if (value == null)
                        value = "(no value)";
                    // check for json
                    if (value.startsWith("{") && value.endsWith("}")) {
                        try {
                            JSONObject jsonValue = new JSONObject(value);
                            value = jsonValue.optString("text");
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                    return "<span class='formSummaryControl'>" + label + " : "
                            + Html.escape(control.getCodeText(application, value)) + "</span>\n";

    // the end of the page block
    public String getSummaryPagesEndHtml(RapidRequest rapidRequest, Application application) {
        return "";

    // submit the form - for the RapidFormAdapter nothing special happens, more sophisticated ones will write to databases, webservices, etc
    public SubmissionDetails submitForm(RapidRequest rapidRequest) throws Exception {
        // simple submission details
        return new SubmissionDetails("Form submitted", null);

    // nothing to do here
    public void close() {
