Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2015 Rackspace * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.inputs.handlers; import com.codahale.metrics.Counter; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import; import*; import com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.exceptions.InvalidDataException; import com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.http.DefaultHandler; import com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.http.HttpRequestHandler; import com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.inputs.formats.AggregatedPayload; import; import com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.outputs.formats.ErrorResponse; import com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.tracker.Tracker; import com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.types.MetricsCollection; import com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.utils.Clock; import com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.utils.DefaultClockImpl; import com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.utils.Metrics; import com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.utils.TimeValue; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpRequest; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; public class HttpAggregatedMultiIngestionHandler implements HttpRequestHandler { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpAggregatedMultiIngestionHandler.class); private static final Timer handlerTimer = Metrics.timer(HttpAggregatedMultiIngestionHandler.class, "HTTP aggregated multi metrics ingestion timer"); private static final Counter requestCount = Metrics.counter(HttpAggregatedMultiIngestionHandler.class, "HTTP aggregated multi Request Count"); private final HttpMetricsIngestionServer.Processor processor; private final TimeValue timeout; private final Clock clock = new DefaultClockImpl(); public HttpAggregatedMultiIngestionHandler(HttpMetricsIngestionServer.Processor processor, TimeValue timeout) { this.processor = processor; this.timeout = timeout; } // our own stuff. @Override public void handle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest request) { Tracker.getInstance().track(request);; final Timer.Context timerContext = handlerTimer.time(); long ingestTime =; // this is all JSON. String body = null; try { body = request.content().toString(Constants.DEFAULT_CHARSET); List<AggregatedPayload> bundleList = createBundleList(body); if (bundleList.size() > 0) { // has aggregated metric bundle in body // convert and add metric bundle to MetricsCollection if valid MetricsCollection collection = new MetricsCollection(); List<ErrorResponse.ErrorData> errors = new ArrayList<ErrorResponse.ErrorData>(); // for each metric bundle for (AggregatedPayload bundle : bundleList) { // validate, convert, and add to collection List<ErrorResponse.ErrorData> bundleValidationErrors = bundle.getValidationErrors(); if (bundleValidationErrors.isEmpty()) { // no validation error, add to collection collection.add(PreaggregateConversions.buildMetricsCollection(bundle)); } else { // failed validation, add to error errors.addAll(bundleValidationErrors); } if (bundle.hasDelayedMetrics(ingestTime)) { Tracker.getInstance().trackDelayedAggregatedMetricsTenant(bundle.getTenantId(), bundle.getTimestamp(), bundle.getDelayTime(ingestTime), bundle.getAllMetricNames()); bundle.markDelayMetricsReceived(ingestTime); } } // if has validation errors and no valid metrics if (!errors.isEmpty() && collection.size() == 0) { // return BAD_REQUEST and error DefaultHandler.sendErrorResponse(ctx, request, errors, HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST); return; } // process valid metrics in collection ListenableFuture<List<Boolean>> futures = processor.apply(collection); List<Boolean> persisteds = futures.get(timeout.getValue(), timeout.getUnit()); for (Boolean persisted : persisteds) { if (!persisted) { DefaultHandler.sendErrorResponse(ctx, request, "Internal error persisting data", HttpResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return; } } // return OK or MULTI_STATUS response depending if there were validation errors if (errors.isEmpty()) { // no validation error, response OK DefaultHandler.sendResponse(ctx, request, null, HttpResponseStatus.OK); return; } else { // has some validation errors, response MULTI_STATUS DefaultHandler.sendErrorResponse(ctx, request, errors, HttpResponseStatus.MULTI_STATUS); return; } } else { // no aggregated metric bundles in body, response OK DefaultHandler.sendResponse(ctx, request, "No valid metrics", HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST); return; } } catch (JsonParseException ex) { log.debug(String.format("BAD JSON: %s", body)); log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); DefaultHandler.sendErrorResponse(ctx, request, ex.getMessage(), HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } catch (InvalidDataException ex) { log.debug(String.format("Invalid request body: %s", body)); log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); DefaultHandler.sendErrorResponse(ctx, request, ex.getMessage(), HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { DefaultHandler.sendErrorResponse(ctx, request, "Timed out persisting metrics", HttpResponseStatus.ACCEPTED); } catch (Exception ex) { log.debug(String.format("BAD JSON: %s", body)); log.error("Other exception while trying to parse content", ex); DefaultHandler.sendErrorResponse(ctx, request, "Internal error saving data", HttpResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } finally { timerContext.stop(); requestCount.dec(); } } public static List<AggregatedPayload> createBundleList(String json) { Gson gson = new Gson(); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonElement element = parser.parse(json); if (!element.isJsonArray()) { throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid request body"); } JsonArray jArray = element.getAsJsonArray(); ArrayList<AggregatedPayload> bundleList = new ArrayList<AggregatedPayload>(); for (JsonElement obj : jArray) { AggregatedPayload bundle = AggregatedPayload.create(obj); bundleList.add(bundle); } return bundleList; } }