Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2018 Emmanuel Keller / QWAZR * <p> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p> * * <p> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.qwazr.server.configuration; import com.qwazr.utils.LoggerUtils; import com.qwazr.utils.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; public class ServerConfiguration implements ConfigurationProperties { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerUtils.getLogger(ServerConfiguration.class); private final Map<String, String> properties; public final Path dataDirectory; public final Path tempDirectory; public final Set<Path> etcDirectories; public final Predicate<Path> etcFileFilter; public final String publicAddress; public final String listenAddress; public final WebConnector webAppConnector; public final WebConnector webServiceConnector; public final WebConnector multicastConnector; public final Set<String> masters; public final Set<String> groups; public ServerConfiguration(final String... args) throws IOException { this(System.getenv(), System.getProperties(), argsToMap(args)); } protected ServerConfiguration(final Map<?, ?>... propertiesMaps) throws IOException { // Merge the maps. properties = new HashMap<>(); if (propertiesMaps != null) { for (Map<?, ?> props : propertiesMaps) if (props != null) props.forEach((key, value) -> { if (key != null && value != null) properties.put(key.toString(), value.toString()); }); } //Set the data directory dataDirectory = getDataDirectory(getStringProperty(QWAZR_DATA, null)); if (dataDirectory == null) throw new IOException("The data directory has not been set."); if (!Files.exists(dataDirectory)) throw new IOException("The data directory does not exists: " + dataDirectory.toAbsolutePath()); if (!Files.isDirectory(dataDirectory)) throw new IOException("The data directory is not a directory: " + dataDirectory.toAbsolutePath()); //Set the temp directory tempDirectory = getTempDirectory(dataDirectory, getStringProperty(QWAZR_TEMP, null)); if (!Files.exists(tempDirectory)) Files.createDirectories(tempDirectory); if (!Files.exists(tempDirectory)) throw new IOException("The temp directory does not exists: " + tempDirectory.toAbsolutePath()); if (!Files.isDirectory(tempDirectory)) throw new IOException("The temp directory is not a directory: " + tempDirectory.toAbsolutePath()); //Set the configuration directories etcDirectories = getEtcDirectories(getStringProperty(QWAZR_ETC_DIR, null)); etcFileFilter = buildEtcFileFilter(getStringProperty(QWAZR_ETC, null)); //Set the listen address listenAddress = findListenAddress(getStringProperty(LISTEN_ADDR, null)); //Set the public address publicAddress = findPublicAddress(getStringProperty(PUBLIC_ADDR, null), this.listenAddress); //Set the connectors webAppConnector = new WebConnector(publicAddress, getIntegerProperty(WEBAPP_PORT, null), 9090, getStringProperty(WEBAPP_AUTHENTICATION, null), getStringProperty(WEBAPP_REALM, null)); webServiceConnector = new WebConnector(publicAddress, getIntegerProperty(WEBSERVICE_PORT, null), 9091, getStringProperty(WEBSERVICE_AUTHENTICATION, null), getStringProperty(WEBSERVICE_REALM, null)); multicastConnector = new WebConnector(getStringProperty(MULTICAST_ADDR, null), getIntegerProperty(MULTICAST_PORT, null), 9091, null, null); // Collect the master address. final LinkedHashSet<String> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(); try { findMatchingAddress(getStringProperty(QWAZR_MASTERS, null), set); } catch (SocketException e) { LOGGER.warning("Failed in extracting IP information. No master server is configured."); } this.masters = set.isEmpty() ? null : Collections.unmodifiableSet(set); this.groups = buildSet(getStringProperty(QWAZR_GROUPS, null), ",; \t", true); } /** * List the configuration files * * @return a list with the found configuration files * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs */ public Collection<Path> getEtcFiles() throws IOException { if (etcDirectories == null) return Collections.emptyList(); final Set<Path> etcPaths = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (final Path etcDirectory : etcDirectories) { if (Files.exists(etcDirectory) && Files.isDirectory(etcDirectory)) { try (final Stream<Path> stream = Files.list(etcDirectory)) { stream.filter(etcFileFilter).forEach(etcPaths::add); } } } return etcPaths; } public String getStringProperty(final String propName, final String defaultValue) { final Object o = properties.get(propName); return o == null ? defaultValue : o.toString(); } public Integer getIntegerProperty(final String propName, final Integer defaultValue) { final String value = properties.get(propName); if (value == null) return defaultValue; return Integer.parseInt(value); } protected static void fillStringListProperty(final String value, final String separatorChars, final boolean trim, final Consumer<String> consumer) { if (value == null) return; final String[] parts = StringUtils.split(value, separatorChars); for (String part : parts) if (part != null) consumer.accept(trim ? part.trim() : part); } protected static Set<String> buildSet(final String value, final String separatorChars, final boolean trim) { if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) return null; final HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<>(); fillStringListProperty(value, separatorChars, trim, set::add); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(set); } private static Path getDataDirectory(final String dataDir) { //Set the data directory return StringUtils.isEmpty(dataDir) ? Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir")) : Paths.get(dataDir); } private static Path getTempDirectory(final Path dataDir, final String value) { return StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? dataDir.resolve("tmp") : Paths.get(value); } private static Set<Path> getEtcDirectories(final String value) { final Set<Path> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(); fillStringListProperty(value == null ? "etc" : value, File.pathSeparator, true, part -> { // By design relative path are relative to the working directory final Path etcPath = Paths.get(part); set.add(etcPath);"Configuration (ETC) directory: " + etcPath.toAbsolutePath()); }); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(set); } private static Predicate<Path> buildEtcFileFilter(final String etcFilter) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(etcFilter)) return path -> Files.isRegularFile(path); final String[] array = StringUtils.split(etcFilter, ','); if (array == null || array.length == 0) return path -> Files.isRegularFile(path); return new ConfigurationFileFilter(array); } public static class WebConnector { public final String authentication; public final String address; public final String realm; public final int port; public final String addressPort; private WebConnector(final String address, final Integer port, final int defaulPort, final String authentication, final String realm) { this.address = address; this.authentication = authentication; this.realm = realm; this.port = port == null ? defaulPort : port; this.addressPort = this.address == null ? null : this.address + ":" + this.port; } } /** * Manage that kind of pattern: *, * * * * @param addressPattern a mask or an ip address * @param collect a collection filled with the matching addresses * @throws SocketException */ private static void findMatchingAddress(final String addressPattern, final Collection<String> collect) throws SocketException { final String[] patterns = StringUtils.split(addressPattern, ",; "); if (patterns == null) return; for (String pattern : patterns) { if (pattern == null) continue; pattern = pattern.trim(); if (!pattern.contains("/")) { collect.add(pattern); continue; } final SubnetUtils.SubnetInfo subnet = pattern.contains("/") ? new SubnetUtils(pattern).getInfo() : null; final Enumeration<NetworkInterface> enumInterfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while (enumInterfaces != null && enumInterfaces.hasMoreElements()) { final NetworkInterface ifc = enumInterfaces.nextElement(); if (!ifc.isUp()) continue; final Enumeration<InetAddress> enumAddresses = ifc.getInetAddresses(); while (enumAddresses != null && enumAddresses.hasMoreElements()) { final InetAddress inetAddress = enumAddresses.nextElement(); if (!(inetAddress instanceof Inet4Address)) continue; final String address = inetAddress.getHostAddress(); if (subnet != null && subnet.isInRange(address) || address.equals(pattern)) collect.add(address); } } } } private final static String DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDRESS = ""; private static String findListenAddress(final String addressPattern) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(addressPattern)) return DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDRESS; try { final ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); findMatchingAddress(addressPattern, list); return list.isEmpty() ? DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDRESS : list.get(0); } catch (SocketException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, e, () -> "Failed in extracting IP informations. Listen address set to default (" + DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDRESS + ")"); return DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDRESS; } } private final static String DEFAULT_PUBLIC_ADDRESS = "localhost"; private static String getLocalHostAddress() { try { return InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot extract the address of the localhost.", e); return DEFAULT_PUBLIC_ADDRESS; } } private static String findPublicAddress(final String addressPattern, final String listenAddress) throws SocketException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(addressPattern)) return StringUtils.isEmpty(listenAddress) || DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDRESS.equals(listenAddress) ? getLocalHostAddress() : listenAddress; final ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); findMatchingAddress(addressPattern, list); if (list.isEmpty()) throw new SocketException("Failed in finding a matching public IP address. Pattern: " + addressPattern); if (list.size() > 1) LOGGER.warning(() -> "Several matching IP adresses where found (" + list.size() + ')'); return list.get(0); } private static Map<String, String> argsToMapPrefix(final String prefix, final String... args) { final HashMap<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(); if (args == null || args.length == 0) return props; final Integer prefixLength = prefix == null || prefix.isEmpty() ? null : prefix.length(); for (String arg : args) { if (arg == null || arg.isEmpty()) continue; if (prefixLength != null && !arg.startsWith(prefix)) continue; final String[] split = StringUtils.split(arg, "="); final int l = split.length - 1; if (l < 1) continue; final String value = split[l]; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { final String key = prefixLength == null || i > 0 ? split[i] : split[i].substring(prefixLength); props.put(key, value); } } return props; } protected static Map<String, String> argsToMap(final String... args) throws IOException { final Map<String, String> props = argsToMapPrefix("--", args); // Load the QWAZR_PROPERTIES String propertyFile = props.get(QWAZR_PROPERTIES); if (propertyFile == null) propertyFile = System.getProperty(QWAZR_PROPERTIES, System.getenv(QWAZR_PROPERTIES)); if (propertyFile != null) { final Path propFile = Paths.get(propertyFile); -> "Load QWAZR_PROPERTIES file: " + propFile.toAbsolutePath()); final Properties properties = new Properties(); try (final BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(propFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { properties.load(reader); } // Priority to program argument, we only put the value if the key is not present properties.forEach((key, value) -> props.putIfAbsent(key.toString(), value.toString())); } return props; } public static Builder of() { return of(null); } public static Builder of(Map<String, String> map) { return new Builder(map); } public static class Builder { protected final Map<String, String> map; private final Set<String> masters; private final Set<String> groups; private final Set<String> etcFilters; private final Set<String> etcDirectories; protected Builder(Map<String, String> map) { = map == null ? new HashMap<>() : new HashMap<>(map); this.masters = new LinkedHashSet<>(); this.groups = new LinkedHashSet<>(); this.etcFilters = new LinkedHashSet<>(); this.etcDirectories = new LinkedHashSet<>(); } public Builder data(final Path path) { if (path != null) map.put(QWAZR_DATA, path.toString()); return this; } public Builder temp(final Path path) { if (path != null) map.put(QWAZR_TEMP, path.toString()); return this; } public Builder publicAddress(final String address) { if (address != null) map.put(PUBLIC_ADDR, address); return this; } public Builder listenAddress(final String address) { if (address != null) map.put(LISTEN_ADDR, address); return this; } public Builder master(final String... masters) { if (masters != null) Collections.addAll(this.masters, masters); return this; } public Builder master(final Collection<String> masters) { if (masters != null) this.masters.addAll(masters); return this; } public Builder group(final String... groups) { if (groups != null) Collections.addAll(this.groups, groups); return this; } public Builder group(final Collection<String> groups) { if (groups != null) this.groups.addAll(groups); return this; } public Builder etcFilter(final String... etcFilters) { if (etcFilters != null) Collections.addAll(this.etcFilters, etcFilters); return this; } public Builder etcFilter(final Collection<String> etcFilters) { if (etcFilters != null) this.etcFilters.addAll(etcFilters); return this; } public Builder etcDirectory(Path... etcDirectories) { if (etcDirectories != null) for (Path etcDirectory : etcDirectories) this.etcDirectories.add(etcDirectory.toAbsolutePath().toString()); return this; } public Builder etcDirectory(final Collection<Path> etcDirectories) { if (etcDirectories != null) for (Path etcDirectory : etcDirectories) this.etcDirectories.add(etcDirectory.toAbsolutePath().toString()); return this; } public Builder webAppPort(Integer webappPort) { if (webappPort != null) map.put(WEBAPP_PORT, webappPort.toString()); return this; } public Builder webServicePort(Integer webServicePort) { if (webServicePort != null) map.put(WEBSERVICE_PORT, webServicePort.toString()); return this; } public Builder webAppAuthentication(String authentication) { if (authentication != null) map.put(WEBAPP_AUTHENTICATION, authentication); return this; } public Builder webAppRealm(String webAppRealm) { if (webAppRealm != null) map.put(WEBAPP_REALM, webAppRealm); return this; } public Builder webServiceAuthentication(String authentication) { if (authentication != null) map.put(WEBSERVICE_AUTHENTICATION, authentication); return this; } public Builder webServiceRealm(String webServiceRealm) { if (webServiceRealm != null) map.put(WEBSERVICE_REALM, webServiceRealm); return this; } public Builder multicastAddress(String multicastAddress) { if (multicastAddress != null) map.put(MULTICAST_ADDR, multicastAddress); return this; } public Builder multicastPort(Integer multicastPort) { if (multicastPort != null) map.put(MULTICAST_PORT, multicastPort.toString()); return this; } public Map<String, String> finalMap() { if (!masters.isEmpty()) map.put(QWAZR_MASTERS, StringUtils.join(masters, ',')); if (!groups.isEmpty()) map.put(QWAZR_GROUPS, StringUtils.join(groups, ',')); if (!etcFilters.isEmpty()) map.put(QWAZR_ETC, StringUtils.join(etcFilters, ',')); if (!etcDirectories.isEmpty()) map.put(QWAZR_ETC_DIR, StringUtils.join(etcDirectories, File.pathSeparatorChar)); return map; } public ServerConfiguration build() throws IOException { return new ServerConfiguration(finalMap()); } } }