Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015-2016 Emmanuel Keller / QWAZR * <p> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p> * * <p> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import com.qwazr.utils.IOUtils; import com.qwazr.utils.StringUtils; import com.qwazr.utils.json.JsonMapper; import com.qwazr.utils.server.ServerException; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.facet.sortedset.SortedSetDocValuesReaderState; import org.apache.lucene.index.*; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.QueryNodeException; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; final public class IndexInstance implements Closeable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IndexInstance.class); private final static String INDEX_DATA = "data"; private final static String INDEX_BACKUP = "backup"; private final static String FIELDS_FILE = "fields.json"; private final static String ANALYZERS_FILE = "analyzers.json"; private final static String SETTINGS_FILE = "settings.json"; private final FileSet fileSet; private final SchemaInstance schema; private final Directory dataDirectory; private final LiveIndexWriterConfig indexWriterConfig; private final SnapshotDeletionPolicy snapshotDeletionPolicy; private final IndexWriter indexWriter; private final SearcherManager searcherManager; private final IndexSettingsDefinition settings; private final UpdatableAnalyzer indexAnalyzer; private final UpdatableAnalyzer queryAnalyzer; private volatile LinkedHashMap<String, FieldDefinition> fieldMap; private volatile LinkedHashMap<String, AnalyzerDefinition> analyzerMap; private volatile Pair<IndexReader, SortedSetDocValuesReaderState> facetsReaderStateCache; private IndexInstance(SchemaInstance schema, Directory dataDirectory, IndexSettingsDefinition settings, LinkedHashMap<String, AnalyzerDefinition> analyzerMap, LinkedHashMap<String, FieldDefinition> fieldMap, FileSet fileSet, IndexWriter indexWriter, SearcherManager searcherManager, UpdatableAnalyzer queryAnalyzer) { this.schema = schema; this.fileSet = fileSet; this.dataDirectory = dataDirectory; this.analyzerMap = analyzerMap; this.fieldMap = fieldMap; this.indexWriter = indexWriter; this.indexWriterConfig = indexWriter.getConfig(); this.indexAnalyzer = (UpdatableAnalyzer) indexWriterConfig.getAnalyzer(); this.queryAnalyzer = queryAnalyzer; this.snapshotDeletionPolicy = (SnapshotDeletionPolicy) indexWriterConfig.getIndexDeletionPolicy(); this.settings = settings; this.searcherManager = searcherManager; this.facetsReaderStateCache = null; } private static class FileSet { private final File settingsFile; private final File indexDirectory; private final File backupDirectory; private final File dataDirectory; private final File analyzerMapFile; private final File fieldMapFile; private FileSet(File indexDirectory) { this.indexDirectory = indexDirectory; this.backupDirectory = new File(indexDirectory, INDEX_BACKUP); this.dataDirectory = new File(indexDirectory, INDEX_DATA); this.analyzerMapFile = new File(indexDirectory, ANALYZERS_FILE); this.fieldMapFile = new File(indexDirectory, FIELDS_FILE); this.settingsFile = new File(indexDirectory, SETTINGS_FILE); } } /** * @param schema * @param indexDirectory * @return */ final static IndexInstance newInstance(SchemaInstance schema, File indexDirectory, IndexSettingsDefinition settings) throws ServerException, IOException, ReflectiveOperationException, InterruptedException { UpdatableAnalyzer indexAnalyzer = null; UpdatableAnalyzer queryAnalyzer = null; IndexWriter indexWriter = null; Directory dataDirectory = null; try { if (!indexDirectory.exists()) indexDirectory.mkdir(); if (!indexDirectory.isDirectory()) throw new IOException( "This name is not valid. No directory exists for this location: " + indexDirectory); FileSet fileSet = new FileSet(indexDirectory); //Loading the settings if (settings == null) { settings = fileSet.settingsFile.exists() ? JsonMapper.MAPPER.readValue(fileSet.settingsFile, IndexSettingsDefinition.class) : IndexSettingsDefinition.EMPTY; } else { JsonMapper.MAPPER.writeValue(fileSet.settingsFile, settings); } //Loading the fields File fieldMapFile = new File(indexDirectory, FIELDS_FILE); LinkedHashMap<String, FieldDefinition> fieldMap = fieldMapFile.exists() ? JsonMapper.MAPPER.readValue(fieldMapFile, FieldDefinition.MapStringFieldTypeRef) : new LinkedHashMap<>(); //Loading the fields File analyzerMapFile = new File(indexDirectory, ANALYZERS_FILE); LinkedHashMap<String, AnalyzerDefinition> analyzerMap = analyzerMapFile.exists() ? JsonMapper.MAPPER.readValue(analyzerMapFile, AnalyzerDefinition.MapStringAnalyzerTypeRef) : new LinkedHashMap<>(); AnalyzerContext context = new AnalyzerContext(analyzerMap, fieldMap); indexAnalyzer = new UpdatableAnalyzer(context, context.indexAnalyzerMap); queryAnalyzer = new UpdatableAnalyzer(context, context.queryAnalyzerMap); // Open and lock the data directory dataDirectory =; // Set IndexWriterConfig indexWriterConfig = new IndexWriterConfig(indexAnalyzer); if (settings != null && settings.similarity_class != null) indexWriterConfig.setSimilarity(IndexUtils.findSimilarity(settings.similarity_class)); indexWriterConfig.setOpenMode(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE_OR_APPEND); SnapshotDeletionPolicy snapshotDeletionPolicy = new SnapshotDeletionPolicy( indexWriterConfig.getIndexDeletionPolicy()); indexWriterConfig.setIndexDeletionPolicy(snapshotDeletionPolicy); indexWriter = new IndexWriter(dataDirectory, indexWriterConfig); if (indexWriter.hasUncommittedChanges()) indexWriter.commit(); // Finally we build the SearchSearcherManger SearcherManager searcherManager = new SearcherManager(indexWriter, true, null); return new IndexInstance(schema, dataDirectory, settings, analyzerMap, fieldMap, fileSet, indexWriter, searcherManager, queryAnalyzer); } catch (IOException | ServerException | ReflectiveOperationException | InterruptedException e) { // We failed in opening the index. We close everything we can if (queryAnalyzer != null) IOUtils.closeQuietly(queryAnalyzer); if (indexAnalyzer != null) IOUtils.closeQuietly(indexAnalyzer); if (indexWriter != null) IOUtils.closeQuietly(indexWriter); if (dataDirectory != null) IOUtils.closeQuietly(dataDirectory); throw e; } } public IndexSettingsDefinition getSettings() { return settings; } @Override public void close() { IOUtils.closeQuietly(searcherManager); if (indexWriter.isOpen()) IOUtils.closeQuietly(indexWriter); IOUtils.closeQuietly(dataDirectory); } /** * Delete the index. The directory is deleted from the local file system. */ void delete() { close(); if (fileSet.indexDirectory.exists()) FileUtils.deleteQuietly(fileSet.indexDirectory); } private IndexStatus getIndexStatus() throws IOException { final IndexSearcher indexSearcher = searcherManager.acquire(); try { return new IndexStatus(indexSearcher.getIndexReader(), settings, analyzerMap.keySet(), fieldMap.keySet()); } finally { searcherManager.release(indexSearcher); } } LinkedHashMap<String, FieldDefinition> getFields() { return fieldMap; } IndexStatus getStatus() throws IOException, InterruptedException { final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireReadSemaphore(); try { return getIndexStatus(); } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } synchronized void setFields(LinkedHashMap<String, FieldDefinition> fields) throws ServerException, IOException { AnalyzerContext analyzerContext = new AnalyzerContext(analyzerMap, fields); indexAnalyzer.update(analyzerContext, analyzerContext.indexAnalyzerMap); queryAnalyzer.update(analyzerContext, analyzerContext.queryAnalyzerMap); JsonMapper.MAPPER.writeValue(fileSet.fieldMapFile, fields); fieldMap = fields; } void setField(String field_name, FieldDefinition field) throws IOException, ServerException { LinkedHashMap<String, FieldDefinition> fields = (LinkedHashMap<String, FieldDefinition>) fieldMap.clone(); fields.put(field_name, field); setFields(fields); } void deleteField(String field_name) throws IOException, ServerException { LinkedHashMap<String, FieldDefinition> fields = (LinkedHashMap<String, FieldDefinition>) fieldMap.clone(); if (fields.remove(field_name) == null) throw new ServerException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, "Field not found: " + field_name); setFields(fields); } LinkedHashMap<String, AnalyzerDefinition> getAnalyzers() { return analyzerMap; } synchronized void setAnalyzers(LinkedHashMap<String, AnalyzerDefinition> analyzers) throws ServerException, IOException { AnalyzerContext analyzerContext = new AnalyzerContext(analyzers, fieldMap); indexAnalyzer.update(analyzerContext, analyzerContext.indexAnalyzerMap); queryAnalyzer.update(analyzerContext, analyzerContext.queryAnalyzerMap); JsonMapper.MAPPER.writeValue(fileSet.analyzerMapFile, analyzers); analyzerMap = analyzers; } void setAnalyzer(String analyzerName, AnalyzerDefinition analyzer) throws IOException, ServerException { LinkedHashMap<String, AnalyzerDefinition> analyzers = (LinkedHashMap<String, AnalyzerDefinition>) analyzerMap .clone(); analyzers.put(analyzerName, analyzer); setAnalyzers(analyzers); } List<TermDefinition> testAnalyzer(String analyzerName, String text) throws ServerException, InterruptedException, ReflectiveOperationException, IOException { AnalyzerDefinition analyzerDefinition = analyzerMap.get(analyzerName); if (analyzerDefinition == null) throw new ServerException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, "Analyzer not found: " + analyzerName); Analyzer analyzer = new CustomAnalyzer(analyzerDefinition); try { return TermDefinition.buildTermList(analyzer, StringUtils.EMPTY, text); } finally { analyzer.close(); } } void deleteAnalyzer(String analyzerName) throws IOException, ServerException { LinkedHashMap<String, AnalyzerDefinition> analyzers = (LinkedHashMap<String, AnalyzerDefinition>) analyzerMap .clone(); if (analyzers.remove(analyzerName) == null) throw new ServerException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, "Analyzer not found: " + analyzerName); setAnalyzers(analyzers); } public Analyzer getIndexAnalyzer(String field) throws ServerException, IOException { return indexAnalyzer.getWrappedAnalyzer(field); } public Analyzer getQueryAnalyzer(String field) throws ServerException, IOException { return queryAnalyzer.getWrappedAnalyzer(field); } private void nrtCommit() throws IOException, ServerException { indexWriter.commit(); searcherManager.maybeRefresh(); schema.mayBeRefresh(); } final synchronized BackupStatus backup(Integer keepLastCount) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Semaphore sem = schema.acquireReadSemaphore(); try { File backupdir = null; final IndexCommit commit = snapshotDeletionPolicy.snapshot(); try { int files_count = 0; long bytes_size = 0; if (!fileSet.backupDirectory.exists()) fileSet.backupDirectory.mkdir(); backupdir = new File(fileSet.backupDirectory, Long.toString(commit.getGeneration())); if (!backupdir.exists()) backupdir.mkdir(); if (!backupdir.exists()) throw new IOException("Cannot create the backup directory: " + backupdir); for (String fileName : commit.getFileNames()) { File sourceFile = new File(fileSet.dataDirectory, fileName); File targetFile = new File(backupdir, fileName); files_count++; bytes_size += sourceFile.length(); if (targetFile.exists() && targetFile.length() == sourceFile.length() && targetFile.lastModified() == sourceFile.lastModified()) continue; FileUtils.copyFile(sourceFile, targetFile, true); } purgeBackups(keepLastCount); return new BackupStatus(commit.getGeneration(), backupdir.lastModified(), bytes_size, files_count); } catch (IOException e) { if (backupdir != null) FileUtils.deleteQuietly(backupdir); throw e; } finally { snapshotDeletionPolicy.release(commit); } } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } private void purgeBackups(Integer keepLastCount) { if (keepLastCount == null) return; if (keepLastCount == 0) return; List<BackupStatus> backups = backups(); if (backups.size() <= keepLastCount) return; for (int i = keepLastCount; i < backups.size(); i++) { File backupDir = new File(fileSet.backupDirectory, Long.toString(backups.get(i).generation)); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(backupDir); } } private List<BackupStatus> backups() { List<BackupStatus> list = new ArrayList<BackupStatus>(); if (!fileSet.backupDirectory.exists()) return list; File[] dirs = fileSet.backupDirectory.listFiles((FileFilter) DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE); if (dirs == null) return list; for (File dir : dirs) { BackupStatus status = BackupStatus.newBackupStatus(dir); if (status != null) list.add(status); } list.sort(new Comparator<BackupStatus>() { @Override public int compare(BackupStatus o1, BackupStatus o2) { return o2.generation.compareTo(o1.generation); } }); return list; } final List<BackupStatus> getBackups() throws InterruptedException { final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireReadSemaphore(); try { return backups(); } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } final void deleteAll() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ServerException { final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireWriteSemaphore(); try { indexWriter.deleteAll(); nrtCommit(); } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } private final RecordsPoster.UpdateObjectDocument getDocumentPoster(final Map<String, Field> fields) { return new RecordsPoster.UpdateObjectDocument(fields, indexAnalyzer.getContext(), indexWriter); } private final RecordsPoster.UpdateMapDocument getDocumentPoster() { return new RecordsPoster.UpdateMapDocument(indexAnalyzer.getContext(), indexWriter); } private final RecordsPoster.UpdateObjectDocValues getDocValuesPoster(final Map<String, Field> fields) { return new RecordsPoster.UpdateObjectDocValues(fields, indexAnalyzer.getContext(), indexWriter); } private final RecordsPoster.UpdateMapDocValues getDocValuesPoster() { return new RecordsPoster.UpdateMapDocValues(indexAnalyzer.getContext(), indexWriter); } final <T> Object postDocument(final Map<String, Field> fields, final T document) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (document == null) return null; final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireWriteSemaphore(); try { schema.checkSize(1); RecordsPoster.UpdateObjectDocument poster = getDocumentPoster(fields); poster.accept(document); Object id = poster.ids.isEmpty() ? null : poster.ids.iterator().next(); nrtCommit(); return id; } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } final Object postMappedDocument(final Map<String, Object> document) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (document == null || document.isEmpty()) return null; final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireWriteSemaphore(); try { schema.checkSize(1); RecordsPoster.UpdateMapDocument poster = getDocumentPoster(); poster.accept(document); Object id = poster.ids.isEmpty() ? null : poster.ids.iterator().next(); nrtCommit(); return id; } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } final Collection<Object> postMappedDocuments(final Collection<Map<String, Object>> documents) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (documents == null || documents.isEmpty()) return null; final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireWriteSemaphore(); try { schema.checkSize(documents.size()); RecordsPoster.UpdateMapDocument poster = getDocumentPoster(); documents.forEach(poster); nrtCommit(); return poster.ids; } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } final <T> Collection<Object> postDocuments(final Map<String, Field> fields, final Collection<T> documents) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (documents == null || documents.isEmpty()) return null; final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireWriteSemaphore(); try { schema.checkSize(documents.size()); RecordsPoster.UpdateObjectDocument poster = getDocumentPoster(fields); documents.forEach(poster); nrtCommit(); return poster.ids; } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } final <T> void updateDocValues(final Map<String, Field> fields, final T document) throws InterruptedException, IOException { if (document == null) return; final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireWriteSemaphore(); try { RecordsPoster.UpdateObjectDocValues poster = getDocValuesPoster(fields); poster.accept(document); nrtCommit(); } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } final void updateMappedDocValues(final Map<String, Object> document) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (document == null || document.isEmpty()) return; final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireWriteSemaphore(); try { RecordsPoster.UpdateMapDocValues poster = getDocValuesPoster(); poster.accept(document); nrtCommit(); } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } final <T> void updateDocsValues(final Map<String, Field> fields, final Collection<T> documents) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (documents == null || documents.isEmpty()) return; final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireWriteSemaphore(); try { RecordsPoster.UpdateObjectDocValues poster = getDocValuesPoster(fields); documents.forEach(poster); nrtCommit(); } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } final void updateMappedDocsValues(final Collection<Map<String, Object>> documents) throws IOException, ServerException, InterruptedException { if (documents == null || documents.isEmpty()) return; final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireWriteSemaphore(); try { RecordsPoster.UpdateMapDocValues poster = getDocValuesPoster(); documents.forEach(poster); nrtCommit(); } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } final ResultDefinition.WithMap deleteByQuery(final QueryDefinition queryDefinition) throws IOException, InterruptedException, QueryNodeException, ParseException, ServerException, ReflectiveOperationException { final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireWriteSemaphore(); try { final QueryContext queryContext = new QueryContext(null, queryAnalyzer, null, queryDefinition); final Query query = QueryUtils.getLuceneQuery(queryContext); int docs = indexWriter.numDocs(); indexWriter.deleteDocuments(query); nrtCommit(); docs -= indexWriter.numDocs(); return new ResultDefinition.WithMap(docs); } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } private synchronized SortedSetDocValuesReaderState getFacetsState(final IndexReader indexReader) throws IOException { Pair<IndexReader, SortedSetDocValuesReaderState> current = facetsReaderStateCache; if (current != null && current.getLeft() == indexReader) return current.getRight(); SortedSetDocValuesReaderState newState = IndexUtils.getNewFacetsState(indexReader); facetsReaderStateCache = Pair.of(indexReader, newState); return newState; } final private QueryContext buildQueryContext(final IndexSearcher indexSearcher, final QueryDefinition queryDefinition) throws IOException { indexSearcher.setSimilarity(indexWriterConfig.getSimilarity()); final SortedSetDocValuesReaderState facetsState = getFacetsState(indexSearcher.getIndexReader()); return new QueryContext(indexSearcher, queryAnalyzer, facetsState, queryDefinition); } final ResultDefinition search(final QueryDefinition queryDefinition, ResultDocumentBuilder.BuilderFactory<?> documentBuilderFactory) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ParseException, ReflectiveOperationException, QueryNodeException { final Semaphore sem = schema.acquireReadSemaphore(); try { final IndexSearcher indexSearcher = searcherManager.acquire(); try { return, queryDefinition), documentBuilderFactory); } finally { searcherManager.release(indexSearcher); } } finally { if (sem != null) sem.release(); } } Directory getDataDirectory() { return dataDirectory; } void fillFields(final Map<String, FieldDefinition> fields) { if (fields == null) return; this.fieldMap.forEach(new BiConsumer<String, FieldDefinition>() { @Override public void accept(String name, FieldDefinition fieldDefinition) { if (!fields.containsKey(name)) fields.put(name, fieldDefinition); } }); } void fillAnalyzers(final Map<String, AnalyzerDefinition> analyzers) { if (analyzers == null) return; this.analyzerMap.forEach(new BiConsumer<String, AnalyzerDefinition>() { @Override public void accept(String name, AnalyzerDefinition analyzerDefinition) { if (!analyzers.containsKey(name)) analyzers.put(name, analyzerDefinition); } }); } }