Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2008, Queensland University of Technology * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * * Author: Shaun Mangelsdorf * Creation Date: 15/12/2008 * * Purpose: */ package com.qut.middleware.spep.authn.bindings.impl; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3._2000._09.xmldsig_.Signature; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.qut.middleware.crypto.KeystoreResolver; import com.qut.middleware.metadata.bean.saml.SPEPRole; import com.qut.middleware.metadata.exception.MetadataStateException; import com.qut.middleware.metadata.processor.MetadataProcessor; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.BindingConstants; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.NameIDFormatConstants; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.SchemaConstants; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.StatusCodeConstants; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.VersionConstants; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.exception.MarshallerException; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.exception.ReferenceValueException; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.exception.SignatureValueException; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.exception.UnmarshallerException; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.handler.Marshaller; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.handler.Unmarshaller; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.handler.impl.MarshallerImpl; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.handler.impl.UnmarshallerImpl; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.identifier.IdentifierGenerator; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.schemas.assertion.NameIDType; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.schemas.protocol.ArtifactResolve; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.schemas.protocol.ArtifactResponse; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.schemas.protocol.Status; import com.qut.middleware.saml2.schemas.protocol.StatusCode; import com.qut.middleware.spep.authn.bindings.ArtifactProcessor; import com.qut.middleware.spep.exception.AuthenticationException; import com.qut.middleware.spep.util.CalendarUtils; import; import; public class ArtifactProcessorImpl implements ArtifactProcessor { private static final String ARTIFACT_BINDING = BindingConstants.soap; private String entityIdentifier; private byte[] sourceID; private int nodeIndex = -1; private IdentifierGenerator identifierGenerator; private final String RNG = "SHA1PRNG"; private SecureRandom random; private Marshaller<ArtifactResponse> artifactResponseMarshaller; private Unmarshaller<ArtifactResponse> artifactResponseUnmarshaller; private Marshaller<ArtifactResolve> artifactResolveMarshaller; private Unmarshaller<ArtifactResolve> artifactResolveUnmarshaller; private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private WSClient client; private MetadataProcessor metadataProcessor; private KeystoreResolver keystoreResolver; private Map<String, Artifact> artifactMap; public void setIdentifierGenerator(IdentifierGenerator generator) { this.identifierGenerator = generator; } public void setEntityIdentifier(String entityIdentifier) { try { // Digesting the (local) entity identifier is a one-time operation, so we do it here. this.sourceID = digestEntityIdentifier(entityIdentifier); this.entityIdentifier = entityIdentifier; if (this.sourceID.length != 20) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SHA1 hash of ESOE identifier resulted in an invalid result. Length should be 20 but was " + this.sourceID.length); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to digest ESOE identifier for source ID. The hash algorithm does not exist. " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to digest ESOE identifier for source ID. The encoding is not supported. " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private byte[] digestEntityIdentifier(String entityIdentifier) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { byte[] entityIdentifierBytes = entityIdentifier.getBytes("UTF-8"); MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); digest.update(entityIdentifierBytes); return digest.digest(); } public void setKeystoreResolver(KeystoreResolver keystoreResolver) { this.keystoreResolver = keystoreResolver; } public void setWSClient(WSClient client) { this.client = client; } public void setMetadataProcessor(MetadataProcessor metadataProcessor) { this.metadataProcessor = metadataProcessor; } public void setNodeIndex(int nodeIndex) { this.nodeIndex = nodeIndex; } public void afterPropertiesSet() { if (this.entityIdentifier == null || this.sourceID == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ESOE identifier has not been specified correctly."); } if (this.identifierGenerator == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Identifier generator has not been specified correctly."); } if (this.nodeIndex == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node index has not been specified correctly."); } try { this.random = SecureRandom.getInstance(this.RNG); this.random.setSeed(System.currentTimeMillis()); String packages = ArtifactResolve.class.getPackage().getName(); String[] schema = new String[] { SchemaConstants.samlProtocol }; this.artifactResponseMarshaller = new MarshallerImpl<ArtifactResponse>(packages, schema, this.keystoreResolver); this.artifactResponseUnmarshaller = new UnmarshallerImpl<ArtifactResponse>(packages, schema, this.metadataProcessor); this.artifactResolveMarshaller = new MarshallerImpl<ArtifactResolve>(packages, schema, this.keystoreResolver); this.artifactResolveUnmarshaller = new UnmarshallerImpl<ArtifactResolve>(packages, schema, this.metadataProcessor); this.artifactMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Artifact>(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No such algorithm exists for the PRNG. Unable to continue. Error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (MarshallerException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Error initializing marshaller. Unable to continue. Error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (UnmarshallerException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Error intitializing unmarshaller. Unable to continue. Error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } public Element execute(Element artifactRequest) throws AuthenticationException { ArtifactResolve artifactResolve = null; try { this.logger.debug("Going to unmarshal ArtifactResolve document"); artifactResolve = this.artifactResolveUnmarshaller.unMarshallSigned(artifactRequest); String requestIssuer = artifactResolve.getIssuer().getValue(); String artifactToken = artifactResolve.getArtifact(); "Unmarshalled ArtifactResolve document from issuer {} - requested artifact token is {}", new Object[] { requestIssuer, artifactToken }); Artifact artifact = new Artifact(artifactToken); byte[] sourceID = artifact.getSourceID(); boolean validSourceID = (sourceID.length == this.sourceID.length); if (validSourceID) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceID.length; ++i) { // Compare each byte in sequence if (sourceID[i] != this.sourceID[i]) { validSourceID = false; break; } } } if (!validSourceID) { // Convert source IDs to hex for logging. String sourceIDString = new String(Hex.encodeHex(sourceID)); String expectedSourceIDString = new String(Hex.encodeHex(this.sourceID)); String time = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); this.logger.error("{} Source ID for artifact token was invalid. Was {} but should have been {}", new Object[] { time, sourceIDString, expectedSourceIDString }); return this.errorResponse(artifactResolve, StatusCodeConstants.requester, time + " Source ID for artifact token was invalid. Unable to respond"); } // Resolve the artifact from the underlying data source. this.resolveArtifact(artifact); String audience = artifact.getAudience(); Element document = artifact.getDocument(); if (!requestIssuer.equals(audience) || document == null) { String time = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); this.logger.error( "{} Audience entity ID for artifact token was invalid. Will respond with no document content. Request issuer was {} but document audience was {}", new Object[] { time, requestIssuer, audience }); return this.statusResponse(artifactResolve, StatusCodeConstants.success, time + " The artifact request was successful but no artifact document to respond with.", null); } return this.statusResponse(artifactResolve, StatusCodeConstants.success, "The artifact request was successful.", document); } catch (SignatureValueException e) { artifactResolve = (ArtifactResolve) e.getJAXBObject(); String issuer; if (artifactResolve != null) { issuer = artifactResolve.getIssuer().getValue(); } else { issuer = "unknown issuer"; } String time = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); this.logger.error( "{} Signature validation failed on ArtifactResolve request. Generating error response. Request issuer was {}. Error was: {}", new Object[] { time, issuer, e.getMessage() }); return this.errorResponse(artifactResolve, StatusCodeConstants.requester, time + "Signature validation failed on ArtifactResolve request. Unwilling to respond."); } catch (ReferenceValueException e) { artifactResolve = (ArtifactResolve) e.getJAXBObject(); String issuer; if (artifactResolve != null) { issuer = artifactResolve.getIssuer().getValue(); } else { issuer = "unknown issuer"; } String time = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); this.logger.error( "{} Reference value failure on ArtifactResolve request. Generating error response. Request issuer was {}. Error was: {}", new Object[] { time, issuer, e.getMessage() }); return this.errorResponse(artifactResolve, StatusCodeConstants.requester, time + " Reference value failure on ArtifactResolve request. Unwilling to respond."); } catch (UnmarshallerException e) { artifactResolve = (ArtifactResolve) e.getJAXBObject(); String issuer; if (artifactResolve != null) { issuer = artifactResolve.getIssuer().getValue(); } else { issuer = "unknown issuer"; } String time = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); this.logger.error( "{} Unmarshalling failed on ArtifactResolve request. Generating error response. Request issuer was {}. Error was: {}", new Object[] { time, issuer, e.getMessage() }); return this.errorResponse(artifactResolve, StatusCodeConstants.requester, time + " Unmarshalling failed on ArtifactResolve request. Unwilling to respond."); } } private void resolveArtifact(Artifact artifact) { String messageHandleString = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(artifact.getMessageHandle())); Artifact value = this.artifactMap.get(messageHandleString); if (value != null) { artifact.setAudience(value.getAudience()); artifact.setDocument(value.getDocument()); } } public String registerArtifact(Element artifactDocument, String audience) { byte[] messageHandle = new byte[20]; this.random.nextBytes(messageHandle); Artifact artifact = new Artifact(this.nodeIndex, this.sourceID, messageHandle, audience, artifactDocument); this.storeArtifact(artifact); return artifact.toBase64Artifact(); } private void storeArtifact(Artifact artifact) { String messageHandleString = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(artifact.getMessageHandle())); this.artifactMap.put(messageHandleString, artifact); } private Element errorResponse(ArtifactResolve request, String statusCodeValue, String statusMessage) throws AuthenticationException { return this.statusResponse(request, statusCodeValue, statusMessage, null); } private Element statusResponse(ArtifactResolve request, String statusCodeValue, String statusMessage, Element content) throws AuthenticationException { ArtifactResponse artifactResponse = new ArtifactResponse(); artifactResponse.setID(this.identifierGenerator.generateSAMLID()); artifactResponse.setIssueInstant(CalendarUtils.generateXMLCalendar()); artifactResponse.setVersion(VersionConstants.saml20); artifactResponse.setSignature(new Signature()); NameIDType issuer = new NameIDType(); issuer.setValue(this.entityIdentifier); issuer.setFormat(NameIDFormatConstants.entity); artifactResponse.setIssuer(issuer); Status status = new Status(); StatusCode statusCode = new StatusCode(); statusCode.setValue(statusCodeValue); status.setStatusCode(statusCode); status.setStatusMessage(statusMessage); artifactResponse.setStatus(status); String requestIssuer = "unknown issuer"; if (request != null) { requestIssuer = request.getIssuer().getValue(); artifactResponse.setInResponseTo(request.getID()); } if (content != null) { artifactResponse.setAny(content); } try { Element response = this.artifactResponseMarshaller.marshallSignedElement(artifactResponse); "Marshalled status response. Request issuer = {} Status = {} Message = {} Has content = {}", new Object[] { requestIssuer, statusCodeValue, statusMessage, Boolean.toString(content != null) }); return response; } catch (MarshallerException e) { this.logger.error("Error marshalling status response. Unable to respond. Error was: {}, Caused by: {}", e.getMessage(), (e.getCause() != null) ? e.getCause().getMessage() : null); return null; } } public Element getRemoteArtifact(String artifactToken) throws AuthenticationException { try { // Generate a request. ArtifactResolve artifactResolve = new ArtifactResolve(); artifactResolve.setID(this.identifierGenerator.generateSAMLID()); artifactResolve.setIssueInstant(CalendarUtils.generateXMLCalendar()); artifactResolve.setVersion(VersionConstants.saml20); artifactResolve.setSignature(new Signature()); NameIDType issuer = new NameIDType(); issuer.setValue(this.entityIdentifier); issuer.setFormat(NameIDFormatConstants.entity); artifactResolve.setIssuer(issuer); artifactResolve.setArtifact(artifactToken); // Marshal to a DOM element for the WS query Element artifactResolveDocument = this.artifactResolveMarshaller.marshallSignedElement(artifactResolve); // Find the destination. Artifact artifact = new Artifact(artifactToken); String entityID = findEntityID(artifact); int index = artifact.getIndex(); // Get the endpoint for the request from metadata SPEPRole spepRole = this.metadataProcessor.getEntityRoleData(entityID, SPEPRole.class); String endpoint = spepRole.getArtifactResolutionEndpoint(ARTIFACT_BINDING, index); // Make the WS call Element response = this.client.artifactResolve(artifactResolveDocument, endpoint); // Unmarshal and validate the response. ArtifactResponse artifactResponse = this.artifactResponseUnmarshaller.unMarshallSigned(response); if (!artifactResponse.getInResponseTo().equals(artifactResolve.getID())) { throw new AuthenticationException( "Artifact response InResponseTo element does not match the ID of the request document. Expected: " + artifactResolve.getID() + " but the ID was: " + artifactResponse.getInResponseTo()); } Status status = artifactResponse.getStatus(); String responseIssuer = artifactResponse.getIssuer().getValue(); if (status == null) { throw new AuthenticationException( "Artifact response had null Status, unable to validate. Issuer was: " + responseIssuer); } StatusCode statusCode = status.getStatusCode(); if (statusCode == null) { throw new AuthenticationException( "Artifact response status did not have a status code. Issuer was: " + responseIssuer); } String statusCodeValue = statusCode.getValue(); if (statusCodeValue == null) { throw new AuthenticationException( "Artifact response status code did not have a value. Issuer was: " + responseIssuer); } String statusMessage = status.getStatusMessage(); if (statusMessage == null) { throw new AuthenticationException( "Artifact response status did not have a message. Issuer was: " + responseIssuer); } if (!statusCodeValue.equals(StatusCodeConstants.success)) { throw new AuthenticationException("Artifact response status did not indicate success. Status was: " + statusCodeValue + " Issuer: " + responseIssuer + " Status message: " + statusMessage); } Element artifactDocument = artifactResponse.getAny(); if (artifactDocument == null) { throw new AuthenticationException( "Artifact response did not have a document. Issuer was: " + responseIssuer); }"ArtifactResponse from {} had status {}, status message: {}", new Object[] { responseIssuer, statusCodeValue, statusMessage }); return artifactDocument; } catch (MarshallerException e) { throw new AuthenticationException( "Marshalling exception occurred while trying to create an ArtifactResolve request. Unable to continue processing.", e); } catch (MetadataStateException e) { throw new AuthenticationException( "Metadata was in an invalid state, unable to perform an ArtifactResolve request.", e); } catch (SignatureValueException e) { ArtifactResponse artifactResponse = (ArtifactResponse) e.getJAXBObject(); String issuer = "unknown"; if (artifactResponse != null) { issuer = artifactResponse.getIssuer().getValue(); } throw new AuthenticationException( "Artifact resolution failed, the signature on the response was invalid. Issuer: " + issuer, e); } catch (ReferenceValueException e) { ArtifactResponse artifactResponse = (ArtifactResponse) e.getJAXBObject(); String issuer = "unknown"; if (artifactResponse != null) { issuer = artifactResponse.getIssuer().getValue(); } throw new AuthenticationException( "Artifact resolution failed due to a reference value error while validating signatures. Issuer: " + issuer, e); } catch (UnmarshallerException e) { ArtifactResponse artifactResponse = (ArtifactResponse) e.getJAXBObject(); String issuer = "unknown"; if (artifactResponse != null) { issuer = artifactResponse.getIssuer().getValue(); } throw new AuthenticationException( "Artifact resolution failed, the unmarshaller failed to validate the document. Issuer: " + issuer, e); } catch (WSClientException e) { throw new AuthenticationException( "Artifact resolution failed, the web service call was not made successfully.", e); } } private String findEntityID(Artifact artifact) throws AuthenticationException { try { byte[] sourceID = artifact.getSourceID(); for (String entity : this.metadataProcessor.getEntityList()) { byte[] entitySourceID = this.digestEntityIdentifier(entity); // Check lengths then compare byte by byte if (sourceID.length != entitySourceID.length) continue; for (int i = 0; i < sourceID.length; ++i) { if (sourceID[i] != entitySourceID[i]) continue; } return entity; } return null; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new AuthenticationException("Encoding was not supported. Unable to continue processing.", e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new AuthenticationException( "No such algorithm exists while trying to digest entity identifier. Unable to continue processing.", e); } } }