Java tutorial
// Copyright 2004-2014 Jim Voris // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package; import com.qumasoft.guitools.merge.ColorManager; import com.qumasoft.qvcslib.QumaAssert; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.font.TextAttribute; import java.text.AttributedString; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.JLabel; import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.AddDelta; import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.ChangeDelta; import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.DeleteDelta; import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.Delta; import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.Diff; import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.DifferentiationFailedException; import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.Revision; class ContentRow extends JLabel { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4490555483346212013L; // Create our logger object private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(""); public static final byte ROWTYPE_NORMAL = 10; public static final byte ROWTYPE_INSERT = 11; public static final byte ROWTYPE_DELETE = 12; public static final byte ROWTYPE_REPLACE = 13; public static final byte ROWTYPE_BLANK = 14; private byte rowType; private int blankRowsAfter = 0; private int blankRowsBefore = 0; private int lineIndex; private String actualText; private Delta delta = null; private byte[] fileACharacterTypeArray; private boolean rowHadAnnotations = false; ContentRow(Delta d) { rowType = ROWTYPE_BLANK; = d; QumaAssert.isTrue( != null); } ContentRow(String formattedText, String actText, CompareFilesForGUI compareResult, int lineIdx, boolean isFirstFile) { super(formattedText); this.actualText = actText; setRowType(determineRowType(compareResult, lineIdx, isFirstFile)); delta = compareResult.getDelta(lineIdx, isFirstFile); int deletedLineCount; int insertedLineCount; this.lineIndex = lineIdx; if (delta != null) { deletedLineCount = delta.getOriginal().size(); insertedLineCount = delta.getRevised().size(); switch (rowType) { case ROWTYPE_INSERT: if (isFirstFile) { blankRowsAfter = insertedLineCount; } break; case ROWTYPE_DELETE: if (!isFirstFile) { blankRowsAfter = deletedLineCount; } break; case ROWTYPE_REPLACE: if (insertedLineCount > deletedLineCount) { if (isFirstFile) { int lastLineOfReplace = delta.getOriginal().last(); if (lineIdx == lastLineOfReplace) { blankRowsAfter = insertedLineCount - deletedLineCount; } } } else if (deletedLineCount > insertedLineCount) { if (!isFirstFile) { int lastLineOfReplace = delta.getRevised().last(); if (lineIdx == lastLineOfReplace) { blankRowsAfter = deletedLineCount - insertedLineCount; } } } break; case ROWTYPE_NORMAL: if (isFirstFile) { if (lineIdx == 0) { blankRowsBefore = insertedLineCount; } else if ((lineIdx == delta.getOriginal().first()) && (deletedLineCount == 0)) { blankRowsBefore = insertedLineCount; } else if (delta instanceof AddDelta) { blankRowsAfter = insertedLineCount; } } else { if (lineIdx == 0) { blankRowsBefore = deletedLineCount; } if ((lineIdx == delta.getRevised().first()) && (insertedLineCount == 0)) { blankRowsBefore = deletedLineCount; } else if (delta instanceof DeleteDelta) { blankRowsAfter = deletedLineCount; } } break; default: LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown content row type for line index: [" + lineIdx + "]"); break; } } } Delta getDelta() { return delta; } String getActualText() { return actualText; } final void setRowType(byte rType) { QumaAssert.isTrue((rType >= ROWTYPE_NORMAL) && (rType <= ROWTYPE_REPLACE)); this.rowType = rType; } byte getRowType() { return rowType; } int getBlankRowsAfter() { return blankRowsAfter; } int getBlankRowsBefore() { return blankRowsBefore; } int getLineNumberIndex() { return lineIndex; } final byte determineRowType(CompareFilesForGUI compareResult, int lineIdx, boolean isFirstFile) { byte rType = compareResult.getRowType(lineIdx, isFirstFile); return rType; } String getLineNumber() { return Integer.toString(lineIndex + 1) + " "; } /** * Decorate the differences between this row and its peer. This is used for replacement rows only. * Use the apache algorithm. * * @param peerRow the peer row from the other file. */ void decorateDifferences(ContentRow peerRow) { String s = getText(); String peer = peerRow.getText(); if (s.length() > 0 && peer.length() > 0) { Byte[] sBytes = new Byte[s.getBytes().length]; Byte[] peerBytes = new Byte[peer.getBytes().length]; int sIndex = 0; for (Byte sourceByte : s.getBytes()) { sBytes[sIndex++] = sourceByte; } int peerIndex = 0; for (Byte peerByte : peer.getBytes()) { peerBytes[peerIndex++] = peerByte; } try { Revision differences = Diff.diff(sBytes, peerBytes); deduceCharacterAnnotations(differences, sBytes); } catch (DifferentiationFailedException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Decoration failed: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { if ((getRowType() == ROWTYPE_REPLACE) && rowHadAnnotations) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; String s = getText(); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); if (s.length() > 0) { int index = 0; AttributedString attributedString = new AttributedString(s, getFont().getAttributes()); try { for (byte rType : fileACharacterTypeArray) { switch (rType) { case ContentRow.ROWTYPE_DELETE: attributedString.addAttribute(TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH, null, index, index + 1); break; case ContentRow.ROWTYPE_REPLACE: attributedString.addAttribute(TextAttribute.BACKGROUND, ColorManager.getReplaceCompareHiliteBackgroundColor(), index, index + 1); break; default: break; } index++; } g2.drawString(attributedString.getIterator(), 0, getFont().getSize()); } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "bad replace indexes. begin index: [" + index + "] end index: [" + index + "]. String length: [" + s.length() + "]"); } } else { super.paint(g); } } else { super.paint(g); } } private void deduceCharacterAnnotations(Revision differences, Byte[] sBytes) { // First get all the deltas... Delta[] deltas = new Delta[differences.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < differences.size(); i++) { deltas[i] = differences.getDelta(i); } fileACharacterTypeArray = new byte[sBytes.length]; // Set all the rows to default to NORMAL. for (int i = 0; i < sBytes.length; i++) { fileACharacterTypeArray[i] = ContentRow.ROWTYPE_NORMAL; } for (Delta characterDelta : deltas) { byte rType; if (characterDelta instanceof AddDelta) { rType = ContentRow.ROWTYPE_INSERT; rowHadAnnotations = true; } else if (characterDelta instanceof ChangeDelta) { rType = ContentRow.ROWTYPE_REPLACE; rowHadAnnotations = true; } else if (characterDelta instanceof DeleteDelta) { rType = ContentRow.ROWTYPE_DELETE; rowHadAnnotations = true; } else { continue; // this is goofy... and should never happen. We'll ignore the problem. } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") int firstA = characterDelta.getOriginal().first(); int lastA = characterDelta.getOriginal().last(); for (int j = firstA; j <= lastA; j++) { fileACharacterTypeArray[j] = rType; } } } }