Java tutorial
/** This file is part of the Zeidon Java Object Engine (Zeidon JOE). Zeidon JOE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Zeidon JOE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Zeidon JOE. If not, see <>. Copyright 2009-2015 QuinSoft */ package com.quinsoft.zeidon.dbhandler; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharSetUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.AbstractOptionsConfiguration; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ActivateFlags; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ActivateOptions; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ActivateOptions.ActivateOrder; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.Application; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.AttributeInstance; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.CreateEntityFlags; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.CursorPosition; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.CursorResult; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.EntityCache; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.EntityCursor; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.EntityInstance; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.GenKeyHandler; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.IncludeFlags; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.Pagination; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.Task; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.View; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ZeidonException; import; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.AttributeDef; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.DataField; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.DataRecord; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.EntityDef; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.LockingLevel; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.LodDef; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.RelField; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.RelRecord; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.standardoe.NoOpPessimisticLockingHandler; import com.quinsoft.zeidon.standardoe.OiRelinker; /** * @author DG * */ public abstract class AbstractSqlHandler implements DbHandler, GenKeyHandler { public static final PessimisticLockingHandler NOOP_PESSIMISTIC_LOCKING_HANDLER = new NoOpPessimisticLockingHandler(); /** * These are the flags to use when creating an entity. It prevents some * normal processing for occuring that we don't need when activating. */ protected static final EnumSet<CreateEntityFlags> CREATE_FLAGS = EnumSet.of(CreateEntityFlags.fNO_SPAWNING, CreateEntityFlags.fIGNORE_MAX_CARDINALITY, CreateEntityFlags.fDONT_UPDATE_OI, CreateEntityFlags.fDONT_INITIALIZE_ATTRIBUTES, CreateEntityFlags.fDBHANDLER, CreateEntityFlags.fIGNORE_PERMISSIONS); /** * Flags that are used to create EIs in the new OI from a cache of EIs. */ protected static final EnumSet<IncludeFlags> INCLUDE_FLAGS = EnumSet.of(IncludeFlags.FROM_ACTIVATE); private static final long COL_KEYS_ONLY = 0x00000001; private static final long COL_FULL_QUAL = 0x00000004; protected enum SqlCommand { INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE; } protected final Task task; protected final Application application; protected final OiRelinker entityLinker; protected View qual; protected Map<EntityDef, QualEntity> qualMap; protected EnumSet<ActivateFlags> activateFlags; protected AbstractOptionsConfiguration options; /** * When activating, this is a cast of options as ActivateOptions. * I.e. activateOptions = (ActivateOptions) options. */ protected ActivateOptions activateOptions; protected boolean closeTransaction = true; /** * Keeps a list of entities that are joinable for this activate. */ protected Map<EntityDef, List<EntityDef>> joinableChildren = new HashMap<EntityDef, List<EntityDef>>(); private final Map<EntityDef, SqlStatement> cachedStmts; /** * If true then the DB is generating the row keys. */ private boolean isDbGenerateKeys = false; private Integer insertCount; private Boolean isBindAllValues; private Boolean ignoreJoins; /** * This is the list of instances that have been loaded. It is limited to instances * that have children that can be loaded in one SELECT. * * The sub-map is keyed by the key value of the entity instance. */ protected Map<EntityDef, Map<Object, EntityInstance>> loadedInstances; /** * This hash set keeps track of view entities that have been loaded. It's used to * determine if we've already loaded the instances of a EntityDef. */ protected Set<EntityDef> loadedViewEntities; /** * If a entityDef is in this set it can be loaded in a single select. */ private Set<EntityDef> loadInOneSelect; private HashMap<EntityCache, View> entityCacheViewMap; /** * If set, this is the paging options for the activate. */ private Pagination pagingOptions; protected AbstractSqlHandler(Task task, AbstractOptionsConfiguration options) { this.task = task; this.application = options.getApplication(); this.options = options; entityLinker = new OiRelinker(task); cachedStmts = new HashMap<EntityDef, AbstractSqlHandler.SqlStatement>(); } protected SqlStatement initializeCommand(SqlCommand sqlCommand, View view) { return initializeCommand(sqlCommand, view, null); } protected SqlStatement initializeCommand(SqlCommand sqlCommand, View view, EntityDef selectRoot) { return new SqlStatement(sqlCommand, view, selectRoot); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.quinsoft.zeidon.dbhandler.DbHandler#insertEntity(com.quinsoft.zeidon.View, com.quinsoft.zeidon.EntityInstance, java.lang.Object) */ @Override public int insertEntity(View view, List<? extends EntityInstance> entityInstances) { // All the instances should have the same EntityDef. EntityDef entityDef = entityInstances.get(0).getEntityDef(); DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); task.dblog().debug("Inserting entity %s, table name = %s", entityDef.getName(), dataRecord.getRecordName()); int numInserts = entityInstances.size(); int maxInserts = numInserts; Integer max = getInsertCount(); if (max != null && max > 0) maxInserts = Math.min(max, numInserts); int idx = 0; while (idx < numInserts) { SqlStatement stmt = initializeCommand(SqlCommand.INSERT, view); stmt.appendCmd("INSERT INTO ", dataRecord.getRecordName(), " ( "); addColumnList(stmt, entityInstances.get(idx), dataRecord, 0); stmt.appendColumn(" )"); stmt.appendInsertValues(" VALUES \n ("); EntityInstance entityInstance = null; for (int count = 0; count < maxInserts && idx < numInserts; count++) { if (count > 0) // First row? stmt.appendInsertValues(" ),\n ( "); entityInstance = entityInstances.get(idx); addColumnValueList(stmt, entityInstance); idx++; } stmt.appendInsertValues(" )"); executeStatement(view, entityDef, entityInstance, stmt); } return 0; } private void addColumnValueList(SqlStatement stmt, EntityInstance entityInstance) { boolean firstColumn = true; for (DataField dataField : stmt.columns.keySet()) { // If the DB is generating the keys then don't add generated keys to // the list of columns. AttributeDef attributeDef = dataField.getAttributeDef(); if (!addGeneratedKeyForInsert() && attributeDef.isGenKey() && entityInstance.getAttribute(attributeDef).isNull()) continue; if (firstColumn) firstColumn = false; else stmt.appendInsertValues(", "); getAttributeValue(stmt, stmt.insertValues, dataField, entityInstance); } } /** * Copies the value of the attribute into buffer. * @param stmt TODO * @param domain * @param attributeDef TODO * @param buffer * @param value */ protected abstract void getSqlValue(SqlStatement stmt, Domain domain, AttributeDef attributeDef, StringBuilder buffer, Object value); protected abstract String getConfigValue(String key); @Override public void setDbGenerateKeys(boolean set) { isDbGenerateKeys = set; } protected boolean useDbGenerateKeys() { return isDbGenerateKeys; } /** * Indicates whether we should add the generated key as part of the insert. * By default the value is 'false' if we're using generated keys because * the DB will infer it. This means the genkey will not appear at all * in the INSERT statements. * * However some DBs (e.g. SQLite) require us to insert a NULL value for * the key. Sqlite will then generate its own key. * * @return */ protected boolean addGeneratedKeyForInsert() { return !isDbGenerateKeys; } /** * Add the attribute value to the buffer. * @param stmt TODO * @param buffer * @param dataField * @param entityInstance */ void getAttributeValue(SqlStatement stmt, StringBuilder buffer, DataField dataField, EntityInstance entityInstance, boolean ignoreBind) { if (ignoreBind == false && isBindAllValues()) { // There can be multiple INSERT statements for a single SQL command. We need to bind the attribute // value instead of the data field. if (stmt.commandType == SqlCommand.INSERT) { Object value = entityInstance.getAttribute(dataField.getAttributeDef()).getValue(); stmt.addBoundAttribute(buffer, value); return; } stmt.addBoundAttribute(buffer, dataField); return; } AttributeDef attributeDef = dataField.getAttributeDef(); Object value = entityInstance.getAttribute(attributeDef).getValue(); getSqlValue(stmt, attributeDef.getDomain(), attributeDef, buffer, value); } void getAttributeValue(SqlStatement stmt, StringBuilder buffer, DataField dataField, EntityInstance entityInstance) { getAttributeValue(stmt, buffer, dataField, entityInstance, false); } protected Task getTask() { return task; } /** * Used for setting qualification: get the attribute value and assign it using equals. * This method is necessary to use * @param stmt TODO * @param buffer * @param dataField * @param entityInstance * * @return */ boolean getAttributeValueEquality(SqlStatement stmt, StringBuilder buffer, DataField dataField, EntityInstance entityInstance) { if (!isBindAllValues()) { if (entityInstance.getAttribute(dataField.getAttributeDef()).isNull()) { buffer.append(" IS null"); return false; } } buffer.append(" = "); getAttributeValue(stmt, buffer, dataField, entityInstance); return true; } private void addColumnList(SqlStatement stmt, EntityInstance entityInstance, DataRecord dataRecord, long control) { RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); for (DataField dataField : dataRecord.dataFields()) { AttributeDef attributeDef = dataField.getAttributeDef(); if ((control & COL_KEYS_ONLY) != 0 && attributeDef.isKey()) continue; if (!attributeDef.isActivate()) continue; // If the attribute is an Auto Seq attribute and the relationship // is many-to-many then the attribute is stored in the corresponding // table. If the command type is also INSERT then the attribute is // not to be included in this list. if (attributeDef.isAutoSeq() && relRecord != null && relRecord.getRelationshipType() == RelRecord.MANY_TO_MANY && stmt.commandType == SqlCommand.INSERT) { continue; } // Skip the attribute if it wasn't updated. if (entityInstance != null && stmt.commandType != SqlCommand.INSERT) { if (!entityInstance.getAttribute(attributeDef).isUpdated()) continue; } if (attributeDef.isGenKey() && stmt.commandType == SqlCommand.INSERT && !addGeneratedKeyForInsert()) { // If the DB is generating the keys then don't add generated keys to // the list of columns UNLESS the key is not null. If the key is not // null then someone must have set it on purpose and we'll use that value. if (entityInstance.getAttribute(attributeDef).isNull()) continue; } // TODO: Add dbOper code? StringBuilder colName = new StringBuilder(); // Add table name. if ((control & COL_FULL_QUAL) != 0) { String tableName; if (attributeDef.isAutoSeq() && relRecord != null && relRecord.getRelationshipType() == RelRecord.MANY_TO_MANY) { // This is the autoseq attribute. The autoseq is stored in the correspondance // table for m-to-m relationships. tableName = stmt.getTableName(relRecord); } else { tableName = stmt.getTableName(dataRecord); } colName.append(tableName).append("."); } colName.append(dataField.getName()); stmt.addColumn(colName, dataRecord, dataField); } // If entityDef can be loaded all at once and this is a many-to-many relationship // we need to add the key of the parent table in the column list so we can use it // later to set the cursor when we're loading attributes. EntityDef entityDef = dataRecord.getEntityDef(); if (stmt.commandType == SqlCommand.SELECT && selectAllInstances(entityDef) && relRecord.getRelationshipType().isManyToMany()) { RelField relField = relRecord.getParentRelField(); StringBuilder colName = new StringBuilder(); String tableName = stmt.getTableName(relRecord); colName.append(tableName).append("."); colName.append(relField.getFieldName()); if (stmt.columns.size() > 0) stmt.appendCmd(", "); stmt.addColumn(colName, dataRecord, relField.getSrcDataField()); } } /** * Parses the qualification object and puts the information in the qualMap. * The * @param view */ private void loadQualificationObject(LodDef lodDef) { qualMap = new HashMap<EntityDef, QualEntity>(); if (qual == null) return; for (EntityInstance entitySpec : qual.cursor("EntitySpec").eachEntity()) { if (entitySpec.getAttribute("EntityName").isNull()) throw new ZeidonException("Qualification view is missing entity name in EntitySpec"); String entityName = entitySpec.getAttribute("EntityName").getString(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(entityName)) throw new ZeidonException("Qualification view is missing entity name in EntitySpec"); EntityDef entityDef = lodDef.getEntityDef(entityName); QualEntity qualEntity = new QualEntity(entitySpec, entityDef); qualMap.put(entityDef, qualEntity); int parenCount = 0; EntityDef qualAttribDef = entitySpec.getEntityDef().getLodDef().getEntityDef("QualAttrib"); for (EntityInstance qualAttribInstance : entitySpec.getChildren(qualAttribDef, true)) { // // Verify Oper // if (qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("Oper").isNull()) throw new ZeidonException("QualAttrib for " + entityName + " is missing Oper"); QualAttrib qualAttrib = new QualAttrib(qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("Oper").getString()); if (qualAttrib.oper.equals("EXCLUDE")) { qualEntity.exclude = true; continue; } if (qualEntity.exclude) throw new ZeidonException("Entity '%s' has EXCLUDE but has additional qualification", qualEntity.entityDef.getName()); parenCount += CharSetUtils.count(qualAttrib.oper, "("); parenCount -= CharSetUtils.count(qualAttrib.oper, ")"); // // Verify EntityName // if (!qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("EntityName").isNull()) { String qualEntityName = qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("EntityName").getString(); qualAttrib.entityDef = lodDef.getEntityDef(qualEntityName); if (qualAttrib.entityDef.isDerived() || qualAttrib.entityDef.isDerivedPath() || qualAttrib.entityDef.getDataRecord() == null) { throw new ZeidonException( "Entity " + entityName + " is derived or doesn't have DB information."); } // This entity better be a child of what we are qualifying. // EntityDef search = qualAttrib.entityDef.getParent(); // while ( search != null && search != entityDef ) // search = search.getParent(); // if ( search == null ) // throw new ZeidonException( "EntityName " + qualEntityName + " for QualAttrib " + // qualEntityName + " is not a child of " + entityName ); } if (qualAttrib.oper.equals("EXISTS") || qualAttrib.oper.equals("NOT EXISTS")) { if (qualAttrib.entityDef == null) throw new ZeidonException("Oper 'EXISTS'/'NOT EXISTS' requires an entity specification"); // Change the oper to =/!= if (qualAttrib.oper.equals("EXISTS")) qualAttrib.oper = "!="; else { qualAttrib.oper = "="; qualEntity.hasDoesNotExist = true; } qualAttrib.attributeDef = qualAttrib.entityDef.getKeys().get(0); } // // Verify AttribName // if (!qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("AttributeName").isNull() || qualAttrib.attributeDef != null) { if (qualAttrib.attributeDef == null) { String attribName = qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("AttributeName").getString(); if (qualAttrib.entityDef == null) throw new ZeidonException("QualAttrib has attribute defined but no valid entity"); qualAttrib.attributeDef = qualAttrib.entityDef.getAttribute(attribName); } // In some cases, we might be qualifying an entity using an attribute // from a child entity. If the child attribute is a key AND that key // is the source attribute for a many-to-one relationship then the // attribute's value is also stored in the parent entity (the entity // we are qualifying) as a foreign key. It will be much quicker to // perform qualification on just the foreign key, so change the // qualification to reference the foreign key. DataRecord dataRecord = qualAttrib.entityDef.getDataRecord(); RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); while (qualAttrib.attributeDef.isKey() && qualAttrib.entityDef != qualEntity.entityDef && relRecord != null && relRecord.getRelationshipType() == RelRecord.CHILD_IS_SOURCE) { assert relRecord.getRelFields().size() == 1; // Find the rel field for the qualifying attribute. RelField relField = relRecord.getRelFields().get(0); // Change the column we are qualifying on. DataField dataField = relField.getRelDataField(); qualAttrib.attributeDef = dataField.getAttributeDef(); qualAttrib.entityDef = qualAttrib.attributeDef.getEntityDef(); dataRecord = qualAttrib.entityDef.getDataRecord(); relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); } } if (qualAttrib.oper.equals("ORDERBY")) { if (qualAttrib.attributeDef == null) throw new ZeidonException("Using Order By in qualification requires an attribute name"); boolean descending = false; if (!qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("Value").isNull()) { String str = qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("Value").getString().toLowerCase(); descending = str.startsWith("desc"); } qualEntity.addOrderBy(qualAttrib.attributeDef, descending); continue; } // // Verify Value // if (!qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("Value").isNull()) { if (qualAttrib.attributeDef == null) throw new ZeidonException("QualAttrib with value requires Entity.Attrib"); String value = qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("Value").getString(); if (qualAttrib.oper.equals("LIKE")) { // If oper is "LIKE" then a qualification value that is invalid for the domain // is possible. E.g. "(617)%' is valid qualification for a phone number. We'll // assume the user knows what she's doing so we'll skip domain processing. qualAttrib.value = value; } else { // Get the string value from the qualification object, convert it to the // domain's internal value, and then to an a string representation of the // internal value. Domain domain = qualAttrib.attributeDef.getDomain(); qualAttrib.value = domain.convertExternalValue(task, null, qualAttrib.attributeDef, null, value); } } // // Verify KeyList // for (EntityInstance kl : qualAttribInstance.getChildren("KeyList")) { if (qualAttrib.valueList == null) qualAttrib.valueList = new ArrayList<>(); String value = null; if (!kl.getAttribute("StringValue").isNull()) value = kl.getAttribute("StringValue").getString(); else if (!kl.getAttribute("IntegerValue").isNull()) value = kl.getAttribute("IntegerValue").getString(); else throw new ZeidonException("KeyList entity doesn't have IntegerValue or StringValue"); Domain domain = qualAttrib.attributeDef.getDomain(); Object objectValue = domain.convertExternalValue(task, null, qualAttrib.attributeDef, null, value); qualAttrib.valueList.add(objectValue); } if (qualAttrib.valueList != null) { if (qualAttrib.value != null) throw new ZeidonException( "KeyList is specified for a QualAttrib that also has a value attribute"); } // // Verify SourceViewName // if (!qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("SourceViewName").isNull()) throw new ZeidonException("SourceViewName is currently unsupported for Activate Qualification"); if (!qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("SourceViewID").isNull()) throw new ZeidonException("SourceViewID is not supported by Java Object Engine"); // // Verify SourceEntityName // if (!qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("SourceEntityName").isNull()) { if (qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("SourceAttributeName").isNull()) throw new ZeidonException("SourceEntityName is specified but SourceAttributeName is not."); loadQualAttributeColumn(lodDef, qualAttribInstance, qualAttrib); } // ================================================================= // === // === Validate Qualification attributes. // === // ================================================================= // TODO: Add the rest of the checks in fnSqlRetrieveQualAttrib. qualEntity.addQualAttrib(qualAttrib); } // for each QualAttrib... assert parenCount == 0; } // for each EntitySpec... // For pagination we *must* have the keys as part of the ordering, even if // it's the last value to order by. This is so sorting will always have // the same results. if (pagingOptions != null) { EntityDef root = lodDef.getRoot(); QualEntity qualRootEntity = qualMap.get(root); if (qualRootEntity == null) { qualRootEntity = new QualEntity(null, root); qualMap.put(root, qualRootEntity); } if (qualRootEntity.checkForKeysInOrderBy()) // Add the keys if they aren't there. getTask().log().trace("Key(s) added to ordering for pagination"); qualRootEntity.activateLimit = pagingOptions.getPageSize(); // Copy the root ordering back to the ActivateOptions so we can use // them later when attempting to load the next page. activateOptions.setRootActivateOrdering(qualRootEntity.ordering); } } // method loadQualificationObject /** * The value in the qualification is a column name, not a text value. This means that the * qualification is comparing the column to another column. Load the values in qualAttrib. * * @param lodDef * @param qualAttribInstance * @param qualAttrib */ private void loadQualAttributeColumn(LodDef lodDef, EntityInstance qualAttribInstance, QualAttrib qualAttrib) { String srcEntityName = qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("SourceEntityName").getString(); String srcAttributeName = qualAttribInstance.getAttribute("SourceAttributeName").getString(); EntityDef entityDef = lodDef.getEntityDef(srcEntityName, false); if (entityDef == null) throw new ZeidonException("EntityName specified in qualification is unknown: %s", srcEntityName); AttributeDef attributeDef = entityDef.getAttribute(srcAttributeName, false); if (attributeDef == null) throw new ZeidonException("AttributeName specified in qualification is unknown: %s", srcAttributeName); qualAttrib.columnAttributeValue = attributeDef; // Verify that columnAttributeValue.getViewEntity is a child of qualAttrib.viewEntity or // vice-versa. We could potentially support siblings if they have 1-to-1 relationships // with their parents. if (entityDef != qualAttrib.entityDef && !entityDef.isAncestorOf(qualAttrib.entityDef) && !qualAttrib.entityDef.isAncestorOf(entityDef)) { throw new ZeidonException("When qualifying an attribute with another attribute in the same query, " + "one attribute must be a descendant of the other (i.e. they may not be " + "siblings.") .appendMessage("Attribute 1 = %s.%s", qualAttrib.entityDef.getName(), qualAttrib.attributeDef.getName()) .appendMessage("Attribute 2 = %s.%s", entityDef.getName(), attributeDef.getName()); } } @Override public int beginActivate(View view, View qual, EnumSet<ActivateFlags> control) { this.qual = qual; this.activateFlags = control; activateOptions = (ActivateOptions) options; pagingOptions = activateOptions.getPagingOptions(); loadQualificationObject(view.getLodDef()); loadedViewEntities = new HashSet<>(); determineEntitiesThatCanBeLoadedInOneSelect(view); if (activateOptions.isSingleTransaction()) closeTransaction = false; return 0; } /** * This determines what ViewEntities can be loaded in a single SELECT statement. * @param view */ private void determineEntitiesThatCanBeLoadedInOneSelect(View view) { // If an entity can be loaded in one SELECT we need to keep a map of its parent // EIs so we can set cursors appropriately. loadedInstances = new HashMap<EntityDef, Map<Object, EntityInstance>>(); loadInOneSelect = new HashSet<>(); for (EntityDef entityDef : view.getLodDef().getEntityDefs()) { if (entityCanBeLoadedWithSingleSelect(entityDef)) { loadInOneSelect.add(entityDef); EntityDef parent = entityDef.getParent(); if (parent != null && !loadedInstances.containsKey(parent)) loadedInstances.put(parent, new HashMap<Object, EntityInstance>()); } } } /** * Returns true if all the instances of EntityDef can be loaded in a single select. * * @param entityDef */ protected boolean selectAllInstances(EntityDef entityDef) { // Root entities are handled differently. if (entityDef.getParent() == null) return false; return loadInOneSelect.contains(entityDef); } protected boolean activatingWithJoins() { if (activateFlags.contains(ActivateFlags.fIGNORE_JOINS)) return false; // if ( activateFlags.contains( ActivateFlags.fROOT_ONLY ) ) // return false; // Check the zeidon.ini file. if (ignoreJoins()) return false; return true; } /** * Returns the list of children that are joinable with entityDef. This may be different * per activate because of qualification. * * @param entityDef * @return */ protected List<EntityDef> getJoinableChildren(EntityDef entityDef) { if (!activatingWithJoins()) return Collections.emptyList(); // Have we already determined who can be joined? List<EntityDef> jc = joinableChildren.get(entityDef); if (jc != null) return jc; // It's already been calculated. Return it. // We need to keep the set of children joinable with entityDef. jc = new ArrayList<EntityDef>(); // Keep track of entityDefs that are not joinable. None of their // children are joinable either. Set<EntityDef> notJoinable = new HashSet<EntityDef>(); Set<QualEntity> quals = new HashSet<>(); QualEntity qualEntity = qualMap.get(entityDef); if (qualEntity != null) quals.add(qualEntity); // Get the list of all children that can be joinable. for (EntityDef child : getEntityDefData(entityDef).getJoinedChildren()) { boolean ignoreBecauseOfParent = false; for (EntityDef parent = child.getParent(); parent != entityDef; parent = parent.getParent()) { if (notJoinable.contains(parent)) { ignoreBecauseOfParent = true; break; } } if (ignoreBecauseOfParent || !isJoinable(child)) { notJoinable.add(child); continue; } // If the child has qualification on one of its children then it can't // be joined. QualEntity childQualEntity = qualMap.get(child); if (childQualEntity != null && childQualEntity.usesChildQualification) { notJoinable.add(child); continue; } // We can't join a child if that child is used to qualify an entityDef // that is part of this join. for (QualEntity qual : quals) { if (qual.usesEntityDefs.contains(child)) { notJoinable.add(child); break; } } // If child isn't in the notJoinable set then it must be ok to join. if (!notJoinable.contains(child)) { jc.add(child); if (childQualEntity != null) quals.add(childQualEntity); } } joinableChildren.put(entityDef, Collections.unmodifiableList(jc)); return jc; } private EntityCache getEntityCache(EntityDef entityDef) { // We can't load a root from cache because we don't know which ones to load. if (entityDef.getParent() == null) return null; DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); if (dataRecord == null) return null; // Currently we only handle many-to-one relationships. // TODO: It would be nice to handle m-to-m relationships. That is more complex // because it requires the correspondence table being loaded. RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); if (!relRecord.getRelationshipType().isManyToOne()) return null; // Check to see if there is an entity cache for this entity. EntityCache entityCache = task.getEntityCache(entityDef); return entityCache; } /** * Returns true if entityDef can be loaded by joining with its parent. * * @param entityDef * @return */ protected boolean isJoinable(EntityDef entityDef) { // If this entity can be loaded from a cache then we don't need to // join it. if (getEntityCache(entityDef) != null) return false; if (activateFlags.contains(ActivateFlags.fROOT_ONLY) && entityDef.getParent() != null) return false; // We can't join a child to its parent if there is an activate limit on the // parent AND if the child has a x-to-many relationship. Joining the parent // and child could result in a result-set that has more rows than expected. if (entityDef.getParent() != null && entityDef.getMaxCardinality() > 1) { QualEntity parentQualEntity = qualMap.get(entityDef.getParent()); if (parentQualEntity != null && parentQualEntity.activateLimit != null) return false; // If the parent of entityDef is the root and we're activating with pagination // then we can't join because the join will throw off the row count. if (entityDef.getParent() == activateOptions.getLodDef().getRoot() && pagingOptions != null) { getTask().log().trace("Can't join %s with parent because of pagination", entityDef.getName()); return false; } } return getEntityDefData(entityDef).isJoinable(entityDef); } /** * Generate the SELECT statement to load entityDef (and, if using joins, its children). * * @param stmt * @param view * @param entityDef * @return If null, then everything generated ok. If non-null, then the activate should * be short-circuited with returned RC. */ private Integer generateLoadStatement(SqlStatement stmt, View view, EntityDef entityDef) { DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); // This will contain a list of children with x-to-1 relationship. We can load them with a single join. List<EntityDef> joinedChildren = getJoinableChildren(entityDef); QualEntity qualEntity = qualMap.get(entityDef); stmt.appendCmd("SELECT "); // If the entity we're loading is not the root of the OD then add parent FKs to WHERE clause. if (entityDef.getParent() != null) // Is it the root? { // Not the root. // If the table is qualified then we're going to add more stuff later // so let's add an opening paren. if (qualEntity != null) stmt.appendWhere("("); if (!addForeignKeys(stmt, view, entityDef, entityDef)) { task.dblog().trace("FK was null--skipping load entity for SQL statement:\n%s", stmt.toString()); return DbHandler.LOAD_NO_ENTITIES; // A FK was null so don't load it. } } else stmt.addTableToFrom(entityDef.getDataRecord().getRecordName(), entityDef.getDataRecord(), true); long control = 0; if (qualEntity != null && qualEntity.usesChildQualification) control |= COL_FULL_QUAL; else if (relRecord != null && relRecord.getRelationshipType() == RelRecord.MANY_TO_MANY) control |= COL_FULL_QUAL; // Fully qualify to avoid conflicts with correspondence table. if (joinedChildren.size() > 0) control |= COL_FULL_QUAL; // We're joining tables so use fully qualified names. addColumnList(stmt, null, dataRecord, control); for (EntityDef child : joinedChildren) { DataRecord childDataRecord = child.getDataRecord(); addLeftJoinKeys(stmt, view, child); addColumnList(stmt, null, childDataRecord, control); } if (qualEntity != null) { addQualification(qualEntity, stmt, view, entityDef); // If the parent is non-null then we added foreign keys above. Add // the closing paren. if (entityDef.getParent() != null) stmt.appendWhere(")"); } addOrdering(entityDef, stmt); for (EntityDef child : joinedChildren) addOrdering(child, stmt); if (qualEntity != null && qualEntity.activateLimit != null) addActivateLimit(qualEntity.activateLimit, stmt); else if (entityDef.getActivateLimit() != null) addActivateLimit(entityDef.getActivateLimit(), stmt); if (pagingOptions != null && !pagingOptions.isRollingPagination() && entityDef.getParent() == null) addPageOffset(pagingOptions, stmt); // Add all the children that will be joined to the loaded set. This // indicates that the joined children will be loaded as part of the // parent load and will not need to be loaded separately. loadedViewEntities.addAll(joinedChildren); return null; } private void addOrdering(EntityDef entityDef, SqlStatement stmt) { // Do we have ordering specified in the qualification object? QualEntity qualEntity = qualMap.get(entityDef); if (qualEntity == null || !qualEntity.hasOrdering()) { // No qualification order. If entity has any ordering specified // in the LOD, add it. stmt.appendOrdering(entityDef); } else { // Ordering has been specified in the qual object. Add it. for (ActivateOrder order : qualEntity.getOrdering().values()) stmt.appendOrdering(order.attributeDef, order.descending); } } /** * Returns true if all instances of entityDef can be loaded in a single SELECT * statement. * * @param entityDef * @return */ private boolean entityCanBeLoadedWithSingleSelect(EntityDef entityDef) { // Root entity is handled differently from other entities but we'll pretend it's // loadable to make things easier. if (entityDef.getParent() == null) return true; // If we're activating as part of a lazy load then we shouldn't be loading all // instances because the lazy load indicates we want partial loading. if (activateOptions.isPerformingLazyLoad()) return false; if (activateOptions.getActivateFlags().contains(ActivateFlags.fIGNORE_LOAD_OPTIMIZATION)) return false; // If the parent can't be loaded in a single select then neither // can this one. If the parent isn't in loadInOneSelect then it // can't be loaded. if (!loadInOneSelect.contains(entityDef.getParent())) return false; // If this entity is qualified we can't do it. // TODO: logically we should be able to load entities even if they are qualified; // it will just take a lot of work to get right. if (qualMap.containsKey(entityDef)) return false; DataRecord childRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); // Work entity, childRecord is null if (childRecord == null) return false; return childRecord.isActivateWithSingleSelect(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.quinsoft.zeidon.dbhandler.DbHandler#loadEntity(com.quinsoft.zeidon.View, com.quinsoft.zeidon.objectdefinition.EntityDef, com.quinsoft.zeidon.View, java.lang.Object, long) */ @Override public int loadEntity(View view, EntityDef entityDef) { QualEntity qualEntity = qualMap.get(entityDef); if (qualEntity != null && qualEntity.exclude) { view.dblog().debug("Excluding '%s' because qualification says so", entityDef.getName()); return DbHandler.LOAD_NO_ENTITIES; } SqlStatement stmt = null; DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); task.dblog().trace("Selecting entity %s, table name = %s", entityDef.getName(), dataRecord.getRecordName()); // Check to see if we've loaded this entityDef already. This can happen if // this entity def was loaded via join or all instances were loaded at once. if (loadedViewEntities.contains(entityDef)) return DbHandler.LOAD_DONE; EntityCache entityCache = getEntityCache(entityDef); if (entityCache != null) return loadFromEntityCache(view, entityDef, entityCache); if (selectAllInstances(entityDef)) loadedViewEntities.add(entityDef); if (entityDef.isAutoloadFromParent() && autoloadFromParent(view, entityDef)) return DbHandler.LOAD_DONE; if (entityDef.isDuplicateEntity() && loadFromDuplicateCache(view, entityDef)) return DbHandler.LOAD_DONE; // TODO: We can't handle cached recursive statements because the cached statement is // caching the value of the parent instead of the DataField of the parent. // Look to see if we've already generated this SQL. if (isBindAllValues() && cachedStmts.containsKey(entityDef) && !entityDef.isRecursive()) // We can't handle cached recursive statements. { task.dblog().trace("Using cached stmt"); stmt = cachedStmts.get(entityDef); } else { stmt = initializeCommand(SqlCommand.SELECT, view, entityDef); Integer rc = generateLoadStatement(stmt, view, entityDef); if (rc != null) return rc; cachedStmts.put(entityDef, stmt); } // If we're loading multiple entities at the same time we may need to reposition // on the current parent. Get it and save it. EntityDef parent = entityDef.getParent(); EntityInstance parentEi = null; if (parent != null && loadInOneSelect.contains(entityDef)) parentEi = view.cursor(parent).getEntityInstance(); executeLoad(view, entityDef, stmt); // Set the total root count if we're loading the root. if (parent == null) { if (pagingOptions != null) { if (pagingOptions.isTotalCount()) getTotalCount(view, entityDef, stmt); } else view.setTotalRootCount(view.cursor(view.getLodDef().getRoot()).getEntityCount()); } if (parentEi != null) view.cursor(parent).setCursor(parentEi); assert assertNotNullKey(view, entityDef) : "Activated entity has null key"; return DbHandler.LOAD_DONE; } /** * Change the query for the root entity so the count can be loaded. */ private void getTotalCount(View view, EntityDef root, SqlStatement stmt) { assert root.getParent() == null; assert pagingOptions != null; // If the entity count is less than the page size then we don't need to // execute a query to determine the total root count. if (view.root().getEntityCount() < pagingOptions.getPageSize()) { view.setTotalRootCount(view.root().getEntityCount()); return; } // Reset the assembled command so it will be recreated after the changes. stmt.assembledCommand = null; stmt.ordering.setLength(0); stmt.suffix.setLength(0); if (root.getKeys().size() != 1) throw new ZeidonException("getTotalCount currently only supported for entities with a single key"); DataRecord dataRecord = root.getDataRecord(); DataField keyField = dataRecord.getDataField(root.getKeys().get(0)); stmt.columnList.setLength(0); // Clear out the column list. stmt.columnList.append("count( distinct ").append(dataRecord.getRecordName()).append(".") .append(keyField.getName()).append(" ) "); int count = executeStatement(view, root, stmt); view.setTotalRootCount(count); System.out.println("count = " + count); } /** * Loads the entityDef from the cache specified in entityCache. * Uses include processing. * @return */ private int loadFromEntityCache(View view, EntityDef entityDef, EntityCache entityCache) { if (entityCacheViewMap == null) entityCacheViewMap = new HashMap<>(); // entityCacheViewMap keeps track of the views we've created for loading from // the cache. This prevents us from creating lots of views for the same OI. View cacheView = entityCacheViewMap.get(entityCache); if (cacheView == null) { cacheView = entityCache.getEntityCacheView(); // Creates a new view. entityCacheViewMap.put(entityCache, cacheView); // We will include the EntityCache into the target OI, which will also // include the children. Go through the children if entityDef; if their // relationships are part of the EntityCache then we will assume they // are also being loaded. for (EntityDef child : entityDef.getChildrenHier()) { if (entityCache.getRelationships().contains(child.getErRelToken())) loadedViewEntities.add(child); } } RelRecord relRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord().getRelRecord(); assert relRecord.getRelFields().size() == 1; // We currently only handle 1 key. assert relRecord.getRelationshipType().isManyToOne(); assert entityDef.getKeys().size() == 1; AttributeDef fk = relRecord.getRelFields().get(0).getRelDataField().getAttributeDef(); // Get the value of the FK from the parent. EntityDef parent = entityDef.getParent(); Object keyValue = view.cursor(parent).getAttribute(fk).getValue(); // Now set the cursor in the entity cache. entityCache.setCursor(cacheView, keyValue); view.cursor(entityDef).includeSubobject(cacheView.cursor(entityCache.getRoot()), CursorPosition.LAST, INCLUDE_FLAGS); return DbHandler.LOAD_DONE; } /** * The only attribute(s) in entityDef are keys and this entity can be * loaded by retrieving the key from the parent. */ private boolean autoloadFromParent(View view, EntityDef entityDef) { assert entityDef.getParent() != null; DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); // Autoload is only valid if the key is contained in the parent. // TODO: We only handle many-to-one relationships. We could also handle // m-to-m relationships by loading just the correspondence table. if (!relRecord.getRelationshipType().isManyToOne()) return false; EntityInstance entityInstance = null; EntityCursor parent = view.cursor(entityDef.getParent()); for (RelField relField : relRecord.getRelFields()) { AttributeInstance sourceAttr = parent.getAttribute(relField.getRelDataField().getAttributeDef()); if (sourceAttr.isNull()) continue; if (entityInstance == null) entityInstance = view.cursor(entityDef).createEntity(CursorPosition.LAST, CREATE_FLAGS); entityInstance.getAttribute(relField.getSrcDataField().getAttributeDef()).setInternalValue(sourceAttr, false); } if (entityInstance != null) getTask().dblog().trace("Auto Loaded %s from parent keys", entityDef.getName()); return true; } /** * See if we can load entityDef from the the duplicate-entity cache, which is * kept in the entityLinker. We can load an EI from the cache if the relationship * is many-to-one (which means the FK is in the parent and has been loaded). We'll * check to see if that key has already been loaded. * * @param view * @param entityDef * @return */ private boolean loadFromDuplicateCache(View view, EntityDef entityDef) { if (entityDef.getParent() == null) return false; DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); if (!relRecord.getRelationshipType().isManyToOne()) return false; // Can only do it if it's many-to-one. // For now we can only handle entities with a single key. if (entityDef.getKeys().size() > 1) return false; assert relRecord.getRelFields().size() == 1; // Get the FK that's in the parent. AttributeDef parentAttributeFk = relRecord.getRelFields().get(0).getRelDataField().getAttributeDef(); // Create the key string. We need to match what entityInstance.getKeyString(). String keyString = view.cursor(entityDef.getParent()).getAttribute(parentAttributeFk).getString(); // Has it been loaded? EntityInstance cachedEi = entityLinker.getInstance(entityDef, keyString); if (cachedEi == null) return false; // No. view.cursor(entityDef).includeSubobject(cachedEi, CursorPosition.LAST, INCLUDE_FLAGS); getTask().dblog().debug("Auto Loaded %s from duplicate cache", entityDef.getName()); return true; } @Override public boolean isQualified(EntityDef entityDef) { return qualMap.containsKey(entityDef); } protected boolean assertNotNullKey(View view, EntityDef entityDef) { if (view.cursor(entityDef).isNull()) return true; String keyString = getKeyString(view, entityDef); if (StringUtils.isBlank(keyString)) { view.cursor(entityDef).logEntity(); return false; } return true; } /** * Returns a string representation of the key values of this entity. If all keys are * null then returns null. * * @return */ String getKeyString(View view, EntityDef entityDef) { return view.cursor(entityDef).getKeyString(); } private StringBuilder buildQualString(SqlStatement stmt, View view, EntityDef entityDef, boolean conjunctionNeeded) { QualEntity qualEntity = qualMap.get(entityDef); StringBuilder qualString = new StringBuilder(); if (conjunctionNeeded) qualString.append(" AND ( "); //=== //=== At this point, all tables that are needed in the select have //=== been included in the SELECT. All that remains to do is to //=== add the QualAttrib expressions to the SELECT statement. //=== for (QualAttrib qualAttrib : qualEntity.qualAttribs) { // If there is no entity name for QualAttrib then the QualAttrib // has just an Oper. Tack it on to the end of the WHERE clause. if (qualAttrib.entityDef == null) { qualString.append(" ").append(qualAttrib.oper).append(" "); continue; } // QualAttrib has an entity name, so this is an expression. Add // the expression to the WHERE clause. // TODO : add code for subselect commands (like "EXISTS") DataRecord dataRecord = qualAttrib.entityDef.getDataRecord(); DataField dataField = dataRecord.getDataField(qualAttrib.attributeDef); String col = dataField.getName(); qualString.append(stmt.getTableName(dataRecord)).append(".").append(col).append(" "); if (qualAttrib.valueList != null) { Domain domain = dataField.getAttributeDef().getDomain(); qualString.append(qualAttrib.oper).append(" ( "); int count = 0; for (Object value : qualAttrib.valueList) { if (count++ > 0) qualString.append(", "); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); getSqlValue(stmt, domain, qualAttrib.attributeDef, buffer, value); qualString.append(buffer.toString()); } qualString.append(" ) "); continue; } if (qualAttrib.columnAttributeValue != null) { DataRecord srcDataRecord = qualAttrib.columnAttributeValue.getEntityDef().getDataRecord(); String table = stmt.getTableName(srcDataRecord); DataField srcDataField = srcDataRecord.getDataField(qualAttrib.columnAttributeValue); qualString.append(qualAttrib.oper).append(" ").append(table).append(".") .append(srcDataField.getName()); continue; } boolean isNull = false; if (qualAttrib.value == null || StringUtils.isBlank(qualAttrib.value.toString())) isNull = true; if (isNull) { // Value is NULL. Create appropriate SQL. if (qualAttrib.oper.equals("<>") || qualAttrib.oper.equals("!=")) qualString.append(" IS NOT NULL "); else qualString.append(" IS NULL "); } else { Domain domain = dataField.getAttributeDef().getDomain(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); getSqlValue(stmt, domain, qualAttrib.attributeDef, buffer, qualAttrib.value); qualString.append(qualAttrib.oper).append(" ").append(buffer.toString()); } } if (conjunctionNeeded) qualString.append(")"); return qualString; } private void addQualification(QualEntity qualEntity, SqlStatement stmt, View view, EntityDef entityDef) { // Go through each of the QualAttrib's looking for tables that are not // already part of the select. for (QualAttrib qualAttrib : qualEntity.qualAttribs) { // Add the table to the SELECT statement only if the QualAttrib has // a lpEntityDef and a lpAttributeDef. if (qualAttrib.entityDef == null || qualAttrib.attributeDef == null) continue; addForeignKeys(stmt, view, qualAttrib.entityDef, entityDef); if (qualAttrib.columnAttributeValue != null) addForeignKeys(stmt, view, qualAttrib.columnAttributeValue.getEntityDef(), entityDef); } stmt.appendWhere(buildQualString(stmt, view, entityDef, stmt.conjunctionNeeded).toString()); } protected abstract int executeLoad(View view, EntityDef entityDef, SqlStatement stmt); protected abstract int executeStatement(View view, EntityDef entityDef, SqlStatement stmt); protected abstract void addActivateLimit(int limit, SqlStatement stmt); protected abstract void addPageOffset(Pagination pagingOptions, SqlStatement stmt); protected int executeStatement(View view, EntityDef entityDef, EntityInstance entityInstance, SqlStatement stmt) { return executeStatement(view, entityDef, stmt); } /** * Executes the SQL as a single transaction. Used to create DB locks. * @param sql * @return */ protected abstract int executeSql(String sql); /** * Write a row with a specific key to the genkey table. A successful write means we * have locked the table for this commit. * * @return */ protected void writeGenkeyLockRow(View kzgkhwob, List<? extends View> viewList) { for (int tries = 0; tries < 5; tries++) { try { executeSql("INSERT INTO ZEIDONGENKEYTABLE (TABLENAME, CURRENTGENKEY ) " + "VALUES ('..ENQ KZHGENKY', 999)"); return; } catch (Exception e) { // For good or ill we'll assume that this exception is caused by the lock // being held. We'll pause a brief time and try again. getTask().log().warn("Exception attempting to lock GENKEY table: %s\n %s", e.getMessage(), StringUtils.join(e.getStackTrace(), "\n ")); } try { Thread.sleep(tries * tries * 100); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { throw ZeidonException.wrapException(e2); } getTask().log().warn("Attempting to acquire GenKey lock again #%d.", tries); } // If we get here then we didn't acquire the lock. throw new GenkeyLockException("Unable to acquire GENKEY lock. See logs for possible explanation."); } /** * Acquire the genkey lock. It is expected that this method will be overridden by other * dbhandlers. * * @param kzgkhwob * @param viewList */ protected void acquireGenkeyLock(View kzgkhwob, List<? extends View> viewList) { // Standard genkey lock is to write a record to the genkey table. writeGenkeyLockRow(kzgkhwob, viewList); } protected void deleteGenkeyLockRow() { for (int tries = 0; tries < 5; tries++) { try { executeSql("DELETE FROM ZEIDONGENKEYTABLE WHERE TABLENAME = '..ENQ KZHGENKY'"); return; } catch (Exception e) { // Danger danger Will Robinson! We couldn't delete the lock, which will // prevent anybody else from creating new entities. Log a warning and try again. getTask().log().warn("Exception attempting to delete GENKEY lock entry: %s\n %s", e.getMessage(), StringUtils.join(e.getStackTrace(), "\n ")); } try { Thread.sleep(tries * tries * 100); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { // Ignore this error. If we somehow get a crazy error here we still want // to try and unlock the tables. } getTask().log().warn("Attempting to delete Genkey lock again #%d.", tries); } // If we get here then we didn't acquire the lock. throw new GenkeyLockException("Unable to delete GENKEY lock. See logs for possible explanation."); } /** * Release the genkey lock. It is expected that this method will be overridden by other * dbhandlers. * * @param kzgkhwob * @param viewList * @return */ protected void releaseGenkeyLock() { deleteGenkeyLockRow(); } @Override public Map<String, Integer> setGenKeys(View kzgkhwob, List<? extends View> viewList) { // This map will keep track of the next assignable genkey. The map key is // ER entity token. Map<String, Integer> genkeyValues = new HashMap<>(); acquireGenkeyLock(kzgkhwob, viewList); try { // Get the current genkey values from the DB. View genkeys = task.activateObjectInstance("GENKEYWO", null, EnumSet.of(ActivateFlags.fMULTIPLE)); // Add the counts from kzgkhwob to the values from the DB. EntityCursor cursor = genkeys.cursor("ZeidonGenkeyTable"); for (EntityInstance genkey : kzgkhwob.cursor("Genkey").eachEntity()) { String tableName = genkey.getAttribute("TableName").getString(); CursorResult rc = cursor.setFirst("TableName", tableName); if (!rc.isSet()) { // Genkey entry doesn't exist, so add it. cursor.createEntity().getAttribute("TableName").setValue(tableName) .getAttribute("CurrentGenkey").setValue(0); } genkeyValues.put(kzgkhwob.cursor("Genkey").getAttribute("EntityID").getString(), cursor.getAttribute("CurrentGenkey").getInteger() + 1); Integer count = genkey.getAttribute("EntityCount").getInteger(); Integer c = cursor.getAttribute("CurrentGenkey").getInteger(); cursor.getAttribute("CurrentGenkey").setValue(count + c); } genkeys.commit(); } finally { releaseGenkeyLock(); } return genkeyValues; } private boolean addMmLeftJoinKeys(SqlStatement stmt, View view, EntityDef entityDef) { DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); // Add the correspondance table. stmt.from.append(" LEFT JOIN\n"); stmt.addTableToFrom(relRecord.getRecordName(), relRecord, false); stmt.from.append(" ON "); // Add all the data fields that match the parent. boolean first = true; for (RelField relField : relRecord.getRelFields()) { DataField srcDataField = relField.getSrcDataField(); AttributeDef srcAttributeDef = srcDataField.getAttributeDef(); EntityDef srcEntityDef = srcAttributeDef.getEntityDef(); if (srcEntityDef == entityDef) continue; if (!first) stmt.from.append(" AND "); else first = false; DataRecord srcDataRecord = srcEntityDef.getDataRecord(); stmt.from.append(stmt.getTableName(relRecord)).append(".").append(relField.getFieldName()).append(" = ") .append(stmt.getTableName(srcDataRecord)).append(".").append(srcDataField.getName()); } // Add main table. stmt.from.append(" LEFT JOIN\n"); // If the table name for entityDef is not already part of the SELECT // statement then add it to the FROM clause. stmt.addTableToFrom(dataRecord.getRecordName(), dataRecord, false); stmt.from.append(" ON "); // Add the rel fields. first = true; for (RelField relField : relRecord.getRelFields()) { DataField srcDataField = relField.getSrcDataField(); AttributeDef srcAttributeDef = srcDataField.getAttributeDef(); EntityDef srcEntityDef = srcAttributeDef.getEntityDef(); if (srcEntityDef != entityDef) continue; if (!first) stmt.from.append(" AND "); else first = false; stmt.from.append(stmt.getTableName(dataRecord)).append(".").append(srcDataField.getName()).append(" = ") .append(stmt.getTableName(relRecord)).append(".").append(relField.getFieldName()); } return true; } private boolean addLeftJoinKeys(SqlStatement stmt, View view, EntityDef entityDef) { DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); if (relRecord.getRelationshipType() == RelRecord.MANY_TO_MANY) return addMmLeftJoinKeys(stmt, view, entityDef); stmt.from.append(" LEFT JOIN\n"); // If the table name for entityDef is not already part of the SELECT // statement then add it to the FROM clause. stmt.addTableToFrom(dataRecord.getRecordName(), dataRecord, false); stmt.from.append(" ON "); // Add the rel fields. boolean first = true; for (RelField relField : relRecord.getRelFields()) { if (!first) stmt.from.append(" AND "); else first = false; DataField srcDataField = relField.getSrcDataField(); AttributeDef srcAttributeDef = srcDataField.getAttributeDef(); EntityDef srcEntityDef = srcAttributeDef.getEntityDef(); DataRecord srcDataRecord = srcEntityDef.getDataRecord(); DataField relDataField = relField.getRelDataField(); AttributeDef relAttributeDef = relDataField.getAttributeDef(); EntityDef relEntityDef = relAttributeDef.getEntityDef(); DataRecord relDataRecord = relEntityDef.getDataRecord(); stmt.from.append(stmt.getTableName(relDataRecord)).append(".").append(relDataField.getName()) .append(" = ").append(stmt.getTableName(srcDataRecord)).append(".") .append(srcDataField.getName()); } QualEntity childQualEntity = qualMap.get(entityDef); if (childQualEntity != null) { StringBuilder sb = buildQualString(stmt, view, entityDef, true); stmt.from.append(sb); } if (entityDef.getAutoSeq() != null) stmt.appendOrdering(entityDef.getAutoSeq()); return true; } /** * Adds the foreign keys to the current select. * @param stmt * @param entityDef * @param rootEntity * @return True if all FKs are non-null and select should be executed, * False if at least one FK is null. */ private boolean addForeignKeys(SqlStatement stmt, View view, EntityDef entityDef, EntityDef rootEntityDef) { boolean rootEntity = (rootEntityDef == entityDef); // If this is not the root entity, lets make sure the parent entity was added. if (!rootEntity) { assert entityDef.getParent() != null; // We don't care about the return code because it is not a problem if the parent // was already added. addForeignKeys(stmt, view, entityDef.getParent(), rootEntityDef); } DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); // If we are dealing with a m-to-m relationship lets first add the correspondence // table to the query. if (relRecord != null && relRecord.getRelationshipType().isManyToMany()) { boolean added = stmt.addTableToFrom(relRecord.getRecordName(), relRecord, true); if (!added) return true; // The table was already added so we don't need to add it again. stmt.fromConjunctionNeeded = false; // Look for the rel fields that have a parent entity as the source and add them // to the join statement. for (RelField relField : relRecord.getRelFields()) { DataField srcDataField = relField.getSrcDataField(); AttributeDef srcAttributeDef = srcDataField.getAttributeDef(); EntityDef srcEntityDef = srcAttributeDef.getEntityDef(); if (srcEntityDef == entityDef) continue; // Source is not a parent. // If entityDef is the root then we need to add the qualification to the WHERE // clause because the root table is not being joined with any parent tables. if (rootEntity) { if (stmt.conjunctionNeeded) stmt.where.append(" AND "); stmt.appendWhere(stmt.getTableName(relRecord), ".", relField.getFieldName()); // If we get here then we are building the foreign keys for the // entity that we are loading. In this case the key values from // the parent entities have already been loaded so we only need // to copy the attribute values from the parent entities. // If all entity instances of the EntityDef we are loading are to // be loaded at once, then instead of qualifying on a single key we // want to create an IN clause with all the parent keys. if (selectAllInstances(entityDef)) { if (!addAllParentFks(stmt, entityDef, srcDataField)) return false; // No non-null attrs found so don't bother loading. } else { if (!getAttributeValueEquality(stmt, stmt.where, srcDataField, view.cursor(srcEntityDef))) return false; // Attribute is null--don't bother loading it. } stmt.conjunctionNeeded = true; } else { if (stmt.fromConjunctionNeeded) stmt.from.append(" AND "); else stmt.from.append(" ON "); stmt.appendFrom(stmt.getTableName(relRecord), ".", relField.getFieldName()); stmt.appendFrom(" = ", stmt.getTableName(srcEntityDef.getDataRecord()), ".", srcDataField.getName()); stmt.fromConjunctionNeeded = true; } } } // If the table name for entityDef is not already part of the SELECT // statement then add it to the FROM clause. boolean added = stmt.addTableToFrom(entityDef.getDataRecord().getRecordName(), entityDef.getDataRecord(), true); if (!added) return true; // The table was already added so we don't need to add it again. // The FROM conjunction needs to be reset each time we come in to addForeignKeys because each JOIN is separate. stmt.fromConjunctionNeeded = false; // Add the rel fields. for (RelField relField : relRecord.getRelFields()) { DataField srcDataField = relField.getSrcDataField(); AttributeDef srcAttributeDef = srcDataField.getAttributeDef(); EntityDef srcEntityDef = srcAttributeDef.getEntityDef(); DataRecord srcDataRecord = srcEntityDef.getDataRecord(); DataField relDataField = relField.getRelDataField(); if (relRecord.getRelationshipType() == RelRecord.MANY_TO_MANY) { // The keys for the correspondence table has already been added, so we'll // skip keys where the source is not the entityDef. if (srcEntityDef != entityDef) continue; if (stmt.fromConjunctionNeeded) stmt.from.append(" AND "); else stmt.from.append(" ON "); stmt.appendFrom(stmt.getTableName(dataRecord), ".", srcDataField.getName()); stmt.appendFrom(" = "); stmt.appendFrom(stmt.getTableName(relRecord), ".", relField.getFieldName()); stmt.fromConjunctionNeeded = true; } // if relationship = many-to-many else if (relRecord.getRelationshipType() == RelRecord.ONE_TO_MANY) { AttributeDef relAttributeDef = relDataField.getAttributeDef(); EntityDef relEntityDef = relAttributeDef.getEntityDef(); DataRecord relDataRecord = relEntityDef.getDataRecord(); if (rootEntity) { if (stmt.conjunctionNeeded) stmt.appendWhere(" AND "); stmt.appendWhere(stmt.getTableName(relDataRecord), ".", relDataField.getName()); // If we get here then we are building the foreign keys for the // entity that we are loading. In this case the key values from // the parent entities have already been loaded so we only need // to copy the attribute values from the parent entities. // If all entity instances of the EntityDef we are loading are to // be loaded at once, then instead of qualifying on a single key we // want to create an IN clause with all the parent keys. if (selectAllInstances(entityDef)) { assert dataRecord.getRelRecord().getRelFields().size() == 1; assert dataRecord.getRelRecord().getRelationshipType().isOneToMany(); if (!addAllParentFks(stmt, entityDef, srcDataField)) return false; // No non-null attrs found so don't bother loading. } else { // Add a single FK value. if (!getAttributeValueEquality(stmt, stmt.where, srcDataField, view.cursor(srcEntityDef))) return false; // Attribute is null--don't bother loading it. } stmt.conjunctionNeeded = true; } else { if (stmt.fromConjunctionNeeded) stmt.from.append(" AND "); else stmt.from.append(" ON "); stmt.appendFrom(stmt.getTableName(relDataRecord), ".", relDataField.getName()); // If we get here then we are building the foreign keys for an // entity/table that is being used to qualify the entity/table // that we are loading. This means that the foreign key values // must come from a parent table that is part of the current // select. stmt.appendFrom(" = ", stmt.getTableName(srcDataRecord), ".", srcDataField.getName()); stmt.fromConjunctionNeeded = true; } } // if relationship = ONE_TO_MANY else { assert relRecord.getRelationshipType() == RelRecord.MANY_TO_ONE; AttributeDef relAttributeDef = relDataField.getAttributeDef(); EntityDef relEntityDef = relAttributeDef.getEntityDef(); DataRecord relDataRecord = relEntityDef.getDataRecord(); if (rootEntity) // DGC 2011-11-14: Is this necessary? Isn't rootEntity always false? { if (stmt.conjunctionNeeded) stmt.appendWhere(" AND "); stmt.appendWhere(stmt.getTableName(srcDataRecord), ".", srcDataField.getName()); if (!getAttributeValueEquality(stmt, stmt.where, relDataField, view.cursor(relEntityDef))) return false; // Attribute is null--don't bother loading it. stmt.conjunctionNeeded = true; } else { if (stmt.fromConjunctionNeeded) stmt.from.append(" AND "); else stmt.from.append(" ON "); stmt.appendFrom(stmt.getTableName(srcDataRecord), ".", srcDataField.getName()); // TODO: We may be able to use an attribute value instead of a column. // See logic in kzhsqlga.c. stmt.appendFrom(" = ", stmt.getTableName(relDataRecord), ".", relDataField.getName()); stmt.fromConjunctionNeeded = true; } } // if relationship = MANY_TO_ONE } // for each relField... return true; } private boolean addAllParentFks(SqlStatement stmt, EntityDef entityDef, DataField srcDataField) { boolean foundNonNullValues = false; EntityDef parent = entityDef.getParent(); assert loadedInstances.containsKey(parent); stmt.appendWhere(" IN ( "); for (EntityInstance ei : loadedInstances.get(parent).values()) { // Edge case: when loading entities with a limit we may end up dropping // some EI's. Skip any entities that are flagged as hidden. if (ei.isHidden()) continue; if (ei.getAttribute(srcDataField.getAttributeDef()).isNull()) continue; if (foundNonNullValues) stmt.appendWhere(", "); foundNonNullValues = true; getAttributeValue(stmt, stmt.where, srcDataField, ei, true); } stmt.appendWhere(" ) "); return foundNonNullValues; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.quinsoft.zeidon.dbhandler.DbHandler#deleteEntity(com.quinsoft.zeidon.View, com.quinsoft.zeidon.EntityInstance, java.lang.Object) */ @Override public int deleteEntity(View view, EntityInstance entityInstance) { EntityDef entityDef = entityInstance.getEntityDef(); DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); SqlStatement stmt = initializeCommand(SqlCommand.DELETE, view); task.dblog().debug("Delete entity %s, table name = %s", entityDef.getName(), dataRecord.getRecordName()); // stmt.appendCmd( "DELETE FROM ", dataRecord.getRecordName(), " " ); stmt.appendCmd("DELETE "); stmt.addTableToFrom(dataRecord.getRecordName(), dataRecord, false); stmt.buildWhere(stmt, entityInstance); executeStatement(view, entityDef, entityInstance, stmt); return 0; } @Override public int deleteAllChildren(View view, EntityInstance parent) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int deleteRelationship(View view, EntityInstance entityInstance) { EntityDef entityDef = entityInstance.getEntityDef(); DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); // The only thing that needs to be done is to delete the correspondence // table if the relationship is many-to-many. if (relRecord.getRelationshipType() != RelRecord.MANY_TO_MANY) return 0; SqlStatement stmt = initializeCommand(SqlCommand.DELETE, view); task.dblog().debug("Deleting entity relationship %s, table name = %s", entityDef.getName(), relRecord.getRecordName()); stmt.appendCmd("DELETE FROM "); stmt.appendCmd(relRecord.getRecordName()); stmt.appendCmd(" WHERE "); boolean first = true; for (RelField relField : relRecord.getRelFields()) { if (first) first = false; else stmt.appendCmd(" AND "); stmt.appendCmd(relField.getFieldName()); stmt.appendCmd(" = "); // If the EntityDef of the relfield is NOT the EntityDef of the entityInstance // we need to find the source instance. DataField srcDataField = relField.getSrcDataField(); EntityDef srcEntityDef = srcDataField.getAttributeDef().getEntityDef(); if (srcEntityDef == entityDef) getAttributeValue(stmt, stmt.sqlCmd, srcDataField, entityInstance); else getAttributeValue(stmt, stmt.sqlCmd, srcDataField, view.cursor(srcEntityDef)); } //stmt.buildWhere( stmt, entityInstance ); //stmt.assembleSql(); executeStatement(view, entityDef, entityInstance, stmt); return 0; } @Override public int insertRelationship(View view, EntityInstance entityInstance) { EntityDef entityDef = entityInstance.getEntityDef(); DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); // Nothing needs to be done unless the relationship is many-to-many because // FK's are handled by the updates. if (relRecord.getRelationshipType() != RelRecord.MANY_TO_MANY) return 0; SqlStatement stmt = initializeCommand(SqlCommand.INSERT, view); task.dblog().debug("Inserting entity relationship %s, table name = %s", entityDef.getName(), relRecord.getRecordName()); stmt.appendCmd("INSERT INTO ", relRecord.getRecordName(), " ( "); boolean first = true; for (RelField relField : relRecord.getRelFields()) { if (first) first = false; else stmt.appendCmd(", "); stmt.appendCmd(relField.getFieldName()); } // Add the auto seq if it exists. DataField autoSeq = dataRecord.getDataField(entityDef.getAutoSeq()); if (autoSeq != null) stmt.appendCmd(", ", autoSeq.getName()); stmt.appendCmd(" ) VALUES ( "); first = true; for (RelField relField : relRecord.getRelFields()) { if (first) first = false; else stmt.appendCmd(", "); // If the EntityDef of the relfield is NOT the EntityDef of the entityInstance // we need to find the source instance. DataField srcDataField = relField.getSrcDataField(); EntityDef srcEntityDef = srcDataField.getAttributeDef().getEntityDef(); if (srcEntityDef == entityDef) getAttributeValue(stmt, stmt.sqlCmd, srcDataField, entityInstance); else getAttributeValue(stmt, stmt.sqlCmd, srcDataField, view.cursor(srcEntityDef)); } if (autoSeq != null) { stmt.appendCmd(", "); getAttributeValue(stmt, stmt.sqlCmd, autoSeq, entityInstance); } stmt.appendCmd(" )"); executeStatement(view, entityDef, entityInstance, stmt); return 0; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.quinsoft.zeidon.dbhandler.DbHandler#updateEntity(com.quinsoft.zeidon.View, com.quinsoft.zeidon.EntityInstance, java.lang.Object) */ @Override public int updateEntity(View view, EntityInstance entityInstance) { EntityDef entityDef = entityInstance.getEntityDef(); DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); SqlStatement stmt = initializeCommand(SqlCommand.UPDATE, view); task.dblog().debug("Updating entity %s, table name = %s", entityDef.getName(), dataRecord.getRecordName()); boolean updateCorrespondenceTable = false; stmt.appendCmd("UPDATE ", dataRecord.getRecordName(), "\nSET "); // Extra spaces after SET to match indentation. int updateCount = 0; for (DataField dataField : dataRecord.dataFields()) { AttributeDef attributeDef = dataField.getAttributeDef(); if (!attributeDef.isPersistent()) continue; if (attributeDef.isKey()) { if (entityInstance.getAttribute(attributeDef).isUpdated()) throw new ZeidonException("Trying to update key %s", attributeDef.toString()); if (entityInstance.getAttribute(attributeDef).isNull()) throw new ZeidonException("Key %s is null for update.", attributeDef.toString()); } if (!entityInstance.getAttribute(attributeDef).isUpdated()) continue; // If this is an autosequencing attribute then we need to check to see if the // relationship is m-to-m. If it is then we need to update the correspondence // table instead of the main table. if (attributeDef.isAutoSeq() && entityDef.getParent() != null) { RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); if (relRecord.getRelationshipType().isManyToMany()) { updateCorrespondenceTable = true; continue; } } if (updateCount > 0) stmt.appendCmd(",\n"); updateCount++; stmt.appendCmd(dataField.getName(), " = "); getAttributeValue(stmt, stmt.sqlCmd, dataField, entityInstance); } // If there were no attributes found to need updating then there's nothing to do. if (updateCount > 0) { stmt.buildWhere(stmt, entityInstance); executeStatement(view, entityDef, entityInstance, stmt); } // Update the correspondence table only if the entity wasn't created/excluded. // If it was c/i then the correspondence table was just created and doesn't // need to be updated. if (updateCorrespondenceTable && !entityInstance.isCreated() && !entityInstance.isIncluded()) { throw new ZeidonException("Updating correspondance table not supported yet"); } return 0; } /** * This object is used to keep track of the different parts of a SQL statement. * Since statements can be nested (e.g. subselect) there can be nested SqlStatements. * */ public class SqlStatement { final SqlCommand commandType; // Insert, select, etc. int componentCount; // Number of components in statement. int subLevel; // Number of sub-levels in statement; usually 0. int activateLimit = 0; // Max number of entities to activate. If 0 then activate all. private final StringBuilder sqlCmd; // The final results. private final StringBuilder from; // Holds FROM clause. private final StringBuilder insertValues; // Holds values during insert. private final StringBuilder columnList; // Holds column list. private final StringBuilder where; // Holds WHERE clause. private final StringBuilder ordering; // Holds "order by" clause. private StringBuilder suffix; // DB-specific db-handlers put stuff here. private final LinkedHashMap<DataField, Integer> columns; // List of datafields in the column list. private final Map<Object, String> tables; // List of tables in the statement. Key = table name, value = alias private final List<Object> boundValues; /** * List of DataRecords involved in the SQL. For each DataRecord, the list of DataFields. */ final Map<DataRecord, List<DataField>> dataRecords; final EntityDef selectRoot; // For select commands, this is the entity we're loading. /** * The view we are loading/commiting. */ final View targetView; boolean containsSubselect; boolean qualUsesChildEntity; /** * If true, then a conjunction (AND/OR) is needed before the next predicate * is added to the SELECT...WHERE clause. */ boolean conjunctionNeeded = false; boolean fromConjunctionNeeded = false; SqlStatement parent; // If current SqlStatement is a sub-select, this points to parent select. private String assembledCommand; SqlStatement(SqlCommand commandType, View view, EntityDef selectRoot) { this.commandType = commandType; sqlCmd = new StringBuilder(); from = new StringBuilder(); where = new StringBuilder(); columnList = new StringBuilder(); ordering = new StringBuilder(); columns = new LinkedHashMap<DataField, Integer>(); tables = new HashMap<Object, String>(); dataRecords = new LinkedHashMap<DataRecord, List<DataField>>(); boundValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); this.selectRoot = selectRoot; targetView = view; if (commandType == SqlCommand.INSERT) insertValues = new StringBuilder(); else insertValues = null; } /** * @param dataRecord * @param dataField */ public void addColumn(StringBuilder colName, DataRecord dataRecord, DataField dataField) { if (columns.size() > 0) columnList.append(", "); columnList.append(colName); assert !columns.containsKey(dataField); // Make sure we haven't added this datafield already. columns.put(dataField, columns.size() + 1); List<DataField> list = dataRecords.get(dataRecord); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<DataField>(); dataRecords.put(dataRecord, list); } assert !list.contains(dataField); list.add(dataField); // Keep track of the column number so we can use it later for retrieval. } boolean whereIsEmpty() { return where.length() == 0; } void addBoundAttribute(StringBuilder buffer, Object value) { boundValues.add(value); buffer.append(" ? "); } void buildWhere(SqlStatement stmt, EntityInstance entityInstance) { EntityDef entityDef = entityInstance.getEntityDef(); DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); for (DataField dataField : dataRecord.dataFields()) { AttributeDef AttributeDef = dataField.getAttributeDef(); if (!AttributeDef.isKey()) continue; if (conjunctionNeeded) appendWhere(" AND "); appendWhere(getTableName(dataRecord), ".", dataField.getName()); if (entityInstance.getAttribute(AttributeDef).isNull()) appendWhere(" IS NULL "); else { appendWhere(" = "); getAttributeValue(stmt, where, dataField, entityInstance); } // We just added a predicate, so a conjunction is needed // before the next predicate is added. conjunctionNeeded = true; } } void appendCmd(Object... objects) { for (Object o : objects) sqlCmd.append(o); } void appendFrom(Object... objects) { for (Object o : objects) from.append(o); } void appendWhere(Object... objects) { for (Object o : objects) where.append(o); } void appendColumn(Object... objects) { for (Object o : objects) columnList.append(o); } void appendInsertValues(Object... objects) { for (Object o : objects) insertValues.append(o); } /** * Adds the default ordering for entityDef as defined in the LOD. * * @param entityDef */ void appendOrdering(EntityDef entityDef) { final AttributeDef autoSeq = entityDef.getAutoSeq(); if (autoSeq != null) appendOrdering(autoSeq); if (entityDef.getSequencingAttributes() != null) { for (AttributeDef attributeDef : entityDef.getSequencingAttributes()) appendOrdering(attributeDef); } } void appendOrdering(AttributeDef attributeDef) { appendOrdering(attributeDef.getEntityDef().getDataRecord().getDataField(attributeDef), attributeDef.isAutoSeq()); if (!attributeDef.isSequencingAscending()) ordering.append(" DESC "); } void appendOrdering(AttributeDef attributeDef, boolean descending) { appendOrdering(attributeDef.getEntityDef().getDataRecord().getDataField(attributeDef), false); if (descending) ordering.append(" DESC "); } /** * Adds the column represented by dataField. If the column is an autoseq * field then we may have to use the correspondance table. * * @param dataField * @param isAutoSeq */ void appendOrdering(DataField dataField, boolean isAutoSeq) { if (ordering.length() > 0) ordering.append(", "); DataRecord dataRecord = dataField.getAttributeDef().getEntityDef().getDataRecord(); if (isAutoSeq) { RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); if (relRecord.getRecordName() != null) ordering.append(getTableName(relRecord)); else ordering.append(getTableName(dataRecord)); } else ordering.append(getTableName(dataRecord)); ordering.append(".").append(dataField.getName()); } public void appendSuffix(Object value) { if (suffix == null) suffix = new StringBuilder(); suffix.append(value); } /** * Returns the alias name for a table (or the table name if there is no alias). * * @param Object source The source of the table name, either a DataRecord or RelRecord. * @return */ String getTableName(String tableName, Object source) { assert (source instanceof DataRecord) || (source instanceof RelRecord); // Already exists? String name = tables.get(source); if (name != null) return name; // Is an alias needed? String alias = null; if (tables.containsValue(tableName)) { // We've got a table listed twice but with different relationships. We need to create // an alias name. for (int i = 1; i < 40; i++) { if (!tables.containsValue(tableName + i)) { alias = tableName + i; break; } } if (alias == null) throw new ZeidonException( "We ran out of alias names. There's probably an internal error somewhere."); tables.put(source, alias); } else tables.put(source, tableName); return tables.get(source); } String getTableName(EntityDef entityDef) { DataRecord dataRecord = entityDef.getDataRecord(); return getTableName(dataRecord.getRecordName(), dataRecord); } String getTableName(DataRecord dataRecord) { return getTableName(dataRecord.getRecordName(), dataRecord); } String getTableName(RelRecord relRecord) { return getTableName(relRecord.getRecordName(), relRecord); } /** * Adds the table name to the FROM buffer. This routine is smart enough to figure out * if an alias name is to be created. * * Returns true if table was added, false if it wasn't (meaning it * was already in the statement). * * @param tableName The name of the table in the DB. * @param source The source object for the table name, either a DataRecord or RelRecord. * @param checkForComma If true, add a comma before the table name if there are multiple tables. */ boolean addTableToFrom(String tableName, Object source, boolean checkForComma) { assert !StringUtils.isBlank(tableName); assert (source instanceof DataRecord) || (source instanceof RelRecord); if (tables.containsKey(source)) return false; if (checkForComma && tables.size() > 0) { if (activatingWithJoins()) { from.append(" LEFT JOIN\n"); } else from.append(","); } String alias = getTableName(tableName, source); from.append(" ").append(tableName); if (!StringUtils.equals(tableName, alias)) from.append(" ").append(alias); return true; } /** * Append the SQL string in 'source' to 'str'. Break up 'source' into multiple * lines if it is longer than maxLineLth. * * @param str * @param source * @param prettyPrint */ private void addStringWithWrapping(StringBuilder str, StringBuilder source, boolean prettyPrint) { // If we're not pretty-printing just append and get out. if (!prettyPrint) { str.append(source); return; } int maxLineLth = 120; String indent = null; int sourceIdx = 0; int sourceLth = source.length(); while (sourceIdx <= sourceLth) { // See if there are any '\n' in current line. int idx = sourceIdx; while (idx < sourceIdx + maxLineLth && idx < sourceLth && source.charAt(idx) != '\n') idx++; // Did we find a new-line? if (idx >= sourceLth || source.charAt(idx) != '\n') { // No. Does the rest of the line need wrapping? if (sourceLth - sourceIdx <= maxLineLth) { // No. Append the rest of source and call it a day. str.append(source.substring(sourceIdx)); return; } // Find the last whitespace character so we can break up the line. idx = sourceIdx + maxLineLth; // Start looking at the end of the line. while (idx > sourceIdx && source.charAt(idx) != ' ') idx--; // If idx = sourceIdx then we have a really long table+column name. Who's // writing these applications? Find the first whitespace *after* the long // name. if (idx == sourceIdx) { idx = sourceIdx + maxLineLth + 1; while (idx < sourceLth && source.charAt(idx) != ' ') idx++; } } str.append(source.subSequence(sourceIdx, idx)).append('\n'); idx++; while (idx < sourceLth && source.charAt(idx) == ' ') // Skip over any additional whitespaces. idx++; sourceIdx = idx; if (indent == null) { // Indent is null, this means we are wrapping the first line. indent = " "; // From now on we're going to insert 'indent' at the beginning of every // line. To make calculations easier we'll subtract the length of 'indent' // from the max length and pretend there is no indent. maxLineLth -= indent.length(); } str.append(indent); } } String getAssembledCommand() { // Assemble the command string if it hasn't been done already. if (assembledCommand == null) assembledCommand = assembleCommand(false); return assembledCommand; } @Override public String toString() { return assembleCommand(true); } private String assembleCommand(boolean prettyPrint) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); addStringWithWrapping(str, sqlCmd, prettyPrint); addStringWithWrapping(str, columnList, prettyPrint); if (from.length() > 0) { str.append("\nFROM "); addStringWithWrapping(str, from, prettyPrint); } if (insertValues != null) addStringWithWrapping(str, insertValues, prettyPrint); if (where.length() > 0) { str.append("\nWHERE "); addStringWithWrapping(str, where, prettyPrint); } if (ordering.length() > 0) { str.append("\nORDER BY "); addStringWithWrapping(str, ordering, prettyPrint); } if (suffix != null) str.append("\n").append(suffix); str.append(";"); return str.toString(); } public List<Object> getBoundValues() { return boundValues; } public Map<DataField, Integer> getColumns() { return columns; } } // class SqlStatement /* * Check to see if we've created the cached data for this LodDef. If we have, * return it, otherwise create it and put it in the cache. */ EntityDefSqlData getEntityDefData(EntityDef entityDef) { EntityDefSqlData data = entityDef.getCacheMap().get(EntityDefSqlData.class); if (data != null) return data; data = new EntityDefSqlData(entityDef); data = entityDef.getCacheMap().put(EntityDefSqlData.class, data); return data; } /** * This class stores SQL-specific data in the EntityDef cachemap. * */ static class EntityDefSqlData { private final EntityDef entityDef; /** * This is the list of children that can be loaded by joining * with the parent entityDef. */ private final ImmutableList<EntityDef> joinedChildren; /** * @param entityDef */ private EntityDefSqlData(EntityDef entityDef) { this.entityDef = entityDef; Builder<EntityDef> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); addJoinedChildren(builder, this.entityDef); joinedChildren =; } private void addJoinedChildren(Builder<EntityDef> builder, EntityDef parent) { for (EntityDef child : parent.getChildren()) { if (isJoinable(child)) { builder.add(child); addJoinedChildren(builder, child); } } } ImmutableList<EntityDef> getJoinedChildren() { return joinedChildren; } private boolean isJoinable(EntityDef def) { if (def.getParent() == null) return false; //TODO: We can't handle recursive records yet. if (def.isRecursive()) return false; // If there is an activate limit for this entity then we can't join it // with it's parent because we have to set the limit in the SQL call. if (def.getActivateLimit() != null) return false; if (def.getLazyLoadConfig().isLazyLoad()) return false; DataRecord dataRecord = def.getDataRecord(); if (dataRecord == null) return false; if (def.isAutoloadFromParent()) { RelRecord relRecord = dataRecord.getRelRecord(); // If the entity is flagged as AUTOLOAD FROM PARENT and the relationship // is many-to-one then we can load this entity by using the values from // its parent. In that situation we don't want to join this entity. if (relRecord.getRelationshipType().isManyToOne()) return false; } return dataRecord.isJoinable(); } boolean loadedByParent() { return isJoinable(entityDef); } } /** * Writes the SQL to the log if either log() or dblog() has DEBUG on. * * @param sql */ protected void logSql(String sql) { if (task.log().isDebugEnabled()) task.log().debug("<SQL>\n%s\n</SQL>", sql); else if (task.dblog().isDebugEnabled()) task.dblog().debug("<SQL>\n%s\n</SQL>", sql); } protected void logSql(SqlStatement sql) { if (task.log().isDebugEnabled() || task.dblog().isDebugEnabled()) logSql(sql.toString()); } public Integer getInsertCount() { if (insertCount == null) { String value = getConfigValue("InsertCount"); try { if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) insertCount = 0; else insertCount = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (Exception e) { throw ZeidonException.prependMessage(e, "InsertCount = %s", value); } } return insertCount; } public boolean isBindAllValues() { if (isBindAllValues == null) { String value = getConfigValue("BindAllValues"); // If it's not specified then we'll look at whether dblog debug is enabled. We figure // that if debug is on that the user would like to see the SQL statements with the values // embedded in the SQL. if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) return task.dblog().isDebugEnabled() ? false // Debug is enabled so don't bind all attributes. : true; // Debug is off so we'll bind everything. isBindAllValues = "TY1".contains(value.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()); // Catches "true", "yes", "1". } return isBindAllValues; } /** * Checks the zeidon.ini to see if we should ignore joins. * @return */ public boolean ignoreJoins() { if (ignoreJoins == null) { String value = getConfigValue("IgnoreJoins"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) ignoreJoins = false; else ignoreJoins = "TY1".contains(value.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()); // Catches "true", "yes", "1". } return ignoreJoins; } public String getPassword() { return getConfigValue("Password"); } public String getUserName() { return getConfigValue("Username"); } @Override public PessimisticLockingHandler getPessimisticLockingHandler(ActivateOptions activateOptions, View view) { LockingLevel lockLevel = activateOptions.getLockingLevel(); if (!lockLevel.isPessimisticLock()) return NOOP_PESSIMISTIC_LOCKING_HANDLER; if (lockLevel == LockingLevel.PESSIMISTIC_WITHREAD && activateOptions.isReadOnly()) return NOOP_PESSIMISTIC_LOCKING_HANDLER; PessimisticLockingHandler lockingHandler = new PessimisticLockingViaDb(activateOptions, qualMap); view.addViewCleanupWork(lockingHandler); return lockingHandler; } }