Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016. Qubole Inc * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file. */ package com.qubole.rubix.spi; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; /** * Created by stagra on 14/2/16. */ /* * The conf provided the CachingFileSystem should have appropriate configs set if user wish to override defaults * Different engines provides different ways to do this: * Presto: "hive.config.resources" can point to files storing hadoop configurations * Hive: --hiveconf argument can be used * Spark: --config spark.hadoop.XYZ can be used */ public class CacheConfig { public static final String DATA_CACHE_ENABLED = ""; public static final String DATA_CACHE_TABLE_WHITELIST = ""; public static final String DATA_CACHE_TABLE = ""; // Internal // In strict mode, queries will error out if BookKeeper cannot be reached public static final String DATA_CACHE_STRICT_MODE = ""; public static final String DATA_CACHE_LOCATION_WHITELIST = ""; // only these locations will cached public static final String DATA_CACHE_LOCATION_BLACKLIST = ""; // these locations will be skipped, takes priority over Whitelist public static final String DATA_CACHE_TABLE_MIN_COLS = ""; public static final String DATA_CACHE_TABLE_COLS_CHOSEN = ""; public static String dataCacheExpirationConf = ""; public static String dataCacheExpirationAfterWriteConf = ""; public static String dataCacheFullnessConf = ""; public static String dataCacheDirprefixesConf = ""; public static String blockSizeConf = ""; public static String dataCacheBookkeeperPortConf = ""; public static String dataCacheBookkeeperMaxThreadsConf = ""; private static String clientTimeoutConf = ""; private static String maxRetriesConf = ""; static String fileCacheDirSuffixConf = "/fcache/"; static int maxDisksConf = 5; // default values private static final int dataCacheExpiry = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Keepnig this low to workaround the Guava Cache static weighing limitation private static final int dataCacheExpiryAfterWrite = 300; //In sec private static final int dataCacheFullness = 80; // percent private static final String dataCacheDirPrefixes = "/media/ephemeral"; private static final int blockSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024; // 1MB private static int serverPort = 8899; private static int serverMaxThreads = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private CacheConfig() { } public static int getCacheDataExpiration(Configuration conf) { return conf.getInt(dataCacheExpirationConf, dataCacheExpiry); } public static int getCacheDataExpirationAfterWrite(Configuration conf) { return conf.getInt(dataCacheExpirationAfterWriteConf, dataCacheExpiryAfterWrite); } public static int getCacheDataFullnessPercentage(Configuration conf) { return conf.getInt(dataCacheFullnessConf, dataCacheFullness); } public static String getCacheDirPrefixList(Configuration conf) { return conf.get(dataCacheDirprefixesConf, dataCacheDirPrefixes); } public static int getBlockSize(Configuration conf) { return conf.getInt(blockSizeConf, blockSize); } public static int getServerPort(Configuration conf) { return conf.getInt(dataCacheBookkeeperPortConf, serverPort); } public static int getServerMaxThreads(Configuration conf) { return conf.getInt(dataCacheBookkeeperMaxThreadsConf, serverMaxThreads); } public static int getClientTimeout(Configuration conf) { return conf.getInt(clientTimeoutConf, 60000); //ms } public static int getMaxRetries(Configuration conf) { return conf.getInt(maxRetriesConf, 3); } public static int numDisks(Configuration conf) { return getDiskPathsMap(conf).size(); } public static HashMap<Integer, String> getDiskPathsMap(final Configuration conf) { Supplier<HashMap<Integer, String>> s = Suppliers.memoize(new Supplier<HashMap<Integer, String>>() { @Override public HashMap<Integer, String> get() { HashMap<Integer, String> dirPathMap = new HashMap<>(); int ndisks = 0; List<String> dirPrefixList = getDirPrefixList(conf); for (String dirPrefix : dirPrefixList) { for (int i = 0; i < maxDisksConf; ++i) { if (exists(dirPrefix + i)) { File dir = new File(dirPrefix + i + fileCacheDirSuffixConf); dir.mkdir(); dirPathMap.put(ndisks, dirPrefix + i); ++ndisks; } } } return dirPathMap; } }); return s.get(); } private static List<String> getDirPrefixList(Configuration conf) { String cacheDirPrefixList = getCacheDirPrefixList(conf); return Arrays.asList(cacheDirPrefixList.split("\\s*,\\s*")); } public static String getDirPath(Configuration conf, int d) { HashMap<Integer, String> dirPrefixMap = getDiskPathsMap(conf); return dirPrefixMap.get(d); } private static boolean exists(String filename) { return (new File(filename)).exists(); } public static String getLocalPath(String remotePath, Configuration conf) { String absLocation = getDirectory(remotePath, conf); return absLocation + "/" + getName(remotePath); } public static String getMDFile(String remotePath, Configuration conf) { String absLocation = getDirectory(remotePath, conf); return absLocation + "/" + getName(remotePath) + "_mdfile"; } public static String getDirectory(String remotePath, Configuration conf) { String parentPath = getParent(remotePath); String relLocation = parentPath.indexOf(':') == -1 ? parentPath : parentPath.substring(parentPath.indexOf(':') + 3); String absLocation = getLocalDirFor(remotePath, conf) + relLocation; File parent = new File(absLocation); parent.mkdirs(); return absLocation; } public static String getLocalDirFor(String remotePath, Configuration conf) { int numDisks = numDisks(conf); int numBuckets = 100 * numDisks; HashFunction hf = Hashing.murmur3_32(); HashCode hc = hf.hashString(remotePath, Charsets.UTF_8); int bucket = Math.abs(hc.asInt()) % numBuckets; int dirNum = (bucket / numDisks) % numDisks; String dirname = getDirPath(conf, dirNum) + CacheConfig.fileCacheDirSuffixConf; return dirname; } public static String getName(String remotePath) { return remotePath.lastIndexOf('/') == -1 ? remotePath : remotePath.substring(remotePath.lastIndexOf('/')); } public static String getParent(String remotePath) { return remotePath.lastIndexOf('/') == -1 ? "" : remotePath.substring(0, remotePath.lastIndexOf('/')); } static int getCacheDataChosenColumns(Configuration c) { return c.getInt(DATA_CACHE_TABLE_COLS_CHOSEN, 0); } // Internal // In strict mode, queries will error out if BookKeeper cannot be reached public static boolean isStrictMode(Configuration c) { return c.getBoolean(DATA_CACHE_STRICT_MODE, false); } // Helper methods to get information based on configuration public static boolean skipCache(Path path, Configuration conf) { if (!CacheConfig.isCacheDataEnabled(conf)) { return true; } if (!isLocationAllowedToCache(path, conf)) { return true; } if (!isTableAllowedToCache(conf)) { return true; } if (!minColumnsSelected(conf)) { return true; } return false; } private static boolean isTableAllowedToCache(Configuration conf) { String table = CacheConfig.getCacheDataTable(conf); if (table == null || (table != null && table.isEmpty())) { // Support not added by engine return true; } String whitelist = CacheConfig.getCacheDataTableWhitelist(conf); if (whitelist.length() > 0) { if (!table.matches(whitelist)) { return false; } } return true; } private static boolean isLocationAllowedToCache(Path path, Configuration conf) { // Check whitelist first, if location matches whitelist and blacklist both then blacklist it String whitelist = CacheConfig.getCacheDataLocationWhitelist(conf); if (whitelist.length() > 0) { if (!path.toString().matches(whitelist)) { return false; } } String blacklist = CacheConfig.getCacheDataLocationBlacklist(conf); if (blacklist.length() > 0) { if (path.toString().matches(blacklist)) { return false; } } return true; } private static boolean minColumnsSelected(Configuration conf) { if (CacheConfig.getCacheDataMinColumns(conf) > CacheConfig.getCacheDataChosenColumns(conf)) { return false; } return true; } static boolean isCacheDataEnabled(Configuration c) { return c.getBoolean(DATA_CACHE_ENABLED, true); } static String getCacheDataTableWhitelist(Configuration c) { return c.get(DATA_CACHE_TABLE_WHITELIST, ".*"); } static void setCacheDataTable(Configuration configuration, String table) { configuration.set(DATA_CACHE_TABLE, table); } static String getCacheDataTable(Configuration configuration) { return configuration.get(DATA_CACHE_TABLE, ""); } static String getCacheDataLocationBlacklist(Configuration configuration) { return configuration.get(DATA_CACHE_LOCATION_BLACKLIST, ""); } static String getCacheDataLocationWhitelist(Configuration configuration) { return configuration.get(DATA_CACHE_LOCATION_WHITELIST, ".*"); } static int getCacheDataMinColumns(Configuration c) { return c.getInt(DATA_CACHE_TABLE_MIN_COLS, 0); } static void setCacheDataChosenColumns(Configuration c, int chosen) { c.setInt(DATA_CACHE_TABLE_COLS_CHOSEN, chosen); } }