Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Quantiply Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.quantiply.druid; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.apache.samza.serializers.JsonSerde; import org.apache.samza.serializers.JsonSerdeFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; public class HTTPTranquilityLoader { public static class HTTPClientConfig { public final int connectTimeoutMs; public HTTPClientConfig(int connectTimeoutMs, int readTimeoutMs) { this.connectTimeoutMs = connectTimeoutMs; this.readTimeoutMs = readTimeoutMs; } public final int readTimeoutMs; } public static class WriterConfig { public final String name; public final String tranquilityServerUrl; public final HTTPClientConfig httpClientConfig; public final int flushMaxRecords; public final Optional<Integer> flushMaxIntervalMs; public WriterConfig(String name, String tranquilityServerUrl, HTTPClientConfig httpClientConfig, int flushMaxRecords, Optional<Integer> flushMaxIntervalMs) { = name; this.tranquilityServerUrl = tranquilityServerUrl; this.httpClientConfig = httpClientConfig; this.flushMaxRecords = flushMaxRecords; this.flushMaxIntervalMs = flushMaxIntervalMs; } } public enum TriggerType { MAX_RECORDS, MAX_INTERVAL, FLUSH_CMD } public static class Response { public final int received; public final int sent; public Response(int received, int sent) { this.received = received; this.sent = sent; } } public static class BulkReport { public final Response response; public final TriggerType triggerType; public final long waitMs; public final List<SourcedIndexRequest> requests; public BulkReport(Response response, TriggerType triggerType, long waitMs, List<SourcedIndexRequest> requests) { this.response = response; this.triggerType = triggerType; this.waitMs = waitMs; this.requests = requests; } } public static class IndexRequest { public final Optional<Long> eventTsMs; public final long receivedTsMs; public final byte[] record; public IndexRequest(Optional<Long> eventTsMs, long receivedTsMs, byte[] record) { this.eventTsMs = eventTsMs; this.receivedTsMs = receivedTsMs; this.record = record; } } public static class SourcedIndexRequest { public final IndexRequest request; public final String source; public SourcedIndexRequest(String source, IndexRequest request) { this.request = request; this.source = source; } } protected enum WriterCommandType { ADD_RECORD, FLUSH } protected static class WriterCommand { public static WriterCommand getAddCmd(SourcedIndexRequest req) { return new WriterCommand(WriterCommandType.ADD_RECORD, req, null); } public static WriterCommand getFlushCmd() { return new WriterCommand(WriterCommandType.FLUSH, null, new CompletableFuture<>()); } public WriterCommand(WriterCommandType type, SourcedIndexRequest request, CompletableFuture<Void> flushCompletedFuture) { this.type = type; this.request = request; this.flushCompletedFuture = flushCompletedFuture; } public final WriterCommandType type; public final SourcedIndexRequest request; public final CompletableFuture<Void> flushCompletedFuture; } protected static final int SHUTDOWN_WAIT_MS = 100; protected final String dataSource; protected final Writer writer; protected final ArrayBlockingQueue<WriterCommand> writerCmdQueue; protected final ExecutorService writerExecSvc; protected Future<Void> writerFuture = null; protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(new Object() { }.getClass().getEnclosingClass()); /** * Druid Tranquility HTTP Loader * * Methods in this class run in the client's thread * * Error handling: * - connection/protocol errors are handled here and considered fatal - they are detected on blocking operations * - addAction (when cmd queue is full) * - flush * - API errors are checked here and are also considered fatal * - No internal retry support - restart the process to retry */ public HTTPTranquilityLoader(String dataSource, WriterConfig config, Optional<Consumer<BulkReport>> onFlushOpt) { this.dataSource = dataSource; this.writerCmdQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(config.flushMaxRecords); final String name =; this.writerExecSvc = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1, r -> new Thread(r, name + " Tranquility Writer")); this.writer = new Writer(config, writerCmdQueue, onFlushOpt); } /** * Pass request to writer thread * * May block if internal buffer is full * * Error contract: will throw an Exception if a fatal errors occur in the writer thread */ public void addAction(String source, IndexRequest req) throws Throwable { // if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { // logger.trace(String.format("Add index request: dataSource %s, time %s, record %s", dataSource, req.eventTsMs, new String(req.record))); // } WriterCommand addCmd = WriterCommand.getAddCmd(new SourcedIndexRequest(source, req)); sendCmd(addCmd); } /** * Issue flush request to writer thread and block until complete * * Error contract: will throw an Exception if a fatal errors occur in the writer thread */ public void flush() throws Throwable { WriterCommand flushCmd = WriterCommand.getFlushCmd(); sendCmd(flushCmd); try { //Wait on flush to complete - may block if writer is dead so we must periodically check boolean waiting = true; while (waiting) { try { flushCmd.flushCompletedFuture.get(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); waiting = false; } catch (TimeoutException e) { checkWriter(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* If the main Samza thread is interrupted, it's likely a shutdown command Try for a clean shutdown by waiting a little longer on the flush */ try { flushCmd.flushCompletedFuture.get(SHUTDOWN_WAIT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (Exception retryEx) { throw new IOException("Error trying to flush to Tranquility server on shutdown", e); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw e.getCause(); } } /** * Start writer thread */ public void start() { writerFuture = writerExecSvc.submit(writer); } /** * Signal writer thread to shutdown */ public void stop() { writerExecSvc.shutdownNow(); try { writerExecSvc.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Interrupted waiting for Tranquility writer shutdown"); } } protected void checkWriter() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { if (writerFuture.isDone() || writerFuture.isCancelled()) { logger.error("Tranquility writer has died"); writerFuture.get(); //We expect this to throw an exception throw new IllegalStateException("Tranquility writer has died"); } else { logger.trace("Timeout waiting on writer. Writer is still alive. Waiting some more..."); } } protected void sendCmd(WriterCommand cmd) throws Throwable { try { //May block if queue is full so we must periodically check that writer is alive while (!writerCmdQueue.offer(cmd, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { checkWriter(); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { logger.error("Tranquility writer died", e.getCause()); throw e.getCause(); } catch (InterruptedException firstEx) { /* If the main Samza thread is interrupted, it's likely a shutdown command Try for a clean shutdown by waiting a little longer to enqueue the message */ try { if (!writerCmdQueue.offer(cmd, SHUTDOWN_WAIT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { throw new IOException("Timed out trying to pass message to Tranquility writer on shutdown"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException("Interrupted passing message to Tranquility writer", e); } } } /** * * Writer thread callable - handles all communication with Tranquility server * * Error contract: callable finishes on fatal error with exception. On the next * blocking operation (addAction with full queue or flush) the client thread will detect the problem * and throw exception. */ protected class Writer implements Callable<Void> { protected final byte[] newLineBytes = "\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); protected final CloseableHttpClient httpClient; protected final WriterConfig config; protected final Optional<Consumer<BulkReport>> onFlushOpt; protected final BlockingQueue<WriterCommand> cmdQueue; protected final JsonSerde jsonSerde; protected long lastFlushTsMs; protected final List<WriterCommand> requests; protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(new Object() { }.getClass().getEnclosingClass()); public Writer(WriterConfig config, BlockingQueue<WriterCommand> cmdQueue, Optional<Consumer<BulkReport>> onFlushOpt) { this.config = config; this.cmdQueue = cmdQueue; this.onFlushOpt = onFlushOpt; this.requests = new ArrayList<>(config.flushMaxRecords); httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); jsonSerde = new JsonSerdeFactory().getSerde("json", null); } protected CloseableHttpClient getHttpClient(WriterConfig config) { RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom() .setConnectTimeout(config.httpClientConfig.connectTimeoutMs) .setSocketTimeout(config.httpClientConfig.readTimeoutMs).build(); return HttpClients.custom().setDefaultRequestConfig(requestConfig).build(); } @Override public Void call() throws Exception {"Tranquility writer started"); try { doCall(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Tranquility writer dying..."); throw e; }"Tranquility writer is ending"); return null; } public void doCall() throws Exception { lastFlushTsMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (true) { try { WriterCommand cmd = poll(); if (cmd == null) { flush(TriggerType.MAX_INTERVAL); } else if (cmd.type.equals(WriterCommandType.ADD_RECORD)) { handleAddCmd(cmd); } else if (cmd.type.equals(WriterCommandType.FLUSH)) { handleFlushCmd(cmd); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown cmd type: " + cmd.type); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.debug("Tranquility writer thread shutting down by request"); return; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error writing to Tranquility server", e); throw e; } } } protected WriterCommand poll() throws InterruptedException { if (config.flushMaxIntervalMs.isPresent()) { long msSinceLastFlush = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFlushTsMs; long msUntilFlush = Math.max(0, config.flushMaxIntervalMs.get().longValue() - msSinceLastFlush); if (msUntilFlush == 0) { return null; } return cmdQueue.poll(msUntilFlush, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } return cmdQueue.take(); } protected void flush(TriggerType triggerType) throws IOException { if (requests.size() == 0) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("No records to flush for " + triggerType); } lastFlushTsMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); return; } List<SourcedIndexRequest> sourcedReqs = null; if (onFlushOpt.isPresent()) { //This must be done before the list is cleared in the finally block sourcedReqs = -> cmd.request).collect(Collectors.toList()); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(String.format("Flushing %s records", requests.size())); } long waitMs = 0; Response response; try { long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); response = sendToServer(); waitMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs; } finally { requests.clear(); lastFlushTsMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); } //Callback flush listener on success if (onFlushOpt.isPresent()) { onFlushOpt.get().accept(new BulkReport(response, triggerType, waitMs, sourcedReqs)); } } /** * * Tranquility protocol: */ protected Response sendToServer() throws IOException { assert requests.size() > 0; HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(config.tranquilityServerUrl + dataSource); ByteArrayEntity entity = new ByteArrayEntity(getBody()); httpPost.setEntity(entity); httpPost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); try (CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost)) { int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); HttpEntity respEntity = response.getEntity(); if (statusCode != 200) { String bodyStr = respEntity == null ? null : EntityUtils.toString(respEntity); throw new IOException( String.format("Tranquility server error. Status code %s: %s", statusCode, bodyStr)); } return parseResponse(respEntity); } } protected Response parseResponse(HttpEntity respEntity) throws IOException { try { Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> reply = (Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>) jsonSerde .fromBytes(EntityUtils.toByteArray(respEntity)); Map<String, Integer> result = reply.get("result"); assert result != null; return new Response(result.get("received"), result.get("sent")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Error parsing response from Tranquility server", e); } } protected byte[] getBody() { int size4Records = -> cmd.request.request.record.length).sum(); int size = size4Records + newLineBytes.length * requests.size(); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[size]); for (WriterCommand cmd : requests) { buffer.put(cmd.request.request.record); buffer.put(newLineBytes); } return buffer.array(); } /** * Informs main thread of any errors via Future and by dying */ protected void handleFlushCmd(WriterCommand cmd) throws Exception { logger.trace("Received flush cmd"); try { flush(TriggerType.FLUSH_CMD); cmd.flushCompletedFuture.complete(null); } catch (Exception e) { cmd.flushCompletedFuture.completeExceptionally(e); throw e; } } protected void handleAddCmd(WriterCommand cmd) throws IOException { requests.add(cmd); // if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { // logger.trace(String.format("Received add: source %s, count %s", // cmd.request.source, requests.size())); // } if (requests.size() >= config.flushMaxRecords) { flush(TriggerType.MAX_RECORDS); } } } }