Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2008-2015 Qualogy Solutions B.V. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.qualogy.qafe.gwt.client.component; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.qualogy.qafe.gwt.client.vo.functions.DataContainerGVO; import com.qualogy.qafe.gwt.client.vo.ui.DataGridColumnGVO; public class SpreadsheetCell extends Composite implements HasText, Focusable, HasEditable, HasValueChangeHandlers, HasClickHandlers, HasDoubleClickHandlers { private static enum Modes { EDIT, DISPLAY; } public final static String EMPTY_VALUE = " "; public final static Modes EDIT = Modes.EDIT; public final static Modes DISPLAY = Modes.DISPLAY; private Modes mode = DISPLAY; private boolean isEditable; private Panel panel = new FlowPanel(); private FocusLabel label = new FocusLabel(); private TextBox textBox = new TextBox(); private FocusLabel emptylabel = new FocusLabel(EMPTY_VALUE); private DataContainerGVO rowValue = null; private ColumnDefinition<DataContainerGVO, String> columnDefinition = null; private int column; private HasDataGridMethods parentContainer; private int row; public int getRow() { return row; } public void setRow(int row) { this.row = row; } public int getColumn() { return column; } public void setColumn(int column) { this.column = column; } public HasDataGridMethods getParentContainer() { return parentContainer; } public SpreadsheetCell(String text, HasDataGridMethods parent, DataContainerGVO rowValue, ColumnDefinition<DataContainerGVO, String> columnDefinition, DataGridColumnGVO column) { this.rowValue = rowValue; this.columnDefinition = columnDefinition; this.parentContainer = parent; this.isEditable = !Boolean.FALSE.equals(column.getEditable()); init(text); } protected void init(String text) { textBox.setVisible(false); textBox.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() { public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { toDisplayMode(); label.setFocus(true); } }); textBox.addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() { public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { //log("textBox: keyboardListener: onKeyDown", null); if (mode == EDIT) { switch (event.getNativeKeyCode()) { case KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER: //log("textBox: keyboardListener: onKeyDown: KEY_ENTER", null); textBox.cancelKey(); toDisplayMode(); break; default: ; } } } }); addListeners(emptylabel); addListeners(label); panel.add(emptylabel); panel.add(label); panel.add(textBox); initWidget(panel); setText(text); setStylePrimaryName("QAFESpreadSheetCell"); sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK | Event.FOCUSEVENTS | Event.KEYEVENTS | Event.ONCHANGE); } protected void toEditMode() { if (isEditable) { //log("editMode", null); mode = EDIT; textBox.setText(label.getText()); emptylabel.setVisible(false); label.setVisible(false); textBox.setVisible(true); textBox.setFocus(true); } } protected void toDisplayMode() { //log("displayMode", null); mode = DISPLAY; boolean valueChanged = (textBox.getText() != null) && !textBox.getText().equals(label.getText()); label.setText(textBox.getText()); textBox.setVisible(false); label.setVisible(true); // When data becomes empty the trigrrering of onClick on column is not happening, this is added to avoid that. if (label.getText().equals("")) { label.setVisible(false); emptylabel.setVisible(true); } if (valueChanged) { //String newValue = label.getText().equals(EMPTY_VALUE) ? "" : label.getText(); doDataChange(label.getText(), true); } } public void addListeners(FocusLabel focusLabel) { focusLabel.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() { public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { setFocusStyle(true); } }); focusLabel.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() { public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { if (mode == DISPLAY) { // label is loosing focus to text box setFocusStyle(false); } } }); focusLabel.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { toEditMode(); } }); focusLabel.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() { public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { if (mode == DISPLAY) { switch (event.getCharCode()) { case KeyCodes.KEY_TAB: break; default: toEditMode(); } } } }); } protected void doDataChange(String newValue, boolean changedByUser) { if (getParentContainer() != null) { getParentContainer().setModified(columnDefinition, this, rowValue, new DataContainerGVO(newValue), changedByUser); } } public void setFocusStyle(boolean focused) { //log("setFocusStyle: " + focused, null); if (focused) { addStyleDependentName("focused"); } else { removeStyleDependentName("focused"); } } public boolean isDisplayMode() { return mode == DISPLAY; } public boolean isEditMode() { return mode == EDIT; } public Modes getMode() { return mode; } @Override public String toString() { return "EditableLable(" + label.getText() + ")"; } protected void log(String msg, Exception e) { GWT.log(toString() + ": " + msg, e); } /* * HasText - send to label */ public String getText() { return label.getText(); } public void setText(String text) { emptylabel.setVisible((text == null) || (text.length() == 0)); label.setVisible(!emptylabel.isVisible()); label.setText(text); doDataChange(getText(), false); } /* * HasFocus - send to label */ public int getTabIndex() { return label.getTabIndex(); } public void setAccessKey(char key) { label.setAccessKey(key); } public void setFocus(boolean focused) { label.setFocus(focused); } public void setTabIndex(int index) { label.setTabIndex(index); } /* * Event pumping */ /*@Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) { case Event.ONCLICK: //clickListeners.fireClick(this); break; case Event.ONBLUR: case Event.ONFOCUS: //focusListeners.fireFocusEvent(this, event); break; case Event.ONKEYDOWN: case Event.ONKEYUP: case Event.ONKEYPRESS: //keyboardListeners.fireKeyboardEvent(this, event); break; case Event.ONCHANGE: //fireEvent(ValueChangeEvent.getType());//.fireChange(this); break; default: break; } }*/ @Override public void setStylePrimaryName(String style) { textBox.setStylePrimaryName(style); label.setStylePrimaryName(style); super.setStylePrimaryName(style); } public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler handler) { return null;// addDomHandler(handler,ValueChangeEvent.getType() ); } public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType()); } public HandlerRegistration addDoubleClickHandler(DoubleClickHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, DoubleClickEvent.getType()); } public HTML getLabel() { return label.getWrappedLabel(); } public boolean isEditable() { return isEditable; } public void setEditable(boolean isEditable) { this.isEditable = isEditable; } public void setRowValue(DataContainerGVO rowValue) { this.rowValue = rowValue; } }