Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package com.QMTunnelling;

import java.lang.Math; // Gives Math.exp, Math.sin, etc.
import org.apache.commons.math.complex.*;

 * GaussianPotential
 * @author AndrewRich
 * Copyright (C) 2012 Andrew Rich
 *  This file is part of Quantum Tunnelling, in the QMPotential project folder.
QMPotential is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
QMPotential is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with QMPotential.  If not, see <>.
GraphView Library:
Copyright (C) 2011 Jonas Gehring
   Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
public class GaussianPotential {
    private final static double DXI = 0.01; //step by which to integrate
    private final static Complex E = new Complex(Math.E, 0); //Complex version of E so we can have complex exponentials
    private final int NMAX = 1000; //Maximum steps in either direction
    private double kappa = 1; //energy level of wave
    private double alpha = 1.0; //energy level of potential
    private double[] xvals = new double[2 * NMAX]; // x-values from -NMAX to NMAX
    private Complex[] psi = new Complex[2 * NMAX]; //array to hold wavefunction values
    private int potentialType = 1; //Type of potential to use

    static ComplexFormat format = new ComplexFormat(); //object to access method to format Complex objects

    //Constructor with params:
    public GaussianPotential(double kappa, double alpha) {
        this.kappa = kappa;
        this.alpha = alpha;
        this.potentialType = 1;

    public double gaussianV(double ALPHA, double xi) {//Gaussian potential function
        final double HEIGHT = 1.75;
        return HEIGHT * Math.exp(-1 / ALPHA * xi * xi);

    public double unifV(double ALPHA, double width, double xi) {//Uniform (constant) potential function
        if (xi > width / 2 | xi < -width / 2)
            return 0;
            return ALPHA;

    public static Complex Exp(Complex x) { //defining a complex exponential function
        return E.pow(x);

    public static Double Exp(double x) { //let the Exp function handle a double parameter so we 
        return Math.exp(x); //dont have to worry about which to use

    public void fillXVals() { //fills the xvals from -Nmax*DVI to NMAX*DVI. (usually -10 to 10)
        for (int h = 0; h < 2 * NMAX; h++) {
            this.xvals[h] = (h - NMAX) * DXI; //Start at -NMAX*DVI, go up to NMAX*DVI

    public Complex getA() {//finds A coef
        Complex psi1 = this.psi[0];
        Complex psi2 = this.psi[1];
        double x1 = this.xvals[0];
        double x2 = this.xvals[1];

        Complex A = (psi2.multiply(Exp(Complex.I.multiply(Math.sqrt(kappa) * x2))));
        A = A.subtract(psi1.multiply(Exp(Complex.I.multiply(Math.sqrt(kappa) * x1))));
        Complex divisor = Exp(Complex.I.multiply(2 * Math.sqrt(kappa) * x2))
                .subtract(Exp(Complex.I.multiply(2 * Math.sqrt(kappa) * x1)));
        A = A.divide(divisor);
        return A;

    public double getT() {//returns T coef
        Complex A = this.getA();
        double T = 1 / (A.abs() * A.abs());
        return T;

    public void initValues() { //set two initial values for euler integrator
        this.psi[2 * NMAX - 1] = Exp(Complex.I.multiply(Math.sqrt(kappa) * NMAX * DXI)); //Initial value at NMAX*DXI
        this.psi[2 * NMAX - 2] = Exp(Complex.I.multiply(Math.sqrt(kappa) * (NMAX - 1) * DXI));

    public void integrateFun() {
        for (int i = 2 * NMAX - 2; i > 0; i--) { //Integration backwards
            psi[i - 1] = psi[i].multiply(DXI * DXI * (-kappa + getPotentialVal(xvals[i], alpha)));
            psi[i - 1] = psi[i - 1].add(psi[i].multiply(2));
            psi[i - 1] = psi[i - 1].subtract(psi[i + 1]);

    public double maxValPsi() {
        double newmax = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < NMAX; i++) { //we only want values from 0 to NMAX so we get -xmax to 0. 
            if (Math.abs(psi[i].getReal()) > newmax)
                newmax = psi[i].getReal();
        return newmax;

    public void printToFile(PrintWriter outFile) { // prints each real row to an output file
        for (int j = 0; j < 2 * NMAX; j++) {
            outFile.println(xvals[j] + "," + psi[j].getReal() + ",");

    public double[] getXvals() {
        return xvals;

     * @return rPsi, an array of the real Psi values. 
    public double[] getRealPsi() {
        double rPsi[] = new double[2 * NMAX];
        for (int i = 0; i < 2 * NMAX; i++) {
            rPsi[i] = psi[i].getReal();
        return rPsi;

    public int getNMAX() {
        return NMAX;

    public double getKappa() {
        return kappa;

    public void setKappa(double kappa) {
        this.kappa = kappa;

    public double getAlpha() {
        return alpha;

    public void setAlpha(double alpha) {
        this.alpha = alpha;

    public int getPotentialType() {
        return potentialType;

    public void setPotentialType(int potentialType) {
        this.potentialType = potentialType;

    public double getPotentialVal(double xval, double alpha) {
        switch (potentialType) {
        case 1:
            return gaussianV(alpha, xval);
        case 2:
            return unifV(1.75, alpha, xval); //Must reinvert the alpha val
        default: //1.5 is the height
            return gaussianV(alpha, xval);
