Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * QMetry Automation Framework provides a powerful and versatile platform to author * Automated Test Cases in Behavior Driven, Keyword Driven or Code Driven approach * * Copyright 2016 Infostretch Corporation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT * OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the name of LICENSE.txt in the root folder of the distribution. If not, see * * See the NOTICE.TXT file in root folder of this source files distribution * for additional information regarding copyright ownership and licenses * of other open source software / files used by QMetry Automation Framework. * * For any inquiry or need additional information, please contact *******************************************************************************/ package com.qmetry.qaf.automation.ui.selenium; import static com.qmetry.qaf.automation.core.ConfigurationManager.getBundle; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.ScreenshotException; import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.core.CheckpointResultBean; import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.core.ConfigurationManager; import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.core.HtmlCheckpointResultFormatter; import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.core.MessageTypes; import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.keys.ApplicationProperties; import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.ui.selenium.webdriver.QAFWebDriverBackedSelenium; import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.util.FileUtil; import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.util.PropertyUtil; import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.util.StringMatcher; import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.util.StringUtil; /** * This class provides assertion and verification methods and keeps track of * each test-case. To change message format for Assertion/verification update * appropriate prop value in * * @author chirag */ public class AssertionService { private IsSelenium selenium; protected Method method; // TODO: remove verificationErrors protected StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer(); private boolean alwaysCaptureScreenShot = false; private boolean isVerificationFailed = false; PropertyUtil seleniumProperties; private boolean captureScreenShotOnFailure = false; private String screenShotDir; private String reportDir; protected final Log logger; protected List<CheckpointResultBean> checkPointResults; public AssertionService() { logger = LogFactoryImpl.getLog(this.getClass()); checkPointResults = new ArrayList<CheckpointResultBean>(); } protected void setUpAssertionService(IsSelenium selenium) { setUpAssertionService(selenium, getBundle()); } protected void setUpAssertionService(IsSelenium selenium, PropertyUtil props) { this.selenium = selenium; seleniumProperties = props; setAlwaysCaptureScreenShot(ApplicationProperties.SUCEESS_SCREENSHOT.getBoolenVal()); setScreenShotDir(ApplicationProperties.SCREENSHOT_DIR.getStringVal("./img")); setReportDir(ApplicationProperties.REPORT_DIR.getStringVal("./")); } public void setMethod(Method method) { this.method = method; clearVerificationErrors(); claerAssertionsLog(); } protected String getReportDir() { return reportDir; } protected void setReportDir(String reportDir) { this.reportDir = reportDir; } public String getLastCapturedScreenShot() { if (StringUtil.isBlank(lastCapturedScreenShot)) { return ""; } String dir = ApplicationProperties.SCREENSHOT_RELATIVE_PATH .getStringVal(FileUtil.getReletivePath(ApplicationProperties.REPORT_DIR.getStringVal("./"), ApplicationProperties.SCREENSHOT_DIR.getStringVal("./img/"))); if (!dir.endsWith("/")) { dir = dir + "/"; } return dir + lastCapturedScreenShot; } public void setLastCapturedScreenShot(String lastCapturedScreenShot) { this.lastCapturedScreenShot = lastCapturedScreenShot; } public void setVerificationFailed(boolean isVerificationFailed) { this.isVerificationFailed = isVerificationFailed; } protected void setScreenShotDir(String screenShotDir) { this.screenShotDir = screenShotDir; FileUtil.checkCreateDir(screenShotDir); } public boolean isVerificationFailed() { boolean retVal = isVerificationFailed; clearVerificationFailed(); return retVal; } protected void setVerificationFailed() { isVerificationFailed = true; } protected void clearVerificationFailed() { isVerificationFailed = false; } /** * Asserts that there were no verification errors during the current test, * failing immediately if any are found */ public void checkForVerificationErrors() { String verificationErrorString = getVerificationErrors(); if (!"".equals(verificationErrorString)) { fail(verificationErrorString); } } public static void fail(String message) { throw new AssertionError(message); } /** Clears out the list of verification errors */ protected void clearVerificationErrors() { verificationErrors = new StringBuffer(); } public String getVerificationErrors() { String retVal = verificationErrors.toString().trim(); return retVal; } public String getAssertionsLog() { return new HtmlCheckpointResultFormatter().getResults(checkPointResults); } /** * @return the checkPointResults */ public List<CheckpointResultBean> getCheckPointResults() { return checkPointResults; } public void claerAssertionsLog() { checkPointResults = new ArrayList<CheckpointResultBean>(); } public void assertElementPresent(String elementLocator, String name) { String failMsg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString(""), name); String successMsg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString("element.present.pass"), name); boolean res = false; try { new WaitService().waitForElementPresent(elementLocator); res = true; } catch (Throwable e) { // do nothing } assertTrue(res, failMsg, successMsg); } public void assertElementNotPresent(String elementLocator, String name) { String failMsg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString(""), name); String successMsg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString("element.notpresent.pass"), name); boolean res = true; try { new WaitService().waitForElementNotPresent(elementLocator); res = false; } catch (Throwable e) { // do nothing } assertFalse(res, failMsg, successMsg); } public void assertIsVisible(String elementLocator, String elementName) { String failMsg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString(""), elementName); String successMsg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString("element.visible.pass"), elementName); boolean res = false; try { new WaitService().waitForElementVisible(elementLocator); res = true; } catch (Throwable e) { // do nothing } assertTrue(res, failMsg, successMsg); } public void assertIsNotVisible(String elementLocator, String elementName) { String failMsg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString(""), elementName); String successMsg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString("element.notvisible.pass"), elementName); boolean res = true; try { new WaitService().waitForElementInVisible(elementLocator); res = false; } catch (Throwable e) { // do nothing } assertFalse(res, failMsg, successMsg); } public void assertIsEditable(String elementLocator, String elementName) { String failMsg = MessageFormat.format( getBundle().getString("", "Expected {0} shoud be editable"), elementName); String successMsg = MessageFormat.format( getBundle().getString("element.editable.pass", "Expected {0} shoud be editable"), elementName); boolean res = false; try { new WaitService().waitForElementEditable(elementLocator); res = true; } catch (Throwable e) { // do nothing } assertTrue(res, failMsg, successMsg); } public void assertIsNotEditable(String elementLocator, String elementName) { String failMsg = MessageFormat.format( getBundle().getString("", "Expected {0} shoud not be editable"), elementName); String successMsg = MessageFormat.format( getBundle().getString("element.editable.pass", "Expected {0} shoud not be editable"), elementName); boolean res = false; try { new WaitService().waitForElementNotEditable(elementLocator); res = true; } catch (Throwable e) { // do nothing } assertTrue(res, failMsg, successMsg); } public void assertTrue(boolean b, String message) { assertTrue(b, message, message); } public void assertImageLoaded(String imgLoc, String msg) { assertTrue(Boolean.valueOf(selenium.getEval("anImgObj=selenium.browserbot.findElement(\"" + imgLoc + "\");(!anImgObj.complete) ? false : !(typeof anImgObj.naturalWidth != \"undefined\" && anImgObj.naturalWidth == 0);")), msg + selenium.getEval("selenium.browserbot.findElement(\"" + imgLoc + "\").src")); } public void assertTrue(boolean b, String failMsg, String successMsg) { if (!b) { addAssertionLog(failMsg, MessageTypes.Fail); throw new AssertionError(failMsg); } addAssertionLog(successMsg, MessageTypes.Pass); } public void assertFalse(boolean b, String message) { assertFalse(b, message, message); } public void assertFalse(boolean b, String failMsg, String successMsg) { assertTrue(!b, failMsg, successMsg); } public void assertEquals(Object actual, Object expected, String message) { String msg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString("equals.common"), message, expected.toString().replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">"), actual.toString().replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">")); assertTrue(seleniumEquals(expected, actual), msg, msg); } public void assertNotEquals(Object actual, Object expected, String message) { String msg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString("not.equals.common"), message, expected.toString().replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">"), actual.toString().replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">")); assertFalse(seleniumEquals(expected, actual), msg, msg); } public void assertIsTextPresent(String text, String message) { String failMsg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString(""), message, text); String successMsg = MessageFormat.format(getBundle().getString("text.present.pass"), message, text); assertTrue(selenium.isTextPresent(text), failMsg, successMsg); } public void assertIsTextPresent(String text) { assertIsTextPresent(text, ""); } /** * to provide register expression use regexp:<exp> eg: "regexp:*test*" */ public void assertIsTextPresent(String text, String locator, String message) { try { new WaitService().waitForTextPresent(locator, text); } catch (Throwable e) { } assertEquals(selenium.getText(locator), text, message); } /** * to provide register expression use regexp:<exp> eg: "regexp:*test*" */ public void assertNotTextPresent(String text, String locator, String message) { try { new WaitService().waitForTextNotPresent(locator, text); } catch (Throwable e) { } assertNotEquals(selenium.getText(locator), text, message); } public void assertIsFiledVlaue(String text, String locator, String name) { assertEquals(selenium.getValue(locator), text, name); } public void assertIsSelectedLabel(String label, String locator, String name) { assertEquals(selenium.getSelectedLabel(locator), label, name); } public String getReqResXml() { return selenium.captureNetworkTraffic("xml"); } // ********************************************************// // verifications // /** Like assertTrue, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public boolean verifyTrue(boolean b, String failMessage, String successMessage) { try { assertTrue(b, failMessage, successMessage); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } /** Like assertFalse, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public boolean verifyFalse(boolean b, String failMessage, String successMessage) { return verifyTrue(!b, failMessage, successMessage); } /** Like assertEquals, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public boolean verifyEquals(Object actual, Object expected, String message) { try { assertEquals(actual, expected, message); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } public boolean verifyText(String text, String message) { try { assertIsTextPresent(text, message); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } /** * method verifies text derived from assertIsTextPresent * * @see assertIsTextPresent * @param text * @param locator * @param failMessage * @param successMessage */ public boolean verifyText(String text, String locator, String message) { try { assertIsTextPresent(text, locator, message); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } public boolean verifyValue(String text, String locator, String message) { try { assertIsFiledVlaue(text, locator, message); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } public boolean verifySelectedLabel(String text, String locator, String message) { try { assertIsSelectedLabel(text, locator, message); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } /** Like assertFalse, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public boolean verifyIsVisible(String elementLocator, String elementName) { try { assertIsVisible(elementLocator, elementName); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } /** Like assertFalse, but fails at the end of the test (during tearDown) */ public boolean verifyIsNotVisible(String elementLocator, String elementName) { try { if (verifyElementPresent(elementLocator, elementName)) { assertIsNotVisible(elementLocator, elementName); } return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } public boolean verifyIsEditable(String elementLocator, String elementName) { try { assertIsEditable(elementLocator, elementName); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } public boolean verifyIsNotEditable(String elementLocator, String elementName) { try { assertIsNotEditable(elementLocator, elementName); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } public boolean verifyElementPresent(String elementLocator, String elementName) { try { assertElementPresent(elementLocator, elementName); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } public boolean verifyElementNotPresent(String elementLocator, String elementName) { try { assertElementNotPresent(elementLocator, elementName); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } public boolean verifyImageLoaded(String imgLocator, String msg) { try { assertImageLoaded(imgLocator, msg); return true; } catch (Error e) { addVerificationError(e); return false; } } /** * Like JUnit's Assert.assertEquals, but knows how to compare string arrays */ public static void assertEquals(Object s1, Object s2) { if ((s1 instanceof String) && (s2 instanceof String)) { assertEquals(s1, s2); } else if ((s1 instanceof String) && (s2 instanceof String[])) { assertEquals(s1, s2); } else if ((s1 instanceof String) && (s2 instanceof Number)) { assertEquals(s1, ((Number) s2).toString()); } else { if ((s1 instanceof String[]) && (s2 instanceof String[])) { String[] sa1 = (String[]) s1; String[] sa2 = (String[]) s2; if (sa1.length != sa2.length) { throw new Error("Expected " + sa1 + " but saw " + sa2); } for (int j = 0; j < sa1.length; j++) { assertEquals(sa1[j], sa2[j]); } } } } public static boolean seleniumEquals(String expectedPattern, String actual) { if (actual.startsWith("regexp:") || actual.startsWith("regex:") || actual.startsWith("regexpi:") || actual.startsWith("regexi:")) { // swap 'em String tmp = actual; actual = expectedPattern; expectedPattern = tmp; } Boolean b; b = handleRegex("regexp:", expectedPattern, actual, 0); if (b != null) { return b.booleanValue(); } b = handleRegex("regex:", expectedPattern, actual, 0); if (b != null) { return b.booleanValue(); } b = handleRegex("regexpi:", expectedPattern, actual, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); if (b != null) { return b.booleanValue(); } b = handleRegex("regexi:", expectedPattern, actual, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); if (b != null) { return b.booleanValue(); } if (expectedPattern.startsWith("exact:")) { String expectedExact = expectedPattern.replaceFirst("exact:", ""); if (!expectedExact.equals(actual)) { System.out.println("expected " + actual + " to match " + expectedPattern); return false; } return true; } String expectedGlob = expectedPattern.replaceFirst("glob:", ""); expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("([\\]\\[\\\\{\\}$\\(\\)\\|\\^\\+.])", "\\\\$1"); expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("\\*", ".*"); expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("\\?", "."); if (!Pattern.compile(expectedGlob, Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(actual).matches()) { System.out.println("expected \"" + actual + "\" to match glob \"" + expectedPattern + "\" (had transformed the glob into regexp \"" + expectedGlob + "\""); return false; } return true; } private static Boolean handleRegex(String prefix, String expectedPattern, String actual, int flags) { if (expectedPattern.startsWith(prefix)) { String expectedRegEx = expectedPattern.replaceFirst(prefix, ".*") + ".*"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(expectedRegEx, flags); if (!p.matcher(actual).matches()) { System.out.println("expected " + actual + " to match regexp " + expectedPattern); return Boolean.FALSE; } return Boolean.TRUE; } return null; } /** * Compares two objects, but handles "regexp:" strings like HTML Selenese * * @see #seleniumEquals(String, String) * @return true if actual matches the expectedPattern, or false otherwise */ public static boolean seleniumEquals(Object expected, Object actual) { if ((expected instanceof String) && (actual instanceof String)) { return seleniumEquals((String) expected, (String) actual); } return expected.equals(actual); } /** Asserts that two string arrays have identical string contents */ public static void assertEquals(String[] s1, String[] s2) { String comparisonDumpIfNotEqual = verifyEqualsAndReturnComparisonDumpIfNot(s1, s2); if (comparisonDumpIfNotEqual != null) { throw new AssertionError(comparisonDumpIfNotEqual); } } /** * Asserts that two string arrays have identical string contents (fails at * the end of the test, during tearDown) */ public void verifyEquals(String[] s1, String[] s2) { String comparisonDumpIfNotEqual = verifyEqualsAndReturnComparisonDumpIfNot(s1, s2); if (comparisonDumpIfNotEqual != null) { addAssertionLog(comparisonDumpIfNotEqual, MessageTypes.Fail); } else { addAssertionLog(String.format("Expected %s : Actual %s", Arrays.asList(s1), Arrays.asList(s2)), MessageTypes.Pass); } } private static String verifyEqualsAndReturnComparisonDumpIfNot(String[] s1, String[] s2) { boolean misMatch = false; if (s1.length != s2.length) { misMatch = true; } for (int j = 0; j < s1.length; j++) { if (!seleniumEquals(s1[j], s2[j])) { misMatch = true; break; } } if (misMatch) { return "Expected " + stringArrayToString(s1) + " but saw " + stringArrayToString(s2); } return null; } private static String stringArrayToString(String[] sa) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("{"); for (String element : sa) { sb.append(" ").append("\"").append(element).append("\""); } sb.append(" }"); return sb.toString(); } public static String join(String[] sa, char c) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j < sa.length; j++) { sb.append(sa[j]); if (j < (sa.length - 1)) { sb.append(c); } } return sb.toString(); } public void addVerificationError(Throwable e) { addAssertionLog(e.getMessage(), MessageTypes.Fail); logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } public void addAssertionLogWithScreenShot(String msg, MessageTypes type) { takeScreenShot(); addAssertionLog(msg, type); } public void addAssertionLog(String msg, MessageTypes type) { CheckpointResultBean bean = new CheckpointResultBean(); bean.setMessage(msg); bean.setType(type); boolean added = addCheckpoint(bean); if (added && StringUtil.isBlank(getLastCapturedScreenShot()) && ((ApplicationProperties.FAILURE_SCREENSHOT.getBoolenVal(true) && (type == MessageTypes.Fail)) || ((type != MessageTypes.Info) && ApplicationProperties.SUCEESS_SCREENSHOT.getBoolenVal(false)))) { takeScreenShot(); } bean.setScreenshot(getLastCapturedScreenShot()); setLastCapturedScreenShot(""); if (type == MessageTypes.Fail) { verificationErrors.append(msg); } } private boolean hasFailure(List<CheckpointResultBean> subSteps) { for (CheckpointResultBean subStep : subSteps) { if (StringMatcher.containsIgnoringCase("fail").match(subStep.getType())) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean addCheckpoint(CheckpointResultBean bean) { int checkPoints = checkPointResults.size(); CheckpointResultBean lastCheckpoint = checkPoints > 1 ? checkPointResults.get(checkPoints - 1) : null; List<CheckpointResultBean> parent = || (lastCheckpoint == null) || ! ? checkPointResults : lastCheckpoint.getSubCheckPoints(); CheckpointResultBean prevCheckpointResultBean = !parent.isEmpty() ? parent.get(parent.size() - 1) : null; if ((prevCheckpointResultBean == null) || !prevCheckpointResultBean.equals(bean)) { parent.add(bean); if ((lastCheckpoint != null) && { lastCheckpoint.setType(hasFailure(lastCheckpoint.getSubCheckPoints()) ? MessageTypes.TestStepFail : MessageTypes.TestStepPass); } return true; } return false; } protected boolean isCaptureScreenShotOnFailure() { return captureScreenShotOnFailure; } protected void setCaptureScreenShotOnFailure(boolean captureScreetShotOnFailure) { captureScreenShotOnFailure = captureScreetShotOnFailure; } protected boolean isAlwaysCaptureScreenShot() { return alwaysCaptureScreenShot; } public void setAlwaysCaptureScreenShot(boolean alwaysCaptureScreenShot) { this.alwaysCaptureScreenShot = alwaysCaptureScreenShot; } private String base64ImageToFile(String base64Image) { String filename = ""; try { filename = FileUtil.saveImageFile(base64Image, getTestCaseName(), getScreenShotDir()); lastCapturedScreenShot = filename;"Capturing screen shot" + lastCapturedScreenShot); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in capturing screenshot\n" + e.getMessage()); } return filename; } private String lastCapturedScreenShot; public String getLastCapturedScreenShotFile() { return lastCapturedScreenShot; } private String captureScreenShot() { String filename = StringUtil.createRandomString(getTestCaseName()) + ".png"; try { selenium.captureEntirePageScreenshot(getScreenShotDir() + filename, ""); } catch (Exception e) { try { selenium.windowFocus(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error(t); } selenium.captureScreenshot(getScreenShotDir() + filename); } lastCapturedScreenShot = filename;"Captured screen shot: " + lastCapturedScreenShot); return filename; } private String captureScreenShot_remote() { String filename = ""; String base64Image; try { base64Image = selenium.captureEntirePageScreenshotToString( ConfigurationManager.getBundle().getString("selenium.screenshots.kwargs", "")); } catch (Exception e) { try { selenium.windowFocus(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error(t); } base64Image = selenium.captureScreenshotToString(); } filename = base64ImageToFile(base64Image); return filename; } public String takeScreenShot() { try { lastCapturedScreenShot = captureScreenShot_remote(); return lastCapturedScreenShot; } catch (Throwable th) { if ((th.getMessage() != null) && (th.getMessage().indexOf("WebDriver") >= 0)) { String base64Image = ""; try { if (th.getCause() instanceof ScreenshotException) { throw th; } WebDriver driver = ((QAFWebDriverBackedSelenium) selenium).getWrappedDriver(); driver.findElement("current screen shot")).sendKeys("capture");"Unable to capture ScreenShot: " + th.getMessage()); return ""; } catch (Throwable t) { Throwable cause = t.getCause(); if (cause instanceof ScreenshotException) { base64Image = ((ScreenshotException) cause).getBase64EncodedScreenshot(); lastCapturedScreenShot = base64ImageToFile(base64Image); return lastCapturedScreenShot; } else { System.out.println("Unable to retrive capture ScreenShot: " + t.getMessage()); } } } else { try { lastCapturedScreenShot = captureScreenShot(); return lastCapturedScreenShot; } catch (Throwable t) {"Unable to capture ScreenShot: " + th.getMessage() + "\n" + t.getMessage()); } } } return ""; } protected String getScreenShotDir() { return screenShotDir; } protected String getTestCaseName() { if (null == method) { return "SeleneseTest"; } return method.getName(); } }